What do you look forward to in the year?

What do you look forward to in the year?

What do you look forward to in the year?

Inspiring & Informing Today's Association Professionals

What do you look forward to in the year?

What do you look forward to in the year?

“I am looking forward, first and foremost, to a return to some level of normalcy. In addition to that, I look forward to some face-to-face meetings where I have an opportunity to network with my peers and friends who I have not seen in person for more than a year. I am hopeful that opportunities for professional development will increase and that I will be able to get out and enjoy myself on a personal level without so much fear and anxiety. I am also looking forward to family gatherings for the holidays and in-person all-staff meetings as well — I must admit that I miss those. To summarize, I am looking forward to hope and optimism.”

— Lannisa James, MBA, MHRM, certification operations and LMS support manager, customer relations, American Health Information Management Association

What do you look forward to in the year?

“I am very optimistic and hopeful that in 2022 we can start traveling more — both for pleasure and business. Catching up with friends, family and volunteers in person is going to be such an incredible feeling. I’m looking forward to watching my son, Miles, continue to grow up! He’ll be turning 3 in July, and I’m incredibly curious to see how his personality (and mischief) grows.”

— Joe Lindahl, MA, CAE, account executive, Association Management Center

What do you look forward to in the year?

“I am looking forward to having more in-person networking events where people are able to safely gather indoors on a regular basis. On a personal level, I’m also looking forward to taking the big overseas family trip we put on hold in 2020 and being able to attend more baseball games surrounded by lots of fans.”

— Norma G. Castrejon, CAE, senior technology consultant, DelCor

What do you look forward to in the year?

“I absolutely love Chicago. It’s a city I chose to live in after spending a lifetime in New York City, and it’s the city where I married the love of my life. I’m most looking forward to spending more time in the city, more time connecting with my awesome staff and more face time with our association members.”

— Scott Y. Stuart, Esq., CEO, Turnaround Management Association

What do you look forward to in the year?

“I am looking forward to a full return to in-person live events, as event organizers and attendees crave face-to-face connection. I am also very curious and excited to see how event organizers are leveraging all the new event data they’ve been presented with the last two years. Lastly, I am most excited for seeing how the meeting professional role changes even more — we’re wearing more hats than ever, and I’m excited for a larger seat at the organizational table.”

— Emily Thompson, CMP, DES, meetings and events planner, American Epilepsy Society

About the Author

Written by the FORUM Magazine editors.

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What are you looking forward to in the coming year?

“I'm looking forward to meeting new people and just living new experiences. You know, I've been home for like a year and a half now. And just being outside, meeting people having fun, just, living life normally is what I'm looking forward to.” “I'm looking forward to all the new experiences I'm going to have here.

What are the things you will look forward to this year 2022?

10 things to look forward to in 2022.
​Queen's Platinum Jubilee. February 6, 2022 marks Queen Elizabeth II's 70th years as monarch. ... .
Ranbir-Alia. ... .
​World Cup 2022. ... .
​Double total lunar eclipses. ... .
​Winter Olympics. ... .
​Kourtney Kardashian. ... .
​Cheaper iPhone repairs. ... .
​New Movies..

What is something you look forward to?

Answer. The expression "look forward to" is a common expression in English. It means "to expect (something) with pleasure." It is used to say that you are happy that something is going to happen. Below are some examples of how "look forward to" is used: The kids are looking forward to their holiday vacation.

What things do you look forward each day?

To get you thinking, here are some simple things you could look forward to on a weekly or daily basis that are very likely to boost your happiness:.
a half-hour of peace to meditate or write in a journal..
write a thank you note..
take a walk with a friend..
ride your bike through the park..
enjoy a bubble bath..