What does peeing in a dream mean spiritually?

Urinating will always be a way to cleanse the body. Nature is very wise and has endowed humans and animals with this function that allows our systems to function properly.

Urine is a liquid waste from the body and must come out of it to rid us of toxins. This act is very intimate, even though we all do it. But this is not why it is done publicly. There is a lot of modesty and that is why it is done in private in the bathroom.

The accumulated emotions flow through the urine. If we act badly or if we suffer, the body needs to drain that negative charge. It is renovation clearly. To urinate is to start a cycle again.

Psychology has dedicated research to this topic, so we are going to analyze what it means to dream of urinating. Freud has pointed out that this dream returns the dreamer to childhood and adolescence when sexual interests began in us.

The sphincters must be strengthened so that they can be controlled and the urine does not come out involuntarily. In some cultures, urine is considered a sacred element, they have even conferred healing qualities.

Dream about urinating

You are at a point where you want to vent and drain your life of issues that bother or bother you . You want to turn the page and start a new story. It is very possible that you live immersed in some tedious situation that really disturbs you, in any context in which you develop. This weakens you and you are making it conscious. That is why you have begun to feel the compelling desire to change radically.

You dream that you urinate in a bathroom

The bathroom is the appropriate place to urinate, so if you have dreamed that you are urinating there, do not panic because this dream indicates that you want to purify yourself from some toxic matter that is in your immediate environment. You require decision making for it, and you will achieve it. Urinating in the bathroom is a sign of going exactly where it belongs to get rid of problems .

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You urinate in an inappropriate place

This is not right. Something is not being properly resolved. You have taken the path that generally leads to failure. From this dream, try to think about the actions you are taking. You will surely find that you are totally misplaced and if you continue in that direction, you will not get good results.

Dreaming that you are urinating in public 

Perhaps in that desire to be very spontaneous, you forget that your personal affairs should not be publicly disclosed . You must be more reserved with your things. You talk too much about your stuff with everyone, not knowing if these people care about your story. Take back a bit and stop being so talkative that it is even something very annoying for others.

Dreaming that you drink your urine

You are in a process in your life of understanding about your own mysteries. You investigate yourself and look for answers . You want many things to flow in your everyday life. You want to cleanse yourself deeply.

Urine with difficulty or pain

You are having a hard time releasing emotions that have you constrained and mistreat you. The negative memories that you want to get out of your mind do not want to stop appearing, their recurrence weakens and even makes it impossible. You are rebellious in the positive sense and you try to fight against what disturbs you, but you cannot win.

You are denying yourself some emotions and that keeps you in a kind of helplessness. You cannot move because you are predisposed and you close the possibilities . Your emotional restlessness is very striking.

Something obstructs your affairs , perhaps you are yourself because of so many prejudices you have. Your intimacy is affected by this trend in your personality. In short, you must evaluate internally, how you are acting and let the change flow.

Dream about urinating blood

Currently there are situations that distress and overwhelm you . This generates an obvious fatigue that affects you in your daily activities. You are slowed down and not moving forward. Anguish is gaining ground in your life and does not let you look at options.

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This dream also reveals that you are facing an environment where fights and arguments are common. The relationship with family members is very weak and if you have children, there may be breakdowns in communication with them. In your circle of friends, the same can happen, the separations are yet to come.

You will need a long time to heal the wounds caused in these contexts . It will not be easy, maybe you will feel pain from all this. If the dream occurs before you observe a situation like this, take precautions and be more restrained in your interaction with others.

You are very exhausted and you urgently need a break so that stress does not affect you more than the superficial. Take care of your health, which in the long run is the key to living well. These conflicts do not contribute to it.

Dreaming that a baby urinates 

The welfare of children or young siblings are your concern. There is something you must specify. A change must come because you need it, but there are brakes that hold you back from moving forward. Issues can flow, but it will require extreme effort.

You dream that you wet the bed

If it was just a dream and you haven’t really peed, it means that you need to get rid of some of the weighty things in your life . Some situations from the past come to your mind and disturb you and you are already looking for a way out of this matter.

This dream is also associated with some behavior that is not socially accepted, that you have been showing and you yourself want to eradicate it from your life. If in the dream you do not feel ashamed for having urinated, it is a good sign, because you are achieving high levels of thought, which allow you to evolve and mature.

You dreamed and you really wet the bed

Check your health first to rule out a very obvious physical or emotional disorder . Going to a specialist is the best thing to do. Obviously beyond this, the very real dream indicates total liberation of weights in thought. You have taken control of what you want to accomplish.

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You dream that another urine in bed

If it is someone else who urinates in an inappropriate place, and you see it in the dream, it could be related to your way of seeing and valuing people . If you laugh in the dream, at the event, then you are an insensitive and indolent person. In any case, you should check these interpretation possibilities and see in yourself what you should change as soon as possible.

Dreaming that you have peed on your clothes

You are not having control in your real life. You act by intuition but wrongly. The results after your actions are reprehensible. You must think before speaking, because you hurt with your words and generate conflicts with family, friends and work environment.

With this way of acting you are generating damage in others and it is time for you to take care of resolving this attitude. It is not possible that you go through life irresponsibly mistreating and not even knowing how to notice it.

Dreaming that you urinate a lot

Your body is crying out for you to stop excesses and start taking responsibility for your health. You walk very light and forget that this attitude will bring you serious consequences, especially in your health.

You live fast too, you don’t give yourself a break, you do and do things one after another and forget that your body is not a machine . You sleep little, eat too much and nothing healthy.

At the end of your workday, due to fatigue, stress or laziness, you eat anything and go to bed carelessly, perhaps you don’t even leave time for a restorative bath.

On the other hand, your own rhythm of life leads you not to know how to control your emotions . You talk, yell and offend without thinking of consequences. Control is not your strong suit right now. This dream is a serious wake-up call.

You see urine

The past does not leave you alone. Your head searches there in the memories . It is as if you live stagnant and it is time to free yourself from this, it is urgent. It IS possible that you are tied to that past , and what you need is to go to a place or talk to someone to find a solution to that pending, but you are avoiding it, because it is annoying.

Dreaming of seeing someone urinate and you feel disgust

If you feel disgusted by seeing that person urinate, you may be going through some situation in which you feel rejected. Something happens, or something you have done that is not approved in your environment , be it work, family or partner.

This dream may be associated with some carelessness with your family and partner . Pay attention to the details that are the ones that will really generate satisfaction later.

Dreaming of seeing someone urinate and you feel sexual desire

Someone around you attracts you a lot. You are anxious and want to tell him what you feel.

Dreaming that your urine is cloudy

You have health problems that you must attend to as soon as possible . It may be something mild. However, you should not neglect yourself and attend the doctor for a routine check-up.

You wanted to urinate but you couldn’t 

You are going to run into serious problems. You must be very alert. The obstacles come out one after another and everything is because you are not making the best decisions . You don’t know what to do right now, you need to focus and reflect a bit to move on.

The problems that you must solve need you to act as soon as possible, you cannot remain stagnant. In short, you are the one who is getting into trouble and you sabotage yourself with that attitude.

Interesting Read: Spiritual Meaning Of Having Sex In The Dream With A Stranger

What does it mean for someone to urinate on you in a dream?

Someone close to you is exerting a lot of power in your life . This is not good, it does not benefit you at all. Analyze who it is that is manipulating you and you are not aware of it and you are allowing yourself to be led to the precipice. That person does not wish you anything good, so he acts this way.

You smell urine in your dream 

This dream does not bode well. Your health is very fragile and you can fall into bed. It is recommended that you immediately go to a doctor for an evaluation. Do not miss this notice.

It may be that you have time without checking yourself and are treating your body as if it were a machine. You have not spent a minimum of time taking care of yourself.

The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational purposes only and has been developed by referring to reliable sources and recommendations from Dream Analyst. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.