What is the purpose of the message of no parking?

Recognizing and understanding the meaning of no parking sign will help drivers be more proactive in stopping and parking appropriately, ensuring safety and avoiding congestion.

The following article will help you correctly apprehend no parking signage, the meaning of the signs, and expand your knowledge on parking tips. Let’s get started!

What Is ‘No Parking Sign’ Meaning?

What is the purpose of the message of no parking?
Prohibiting all types of motor vehicles from parking

The most common no parking sign meaning is to prohibit all types of vehicles from parking on any side of the road except for priority vehicles as prescribed by law.

No parking sign Philippines has a combination of the normal road markings of Europe, America, and Australia. Among them, the origin of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals accounts for the majority. 

So we will help you recognize the no parking sign board and their meanings to distinguish the signs and ensure proper parking.

  • No Parking: This is the basic sign in the Philippines, indicating that drivers must not leave their vehicles alone within this area.
  • Bawal Pumarada: With a similar meaning to the one above, this traffic sign further states that parking on either side of the road is illicit.
  • Loading Only: Allows vehicles to pick up passengers for just a moment, not getting someone off it.
  • No Parking Anytime: Developed from the Bawal sign, this sign enables parking on either side of the road except weekdays.
  • No Loading and Unloading Anytime: There must be no loading or unloading activities along both sides of the road.
  • Loading and Unloading Zone: An appointed zone for picking up and dropping off on both sides of the road.
  • No Parking, Public Utility Jeepney Stop: This sign warns that this is a Public Utilities Jeepney stop area. Therefore, vehicles must not park on the designated side of the road to avoid congestion.
  • Bus Stop: Drivers must not park here as this is the bus stop.
  • No Parking Public Utility vehicle Stop: Same as above, this is the Public Utility Vehicle parking area.
  • No Parking, Tow-away Zone: Law enforcement units have the right to immediately tow any vehicle parked in this area away.
  • Do not Block intersections: This sign often appears near intersections to prevent disorderly parking that can obstruct traffic flow.
  • No Waiting Anytime: Stopping along both sides to wait for anyone or any other reason is against the law.
  • No Stopping Anytime: Prohibiting stopping on both sides of the road all the time
  • Time-Restricted Parking: Except for the given times on the sign, no vehicles should show up parking on both sides of the road.

Mastering the above types will help you participate in traffic better and not worry about paying fines for parking mistakes.

No Parking Sign Purpose And Examples

What is the purpose of the message of no parking?

The areas have no parking sign driveway to prevent drivers from parking in places that may affect traffic participants. This policy aims to ensure fairness in terms of parking needs of agencies and organizations and fairness to people on both sides of the road.

The sign’s mission is to remind drivers to park according to the lane regulations to not violate traffic laws, ensure safety and avoid wasting money unnecessarily.

In general, the ultimate purpose of the no-parking sign is to enhance traffic participants’ safety. They prevent drivers from engaging in behaviors that could harm themselves or others. For examples, opening the car door suddenly or obstructing vision.

Besides, there are also no parking sign printable related to unofficial and non-standard parking.

What is the purpose of the message of no parking?
Non-standard signs from pieces of wood or beautiful metal signs

Individuals, shop owners, or private businesses print no parking sign png and use them. So they can indicate that they want drivers not to park in or near their business area.

However, in some parts of the Philippines, a barangay or city ordinance backs some makeshift metal signs. Therefore, it would be a good idea to ask first.

Parking Tips In The Philippines For Drivers

In fact, many drivers feel frustrated because they can’t find a parking spot for hours. Here we want to show you very simple and easy parking tips in the Philippines.

What is the purpose of the message of no parking?
Simple and easy parking tips when in the Philippines

Using parking technology is a good idea to find parking lots easily. Install the parking app on your smartphone to reserve a parking space within seconds. Applications you can refer to are DIBZ, Park Ninja, Fetch…

We suggest that you also stay away from popular parking spaces such as in front of the door. Choosing a line that can be a bit far from the main road will take you some time to walk, but it is faster to pick up the car and help avoid the collision.

Additionally, Parking near trolley areas, if allowed, is also not a bad idea. Here you can park your car without having to carry your luggage for a long distance.

These are parking tips that are easy to follow. So you can take advantage of them to make your parking more convenient and time-saving.


In short, being thoroughly aware of the no parking sign’s functions will help drivers to be more proactive in stopping and parking appropriately. Indirectly improve the area’s traffic and even benefit themselves from not having to wait in traffic jams.

What is the meaning of the no parking sign?

What does a No Parking sign mean? A No Parking sign tells drivers that they may not park in the area indicated by the sign. In some states additional pavement markings (usually yellow or white diagonal stripes) are used to inform motorists of parking restrictions.

What is the intention of the signage no parking sign?

No Parking Signs instruct motorists of Parking restrictions in that location. No Parking Signs are often used in the workplace to help manage vehicle parking and to ensure access is available.

What is the meaning of parking sign?

parking sign means a sign, within the public right-of-way or adjacent thereto, that directs motorists to parking facilities. Parking signs are considered traffic direction signs and therefore may not contain any business identification information or advertising.

What does no standing mean in NYC?

NO STANDING REGULATION. Sign indicates that vehicles may NOT stand at this. location. You may not wait or stop to load/unload. packages or merchandise at curbside.