What are 3 important components of a bike safety checklist?

You know what’s exciting, squeezing your brakes to stop and then not stopping. Not really though. For your safety and for those around you it’s especially important to be sure your bike’s brakes function properly and do so predictably. Look over the parts of the braking system, look for any signs of damage, wear, or corrosion. Check the brake pads and make sure they are installed and seated properly against the rim and wearing down evenly with use. While stationary, check your brakes by squeezing the brake levers and watch to see how they operate and feel, if they feel too stiff or too loose the brake tension should be adjusted according to recommended manufacturer specifications for your bike. Ultimately, it’s crucial to make sure you have complete control of your bike and doing so requires your braking system to be in correct working order — if your brakes are not working properly we recommend you please do not ride and consult your bike manufacturer or local bike shop for service.

3. Inspect Wheels & Tires

Look at your bike wheels/rims and make sure they show no signs of impermissible damage. Cosmetic damage (dents, scrapes, small gouges, etc.) is expected with regular use over time and is okay so long as the wheels spin straight and freely without any side-to-side wobble. Inspect wheel spokes and make sure they are not loose, bent, or damaged. Spokes can be adjusted using a spoke wrench but need to be serviced correctly, it is recommended to have a local bike shop check them and take care of these adjustments for you if needed.

Tires are especially important, they’re what connect you to the surfaces you ride on. Inspect the tires on your bike and look for any holes, cracking, splits, or tears in the rubber — if any of these conditions exist you should replace the tire if it is beyond eligibility for repair. Also check the tread on your tires to be sure you have enough tread left to comfortably handle the surface conditions you plan to ride, not having enough tread will limit traction and can leave you spinning your wheels! Whether you run tubes or tubeless, make sure these systems are functioning properly, are in good shape, and are holding pressure with no leaks.

4. Check Over The Drivetrain

The drivetrain of your bike is like what a transmission is to a car, it converts energy from you (the cyclist) into power that transfers through the lower components and in turn drives the rear wheel. The chain, pedals, derailleur, cassette, chainring, etc… are all part of this drivetrain system, and being a system means all of the parts need to be working correctly in order for it to function as a whole. You will want to check to make sure shifting operations are smooth and performed with ease. If you find shifting is not smooth it commonly means the derailleur needs adjustment or repair, it is recommended to consult your local bike shop to service this for you as it may be difficult unless you know what and how to do this.

5. Inspect Your Cables

Cables are what control brake and shifting operations from the handlebar brake levers and shifters. Over time and regular use these cables will eventually stretch and get worn out depending on the amount and kind of riding you do. Generally cables should be replaced about every two to five years, or even yearly if you ride all year long. When inspecting your cables look for cracks in the cable housings, and rust, dirt, or crimps in the cable itself. Replacing cables is something you can do at home if you know what to do and have the time, they are inexpensive to replace but like any more involved bike maintenance or repairs we recommend having your local bike shop perform these services for you.

6. Lubricate Components

A bike’s chain and other drivetrain components need lubrication to function and last a long time without premature failure, much the same way that a car’s engine will not run without oil. Proper lubrication is essential to making sure a bike can operate smoothly and efficiently, it also protects its moving parts from dirt and other performance-robbing contaminants. After cleaning (refer to Step 1), a bicycle compatible and approved lubricant needs to be applied to the chain and any moving parts located on the derailleur and any exposed cabling. Most of us grew up with a neighborhood kid that had a bike you could hear from a mile away, don’t be that kid and make sure to keep your bike’s components properly lubricated to help ensure you get many enjoyable years of service from your bike.

Before riding a bike, Scouts should know how to do an inspection of the bicycle and check that it is in working order. The bike inspection checklist below will give you a good starting point. You will need to explain each step to the Scouts so they learn the terminology and why each part is important.

Please note that this checklist is for the physical inspection of the bicycle only. There are other safety items which should be discussed also, such as helmets, use of hand signals, etc. See my cycling theme page for more helps with these.

Bike Inspection Checklist



What are 3 important components of a bike safety checklist?

Get a Scout shirt

_____ Look at the frame to make sure there are no dents, kinks, cracks, or other damages.

_____ Look for large patches of rust which could weaken the frame.

_____ Check that the parts of the frame are securely attached to each other and to the wheels, seat, front fork, and handlebars.

_____ Check for looseness in the seat, handlebars, and front fork.

_____ Check the seat height. For young cyclists, the rider should be able to sit on the seat and just reach his feet to the ground.

_____ Is the handlebar in line with the front wheel?

Tires and Wheels

_____ Are the tires properly inflated?

_____ Do the tires still have good treads and no visible bulging or other damage?

_____ Do the wheels spin freely without wiggling? Does is stay aligned when spun?

_____ Are there any missing spokes or are any spokes damaged?


_____ Test the brakes to see that they stop a spinning wheel quickly without slipping.

_____ While applying the brakes, try to move the bike forward. It should not move.

_____ For hand breaks, look at the brake pads. They should have at least 3/16 of an inch of rubber remaining and they should meet the rim squarely, not at an angle.

_____ For hand breaks, you should not be able to squeeze them all the way to the bottom. They should have some reserve left when the brake is completely engaged.

What 3 items do you need for bicycle safety?

Wear equipment to protect you and make you more visible to others, like a bike helmet, bright clothing (during the day), reflective gear, and a white front light and red rear light and reflectors on your bike (at night, or when visibility is poor).

What are the most important components of a bike?

The main parts of a bicycle are wheels, frame, seat, handle bars, and components. We also could consider the helmet as a key safety issue. Wheels give the fundamental purpose to the bicycle; that is why we call it a “bi” (meaning two) and “cycle” (meaning turning).

What are the 3 main steps of riding a bike?

3 steps to riding a bike.
Balancing and braking on a balance bike. Balance bikes are like two-wheel bicycles, but without the pedals and with the seat lowered so that the child can touch the ground flat-footed while seated. ... .
Steering a balance bike. ... .

What are 2 safety checks before riding your bicycle?

How to do a Pre-Ride Safety Check.
Before heading out on a bike ride, there are a few things you should do to make sure that your bicycle is safe. ... .
Check your tire pressure. ... .
Check wheel quick-releases. ... .
Check your brakes. ... .
Check your wheels. ... .
Check your crank arms and pedals. ... .
Check stem and headset. ... .
Check your chain..