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The rise and fall one of the U.S.'s most prolific drug traffickers. Lori Ar...

The rise and fall one of the U.S.'s most prolific drug traffickers. Lori Arnold, sister of actor Tom Arnold, takes a break from her mundane Ohio facto...

The rise and fall one of the U.S.'s most prolific drug traffickers. Lori Arnold, sister of actor Tom Arnold, takes a break from her mundane Ohio factory job to confront her criminal past in her Iowa hometown in this rollicking and emotional three-part series. At its height about 30 years ago, Arnold's operation raked in about $200,000 each week, allowing her to buy a ranch and run a biker bar, the Wild Side, in Ottumwa. She uncovers the story of her journey from dealer to addict to redemption as she reflects on how drugs, money and power had a grip on her life.