What is the Spanish word for a book?

What is the Spanish word for a book?

What's the Spanish word for book? Here's a list of translations.

Spanish Translation

What is the Spanish word for a book?
What is the Spanish word for a book?

More Spanish words for book

el libro noun
reservar verb
reserve, set aside, secure, set apart, keep
el carnet noun
license, licence
el talonario noun
la cartilla noun
primer, bank book, ABC-book
el registro noun
registration, record, register, registry, recording
la carterilla noun
anotar verb
write down, annotate, jot down, log
fichar verb
file, sign up, punch in, sign on, punch out
contratar verb
hire, contract, engage, take on, sign on

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book [bʊk]


1 (publication) libro (m)

the first book of a trilogy there are five books in the saga his new book was an instant best-seller I'm reading a really good book

by the book según las reglas

to play it or to go by the book seguir las reglas

the Home Office said yesterday: `He appears to have done things by the book, once he arrived in Britain everything he did had to be just so, strictly by the book

economics/her life is a closed book to me la economía/su vida es un misterio para mí

don't talk to me about chemistry - it's a closed book to me

the book of Genesis el libro del Génesis

the Good Book la Biblia

in my book tal como yo lo veo; a mi modo de ver

"I think it's acceptable" - "not in my book it isn't" in my book, he's not at all a bad chap he calls himself a thinker, but in my book he's just lazy

a book on politics un libro de política

that's one for the book eso es digno de mención

well that's one for the book/ - I've never known her wear a skirt before an [open] book

his mind is an open book su mente es un libro abierto

to bring sb to book pedir cuentas a algn

those who planned the murder were never brought to book nunca se les pidió cuentas a los que planearon el asesinato

the Khmer Rouge should be brought to book for its alleged atrocities and massacres

to be in sb's good/bad books

I'm in his bad books at the moment en este momento estoy en su lista negra; I was trying to get back in her good books estaba intentando volver a congraciarme con ella

she's always trying to get into the boss's good books are you hoping to worm your way into my good books? I have to get back in her good books by the weekend it wouldn't be hard to get into his bad books

to read sb like a book

I know where he's off to, I can read him like a book sé dónde va, a mí no me engaña

I can read him like a book she can read me like a book keep away from those sweets - I can read you like a book!

to suit sb's book

it suits his book to play the easy-going liberal le viene bien hacerse el liberal poco exigente; se hace el liberal poco exigente porque le conviene

she would adapt recipes to suit her own book the police were happy to blame it all on Kevin - it suited their book there was a small Guomindang presence, which suited the Communists' book because of the occasional need for communication and even negotiation

to throw the book at sb castigar severamente a algn

I hope they throw the book at him the shooting was played right down because it was political. We wanted to throw the book at him. This was a case of treason you'll be dismissed from the Police Force, there's no doubt of that. And there'll probably be criminal charges. The papers are onto it and there've been questions in the House - they want to throw the book at you if these illegal transfer deals are found to be true then we will throw the book at the clubs involved a [turn up] for the book an unexpected event or surprise we thought he was abroad and when he arrived at the party it was a real turn up for the book

2 (also notebook) libreta (f); librito (m);(also exercise book) cuaderno (m)

I keep all the information in my little black book

3 (also telephone book) guía (f)

I'm in the book estoy en la guía

give me a ring - I'm in the book

4 (set) [of tickets, cheques] talonario (m); [of matches] estuche (m); [of stamps] librito (m)

can I have a book of first-class stamps please?

[of samples] muestrario (m)

I've looked at all the patterns in the book and I can't find one I like

5 books (Comm)

the books las cuentas; la contabilidad

he's going to help me go over my books it took him all morning to do his books those kinds of payments don't show up on the books to [close] the books

to keep the books llevar las cuentas or los libros or la contabilidad

I employ someone two days a week to keep the books to cook the books to tamper with accounts or records in order to produce false, but convincing, figures the Minister was accused of cooking the books on unemployment figures there would be no hiding the fact that she had cooked the books and Pounds 3 million was missing

(register of members) registro (m)

they had less than 30 members on their books tenían menos de 30 miembros en el registro; to take sb's name off the books borrar a algn del registro; he was the most expensive player on the books era el jugador más caro que tenían fichado

we have about 200 properties on our books Sophie had kept her on the books as a free-lance employee there's no such name on our books Alf England was given There are now about 1,000 people on its books, each paying 115 or 230 if a marriage results an estate agent in Burnley was reported as saying "we have 20 to 30 starter homes at 12,000 on our books" he's already on the books at several employment agencies

6 (Jur) (also statute book) código (m)

some 15 states have mandatory arrest laws on the books this statute remained on the books, in some states, until recently landowners ignored the laws still on the books the new law is not yet on the books

7 (Gambling)

to make a book on sth aceptar apuestas a algo

to open or start a book on sth empezar a aceptar apuestas a algo

they've opened a book on the date of the next General Election to [keep] [run] a book on sth to be accepting bets on sth

8 (US) (Mús) (libretto) libreto (m)

transitive verb

1 (Britain) (reserve) [+ticket, seat, room, table, flight] reservar

we booked the hotel rooms in advance reservamos habitaciones en el hotel por adelantado; all the restaurants are fully booked todos los restaurantes están llenos; have you booked your holiday yet? ¿ya has reservado las vacaciones?

I'm booking a flight for next week the show is very popular and it's advisable to book a seat I'd like to book a table for four

2 (arrange) [+appointment, time] pedir

I've booked an appointment with the dentist he pedido hora con el dentista; can we book a time to meet soon? ¿podemos quedar un día de estos?

/visitors to the exhibition can book a time slot/ a week or more in advance by calling 071-287 9579 if they wish to know more, /get them to book another appointment/

3 (engage) [+performer, artiste] contratar

we can't do any more concerts this year, we're fully booked they booked a band for the wedding reception John Lukic is not booked to appear in pantomime over Christmas

4 (take name of) [+police]

he was booked for speeding lo multaron por exceso de velocidad; they took him to the station and booked him for assault lo llevaron a la comisaría y lo acusaron de agresión

(Dep) [+player] amonestar

the referee booked him for a dangerous tackle he was booked for punching another player

5 (note down) [+order] anotar

he issued a Catalogue and attended some of the Flower Shows where he booked his orders

intransitive verb

(Britain) hacer una reserva; reservar

to book into a hotel hacer una reserva or reservar en un hotel

book well in advance book early to avoid disappointment have you booked yet? to book through to


book club (n) club (m) del libro; club (m) de lectores

book fair (n) feria (f) del libro

book jacket (n) sobrecubierta (f)

book learning (n) aprendizaje (m) (a través) de los libros; saber (m) libresco (formal)

book learning is only part of school life el aprendizaje de los libros es solo una parte de la vida escolar

they place a lot of emphasis on book learning

book post (n) correo (m) de libros

book review (n) crítica (f) or reseña (f) de un libro

she writes book reviews for the Times a great mass of clippings, book reviews, cartoons and programs I always read the book reviews

book token (n) vale (m) para libros; cheque (m) regalo para libros

book value (n) valor (m) contable or en libros

we're not going to sell this company for less than book value the market value of his assets may be twice the book value the issuing of new stock at below book value

What is the plural of book in Spanish?

Lesson: Singular and Plural in Spanish.

How do u say some books in Spanish?

The phrase 'some books'in Spanish is 'algunos libros'.

How do you say copy a book in Spanish?

Poor discipline on the field blotted the team's copybook. ... copybook..

How do you say book in Latin?

Liber is that Latin word for book, and my first inclination is to go there. However, further context is needed to make an actual decision. Other options include libellum and codex.