What do men find most attractive in females?

While “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” research has found recurring patterns in men’s preferences in hair, makeup, and clothes.

Photo by Adrian RA on Unsplash

French writer Stendel says:

“There are as many styles of beauty as there are visions of happiness.”

Updated on June 7, 2022 by Team ShineSheets

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They say beauty is skin deep, but we can’t deny that first impressions do play a significant role. But when it comes to men and women, it’s not just beauty and looks – it’s much more than that. What exactly do men find attractive in women? Is it their hip ratio? A particular hair color? How their long legs look in heels? Or maybe it’s all about their positive personality traits?

Fortunately, we don’t have to guess. There have been a lot of studies conducted on this topic and they have given us plenty of insights. It’s important to note that personal preference exists. But there are some things the majority of men find attractive in women no matter their specific taste. Surprisingly, sometimes it is not even intentional. Some things attract men towards women without them even noticing or understanding why.

But guessing no more, let’s see what those studies have been talking about!

What Do Men Find Attractive In Women? It’s Really Not Just Beauty!

What Do Men Find Attractive In Women Behavior?

Believe it or not, the way a woman acts and behaves can be just as important as the way she flutters those beautiful long lashes. There are a few characteristics that can make every woman infinitely more beautiful (without touching their looks!). Here’s what speaks “attractiveness” to most men’s hearts.

1. Perfect Sense of Humor

In about everyone’s opinion, the sense of humor is among the most common things that men find attractive in women. But, according to studies, men and women have different choices and preferences when it comes to humor.

Humor is something that translates across all communication and is universally attractive. You can be sitting next to someone on a train or messaging a guy that you met on high-quality dating apps – a great sense of humor is something that will ALWAYS get a guy’s attention.

It isn’t always quite so straightforward though. There are a few differences between men and women and their sense of humor (8) that you need to understand.

For women, those men who are funny AND appreciative at the same time are considered perfect. Whereas for men, the woman doesn’t need to be funny herself – instead she should just be able to respond to their jokes and thus make them feel good (hmm…). Simply speaking, if a man is joking about something, and a woman gets the joke (and laughs at it) – bingo! The door to that men’s heart begins to open.

2. Confidence and Risk-Taking Behaviors

We all have met that woman in our life. She didn’t look like a 10, but her confidence and bravery radiated such powerful attractiveness that everyone around her was adoring her! That’s how magnetizing confidence is.

This goes both ways – both men and women like confidence and risk-taking behaviors. In fact, risky behavior, in particular, can be a huge turn-on for all genders (3).

Men find it especially attractive when a woman is ready to accompany them and enjoy adventures and trips together. These activities can include mountain climbing, whitewater rafting, skiing, getting tattoos, and any other stuff. Even if you don’t know how to do any of these, a lot of men would love to teach you these things because it allows them to show off their strength and masculinity (but you must be confident enough to take the risk!).

Being attracted to risky things might be one of the reasons why men seem to be attracted to females with tattoos and piercings. Since they send a signal of bravery and acceptance of riskier things, such women appear very attractive to a lot of men.

P. S. While risky behaviors can be extremely fun, you should always remember to stay safe, no matter what. If you don’t feel comfortable doing something, there’s absolutely no need to pretend that you like it, even if that’s something a man likes.

3. Feminine Independency

While men do like women to depend on them for certain things, studies have shown that men find attractive women that are independent, self-supportive, and not needy. They might like you to ask them for their help, but being needy turns them off.

Men seem to also like when women can make their own decisions, and manage their fears or insecurities without needing support from their men.

4. Kindness, Honesty, and Responsibility

A nice personality does matter after all! Men won’t like you if you are rude and straightforward for no reason… Instead, men do find attractive women who are kind and caring. A woman who knows how to deal with a situation smoothly is also appreciated by men.

These traits are important because kindness gives men the heads up about a good relationship, honesty means they can trust you, and responsibility signals that a woman can be supportive, helping, and an equal partner in every life situation. After all, a long-term romantic attraction is expected to morph into long-lasting relationships. Therefore, anything that indicates a nice family and a happy life together is important both to men and women.

What Do Men Find Attractive In Women Looks?

We can pretend it’s not true, we can pretend it’s not right, but beauty and looks are still extremely important when choosing a partner. Attractive women can even make men stressed when they’re around (1) – that’s how powerful feminine beauty is! Here’s what men find attractive in women’s appearance.

5. Mature Appearance

It is annoying and worrying when you see those grey hair popping out of your head, and you suddenly think that you look old… But, surprise surprise! According to some studies, men do actually like the mature look of a woman. It seems that men who were born with older mothers (above 30) were more likely to choose a mature and a bit older woman for a long-term relationship.

Mature women also tend to have more attractive personality traits that come with older age. They have fewer feelings of irrational shame, fear, or insecurities. This can signal a more stable relationship.

However, maturity might not be the case in short-term relationships, where younger women seem to be a preferred choice.

6. Pretty and Healthy Hair

There is no denying that hair is one of those physical things that men find attractive in women. Sometimes, hair is the first thing that men notice in a woman, especially if it’s long, shiny, and healthy.

However, a survey was conducted on women where 71% of them said that they don’t expect their potential love interest to notice their hair! But men say that they do like hair a lot (especially when they are down, and some men prefer messy buns).

The hair color seems to be a question of taste, but women with blonde, luscious locks seem to have an upper hand. Lighter hair colors associate with youth, playfulness, and more positive parenting potential (7) and this might explain why blonde hairstyles seem to never go out of style.

Another thing to notice is that men are easily turned off by the hair that has too many products in it, is greasy, very short, or dyed in a very unnatural color.

7. Red Lips or Clothes

Red is their weakness! It might be strange, but men really do like the red color around a woman (5). This color associate with passion, love, desire, and heat. It was thought that maybe men like this color because it excites them (pinky hues remind them of feminine parts, that is!), but studies have proven otherwise. It is not about physical feeling, men just really like the red color, and they can’t ignore a woman wearing red – it’s so attention-grabbing!

What Do Men Find Attractive In Women Skills?

There are some things that most women are born with, and they make men lose their minds for them. Some might sound like a cliche, but we’re not trying to debunk common stereotypes here – just sharing what we found in our research. Okay? Okay!

8. Cooking Skills

Of course! It’s still a thing and the old saying that “the road to a man’s heart goes through his stomach” is still alive. Men do find it attractive when women can cook and fill their bellies with tasty foods. Cooking is also a sign of caring, and men love to be cared for.

The fact that women can cook delicious meals might be related to the fact that mothers are cooking for their children. Therefore, being presented with a delicious meal resembles a feeling of being cared for.

9. The Ability To Create Beauty

Women are notoriously good at creating beauty everywhere around them – and most men like it! Decorating home, creating perfectly matching outfits and makeup looks, taking old things and making them look new – all of these skills are extremely attractive to men.

This is a case of “the opposites attract”. Just like women are often attracted to things that feel totally different to them (like “bad boys”, or irresponsible guys), men are attracted to gentle women and the power in their feminine touch.

10. That Motherhood Instinct

Human behavior is always influenced by our need to procreate.

Most women tend to have a motherhood instinct, which means they’re naturally drawn to playing with children, taking care of them, and, well, having them! The love for kids is practically installed in a women’s brain so women usually find it easier to care for babies and children than men.

Since generally men like anything that signals them of a healthy mother for their children (ah, nature!), the motherly behavior can also be very attractive to a lot of men. In fact, mother-like warmth is something a lot of men are looking for in their potential partners.

Evolution-Based Things That Men Find Attractive In Women

Finally, there are some things we all carry from the old past. Female figures and gender differences play the most important part – they seem to create a perception of better offspring chances (6).

What do men find most attractive in a woman physically?

  1. Waist and hips ratio (WHR) – men usually like when a woman’s hips are wider than her waist (a sign of good fertility);
  2. Anything that signals good health – rosy cheeks, healthy hair, clear skin, healthy-looking body;
  3. Obviously – their body with nothing on;
  4. Larger chest (a sign of enough milk for a potential baby);
  5. Men seem to prefer when women wear less makeup and have a more natural look instead;
  6. Both men and women look more attractive with straight posture;
  7. It has been proven that men are more attracted to women when they’re ovulating (4);
  8. Straight males tend to like higher feminine voices (a signal of youth and thus – fertility) (2);
  9. Just like women, men seem to be attracted to signs of good hygiene (like the good smell, clean hair, and skin, clean clothes).

So, the mystery has unfolded…

What do men find attractive in women? Everything that reminds them how beautiful, caring and different women are from them. Anything that signals your motherhood potential and reproductive success. Anything that makes them feel good when they’re around women. Then, just sprinkle it all with humor, willingness to be risky and great hair… That sounds like a lot! But if you are a woman who is reading this, know that you have most of these things by default.

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We strive to use high-quality information and deliver content that is based on science, the latest research, comprehensive studies, or expert advice. These reputable sources have influenced or inspired this article:

  • (1) Leander van der Meij, Abraham P. Buunk, Alicia Salvador, Contact with attractive women affects the release of cortisol in men, Hormones and Behavior, Volume 58, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 501-505, ISSN 0018-506X, //doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.04.009.
  • (2) Fraccaro, P. J., Jones, B. C., Vukovic, J., Smith, F. G., Watkins, C. D., Feinberg, D. R., Little, A. C., & Debruine, L. M. (2011). Experimental evidence that women speak in a higher voice pitch to men they find attractive, Journal of Evolutionary Psychology JEP, 9(1), 57-67. Retrieved Oct 18, 2021, from //akjournals.com/view/journals/1126/9/1/article-p57.xml
  • (3) Ronay R, Hippel W von. The Presence of an Attractive Woman Elevates Testosterone and Physical Risk Taking in Young Men. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2010;1(1):57-64. doi:10.1177/1948550609352807
  • (4) Kelly D. Cobey, Abraham P. Buunk, Thomas V. Pollet, Christine Klipping, S. Craig Roberts, Men perceive their female partners, and themselves, as more attractive around ovulation,
    Biological Psychology, Volume 94, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 513-516, ISSN 0301-0511, //doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.09.011.
  • (5) Elliot, A. J., & Niesta, D. (2008). Romantic red: Red enhances men’s attraction to women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(5), 1150–1164. //doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.95.5.1150
  • (6) Mathes EW, Arms C, Bryant A, Fields J, Witowski A. Do Men Believe That Physically Attractive Women are More Healthy and Capable of Having Children? Psychological Reports. 2005;96(3_suppl):1002-1008. doi:10.2466/pr0.96.3c.1002-1008
  • (7) (2018) Women’s hair as a cue to desired relationship and parenting characteristics, The Journal of Social Psychology, 158:5, 558-573, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2017.1395791
  • (8) Wilbur CJ, Campbell L. Humor in Romantic Contexts: Do Men Participate and Women Evaluate? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2011;37(7):918-929. doi:10.1177/0146167211405343

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What a man likes most in a woman?

Men love women who are thoughtful, caring, loving and kind. A woman who does little things for her man for no other reason other than that she loves him. A woman who makes him smile back whenever she smiles at him. A woman who radiates love and warmth from her heart.

What body part do males find most attractive?

Felix's team took a survey for the most attractive body parts of men and women and here's what they found: Men cited women's faces as being their most attractive attribute by 46%. In second place, women's butts came in at 18% followed by hair at 11%. Legs, breasts, eyes, and others composed the remaining 26%.

What attracts a man to a woman first?

Nothing attracts more to a man than a woman with a high self-esteem. A confident woman is independent and can tackle any situation in her life. Even in the long run, the guy can depend on his partner and feel secured.


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