What Episode does John B take Sarah to the church

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 1 and 2 of Outer Banks.

John B and Sarah's escapades are the driving force behind Outer Banks. In Season 2 of the Netflix hit, they spend most of the first few episodes getting into trouble and trying to buy their way out of it in the Bahamas. You know, same shenanigans, different beach. But which episode do Sarah and John B come back in Outer Banks?

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That is, which episode do they return to the Outer Banks? They're featured in the Season 2 premiere right away on their way to the Bahamas. But their return home seems imminent, even if John B is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. Oh yeah, and there's the whole issue of Sarah faking her own death.

What Episode does John B take Sarah to the church

Source: Netflix

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Technically, Sarah and John B come back to the U.S. in Episode 3. They bump into Kiara, JJ, and Pope in Charleston in Episode 4 and they have a proper reunion on the boat back to the Outer Banks. Somehow, Sarah and John B both evade authorities for a little while. Then, Sarah's visit to her dad toward the end of Episode 4 results in John B's inevitable capture by the sheriff's department.

John B is charged with the murder of the sheriff. Let's not forget that Carla Limbrey has the evidence to get John B off on the murder charges, though. If Pope works with her, then John B could see freedom again. It's hard to imagine John B spending the rest of the series in prison with a death penalty looming above his head.

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John B's actions in the first season have a ripple effect in Season 2.

At the end of Season 1, John B is accused of shooting the sheriff. Which, if you remember, he definitely did not do. He's wanted for murder, and Ward is intent on keeping Sarah under his control. But the pair escape into a storm at sea and it all affects everyone going into Season 2.

Kiara, JJ, and Pope are mourning the loss of their friends, Ward is falling apart, and his son, the coke-snorting, J.Crew-wearing delinquent who actually killed the sheriff, is getting even more trigger-happy.

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When John B and Sarah return to the Outer Banks, they reunite with their friends and they all work together to take down Ward and make the truth come to light. But John B finding the gold in Season 1 and Sarah betraying her dad has changed things within their town for sure. Sarah put all her eggs in one John B–shaped basket and burned all her bridges with her dad and her brother.

What Episode does John B take Sarah to the church

Source: Netflix

John B's friends are risking their lives, futures, and familial relationships to help John B and Sarah. Of course it's all in the name of Pogues looking out for Pogues. But if the first two seasons brought this much drama and life-risking adventures to the crew, there's no telling how wild Season 3 will be, if the show is renewed.

Watch Outer Banks on Netflix.

What episode did John B and Sarah go to Chapel Hill?

The OBX Ferry To get to Chapel Hill in the fourth episode, John B and Sarah take a ferry.

Why do John B and Sarah go to Chapel Hill?

In the Netflix show, John B and Sarah take a trip to Chapel hill from the Outer Banks in order to help uncover more clues that would help them find the gold of The Royal Merchant. However…from the actual OBX…

What happened to John B and Sarah in Season 2?

After Sarah realizes she's shot, she and John B. head to an under-the-table doctor recommended by Captain Terrance. The doctor tries to save her but the blood loss is too much for her body and she sadly flatlines. Unable to accept her death, John B.

What episode does John B and Sarah make out in the bell tower?

Outer Banks - Season 1 Episode 9: The Bell Tower - Metacritic.