What happens to Mel and Jack in Virgin River?

What happens to Mel and Jack in Virgin River?

Virgin River. (L to R) Alexandra Breckenridge as Mel Monroe, Martin Henderson as Jack Sheridan in episode 406 of Virgin River. Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022

Virgin River season 4 has finally arrived on Netflix, and fans have been enjoying catching up with all of their favorite characters. Of course, that includes the two main characters of the series and the central relationship of the story: Mel and Jack.

It’s no secret that season 3 ended on a rocky note for the couple, who faced relationship setbacks in the previous season. Although they were ultimately able to reconcile, Mel’s revelation that she’s pregnant and unsure if Jack’s the father put a fork in their road.

Not to mention, Mel shared the bombshell as Jack was preparing to propose. Sure, that’s not the best timing, but she needed to be honest. How does the couple continue on from this shocking moment in Virgin River season 4?

Let’s get into what happens next for Mel and Jack and if they end up together in the fourth season. As always, their journey wasn’t a straight line this time around either, but that didn’t stop us from wishing they could make it through. So… did they?

WARNING: Spoilers ahead from Virgin River season 4!

Are Mel and Jack together in Virgin River season 4?

In spite of the jaw-dropping moment that ended season 3, Mel and Jack begin Virgin River season 4 stronger than ever. Jack remains by Mel’s side in her pregnancy and doesn’t allow the potential of the baby not being his interfere with their relationship or future.

Obviously, the season isn’t completely smoothing sailing for the couple. As pressures and tensions rise with the paternity question hanging over their heads, Jack begins to drink more, which worries Mel. For really the first time, she opens up about her concerns with his drinking, but the confrontation causes a bit of friction for them.

In the end, Mel and Jack to remain very much together. Jack finally proposes to Mel, and she accepts! That means, we’re most likely in for a Virgin River wedding in season 5. The season 4 finale also reveals that Jack is, in fact, the father of Mel’s baby and they’re having a girl. It’s great to see them happy!

What did you think of Mel and Jack’s story in Virgin River season 4? Share your thoughts in the comments, and stay tuned for more Virgin River news, updates, and spoilers from Netflix Life!

The Virgin River season 4 ending tied up many intriguing loose ends and set up what promises to be a suspenseful season 5 with shocking revelations. 

Whether it’s the places where Virgin River is filmed or the storylines that keep you guessing and asking questions like does Brady die in Virgin River, the hit Netflix show consistently keeps fans coming back for more. Set in the beautiful fictional town of Virgin River in Northern California, the cast of regular characters has had their fair share of romances, betrayals and dangerous moments since the show started in 2019. Now Virgin River’s fourth installment has landed and anyone who’s raced through to the Virgin River season 4 ending already might well be a little surprised about some of the finale’s details. 

Here we reveal what happened in the Virgin River season 4 ending, who the father of Mel’s baby is and more as fans eagerly await season 5….

*Warning: spoilers ahead!*

Martin Henderson as Jack Sheridan in Virgin River

(Image credit: Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022)

What happened in the Virgin River season 4 ending?

Just like other dramas, from The Tourist ending to The Undeclared War ending, the Virgin River season 4 ending answered as well as posed plenty of questions. Perhaps the biggest twist of all emerged in the closing stages of the finale as Charmaine Roberts admitted during a medical emergency situation that 42-year-old bar owner Jack Sheridan isn’t the father of her unborn twins after all. In pain, Charmaine describes it as “karma” for her lying.

She and Jack had been together at the time she conceived the twins, but given her confession the matter of paternity looks set to make Virgin River season 5 seriously intriguing. And it’s not the only plot-thread that ended in dramatic style in season 4 ahead of the next series.

auren Hammersley as Charmaine Roberts in episode 410 of Virgin River

(Image credit: Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022)

In the Virgin River season 4 ending the revelation of who actually shot Jack that came earlier in the series was still very much being felt. Vince, the brother of Paige’s abusive ex-husband Wes, was still taunting her, Preacher and Christopher. Believing that Preacher was involved in Wes’ death, Vince had arrived in Virgin River seeking revenge and information before shooting Jack after a fight started in his bar. 

In the final episode of the season, Vince tried to force Paige to tell him where Wes is buried and threatened her son Christopher if she didn’t. Preacher came to the rescue and knocked Vince out cold, but whether he is only unconscious or was accidentally killed remains to be seen. Although Preacher’s actions were in self-defense, his and Paige’s roles in covering up Wes’ death combined with another murder wouldn’t look good for them. 

Meanwhile, Nick’s sister Melissa Montgomery has arrived in Virgin River and is revealed to have taken over Calvin’s drug smuggling ring and coercing Brady to do what she wants. With Brie’s safety at risk if he doesn’t cooperate with Melissa, Brady has been sucked back into a criminal life, possibly placing his life and relationship at risk going forwards.

From who is Tom Faulkner in Silent Witness to who is Marcus Brooks in This Is Us, plenty of long-running shows have fans on the edge of their seats in anticipation of some huge questions finally being answered. And in Virgin River season 4 one of the biggest of all was who is the father of Mel’s baby? Introduced as a series regular in the very first episode Melinda ‘Mel’ Monroe has long been a fan favorite character and her romance with bar-owner Jack Sheridan faced a potential hurdle in season 4 with the paternity of her unborn baby then unknown. 

In the Virgin River season 4 ending the truth was finally revealed as after he proposed and showed his commitment to Mel regardless of the outcome, the couple found out that Jack is the father of Mel’s baby!  


(Image credit: Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2022)

Newly-engaged Jack and Mel were understandably more than a little excited by this news and their journey to build a family together now looks to be running a little more smoothly ahead of season 5. 

Ever since season 3, however, this happy outcome for Jack and Mel wasn’t always so clear. Before making the move to Virgin River in Northern California, Mel had tragically lost a daughter and following this had been undergoing IVF with her then-husband Mark in LA. After her desire to be a mother resurfaced in the quiet Californian town and Jack expressed hesitancy, Mel made the decision in Virgin River season 3 to travel to LA and undergo IVF with the remaining embryos from her previous treatment. 


(Image credit: Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2022)

This meant there was a chance Mark (who’d died the previous year) could be the father and not Jack, who’d been preparing to propose to Mel when she revealed the news. Now it’s been confirmed that Jack is actually the baby’s father, he and Mel can forge ahead with the future as a family of three with the truth out in the open for them and fans alike.  

Who is Denny and is he sick?

Anyone who’s dived into Virgin River season 4 fresh after a Virgin River season 3 recap will no doubt remember newcomer Kai Bradbury appearing in the finale as a mysterious stranger looking for his grandfather, Vernon ‘Doc’ Mullins. In the fourth installment he was revealed to really be Doc’s grandson Denny Cutler and he settles into life in Virgin River and is welcomed by Doc’s wife Hope after he told her the truth about his long-lost late son and his grandson. 

Tim Matheson as Doc Mullins, Kai Bradbury as Denny

(Image credit: Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022)

However, there was some uncertainty throughout the series building to the Virgin River season 4 ending as Denny’s behavior was at times unusual with him stealing medicine from Mel’s clinic and photographing his medical files. It made it seem as though he might not be Doc’s grandson after all and the locals’ (and viewers’) suspicions were raised. 

But this culminated in a revelation in the finale as Denny confessed to his love-interest Lizzie that he has Huntington’s Disease. He reveals to Lizzie that this is the reason he appeared to be pulling back from her as he was afraid to commit to a future with her when he believes he has none due to his illness. 

Kai Bradbury as Denny Cutler, Sarah Dugdale as Lizzie in Virgin River

(Image credit: Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022)

According to the NHS (opens in new tab), there is currently no cure for Huntington’s Disease and it gradually gets worse over time, often proving fatal after a period of up to around 20 years. This is a devastating diagnosis for Denny who has fallen head over heels for Lizzie and it’s not known how their relationship might go on from his admission as Virgin River continues.

When will Virgin River season 5 be released? 

Unfortunately for fans eager to hear news of Virgin River season 5 there's isn't currently a release date for the next series. Both seasons 4 and 5 were confirmed last year, though, and it's believed that the fifth installment will also be 12 episodes long. Production has now begun on Virgin River season 5, however, suggesting that even if a new series might not be released in 2022 it won't be too long before the show is back entertaining fans.  

Virgin River season 4 is available to watch on Netflix now.

Do Jack and Mel end up together in Virgin River?

Like the previous three seasons, the fourth of Virgin River is an emotional rollercoaster, but it looks like nothing could have prepared Mel (Alexandra Breckenridge) and Jack (Martin Henderson) for the shocking announcement that ends it. First, in happy news: The couple is finally engaged and Mel's baby is Jack's.

Does Jack get Mel pregnant in Virgin River?

Season 4 makes fans wait until the finale to learn the truth: Jack is unequivocally the father of Mel's baby, and they're having a little girl.

Is Jack father of Mel's baby?

While away on a weekend trip, Mel received an email that confirmed that Jack is indeed the father of her baby, and revealed that they are expecting a little girl. Jack then proposed to Mel, which he had originally planned to do last season but was interrupted by Mel's pregnancy bombshell, and she said yes.

Does Mel cheat on Jack season 4?

Don't worry, Mel didn't cheat on Jack or anything like that. But she did go through IVF using an embryo with her late husband Mark's (Daniel Gillies) sperm.