What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?


01/9Cutlery gestures which reflects your thoughts about food

How often have you wondered what is the right way to place your cutlery on the table or on your plate. Should you cross them or place them on the sides of your plate or should they be kept with face up. In fact the way you keep your cutlery might have a meaning and it may gesture something you don't know-like asking for more food, conveying that the meal was good or saying that you are done with your meal. Here are some cutlery gestures that all fine diners should know.


02/9​“I am ready to eat”

If you keep your cutlery this way, it means that you are about to start the meal.


03/9​“I am not finished”

This means that you are talking to someone and have paused eating.


04/9​“I am ready for my next meal”

If you keep the cutlery this way, then it means you are ready to eat the next dish.


05/9​“I did not enjoy the meal”

When you do not like the taste of the food, you keep the cutkery by crossing this way.


06/9​“The meal was excellent”

This way indicates that you liked the food and appreciate it.


07/9​“I will surely come again”

Keeping the fork upside down on the plate means you will definitely come again.


08/9​“I did not like the service”

Inserting the knife into fork tines indicates you did not enjoy the service.


09/9​“I am finished”

Keeping the cutlery parallel to each other means you are done.


What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

Just like a picture, your use of cutlery speaks a thousand words. You want to make sure you are speaking the right ones. Proper cutlery technique shows a great deal of class and respect to the people serving you. But more importantly, it provides your waiter with visual clues as to the progress of your meal. It also means you don’t have to sit in front of an empty plate, just begging you to lick it dry (which, unfortunately is frowned upon in high society.)

We spoke to a few experts who work at some of Sydney’s most fine dining establishments to get the down-low on the do’s and don’ts of cutlery etiquette.

What Your Cutlery Says About You

“I am not finished.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

If you are talking around the table but haven’t finished eating your meal, you shouldn’t hold your cutlery in your hands. Rather, rest them on your plate in an upside down V with the tips of the utensils facing towards each other. It is also acceptable to rest your knife along the top of the plate, with the fork pacing vertical.

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

“I am finished.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

Place your knife and fork together in the centre of the plate, pointing to twelve o’clock. This will indicate to your attendee that you have finished. It is okay to place it pointing any position on the plate as long as the utensils are parallel to each other.

“I am ready for my next meal.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

For a meal with several courses, there is another visual clue for how to place your utensils. Place your knife and fork in a cross on the plate, with the fork pointing vertical and the knife pointing horizontal.

“The meal was excellent.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

If you really enjoyed the meal and want to show your server, place your knife and fork horizontally across the plate with the blade and tines pointing right. This will also indicate you have finished.

“I did not enjoy the meal.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

The correct etiquette for indicating you didn’t like the meal is to place your knife’s blade through the fork’s tines in a V. This visual clue is very similar to “I have not finished,” so be sure not to mix these two things up.

“I know what fork to use.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?
Photo Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

With several forks and knives and spoons on the table before you, you may feel a panic attack coming on, trying to figure out which one to use. But there’s a simple solution. Start from the outside and work your way in. The utensils on the outside are the ones you use first, and the last course will be the pair of utensils closest to your plate. Easy!

“I respect your tablecloth.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

Photo Courtesy of Business Insider

In order to not stain the beautiful white tablecloth beneath, never place your utensils on the table cloth after using them, but always make sure to place back on the plate.

“I respect my friend’s hygiene.”

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

The salads, mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables or whatever food sits in the centre of the table to share, should have their own sharing utensils, so you should never use your own.

What NOT To Do

Unless you want to indicate “I don’t know my table manners,” these are the big no-no’s in cutlery etiquette.

Do not cross your knife and fork in an X on your plate. It’s a nightmare for the waiter to try and pick up and no one wants used cutlery slipping off a plate.

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

Do NOT lick your knife, no matter how mind-blowing that sauce is.

Do NOT use your fork and knife to gesture or point at other people.


We love our Asian food in Australia but, many of us are guilty of breaking proper etiquette when using their eating utensils. So, here are some tips for your next yum cha or sushi session.


When not in use, chopsticks should be placed across your bowl or in a holder if provided. 

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?


DON’T place them in a X on your bowl.

What is the position of fork and spoon after eating?

DON’T stow them in the rice as it is considered a bad omen.

DON’T rub them together after snapping them apart as it implies that they are cheap.

DON’T use them to point, or use them as drumsticks on your bowl.

DON’T lick them.

Ironically, belching and slurping in China and Japan is seen as a compliment and tipping is considered bad custom.

So now go forth, dine at the fanciest restaurants and you won’t break a sweat!

Did we miss any? Educate us! We’d love to know any more etiquette customs we should know about.

Where should the spoon be placed after eating?

Spoons are laid on the right side of the plate, aside from the dessert spoon which, similar to the dessert fork, is placed above the dinner plate. Only the silverware that will be used to eat the meal should be placed on the table. If you are not serving dessert, do not lay out a dessert fork.

How do you place your fork after eating?

Where do you put your cutlery when you've finished eating? The knife and fork go either straight up and down in the centre of the plate with the handles resting on the rim, or pointing between 10 and 4 o'clock. In each case the tines of the fork should be facing up, and the knife edge pointing in.

What is the proper position of fork?

2. Forks should be set to the left of the plate, with knives placed to the right, blade edges facing inwards Soup spoons should be placed on the right of the knives. 3. Place the dessert fork and dessert spoon above the plate, with the fork prongs facing right and the spoon bowl facing left.