What happens if bacon is slightly undercooked?

Bacon is a delicious breakfast meat that can be eaten in various ways. Some people like to fry it up in a pan; others like to put it in their eggs. 

But can you eat bacon right out of the package?

In this blog post, we will discuss the best way to eat bacon and whether or not you can eat it right out of the package.

Table of Contents

  • Is It Okay To Eat Bacon Right Out Of The Package?
  • Is Bacon Already Cooked When You Buy It?
  • What Happens If I Eat It Raw?
  • What Does Undercooked Bacon Look Like?
  • How Long Should You Cook It?
  • What Does Uncooked Bacon Taste Like?
  • I Ate Raw Bacon – What Should I do?
  • FAQs
  • Final Thoughts

Is It Okay To Eat Bacon Right Out Of The Package?

Unfortunately, no. There is an increased risk of food poisoning if you eat bacon raw.

Bacon is cured with salt, sugar, and nitrates, which help to preserve it and give it its signature flavor. However, these same ingredients can also promote the growth of bacteria. 

When cooked properly, the high heat will kill any harmful bacteria that may be present. So if you’re craving a slice of bacon, cook it first.

Otherwise, you may be risking your health.

Is Bacon Already Cooked When You Buy It?

Depending on where you live, bacon might come pre-cooked or uncooked.

In the United States, most bacon is sold uncooked, whereas in Europe, it is more common to find pre-cooked bacon.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether or not to cook the bacon before eating it. 

First, uncooked bacon has a higher fat content, making it taste richer and more flavorful. 

Additionally, uncooked bacon is less likely to shrink when cooked, meaning you will get more servings per package. 

However, pre-cooked bacon is easier to prepare and typically has a more consistent texture.

It is also less likely to cause splattering when cooked, making it a safer option for those worried about making a mess. 

Ultimately, deciding whether to cook the bacon before eating it is a matter of personal preference.

What Happens If I Eat It Raw?

Eating raw bacon [1] can increase your risk of food poisoning. This is because raw bacon may contain harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella and E. coli.

Eating these bacteria can cause symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. In severe cases, food poisoning can even lead to death. 

As a result, it is important only to eat bacon that has been cooked to a safe temperature. When in doubt, throw it out.

What Does Undercooked Bacon Look Like?

Undercooked bacon is pale in color and lacks the crispy texture characteristic of properly cooked bacon.

Undercooked bacon may also be slightly soft to the touch.

How Long Should You Cook It?

If you like your bacon crispy, then you will need to cook it for a longer period than if you like it chewy. Also, thicker slices of bacon will take longer to cook than thinner slices. 

Generally, you should cook bacon on medium-high heat for about 10 minutes per side. Once the bacon is cooked to your liking, please remove it from the pan and drain it on a paper towel-lined plate. 

What Does Uncooked Bacon Taste Like?

When raw, bacon has a chewy texture and a slightly salty flavor.

Some people believe that raw bacon has a more savory flavor than cooked bacon, as the fat has not been rendered out.

Others find that raw bacon is too tough to chew and prefer the crisp texture of cooked bacon.

I Ate Raw Bacon – What Should I do?

First, try to induce vomiting by sticking your finger down your throat. If that doesn’t work, drink a cup of salt water to help flush the bacteria out of your system.

Second, contact your doctor or go to the emergency room to ensure you have no serious health concerns.

Third, the next time you cook bacon, make sure to cook it until it’s nice and crispy – not a bite should be raw.

Finally, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

This will help to prevent the spread of bacteria and ensure that you do not contaminate other food items in your kitchen.


Can you eat smoked bacon raw?

Yes, you can eat smoked bacon raw. It will not be as crispy as it would be if you cooked it, but it will still taste good. Smoking meat (including bacon) at a low temperature is a way of preserving it without chemicals or preservatives.

How do you know if bacon is fully cooked?

The best way to know bacon is fully cooked is to use a meat thermometer. Bacon should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F (71 degrees C).

Can you microwave bacon?

Yes, you can microwave bacon. But there are better ways to cook it.

Microwaving bacon produces a high amount of acrylamide, a potentially cancer-causing chemical. It’s better to cook bacon in the oven or on the stovetop.

Is pre-cooked bacon better than regular bacon?

Pre-cooked bacon is better than regular bacon. It’s not as greasy and doesn’t have that weird smell. Plus, it’s a lot easier to cook.

Final Thoughts

If you want the most flavor and texture from your bacon, we recommend cooking it before eating.

You can create a much tastier and more enjoyable experience with just a few minutes of prep time. 

So next time you’re tempted to eat some raw bacon, remember that taking a little extra time to cook it will be well worth it.

What if I ate slightly undercooked bacon?

Eating uncooked bacon can expose you to bacteria as well as parasites and can cause either bacterial infections or trichinellosis, also called trichinosis, a parasitic infection. Bacterial infections and trichinellosis can both cause gastrointestinal symptoms.

Is it okay if bacon is a little pink?

Your bacon is still safe if it still has it's natural pink color with the fat being white or yellow. If your bacon has turned brown or gray with a tinge of green or blue, that one has spoiled already.

How do I know if bacon is undercooked?

Bacon is considered fully cooked when the meat changes color from pink to brown and the fat has had a chance to render out. It's fine to remove the slices from the heat when they're still a bit chewy, but bacon is usually served crisp.

How long after eating undercooked bacon Will I get sick?

How soon after infection will symptoms appear? Abdominal symptoms can occur 1–2 days after infection. Further symptoms usually start 2–8 weeks after eating contaminated meat. Symptoms may range from very mild to severe and relate to the number of infectious worms consumed in meat.


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