What does a 2 dimensional array look like?

1. Two Dimensional Arrays

Often data comes naturally in two dimensional form. Web browser screens are two dimensional, as are spreadsheets, printed pages, and images.

For many of these situations you need a two-dimensional array. This is a collection of cells laid out in a 2D grid, like graph paper. Each cell can hold a value (as with a 1D array). However, now two indexes are needed to specify a cell.

If you have ever used a spreadsheet then you have used a 2D grid for holding and manipulating data.

One programming problem in the 2014 Advanced Placement test for computer science required use of a two dimensional array of object references.

Chapter Topics:

      • Two-dimensional Arrays
      • 2D Array Declaration
      • Initializer Lists
      • Different Numbers of cells in each row
      • 2D Arrays as Arrays of 1D Arrays
      • Printing a 2D Array

Question 1:

(Thought question: ) Do you suspect that 2D arrays in Java are objects?

Source: Bradley Kjell, http://programmedlessons.org/Java9/chap67/ch67_01.html

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
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2. Table of Student Grades



Table of Student Grades

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
Imagine a class of 7 students that have a quiz every week for 5 weeks. The instructor records the grades in a table. A particular cell of the table is designated by student number and week number. For example:

      • The grade for student 0 week 1 is 42
      • The grade for student 3 week 4 is 93
      • The grade for student 6 week 2 is 78

To specifying a cell use row and column indexes like this:

gradeTable[ row ][ col ]

As with one dimensional arrays, indices start at zero. For example:

      • gradeTable[ 0 ][ 1 ] is 42
      • gradeTable[ 3 ][ 4 ] is 93
      • gradeTable[ 6 ][ 2 ] is 78

Question 2:

3. 2D Arrays in Java


gradeTable[ 0 ][ 0 ]


gradeTable[ 1 ][ 1 ]


gradeTable[ 3 ][ 4 ]


gradeTable[ 5 ][ 2 ]


2D Arrays in Java

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?

In Java, a table may be implemented as a 2D array. Each cell of the array is a variable that can hold a value and works like any variable. As with one dimensional arrays, every cell in a 2D array is of the same type. The type can be a primitive type or an object reference type.

Important: Each cell of the array is specified with a row and column number, in that order.

Say that gradeTable is a 2D array of int, and that (conceptually) it looks like the table to the right. Then,

gradeTable[ 0 ][ 1 ]     // holds 42
gradeTable[ 3 ][ 4 ] // holds 93
gradeTable[ 6 ][ 2 ] // holds 78

The subscripted variables are used in assignment statements and arithmetic expressions just like any variable:

// puts a 33 into row 0 column 1. 
gradeTable[ 0 ][ 1 ] = 33 ;

// increments the value at row 3 column 4.
gradeTable[ 3 ][ 4 ]++ ;

// puts 40 into value
int value = (gradeTable[ 6 ][ 2 ] + 2) / 2 ;

Question 3:

Write a Java statement that puts a zero into row 5 column 3.

4. Headings are not part of the Array


gradeTable[ 5 ][ 3 ] = 0;

Headings are not part of the Array

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
The row and column numbers are not part of the array. They are usually shown in pictures of an array, but the array object does not explicitly contain the indexes. When you ask for

Java knows what cell you mean and goes there directly.

More Important Stuff:

      • Rows are numbered from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of rows
      • Columns are numbered from 0 to M-1, where M is the number of columns.
      • A 2D array with N rows and M columns per row will have N times M number of cells.
      • However, it is possible for a 2D array to have a different number of cells in each row.

Details about these issues will follow.

Question 4:

With the example array, will the following statement work?

gradeTable[7][2] = 82 ;

5. Bounds Checking


No. The indicated array element (cell) does not exist.

Bounds Checking

When your program is running and it tries to access an element of an array, the Java virtual machine checks that the array element actually exists. This is called bounds checking. If your program tries to access an array element that does not exist, the Java virtual machine will generate an:


Ordinarily, this will halt your program. Of course, as with 1D arrays, array indexes must be an integer type.

It makes no sense to access gradeTable[ 3.5 ][ 2 ].

As with a 1D array, an array index may be an integer literal, a variable of integer type, a method that evaluates to an integer, or an arithmetic expression involving all of these things:

  • gradeTable[ 3 ][ j ] = 34;
  • sum = gradeTable[ i ][ j ] + gradeTable[ i ][ j+1 ] ;
  • value = gradeTable[ 2 ][ someFunction() ] ;
  • gradeTable[ 1 ][ 0 ] = gradeTable[ i+3 ][ someFunction()-2 ] ;

We are not likely to need a statement as complicated as the last one.

Question 5:

(Review: ) must the elements of a 2D array be all of the same type?

6. 2D Array of int


Yes, just as for 1D arrays.

If you want a collection of a variety of types, you probably want to define your own class to contain them.

2D Array of int

The following program creates a 2D array of int that implements the gradeTable example. Details about declaring and constructing 2D arrays will be explained later.

The declaration of gradeTable uses an initializer list as a short-cut way to create a 2D array object and place values into it. The list contains 7 rows each separated by a comma; each row is a list of values.

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
class gradeExample { public static void main( String[] arg ) { // declare and construct a 2D array int[][] gradeTable = { {99, 42, 74, 83, 100}, {90, 91, 72, 88, 95}, {88, 61, 74, 89, 96}, {61, 89, 82, 98, 93}, {93, 73, 75, 78, 99}, {50, 65, 92, 87, 94}, {43, 98, 78, 56, 99} }; System.out.println("grade 0,0: " + gradeTable[0][0]); System.out.println("grade 2,4: " + gradeTable[2][4]); gradeTable[5][3] = 99 ; int sum = gradeTable[0][1] + gradeTable[0][2] ; System.out.println( "sum: " + sum ); } }

Question 6:

What does the program print out?

7. 2D Array Declaration


grade 0,0: 99
grade 2,4: 96
sum: 116

2D Array Declaration

Two-dimensional arrays are objects. A variable such as gradeTable is a reference to a 2D array object. The declaration

says that myArray is expected to hold a reference to a 2D array of int. Without any further initialization, myArray starts out holding null. The declaration

int[][] myArray = new int[3][5] ;

says that myArray can hold a reference to a 2D array of int, creates an array object of 3 rows and 5 columns, and puts the reference in myArray. All the cells of the array are initialized to zero. The declaration

int[][] myArray = { {0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0} };

does exactly the same thing as the previous declaration (and would not ordinarily be used.) The declaration

int[][] myArray = { {8,1,2,2,9}, {1,9,4,0,3}, {0,3,0,0,7} };

creates an array of 3 rows and 5 columns and initializes the cells to specific values.

Question 7:

After the last statement, what is the value myArray[1][2] ?

8. Different Numbers of Cells per Row


What is the value myArray[1][2] ? 4

(Remember that array indexes start at 0 for both rows and columns.)

Different Numbers of Cells per Row

class UnevenExample
  public static void main( String[] arg )
    // declare and construct a 2D array
    int[][] uneven =  { { 1, 9, 4 },
                        { 0, 2},
                        { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };

    System.out.println("uneven[0][2] is ", + uneven[0][2] ) ; // OK 
    System.out.println("uneven[1][1] is ", + uneven[1][1] ) ; // OK 
    System.out.println("uneven[1][2] is ", + uneven[1][2] ) ; // WRONG! 

    uneven[2][4] = 97;  // OK 
    uneven[1][4] = 97;  // WRONG! 

    int val = uneven[0][2] ;  // OK 
    int sum = uneven[1][2] ;  // WRONG! 

Each row of a 2D array may have a different number of cells. In the example, the array uneven has

      • 3 cells in its first row,
      • 2 in its second row,
      • and 5 in its last row.

If a program refers to a cell that does not exist, bounds checking will catch the error (as the program runs) and generate an exception (which usually will halt your program.)

Notice that row 1 in the above has only two cells. (It is incorrect to think that row 1 has more cells but that only the first two are initialized.) Making an assignment to a cell that does not exist is an error.

Question 8:

9. Length of a 2D Array


int[][] uneven = 
    { { 1, 9, 4 },
      { 0, 2},
      { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };

Which of the following exist?

  • uneven[ 0 ][ 2 ]     OK
  • uneven[ 1 ][ 1 ]     OK
  • uneven[ 2 ][ 5 ]     WRONG
  • uneven[ 3 ][ 0 ]     WRONG

Length of a 2D Array

The length of a 2D array is

the number of rows 

it has. You might guess that "length" could be defined as a number pair (rows, columns). But the number of columns may vary from row to row so this will not work. However, the number of rows does not change so it works as a length. Here is an example program:

class UnevenExample2
  public static void main( String[] arg )
    // declare and construct a 2D array
    int[][] uneven = 
        { { 1, 9, 4 },
          { 0, 2},
          { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };

    System.out.println("Length is: " + uneven.length );

Question 9:

10. Length of each Row


Length is: 3

Length of each Row

The length of a 2D array is the number of rows it has. The row index runs from 0 to length-1.

Each row of a 2D array can have a different number of cells, so each row has its own length:

uneven[0] refers to row 0 of the array, uneven[1] refers to row 1, and so on.

class unevenExample3
  public static void main( String[] arg )
    // declare and construct a 2D array
    int[][] uneven = 
        { { 1, 9, 4 },
          { 0, 2},
          { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };

    // length of the array (number of rows)
    System.out.println("Length of array is: " + uneven.length );

    // length of each row (number of its columns)
    System.out.println("Length of row[0] is: " + uneven[0].length );
    System.out.println("Length of row[1] is: " + uneven[1].length );
    System.out.println("Length of row[2] is: " + uneven[2].length );

Question 10:

11. Implementation of 2D Array


int[][] uneven = 
    { { 1, 9, 4 },
      { 0, 2},
      { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };
  • Length of array is: 3
  • Length of row[0] is: 3
  • Length of row[1] is: 2
  • Length of row[2] is: 5

Implementation of 2D Array

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
A two dimensional array is implemented as an array of one dimensional arrays. This is not as awful as you might think. It is an extension of what you already know about one dimensional arrays of objects. The declaration

declares a variable myArray which in the future may refer to an array object. At this point, nothing has been said about the number of rows or columns.

To create an array of 3 rows do this:

myArray = new int[3][] ;  // 2.

Now myArray refers to an array object. The array object has 3 cells. Each cell may refer (in the future) to an array of int, an int[] object. However none of the cells yet refer to an object. They are initialized to null.

One way to create row 0 is this:

myArray[0] = new int[3] ;  // 3.

This creates a 1D array object and puts its reference in cell 0 of myArray. The cells of the 1D array are initialized to 0.

A previously constructed 1D array can be assigned to a row:

int[] x = {0, 2};
int[] y = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ;

myArray[1] = x ;
myArray[2] = y ; // 4.

The rows do not need to have the same number of cells.

The preceding statements construct the 2D array step-by-step. Usually you would not do this.

Question 11:

Write Java statements that put the values 1, 9, and 4 into the first row of myArray.

12. Individual Rows can be Replaced


myArray[0][0] = 1 ;
myArray[0][1] = 9 ;
myArray[0][2] = 4 ;

Individual Rows can be Replaced

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
The following answer will not work:

An initializer list can only be used to initialize an array, not to assign values to it after it already exists.

Perhaps your answer was:

int[] x = {1, 9, 4} ; // declare and init x

myArray[0] = x ; // assign to myArray

This will work, but does not quite do what the question asked. The suggested answer puts the values into the required cells of the existing 1D array object of row 0.

The not-quite-right answer replaces the old row 0 with a new row. It constructs a new 1D array object that holds the desired values in its cells, then assigns that object to row 0 of myArray. The previous row 0 is now garbage.

Both answers result in myArray containing what you want. In most programs it will not matter which method you used.

Question 12:

(Thought Question: ) Can row 0 be replaced with an new 1D array that contains a different number of cells than the original row?

13. Usual View of a 2D Array



Usual View of a 2D Array

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
Usually you think of a 2D array as a table, not the complicated structure of the previous page. For example,

int[][] uneven = 
    { { 1, 9, 4 },
      { 0, 2},
      { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };

is usually thought of as like the table on the right. Only occasionally do you have to think of "arrays of references to 1D arrays."

Now consider how you would print out every element contained in array uneven.

Question 13:

  • How many rows must be printed?
  • How many cells in each row must be printed?

14. Printing a 2D Array


  • How many rows must be printed?
    • 3
  • How many cells in each row must be printed?
    • 3 for row 0
    • 2 for row 1
    • 5 for row 3

Printing a 2D Array

Here is a program that creates a 2D array, then prints it out.

The nested loops are written to print out the correct number of cells for each row. The expression uneven[row].length evaluates to a different integer for each row of the array.

What does a 2 dimensional array look like?
class unevenExample3 { public static void main( String[] arg ) { // declare and construct a 2D array int[][] uneven = { { 1, 9, 4 }, { 0, 2}, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } }; // print out the array for ( int row=0; row < uneven.length; row++ ) { System.out.print("Row " + row + ": "); for ( int col=0; col < uneven[row].length; col++ ) System.out.print( uneven[row][col] + " "); System.out.println(); } } }

Question 14:

For the print method to work, must every row of uneven be non-null?

15. Null Rows


Yes. If a row does not exists (and therefore uneven[row] is null) the following code will throw an Exception:

for ( int col=0; col < uneven[row].length; col++ )

Null Rows

Here is a somewhat improved version of the program that tests each row to see if it exists. If the row exists, its length is used:

 // print out the array
    for ( int row=0; row < uneven.length; row++ )
      System.out.print("Row " + row + ": ");
      if ( uneven[row] == null )
        System.out.print( "empty" );
        for ( int col=0; col < uneven[row].length; col++ )
          System.out.print( uneven[row][col] + " ");

However, the code does assume that uneven is non-null.

Question 15:

(Thought Question: ) Are 3-dimensional arrays possible?

16. End of the Chapter


Yes. But lets skip that for now. 2D arrays are usually as high as you need to go. 3D arrays get very big. A 3D array of 100 
sheets of 2D arrays, where each 2D array has 100 rows and 100 columns would have 100*100*100 cells, 1,000,000 cells.
That is an awful lot of data. Usually some other type of data structure would be used.

End of the Chapter

You have reached the end this chapter. You may wish to review the following. Click on a subject that interests you to go to where it was discussed.

      • array, two dimensional Two-dimensional array.
      • array, row and column numbers Row and column numbering.
      • bounds checking Bounds checking.
      • array declaration, 2D Array declaration.
      • array, 2D uneven rows Differing numbers of cells per row.
      • array, length Length of a 2D array.
      • array, row length Length of each row.
      • array, implementation Implementation of a 2D array.
      • array, 2D printing Printing a 2D array.

How does a two

A two-dimensional array is a data structure that contains a collection of cells laid out in a two-dimensional grid, similar to a table with rows and columns although the values are still stored linearly in memory.

What is 2D array with example?

Here i and j are the size of the two dimensions, i.e i denotes the number of rows while j denotes the number of columns. Example: int A[10][20]; Here we declare a two-dimensional array in C, named A which has 10 rows and 20 columns.

How do you write a 2D array?

To create an array use the new keyword, followed by a space, then the type, and then the number of rows in square brackets followed by the number of columns in square brackets, like this new int[numRows][numCols] . The number of elements in a 2D array is the number of rows times the number of columns.

What is 2D array give real life example?

So here array taken is size of [6][4] which is 2 Dimensional Array. Another real life example you can consider is Egg tray in which eggs are stored in rows and columns. Important Note: Multidimensional array basically depend on the number of subscripts used.