What causes onion smelling body odor?

Armpits are a area of the body that concerns most people as different conditions affect the body e.g humid weather to exercising, or just living in general. Most people suffer from body odour, but in some people it is worse.

Here Is Why Armpits Smell Like Onions:

1. Eating onions or garlic foods can affect the way you smell, as this come out of your pores. Onions have sulfuric acid.

2. Not showering enough and not washing with antibacterial soap

3. After showering not drying under your armpits.

4. Not using enough deodorant under your armpits.

Throughout this article we are going to speak about why armpits can smell like onions, whether eating onions will affect your smell, and how to stop smelling of onions.

Table Of Contents

  • What causes onion smelling body odor?

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  • What causes onion smelling body odor?

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Why Do My Armpits Smell Like Onions?

If you are wondering why your armpits smell like onions, you are not alone in regard to this issue. There are others who tend to wonder about this as well. We think you will enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you are not the only human being who experiences armpits that smell like onions from time to time.

It really is not uncommon for people like you to have armpits that smell like onions sometimes. This is because sweat tends to contribute to producing bacteria on your skin.

Then the end result is that the bacteria on your skin can start to smell like onion due to bacteria reacting in the creation of an odour. Also, it is important to realize that you possess a diversified microbiome in comparison to other people.

That means that the various microorganisms of bacteria and other such substances that dwell on your skin all over your body are different from those of other people. Therefore, those microorganisms are influenced by substances like your genes, your environment, your level of stress as well as your diet.

Your body possesses two different types of sweat glands. They are noted as being the eccrine glands as well as the apocrine glands

The first ones are open all over your skin for the majority of your body area. The sweat of the first glands is odourless due to being composed of mostly just sodium chloride that is used to decrease the temperature of your body.

On the other hand, the other glands are located in areas that have lots of hair follicles, such as the armpits, scalp and groin. Such glands produce sweat that combines with bacteria. This then results in an odour that is undesirable.

The fact of your sweat smelling more like onions than the sweat of someone else smelling like onions does not indicate that you are a filthy person who never bathes.

When you use a deodorant, this can help to reduce your level of bacteria. This is because deodorant prevents and neutralizes odours under the arms. As a result, there is the reduction of the amount of bacteria on your armpits.

The reality is that when there is the use of a deodorant, then there will be less odour as a result of there being less bacteria on your armpits. This is a great solution to prevent the smell of onion on your armpits from happening.

What causes onion smelling body odor?

Does Eating Onions Make My Armpits Stink?

Onions and various types of food do have high concentrated levels of sulphuric acid. The oil from these foods tends to combine with the fatty sweat that is excreted from the apocrine glands in the region of your armpits.

If you love to eat onions, it may help you cook the onions first, as this can aid in the reduction of the properties of the onions that cause the odour to excrete through the glands of your armpits. Also, it may be a good idea to reduce your frequency of onion consumption to avoid strong smelling armpits with an offensive onion odour.

It is noted that onions and other types of food can make your armpits and body smell. Thus, you may want to eliminate eating onions, garlic and other foods that you think may possibly be contributing to your armpits smelling like onions.

If you notice that your armpits have the smell of onions, then you will want to use a antibacterial soap bar to wash thoroughly under the arm pits, and then apply a deodorant. This can help to prevent the problem of your armpits smelling like onions.

Using a natural deodorant (one that works) is a great idea as it will ensure that the occurrence of odour under your armpits is kept to a minimum as much as possible, reducing the bacterial that causes those unwanted onion odours.

When you prevent the odour, then this is truly the optimal way to have control of the smells of your armpits and to prevent them from smelling like unpleasant onions.

  • What causes onion smelling body odor?

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  • What causes onion smelling body odor?

    Deodorant Cream Moisturiser 30gm


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Why Does Stress Sweat Smell Like Onions?

If you are experiencing stress, you can sweat more. When your stress levels seem to be raging out of control, this can wreak havoc on your body in many ways. There is the release of more hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can also produce more sweat.

Sweat that you obtain due to stress can result in you smelling even far worse than if you did an intense physical workout. When there is more abundance of sweat that is due to stress, this sweat feeds more bacteria and this then unfortunately results in the formation of more of that pungent and undesirable onion odour in the region of your armpits.

The reality is that there are various situations that contribute to your armpits producing sweat. But you may not be aware of all of them.

You likely realize that if you do physical activity, you will sweat, such as when you exercise. Also, you will likely notice that you will sweat in situations when you are hot. But maybe you have never given consideration to the fact that stress can indeed cause you to sweat profusely as well.

Yes, the truth is that sweat that is induced by stress smells far more worse than other sweat that is caused by heat or physical activity. Also, when your body is under stress, your body will produce more amounts of sweat than in other types of sweat in other situations.

Therefore, the increase of the amount of sweat also makes the onion odour in the area of your armpits much stronger and more foul. In order to address situations that are stressful, which may likely produce undesirable and foul sweat that smells like onions, you may want to shower regularly using a antibacterial soap/shower gel, and the usage of a deodorant that has ingredients either with baking soda or magnesium.

Please note: Many people use antipersperants, but these are not recommended as they contain aluminium which blocks pores.

It is a good idea to select one that has the ability to neutralize any odours and also that has a pleasant fragrance. This will help to boost your confidence that your armpits are fresh, and smell good.

What causes onion smelling body odor?

How Do I Stop My Sweat From Smelling Like Onions?

Take time to clean your armpits.

You can ensure the prevention of the onion smell of your armpits in many cases by taking a shower. Use a soap that is gentle (antibacterial if you can get it). Or use a body wash that is antibacterial.

When you are careful to massage soap or a cleanser into the skin of your armpits for a duration of about ten seconds, this helps to do a great job in regard to the reduction of the bacteria in this region of your body on a temporary basis. This means that it is necessary to shower on a regular basis in order to prevent the smell of onions from overtaking your armpits.

Be sure to dry your armpits thoroughly.

This is a valuable tip, as armpits that are dry tend to produce less sweat and this means that there will be less odour. When you have dry armpits, there is less of a chance of you having that awful onion smell in the region of your armpits due to the fact that sweat will not be able to produce those bacteria that in turn form the onion odour that you detest.

Once you are done with your shower, it is a great idea to apply a blow dryer for the sake of ensuring that your armpits are thoroughly dry.

Apply deodorant to your armpits.

It is good to use at least deodorant on your armpits. We make a natural deodorant called Mr Bees Manuka Citrus and Lime Deodorant. It is a paste and can be applied directly under your armpits.

Some people do get prescription antiperspirants if you sweat profusely and have a strong onion odour that you cannot seem to control even with bathing and regular deodorant. Ask your doctor if the odour is bothering you.

Ask your doctor about Botox.

In such circumstances that you are still perplexed with profuse sweating and that undesirable onion smell in the region of your armpits, you should consult with your doctor regarding whether Botox may be a good alternative for you.

Many doctors believe that Botox can be an effective method that is safe that can be used to minimize your amount of sweating, which then reduces that onion odour. It is okay to reduce the sweating in this region, as your body likely will not experience difficulties in cooling down even if your armpits are not producing as much sweat due to Botox injections.

Why does my body odor smell like onions?

When the bacteria break down the sweat they form products called thioalcohols, which have scents comparable to sulfur, onions or meat. "They're very very pungent," says Bawdon.

Is there a disease that makes you smell like onions?

Trimethylaminuria is a disorder in which the body is unable to break down trimethylamine, a chemical compound that has a pungent odor.

How do I stop smelling like onions?

Toothpaste and mouthwash can eliminate the sulfuric chemical compounds in onions that leave a lingering smell. Rub your hands together with toothpaste and mouthwash under running water for around thirty seconds.

How do I get the onion smell out of my armpits?

Because sweat feeds bacteria, stopping sweat will be the best way to control underarm odors, onion-y or not:.
Clean Those Pits. Prevention starts in the shower. ... .
Dry Them Well. Here's a trick worth trying, Dr. ... .
Use Antiperspirant. OTC and prescription-strength antiperspirants are available. ... .
Consider Botox..