What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

  • Private stories on Snapchat allow you to control who can watch your content. 
  • You need to create a new private story before you can start adding content to it.
  • When making a Snapchat story private, you can name it and select which followers to include.

It's possible to make your Snapchat private, so that only approved followers can see your content. 

You can even create private Snapchat stories to control which friends can view them. 

This is a particularly helpful feature if you want to share content with a specific group and not all of your followers. 

Here's how to make a private story on Snapchat. 

How to make a private story on Snapchat

1. Open the Snapchat app.

2. Tap your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

If you've created a bitmoji, you'll see it here instead of the generic profile icon. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

3. To create a new private story, tap the New Story button in My Stories section.

Once created, private Snapchat stories will be listed in the My Stories section. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

4. Tap New Private Story in the pop-up menu.

You need to create a private Snapchat story before you can add to it. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

5. Name your new private story by tapping the box at the top, select one or more friends to share the private story with.

6. Tap Create Story.

You'll automatically be prompted to choose a private story name in order to save it. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

7. Tap on the private story (located under My Stories) to add to it.

How to rename a private Snapchat story 

1. Tap the three dots icon next to the private story you want to rename.

2. Tap Rename Story.

Here, you can also delete the private story and edit who can see it. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

3. Edit the story name, then tap Done when you're finished.

Abigail Abesamis Demarest is a contributing writer for Insider based in New York. She loves a good glazed donut and nerdy deep dives into the science of food and how it's made. 

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Putting together a Story is one of the fastest ways to post the main highlights of your day or an event. It’s also one of the quickest ways for people to catch up with what you’ve been doing without going through entire albums with hundreds of photos.

What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

But if you’re an outgoing person, you’ll eventually add Snapchat friends you may not know. This means that when you want to share some personal stories, it would be very convenient to have the option to be more selective about who gets to see them. Luckily, this is not an issue on Snapchat.

Sometimes you want to share your best moments with everyone. Then, there are other times when you only want to share with a few select people. Snapchat’s Private Stories allow you to create a small group of people who can see your Story.

If you want to create a Private Story on Snapchat, follow these steps:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap on your profile icon in the upper left-hand corner.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  2. Tap on + New Story on the right.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  3. Tap on New Private Story.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  4. Tap the bubbles to the right of the friends you’d like to add. Then, tap Create Story.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  5. Now, you can name your Story. Then, tap Save.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  6. Now, you can select the Private Story from the list and begin sharing.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

That’s all there is to it! Any time you want to share your Stories with only those friends, simply tap the Story and add to it.

How to Add or Remove Viewers in Your Private Story

Fortunately, you can add and remove viewers from a Private Story rather than making a brand new one. If you’d like to edit the audience, follow these steps:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap on the profile icon in the upper left-hand corner.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  2. Tap on the three dot line to the right of the Private Story you’d like to edit.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  3. Tap Edit Viewers.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  4. Select the bubbles next to the viewer you’d like to add or remove.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

Now, only those who have a blue checkmark next to their name will see the Story you post. You can add and remove viewers as needed. You can also create an entirely new Private Story by following the steps listed above.

How to Delete a Private Story

If you want to delete a Private Story, you can. The instructions are fairly simple, here’s what to do:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap on your profile icon in the upper left corner.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  2. Tap on the three dot icon to the right of the Story you’d like to delete.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  3. Tap Delete Story.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  4. Confirm that you’d like to delete the Private Story.

Now, you can abandon Private Stories altogether or you can create entirely new ones.

Understanding Snapchat Stories

Snapchat allows you to use “My Story” and “Our Story.” Each feature is designed for a very specific purpose. While everyone should know by now what “My Story” stands for, there are probably still a few users that haven’t tried “Our Story.”

This feature was introduced to allow Snapchatters to contribute to stories in groups. Snapchat designed the app for use at events, to discuss various topics, capture amazing scenery or travel adventures, and so on. The main idea is that more than one person can contribute.

Both types of stories will stay up for 24 hours before being automatically deleted, and all of them are essentially customizable.

A Private Story is different from other types because no matter your account’s privacy settings, you can control the audience. For example, when you share a Story, all of your friends can see it (even if your account is private). But, a Private Story allows you to narrow down the audience even further.

Assigning Viewing Privileges

What’s also nice about Snapchat is that the app allows you to change viewing privileges on stories even after posting them. The steps involved are easy to follow.

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Tap “Settings.”
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  3. Go to the “Who Can…” tab.
  4. Select “View My Story.”
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?
  5. You will get three choices: Everyone, Friends Only, and Custom.
  6. Choose one and tap the “Back” button to save the changes.
    What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

Choosing “Everyone” is not the way to go if you want privacy for the content you’re posting with the story. Selecting “Friends Only” will make the story private for anyone outside your contact list. This includes friends of friends and people inside your geofence.

The “Custom” option will allow you to choose which friends you want to block from seeing new snaps you add to your story. Whether you pick one or two friends or select a group, it’s totally up to you.

What is the point of a private story on Snapchat?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to more of your questions about privacy on Snapchat.

Will other people know that I’ve made a private story on Snapchat?

No. The only people who can see your Private Story are those to who you’ve granted that permission. But, the viewers can see that they are viewing private content.

Can I see who can view a private story?

No. If someone else posted a Private Story and added other users, you won’t be able to see who all can see it too. Unless the other user adds to your Story, no one will know who else has viewing privileges.

Can I add more people to my existing Private Story?

Yes. All you need to do is tap on your profile icon in the upper left-hand corner and tap on the three dots next to your Private Story. Your friends’ list will appear, and you can select the friends you’d like to add, then click ‘Save’ at the bottom.

Additional Information on Private Snapchat Stories

There are no notifications sent out when you allow someone to view your private story – to them; it will just look like any other story. So you can’t really use this feature as a marketing tool unless you let people know that they’re the only ones getting access to your content. If you do want to use it that way, announce that you’re going to post an exclusive story, and only a select few get access.

Private or not, all stories on Snapchat last 24 hours. Even group stories created during events or trips last only one day. So don’t forget to tick the save option when you’re creating a new private Story, as it will keep you from losing your snaps.

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Are Snapchat private stories really private?

Will other people know that I've made a private story on Snapchat? No. The only people who can see your Private Story are those to who you've granted that permission. But, the viewers can see that they are viewing private content.

What are private stories for?

Private stories, unlike public Snapchat stories, are intended for the user to choose only their friends to be viewers.