What are the 4 Easter colors?

Is there anyone who doesn't love Easter? It's the season of Easter baskets full of chocolate bunnies, celebrating new life, and remembering Jesus' resurrection. Not to mention all of the delicious treats and fun DIY crafts your family can enjoy leading up to Easter Sunday. While you've been busy buying fresh flowers and decorating your home for spring, did you ever wonder where Easter colors actually originated?

Years and years ago, there were no colors associated with the holidays. It wasn't until 1198 when Pope Innocent III's treatise, The Mystery of the Sacred Altar, provided some clarity. The pope found inspiration from the Old Testament's Song of Solomon in the Bible in order to interpret symbolism behind specific colors. While some of it shouldn't come as a surprise, it's interesting to look back at history and see why certain colors have been used a certain way over the years. It really was the pope's treatise that led to color interpretations that are, for all intents and purposes, still used to this day whether people realize it or not.

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It's no surprise that the color white symbolizes purity. You see white all over the Easter holiday as a symbol of innocence as we gather to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. There are also plenty of ways to incorporate this neutral color into your holiday decor. From laying out a white tablecloth for Sunday Brunch to decorating with white flowers, the possibilities are endless.


Used at Pentecost, red is the passionate symbol of blood sacrifice (i.e. the blood of Christ). Though Easter is typically full of a pastel color palette, there's no reason why you couldn't incorporate deep shades of red and burgundy if the symbolism means something to you. This year, try dyeing your Easter eggs red instead of pink and light blue. You can even make it your entire color scheme and decorate your home with red tulips, one of the ultimate springtime flowers to take advantage of while they're in season.


Purple is typically associated with Lent in order to honor Jesus' suffering leading up to his resurrection. While darker shades of purple are typically associated with royalty, lighter shades like lilac are all over the place on Easter. You'll easily have purple in your Easter decorations without trying very hard. Between Easter eggs, sweet treats, and various flowers available during the Easter season, you have plenty of options. You could even incorporate lavender throughout your home and on a festive springtime wreath on your front door.


It shouldn't come as a surprise that pink is a symbol of happiness and love. It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! From pretty flowers to treats from the Easter Bunny, you can easily fill your home with shades of pink this Easter season.


As the symbol of new life, green should definitely be a color utilized on Easter as we move into spring following the cold winter season. From green plants to shades of mint, try to incorporate green this year as we celebrate moving into warmer weather.


As the color of sunshine, yellow is undoubtedly a symbol of joy. Like pink, it's a feel-good color that instantly brightens up your mood. From yellow eggs during your Easter egg hunt to yellow peeps for Easter gifts, it's the perfect color to round out your Easter palette.

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What are the 4 Easter colors?

While many of us picture joyous pastels, neon-dipped eggs and cotton-white tails on stuffed rabbits when we think of Easter, the colors used when celebrating this holiday are deeply symbolic and spiritual. A time for renewal and rebirth, spring awakens the natural colors of the earth by calling forth the unfolding of daffodils, lilies and tulips after their long, underground winter slumbers. We all know that Easter is a time to dye eggs and pick flowers. However, we may not be aware of why color is such an important component of this religious feast. Let’s spill the jellybeans on the real meanings behind Easter colors.

Easter Colors Are Liturgical Colors

Yes, most of the “pretty” colors that we associate with Easter are richly symbolic hues that have been chosen by the Catholic Church to embody the essence of the Easter holiday. In particular, a document created by Pope Innocent III in 1198 called the Mystery of the Sacred Altar plays a big role in the colors we see everywhere from the Church altar to the store aisles. Over the years, traditional liturgical colors have merged with the naturally bright colors of the spring season to make Easter one of the peppiest, most cheerful holidays. Let’s go on a little “Easter egg hunt” to discover what all of the common Easter colors really mean.

What are the 4 Easter colors?


Purple is a color that plays a very important role in the period leading up to Easter called Lent that is celebrated by billions of Christians around the world. Commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert, Lent spans the 40 days lasting from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. If you happen to walk into a church during Lent, you may notice the use of purple drapings and vestments. A symbol of royalty, purple is used during Lent specifically to symbolize penance, humility and sorrow for the suffering of “Christ the King.”


When you see red tulips and eggs on display during Easter, that rosy hue symbolizes the red blood of Christ for Christians as they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus that is depicted in the Gospels. While red isn’t used all that commonly in Easter décor, it tends to be displayed more frequently during Pentecost. Pentecost is the celebration that takes place 50 days after Easter to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit.


Often depicted as a white hare, the Easter Bunny’s coat possesses important symbolism. White is a color that represents innocence and purity. It can also symbolize the blinding glory of God.

What are the 4 Easter colors?


Known as one of the most classic Easter colors, pink represents joy and love. Most of us think of the beautiful petals on tulips when we picture shades of “Easter pink.” However, the symbolism goes much deeper. Traditionally, clergy wear pink vestments on the fourth Sunday of Lent. The purpose is to remind the faithful to remain joyful during times of penance.


Don’t toss out the shredded green Easter grass that’s buried in your basket quite so fast. Green holds an important place in the celebration of this holiday. The obvious connection is that green represents the actual budding grass of the spring season. Liturgically, green represents hope in eternal life.

White and Gold

While not as popular as pastels when it comes to mainstream Easter décor, white and gold are actually the official liturgical colors of Easter Sunday. At Easter mass, priests will wear white and gold vestments to symbolize the birth and resurrection of Christ. While the white represents the unblemished nature of Christ, the glimmering gold is a representation of the glory and triumph of the resurrection. This realization provides inspiration to really go all out by dipping your Easter eggs in some sparkling gold paint.

Why Are Pastels Associated With Easter?

What are the 4 Easter colors?

It’s clear to see that liturgical colors and the natural beauty of spring have merged to create a season of bright colors, joy and hopeful anticipation. However, you may still be wondering why Easter is specifically associated with bright pastel colors. The answer is quite joyful. Pastel hues are used in Easter celebrations because they symbolize the sheer joy that Mary Magdalene and the other women from the Gospels experienced when they discovered that the tomb of Jesus was empty on Easter morning.

While you don’t need to be religious to enjoy the beautiful colors of Easter, it can be interesting to learn about their origins. For those who celebrate Easter as a religious holiday, knowing the history of Easter colors can be a great way to incorporate these richly symbolic and spiritual colors in your celebration. The most exciting thing of all for everyone is that all of nature seems to erupt in the colors of Easter to surround us with feelings of joy and hopeful anticipation.

What are the Easter colors 2022?

The three main Easter colors are purple, white and gold. Purple and violet hues are typically used during the Lenten season in the lead-up to Easter.

What are the main colors of Easter?

Today, many of these colors are still used to celebrate the Easter season. Purple, pink, red, black, white, gold, and green are seven such colors—read on to learn about what these hues represent during Easter.