What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?

What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?

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Tom Robinson didn't rape Mayella Ewell but is still found guilty by the jury. After the trial, Atticus (Gregory Peck) is informed that Tom was killed while trying to escape. Months later, Jem and Scout are attacked by Bob Ewell and then an unknown person attacks and kills Bob. The one who killed Bob was Arthur "Boo" Radley (Robert Duvall), the "scary man" from the beginning of the film; he is also the one who left the watch and the dolls in the tree for Scout and Jem (also seen earlier in the film). The sheriff tells Atticus that there shouldn't be a trial over Arthur killing Bob because it was self defense and that it would be a sin to make it public. An adult Scout narrates a bit about her childhood and about something Atticus once said: "You never truly know someone until you've stood in their shoes and walked around in them."


What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?
What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?
What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?
What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?
What happens to Tom Robinson at the end of the movie?

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Factual error: The time period of the film is 1932. In the opening title sequence, you see someone playing with Crayola Crayons (I assume it's Scout). One of the Crayons is labeled "Melon". Binney & Smith didn't sell the Melon colored crayon until 1949. Crayons produced from 1903 to 1948 sold for a nickel and contained only eight colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, and black.

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