What are you not supposed to flush?

There are certain items you should never flush down the toilet to keep your system running smoothly.

To ensure that your pipes stay clog-free, here are the 16 items you should truly avoid flushing down the toilet.

1. Baby Wipes

This is important. Even if they say they are flushable, never flush baby wipes. These are frequently the cause of clogs and should always be thrown out in a wastebasket instead. Even "flushable" wipes don't disintegrate the way toilet paper does, which can eventually cause plumbing issues.

2. Q-Tips, Cotton Pads or Other Cotton Products

Cotton balls, cotton pads, and Q-Tips are definitely not safe to flush — they don't break down the way toilet paper does, and all they really do is clump together in your pipes and cause problems down the line.

3. Menstrual Products

This one might shock you, but menstrual products (tampons, pads, etc.) should also never be flushed down the toilet. Why? These products are meant to absorb water, not break down in it, meaning they'll only expand when you flush them — and that's definitely not good for your plumbing.

4. Condoms

Condoms are also not designed to break down in the water, so flushing them can cause clogs in toilets and septic tanks.

5. Diapers

Just like menstrual products, diapers are meant to absorb water. Diapers don’t break down in water and can lead to costly damages to your system. Dispose of all diapers in a diaper pail.

6. Dental Floss

In addition to clogging your pipes, flushing dental floss can actually cause environmental damage. When floss is flushed, floss basically turns into a net, catching and holding onto other debris — it can even wrap around parts of your septic system and burn out the motor.

7. Paper Towels & Tissues

You might think paper towels and tissues aren't all that different from toilet paper, but they're simply not designed to break down the way toilet paper does. In the event that you need to use paper towels or tissues in place of toilet paper, dispose of them in a waste basket.

8. Medication

If you have old pills that you need to get rid of, don't flush the pills — toilet water doesn't break them down properly, meaning the medication gets into the water and can cause toxic environmental effects.

9. Cigarette Butts

In addition to causing clogs, cigarette butts are made of toxic chemicals, and that's exactly what flushing cigarettes down the drain adds to the water.

10. Cat Litter

Some brands of cat litter claim to be flushable, however, most toilets don't use enough water to move the litter along properly in your pipes. Even if the brand claims it’s flushable, don’t flush cat litter down the toilet. All it does is add more things to the water that make it harder to purify. Cat waste from the litter box should also not be flushed, because the litter dehydrates the waste and toilets are meant to flush water-soluble waste.

11. Hair

Similar to dental floss, hair forms a sort of net when you flush it down the drain and gets caught in your pipes. Additionally, hair never dissolves so it creates more risk for clogging your system.

12. Gum

Flushing gum down the toilet is a big mistake, as it’s sticky and insoluble. Being sticky, this leads to increased risk of clogging your pipes. Since it’s insoluble, gum will never disintegrate causing major risk for potential issues to your system down the line.

13. Cooking Grease

Just like you shouldn’t put cooking grease down the drain, you should never flush grease. When grease cools, it congeals which makes it thicker and leads to risk in clogging your pipes.

14. Fish

Although you’ve probably heard of people flushing their pet fish, this actually isn’t a good idea. Fish don’t break down in water, which leads to increased risk of creating a clog. Rather than flushing your deceased fish, consider a proper burial.

15. Food

This might surprise you because human waste is basically just broken-down food anyway, but flushing food that hasn't been digested can cause problems for your plumbing, too. While it's biodegradable and will break down eventually, it can cause clogs until that happens.

16. Bleach

This may be the most surprising item as all, as you’re probably used to cleaning with bleach. Bleach is actually way too harsh of a chemical for your toilet and septic system. Rather than focusing on cleaning stains with bleach, you may want to consider using vinegar instead.

Toilets are a modern-day convenience that take care of human waste, but they're not so great at disposing of other items. Flushing certain household products, instead of tossing them in the trash, can clog drain pipes, contaminate the water system, or even cause environmental damage. According to the public utility company American Water, your pipes are only four inches in diameter at their widest, which means even small, seemingly harmless items can cause major plumbing problems. Hiring a professional to snake your clogged drain can cost hundreds of dollars, not to mention the expense of repairing water damage caused by an overflowing toilet. Prevent a plumbing emergency (and a costly bill) with these tips on what can and can't go down the drain.

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1. "Flushable" Wipes

Although the package might state otherwise, flushable wipes should not go down the toilet, according to American Water. Because these wipes do not break down quickly, they can easily get stuck in drains and cause clogs. Keep a lined trash can in your bathroom and dispose of wipes there instead.

2. Paper Towels and Tissues

If you've run out of toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues are not a suitable substitute (at least not for your drain). These paper products were designed to absorb water, not dissolve in it like toilet paper, so they're more likely to block up your pipes, according to J. Blanton Plumbing in Chicago. Always dispose of paper towels and tissues in the garbage, not the toilet.

3. Too Much Toilet Paper

Not only is it wasteful, but also, using too much toilet paper can lead to major plumbing issues. Large wads of toilet paper are difficult to flush and can easily cause a clog in small pipes. To avoid toilet troubles, use only what you need next time you head to the restroom.

4. Cotton Balls, Rounds, or Swabs

Although cotton balls, rounds, and swabs might seem small enough to flush, they can cause big problems inside your pipes. When flushed, these cotton products do not break down in the water; instead, they tend to build up inside pipelines. According to O'Leary Plumbing in Wisconsin, this can result in blockages and even bent or broken pipes.

5. Feminine Products

Tampons, sanitary pads, and other feminine products are designed to absorb liquid and, in some cases, expand to several times larger than their original size. According to Robin's Plumbing of Phoenix, these products can swell up with water when flushed and block pipes that lead to the sewer or septic system, causing toilet water to back up and overflow. To be safe, always dispose of feminine products in the trash.

6. Dental Floss

Usually made of nylon or Teflon, dental floss does not break down easily in water and can build up over time if flushed. According to American Water, the floss can wrap around other items flushed after it, creating even larger clumps that can clog sewers and pipes. After practicing good dental hygiene, toss your floss in the trash.

7. Hair

Similar to dental floss, sending hair down the drain can cause larger problems later on, experts at American Water note. Hair tends to stick to the inside of pipes, leading to build-up and clogs over time. Don't flush large clumps of hair down the toilet, and use drain covers to protect your shower and sink drains.

8. Bandages

Some bandages are made of non-biodegradable plastic, which can pollute water systems when flushed down the toilet. The sticky adhesive can also adhere to other items, resulting in a larger clog. Avoid these issues by disposing of bandages in a garbage can.

9. Medications and Other Hazardous Materials

To help prevent water pollution, never flush medications or potentially hazardous household materials (such as paint and some cleaning products, including cleaners for ovens, windows, and tile) down the toilet. According to the Food and Drug Administration, the best way to dispose of unused or expired medicine is to drop it off at a drug take-back site. For household hazardous waste, the Environmental Protection Agency suggests locating a collection program in your community that can help you recycle or dispose of the materials safely.

10. Cigarette Butts

Cigarettes are another waste item that can introduce potentially harmful chemicals into the water system and harm wildlife, note the experts at Bishop's Plumbing in Illinois. Plus, cigarette butts don't always go down the drain after flushing, leaving an unpleasant surprise for the next person to use the bathroom. After safely extinguishing them, dispose of cigarettes in the trash.

11. Fats, Oils, or Grease

As a rule, you shouldn't flush food down the toilet at all, but fats, oils, and grease can be especially problematic for drains. Although these ingredients might start in liquid form, they can solidify and attach to the interior lining of your pipes, according to American Water. This can block other items from passing, causing a blockage. After cooking, allow fats, oils, and grease to cool completely and solidify before throwing the remains in the trash.

12. Kitty Litter

Unlike human variety, feline waste should never go in the toilet, according to experts at FloHawks Plumbing. Flushing cat litter or waste down the toilet can introduce potentially harmful parasites into the water supply, while the litter can absorb water and clog pipes. Always bag and dispose of cat litter and waste in the trash.

It's important to remember that a toilet is not a replacement for your garbage can. Protect your plumbing by following these guidelines, and when in doubt, throw it in your trash rather than flushing.

What should not be flushed?

To ensure that your pipes stay clog-free, here are the 16 items you should truly avoid flushing down the toilet..
Baby Wipes. This is important. ... .
Q-Tips, Cotton Pads or Other Cotton Products. ... .
Menstrual Products. ... .
Condoms. ... .
Diapers. ... .
Dental Floss. ... .
Paper Towels & Tissues. ... .

What is 1 thing that should not be flushed down the toilet?

The only things that are okay to flush down the toilet are pee, poo and toilet paper. Anything else can lead to sewer back-ups and blockages in the system.

What 8 things should never be flushed?

8 Things You Should Never Flush Down the Toilet.
Tissues, Flushable Wipes, and Paper Towels. ... .
Disposable Diapers. ... .
Feminine Hygiene Products. ... .
Cat Litter. ... .
Cotton Products. ... .
Plastic Products. ... .
Food. ... .
Dental Floss & Hair..

What is OK to flush down the toilet?

There are only three things you can safely flush down the toilet into the sewer system —pee, poo and (toilet) paper. Just remember those three as the three Ps that you can flush. And don't forget, "flushable" wipes are not really flushable.