What is the theme for national nurses week 2022

International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. ICN commemorates this important day each year with the production and distribution of the International Nurses' Day (IND) resources and evidence.

IND 2022

The theme for the 2022 resource is Nurses: A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health.

Look at our Interactive map featuring messages from ICN Board Members!

What is the theme for national nurses week 2022

Download your IND 2022 logo here!

IND 2022 Posters are now available, download here!

Download IND 2022 Promotional Tools!

Past INDs:

  • 2020 - Nurses: A voice to lead - Nursing the World to Health
  • 2019 - Nurses: A voice to lead - Health for All
  • 2018 - Nurses: A voice to lead - Health is a Human Right
  • 2017 - Nurses: A voice to lead - Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Send us the translation of the logo in your language here

Key Documents

What is the theme for national nurses week 2022

Nurses: A Voice to Lead - Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health

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What is the theme for national nurses week 2022

Enfermeiros: Uma Voz para Liderar - Investir em Enfermagem e respeitar os seus direitos para garantir a saude global

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The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has announced the new theme for International Nurses Day (IND) 2022: Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health, focusing on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world.

Each year, ICN leads the celebrations on International Nurses Day, held on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.

ICN has also launched a compilation of case studies submitted by nurses across the world to showcase the incredible range of innovative work nurses do every day. These stories, which were highlighted on the ICN website and IND website throughout the year reflect the work of nurses to care for those with COVID-19 throughout the pandemic, as well as the wide variety of nursing that continued throughout the pandemic to care for those suffering from other conditions. From birth to death, non-communicable diseases to infection disease, mental health to chronic conditions, in hospitals, communities and homes, nurses provide accessible, affordable, person-centred, holistic care for all.

The COVID-19 has exposed weaknesses caused by underinvestment in health systems around the world. The theme for IND 2022 demonstrates the need to invest in nursing, to build a resilient, highly qualified nursing workforce and to protect nurses’ rights in order to transform health systems to meet the needs of individuals and communities now and into the future.

ICN President Dr Pamela Cipriano said:

“Nurses have suffered tremendously throughout the pandemic. They have been unnecessarily exposed to the virus, faced attacks from the public, suffered from extreme workloads, and continue to be underpaid and undervalued. If governments continue to put off investing in the health workforce, it will be to the detriment of health systems everywhere. There is no health without a health workforce!

‘The International Nurses Day case studies that we have been collecting portray the incredible work of nurses, and our IND theme for 2022 will continue to promote nursing work and fight for nurses’ rights to a safe working environment, decent wages and full participation in decision-making.”

The new IND 2022 logo can be downloaded here in English, French and Spanish

What is the theme for national nurses week 2022

#IND2022 #Nurses2022 #VoiceToLead

The International Council of Nurses has established the theme of “invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health” for International Nurses Day 2022. This week, we reflect on the hard work, passion, and dedication that nurses and caregivers across the world embody every single day. Nurses are essential. They perform some of the most important daily tasks in healthcare and are often the first point of contact for most patients. National Nurses Week serves to recognize their tireless and often thankless efforts. Supporting nurses by investing in their jobs, leadership, education, safety, and wellbeing is crucial not just this week, but year-round.

DNA would like to sincerely thank all nurses for dedicating their lives to serve others. We care for you as much as you care for the patients whose lives you touch every day. We want to celebrate and honor you for the countless hours of hard work and sacrifices you’ve made to achieve your goals. You followed your dreams, you worked incredibly hard, you make sacrifices day in and day out, and you deserve to be rewarded for your dedication to becoming a healthcare professional.

What theme is Nurses Day?

The theme of this year's International Nurses Day is “Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health”, and the theme of last week's International Day of the Midwife was “100 years of progress”.

Why do we celebrate International Nurses Day?

International Nurses Day, annual observance held on May 12 that commemorates the birth in 1820 of Florence Nightingale, the foundational philosopher of modern nursing. The event, established in 1974 by the International Council of Nurses (ICN), also serves to highlight the important role nurses fulfill in health care.

Is May 12th a nurse day?

1974 In January of that year, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) proclaimed that May 12 would be "International Nurse Day." (May 12 is the birthday of Florence Nightingale.) Since 1965, the ICN has celebrated "International Nurse Day."

How do you celebrate nurse week?

How to Celebrate.
Promote Nurses Week in your community..
Spread appreciation on social media..
Participate in a community event and invite a Maxim nurse..
Invite a nurse out for a special lunch..
Give out goody bags..