What does focus do in Dragon Age Inquisition?

I just got my focus abilities but I never have enough focus to use it?

Why does this happen? How is focus generated? I am a knight enchanter mage and I use spirit blade as my main spell.

What does focus do in Dragon Age Inquisition?


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asked Dec 5, 2014 at 20:13

While Focus can be gained through dealing damage, it's very incremental and takes several fights to accumulate. If you want to use your Focus abilities more often, you'll need to learn combos. Combos are a form of class interaction. Each class has a set of specific CC/debuffs: Mages have Frozen and Paralyzed; Rogues have Asleep; and Warriors have Stunned. Each class has abilities that apply these debuffs, and each class has abilities that combo with these debuffs.

The latter abilities are called "detonators", you'll see them in your skill descriptions as "(something) Detonator". While you can detonate your own class debuffs, it just results in a basic combo that doesn't really do anything special and won't boost your Focus meter as much. However, if you pull off a cross-class combo (Mage Frozen into Warrior Impact Detonator, for example), you can deal tons of damage along with some special effects (the aforementioned combo does massive amounts of cold damage). You'll also increase your Focus meter much more.

answered Dec 5, 2014 at 21:41

What does focus do in Dragon Age Inquisition?


29.7k26 gold badges123 silver badges185 bronze badges


You can unlock the second and third tier focus abilities through the war table. Its one of the inquisition perks.

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 23:59

Focus builds up over time, It takes multiple fights to build up the meter, and it doesn't go away until you spend it.

Focus is generated in combat, by dealing damage to enemies.

answered Dec 5, 2014 at 20:28

You can also find and equip armor and accessories that speed up your focus gain, not only from doing combo attacks successfully.

If you're a low level there's a merchant in Val Royeaux that sells a Belt of Focus that gives about 3 or 5 % increased gain when worn.

If you manage to beat the Frostback Mountains Dragon in the Hinterlands (you can go there from the Dusklight Camp up North East) he can drop a Superior Belt of Focus that gives +30 % focus gained.

I've also found an armor called Ancient Elven Robes that gives a 10% extra focus from the Exalted Plains Map Dalish Camp South West from the Something to Prove quest, and you can loot it from Valorin's body. I'm only level 14 mage yet to find out if there's any weapon that gives a focus gain as well.

What does focus do in Dragon Age Inquisition?

The Man

14k60 gold badges158 silver badges237 bronze badges

answered Feb 4, 2015 at 17:56

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Elmos_Dad_64 8 years ago#1

So I was looking through which Inquisition perk to get and there was one that doubled focus and allowed second tier abilities to be activated or something.
Honestly I have no idea what this means so if anyone could explain I'd be grateful :)
Also, are there any standout perks to get from the War Table? I'm a Dual Wielding Elf Rogue if that changes anything

"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" - Mike Shinoda

Jmans 8 years ago#2

Focus attacks are this games version of a "limit break". You will get your first one once you get to skyhold. As far as perks go I went with the extra focus abilities as well as deft hands and greater item capacity.

psn: OriginalBadGuy

Elmos_Dad_64 (Topic Creator)8 years ago#3

Sorry to be a little stupid but I have no idea what Limit Break is haha
Yeah the item capacity was my next perk I was going to choose after focus

"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" - Mike Shinoda

kennydang 8 years ago#4

Think of it as your ultimate skill.

Every specialization class has one.

Focus has three tiers. The higher the tier the stronger the effects.

You build focus by fighting, equipment, and the skill combos.

Let say u are the assassin, your focus skill is the thousand cuts.

Once the focus is charged you can cast thousand cuts and power depends on the amount of focus currently held.

Elmos_Dad_64 (Topic Creator)8 years ago#5

Thanks heaps, I'll choose those skills then :)

"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" - Mike Shinoda

  1. Boards
  2. Dragon Age: Inquisition
  3. What does focus do?

What is the best specialization for the inquisitor?

If you want to do the most damage possible, then Reaver is the way to go, as it is the only warrior specialization specifically designed for high damage output. You can also play a two-handed Templar – you will do less damage, but gain some nice buffs for your party.

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How do you get more focus in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Focus is generated in combat, by dealing damage to enemies.

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