We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

Hanna Bervoets

Translated by Emma Rault

26 May 2022


160 pages


'A glimpse of the foetid underbelly of the internet' - The Times
'Taut as a thriller, sharp as a slug of ice-cold vodka' - Irish Times

To be a content moderator is to see humanity at its worst — but Kayleigh needs money. That’s why she takes a job working for a social media platform whose name she isn’t allowed to mention. Her job: reviewing offensive videos and pictures, rants and conspiracy theories, and deciding which need to be removed.

It’s gruelling work. Kayleigh and her colleagues spend all day watching horrors and hate on their screens, evaluating them with the platform’s ever-changing moderating guidelines. Yet Kayleigh is good at her job, and in her colleagues she finds a group of friends, even a new girlfriend — and for the first time in her life, Kayleigh’s future seems bright.

But soon the job seems to change them all, shifting their worlds in alarming ways. How long before the moderators own morals bend and flex under the weight of what they see?

We Had To Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets is a chilling, powerful and gripping story about who or what determines our world view. Examining the toxic world of content moderation, the novel forces us to ask: what is right? What is real? What is normal? And who gets to decide?

Translated from the original Dutch by Emma Rault.

'A superbly poised, psychologically astute and subtle' - Ian McEwan, author of Atonement
'Fast paced and thrilling, violent and nightmarish' - Kristen Arnett, author of Mostly Dead Things
'An acid glimpse into a new form of labor existing today' - Ling Ma, author of Severance

Acid-dipped novella . . . a glimpse of the foetid underbelly of the internet and a sobering consideration of who is deciding what we see, and at what cost.

Siobhan Murphy, The Times

A chilling page-turner . . . the unreliable narrator gives it a strong literary heartbeat — and it’s richly suspenseful too. With a few deft strokes [Bervoets] manages to incorporate all of the ills of social media into one concise story . . . utterly haunting.

Johanna Thomas-Corr, The Sunday Times

The setting alone is compelling and has always been in need of an accomplished novelist’s attention . . . The dreamlike climax of the final pages is beautifully wrought. Men might usefully confront in Bervoetsa writerly intelligence at once so tender and so willing to look into the abyss.

Ian McEwan, The Guardian

Average rating 3.08  · 

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Not the shocking horror I was anticipating, but that's probably more of a comment on my own unnervingly high threshold for depravity and less a fault of the book's ...more

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if I had a nickel for every time I read something booktok has described as completely fucked up and disturbing only for it to barely make an impact on me I would be the richest woman in the world

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

problematic language used for quite literally no reason. gave incel vibes, not disturbing just boring as fuck. this is a wannabe black mirror episode, the ending of the book felt like the author just stopped writing like she literally just stopped typing and walked away from her laptop.

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

Ha, finally: The book that is everything No One Is Talking About This wanted, but failed to be. The protagonist of Bervoets' seventh novel is Kayleigh, a former content moderator for Facebook (the customer her direct employer Hexa provides services for is never named, but there is a remark in the text that makes it pretty clear). The text we read is a letter she sends to a certain Mr. Stitic, a guy who files a class action lawsuit on behalf of other former Hexa employees regarding the working co ...more

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We Had to Remove This Post is one of those books that leaves me thinking…well, not much beyond: this is a thing that exists

It doesn’t happen all that much but now and again I read books that spectacularly fail to elicit any discernible feeling or emotion in me (beyond ‘meh’). This is ironic given that We Had to Remove This Post is exactly the kind of wannabe-conversation-starter book that tackles topical & important issues. Maybe someone


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i'm a masochist, what can i say ...more

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

”So what kind of things did you see?”

Remember the TV show Dirty Jobs? Where Mike Rowe takes us to the world of weird, wonderful and sometimes downright distasteful jobs? Well, perhaps being a “moderator” for a well know social media platform should be added to that list. As while the grime is not physical, it’s undoubtedly far more impactful.

The role of the moderator is to make a snap judgment on what image is or isn’t deemed to be suitable to be posted online. The line of what’s acceptable ofte


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while horrifying to read (trigger warnings for everything, basically), we had to remove this post is incredibly fascinating, sharp, and provocative. inspired by true stories of social media content moderators, this book follows kayleigh, a 20-something woman who takes a job as a content moderator at a big social media platform, and how this impacts both her and her colleagues’ lives.

this book largely examines the trauma that comes with the job of reviewing and removing offensive and graphic con


We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

A strange and traumatized dyke works as a content moderator at a social media company and becomes increasingly numb to the explicit violence and exploitation in her workplace and surroundings, as detailed through a letter to a lawyer reaching out to her to try to include her testimony in a lawsuit against the company. Short and succinct, I thought this was well done and a horrifying and fascinating examination of the dynamics of human social relations, the internet, and delusion. I understand wh ...more

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ARC received in exchange for an honest review

Trigger warnings for literally everything in this one.

In this novella we follow Kayleigh as she writes a letter to a lawyer who is prosecuting her former employer. Kayleigh used to work as a content moderator for a popular social media site, and as a result was exposed to endless extremely graphic images and videos. Content that causes any number of physical and mental health problems. But Kayleigh's fine. Right?

This was a clever and chilling look int


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This novella's premise was intriguing, and I was curious about what would happen. But to be honest, I never found out what was going on. I lost interest in the story and got tired of the characters. The ending was out of nowhere, and I just couldn't understand what on earth was happening. I liked the premise, and I was super sad for real people that have to view social media videos and remove them, but this book didn't work well. ...more

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We had to remove this post? More like we had to remove the premise so we could just watch a toxic relationship while the premise waves at us in the background.

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

I thought the blurb was better than the book.
I know I’m being harsh but I feel I’ve been mislead.

I was all eager and pumped up to read this after checking out the blurb. So that lies where my disappointment started I think.

Kayleigh needed a job.
Her new job was to monitor the content on social media.

I’ve often wondered how and who does this job and with the research the author put in, I have become aware of how it might be done.
There is no doubt that there were and are some horrific things on soc


We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

Scrubbers, cleaners, moderators... whatever you want to call them, they are real people behind the scenes of social media industry whose job is to review and "control" content deemed as extreme or objectionable, guided by their company's (subjective) policies and guidelines. This short novella's main character works as one and is telling her story about her job and people she works with, tangled with her complicated relationship with her coworker/girlfriend.

I recently watched Kimi (featuring Zoë


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In my opinion, this story was underdeveloped and really lacked to leave an impression. I don't think anything was worked through enough to leave some kind of message or anything. It felt like reading a diary of a Black Mirror character but without any purpose as to why we should care. Not that everything has to have a message but it felt like this book tried to have one in theory but completely forgot to actually have one.
I just wish the author took some more liberties and courage to write abou

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

Felt like I just read a Reddit post written by an incel.

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

# please note this is a novella, as described by the author #

Such premise for a book, afterall haven’t we all wondered who does the job for us of deciding what we see, we all have moaned at things removed that seem fine and been outraged as other things, clearly offensive are allowed ( well I have at any rate )
‘Hexa’ is the social media company and Kayleigh the employee, now the author states this is a work of fiction but based on facts she has found while researching ( and at the end lists thes


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"Wat wij zagen" (ce qu'on a vu; what we saw): French translation (Les Choses que nous avons vues) by Noëlle Michel; English translation (We Had To Remove This Post) by Emma Rault. Will I enjoy a book that was originally Dutch? I'd say the answer to that is the same as the answer to the question of whether glass coffins will ever become popular: remains to be seen. ...more

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

This story was surprisingly deep for a sub-100 page book. It tells a story about the side of social media that we do not see: the posts and videos that content moderators like the main character have to evaluate. This impact of reviewing this content can really be felt when reading this, although I felt that the story of her personal life, and her relationship with her coworker wasn’t quite as strong, perhaps due to the strange and abrupt ending of the book. Definitely a book that makes you thin ...more

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Definetely not her best, I don't really understand what she wanted to focus on: on the mc's weird and horrifying job, or on her relationship with a co-worker?? And the ending was too abrupt to be of any help... ...more

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I wish I was as sensitive as the people who found this short novel disturbing and shocking, at least I would have enjoyed it more. It has such an interesting premise, but never goes anywhere in the end.

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why is it whenever i decide to read a book that booktok calls “the most disturbing thing they’ve ever read” it’s like… one of the tamest books ever written

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

i think i’ve realized that short and disturbing novellas aren’t for me. they’re sometimes unnecessarily disturbing and feel underdeveloped due to the length.

this one, however, does interest me as it examines the mental health of a content moderator. it made me acknowledge the people who go through what kayleigh had in order for our social media feeds to be “clean.”

not only do i feel that the length does not allow the book to explore kayleigh’s character’s arc enough, i also feel that it was just


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I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway so thank you to Goodreads and the publisher for sending me this book!

This story had a really interesting concept and got me thinking a lot more about the impact of our exposure to what we see on social media and also the restrictions around what you can and cannot share on social media. The ending was a bit abrupt, and I was hoping to get more out of the story, but overall I found the concept interesting so I appreciated the read.

Featured in this reading v


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A gruesome story about the world of today. I found the writing style, inspiring for other writers. The book kept me entertained from the start.

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

3-3.5 stars

I received this book from Book Break UK in exchange for an honest review.

Kayleigh is finally telling her story about her dark time working as a content moderator for a giant unnamed tech corporation, and it's her job to watch any flagged videos and deem if they are worth staying on the platform or be taken down. During her job, under stressful conditions and not enough breaks, Kayleigh and her colleagues witness horrific acts and have to play 'gods' in a way when it comes to leaving t


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*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book to review!*

Please don’t dive into this one blind if you’re sensitive to triggering topics, from the offset this is quite graphic and descriptive of some horrible things!

I quite enjoyed this book, though unfortunately in the end the premise was far more interesting than what we actually ended up getting. The entire thing felt very surface level and because of how short the book is, I felt like we didn't really dive into anything prope


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This could’ve been a dark and psychologically incisive cautionary tale about desensitization as a result of this disturbing line of work. It could’ve been been an indictment of the fact that good mental healthcare is only accessible to those who can afford it. It could’ve been an exploration of how constantly viewing material that is ban-worthy (stuff so dark I can’t even type here, conspiracy theories etc.) impacts your relationship with yourself and others… but nah. To suggest this book even s ...more

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Awful protagonist, meager plot, can't say that I had a good time with this one ...more

We Had to Remove This Post book wikipedia

Pretty disappointing. The synopsis sounded so interesting but it just fell a bit flat for me which is a shame because the subject matter has so much potential for a really dark, really tense book. It just didn’t seem to go anywhere and I don’t really understand what the author was trying to achieve. The writing was ok but as a whole was just a bit meh.

What is the book we had to remove this post about?

A New Psychological Thriller Explores the Grim Underbelly of Life as a Social Media Moderator. Hanna Bervoets's latest novel, “We Had to Remove This Post,” is a discomfiting mystery about the disturbing parts of social media that most people never see. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.

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