Watch formação sql server 2022 desenvolvedor expert sql e t-sql videos

Watch formação sql server 2022 desenvolvedor expert sql e t-sql videos

Hello guys, if you want to learn Microsoft SQL and T-SQL and looking for free online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best SQL Server courses and Database courses and in this article, I am going to share the best free T-SQL courses for beginners.

The Microsoft SQL Server is not just one of the popular database solutions but also one of the most complicated software offerings from Microsoft. It requires you to have a foundation in networks, databases, and programming.

This wide range of skills is often challenging to obtain without rigorous learning and years of hands-on experience. Since it’s difficult to learn and master the demand for expert SQL Server DBAs and Programmers is always high, particularly in banking sectors.

I know many of my friends in London and all around the world become SQL Server DBAs after starting as a programmer just to work on those big banks and earn very high salaries.

Even though I love SQL and also worked a lot in SQL Server, I never thought about switching sides or becoming DBA, but yes, the SQL knowledge helped a lot to me. As a developer, I also need to run SQL queries to troubleshoot issues, generate reports, or do data analysis.

Sometimes, I also need to write SQL scripts for deployment and rollback, stored procedures, triggers, and other database stuff. If your job also requires some knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server and you are looking for some excellent resources to learn SQL server from ground zero, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I am going to share some of the best Microsoft SQL Server online courses, which are also free.

If you don’t mind learning from free resources (It may sound absurd, but some people don’t like free resources because of quality and they instead want to spend their time on paid stuff, if you are someone like that you can also check this list of best SQL courses), then these courses can really help you to learn and understand SQL Server or MSSQL what it is known more commonly.

In the past, I have shared a lot of resources like books, courses, and tutorials to learn other databases like Oracle and MySQL, etc. If you are new here, then you can also check those, but here is the list of some of the free Microsoft SQL Server and T-SQL online courses you can use to learn online.

1. Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying [Udemy]

This is one of the first free course you should join to learn SQL Server and T-SQL. This course provides a step by step introduction to the concept of Databases and an Introduction to SQL Querying.

There are no pre-requisites for this course. If you are looking to get acquainted with the concept of Databases and Queries for maybe your next interview as an analyst, this is the right course for you.

All you need is a windows machine and we will walk through step by step, right from setting up your environment to creating your first table to writing your first query.

This course is structured in a way that you can follow along with me. At the end of this course, you should be comfortable writing simple queries including queries related to Dates, String manipulation, Aggregation, etc.

Here is the link to join this course for free — Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying

This is another awesome free online course to learn advanced T-SQL Querying concepts. Go from a beginner SQL programmer to writing complex SQL Queries.

This course is an advanced TSQL Querying course. The course expects that students are already aware of basic database concepts and are comfortable writing basic TSQL queries like SELECT, JOINS, etc.

Here are the main things you will learn in this free T-SQL course

  1. How to write complex TSQL queries.
  2. How to know the different TSQL functionalities that exist
  3. How to write more efficient TSQL code

Students are expected to have taken the author’s previous course (Introduction to databases and Querying). This course covers advanced concepts like Views, Triggers, Dynamic Queries, etc. The TSQL Scripts for all demos are uploaded. The course about 2+hours and has assignments at the end of each concept.

Here is the link to join this course — Advanced Databases and SQL Querying

This is another free online course to learn SQL Server for beginners as you will learn how to set up your development environment. This course is an absolute beginner’s tutorial to quickly learn how to set up Microsoft SQL Server practice environment on your machine.

At the completion of the course, you will know how to install SQL Server and create a practice environment for yourself.

Here is the link to join this free course — SQL Server Baby Step: Installation and Configuration

Everything you wanted to know about becoming a SQL Server DBA but were afraid to ask. The primary purpose of this course is to give the student a sample of what the SQL Server administration is about, what are the requisites courses in becoming a SQL DBA,.

You will also get some guidelines as to what to expect from the job, and get some hands-on experience in installing and navigating through SQL Server management studio.

This free SQL Course course will provide a summary of courses needed that will enable the student to prepare for the real world IT industry.

Here is the link to join this course — The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a SQL Server DBA

SQL Server Database Administrators are responsible for the design, implementation, support, and maintenance of SQL Server Databases. The role also includes architecting, building, and scaling databases for future data growth and capacity.

DBA is also responsible for the security, performance, and availability of data to users and customers. This course will give you some direction on how to begin your journey as a SQL Server DBA.

Here is the link to join this free course — How To Begin Your Career As a SQL Server DBA

It’s an introductory course on SQL Server. This course starts with a high-level introduction to relational databases. It follows up with the use of the Data Modification and Data Definition Languages that are part of SQL Server.

It’s a nice course but not entirely free, you would need a Pluralsight membership to get access to this course, which cost around $29 per month or $299 annually (14% discount).

Here is the link to join this course — Introduction to SQL Server

If you don’t have Pluralsight membership, I encourage you to get one because it allows you to access their 7000+ online courses on all the latest topics like front-end and back-end development, machine learning, etc.

It also includes interactive quizzes, exercises, and the latest certification material. It’s more like Netflix for Software Developers, and Since learning is an integral part of our job, Pluralsight membership is a great way to stay ahead of your competition.

They also provide a 10-day free trial without any commitment, which is a great way to not just access this course for free but also to check the quality of courses before joining Pluralsight.

That’s all about some of the best free online courses to learn Microsoft SQL Server and T-SQL on your own. You can take these courses from your office or your home and learn at your own pace.

The best part of these courses is that they are written by expert SQL Server developers and DBA, which have made it free for the benefit of the community and marketing purposes.

You don’t need to pay anything, but yes, you have to spend your time; hence I suggest you go through the preview of each course and choose the one which you can connect to. It makes a lot of difference.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best free Microsoft SQL Server and T-SQL online courses, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you don’t mind paying few bucks for learning valuable skills as Microsoft SQL Server then I also suggest you take a look at the Microsoft SQL for Beginners course by Brewster Knowlton on Udemy. It’s a comprehensive course to learn both SQL Server and T-SQL together.

Qual a diferença entre SQL Server Developer e express?

O SQL Server Developer é uma opção ideal para pessoas que criam e testam aplicativos. A edição Express é o banco de dados gratuito de nível de entrada, ideal para conhecer e criar aplicativos de área de trabalho e aplicativos controlados por dados de pequenos servidores.

Qual é a diferença entre T SQL e SQL?

o principal diferença entre SQL e TSQL é que O SQL é uma linguagem usada para armazenar e gerenciar dados em um RDBMS, enquanto o TSQL é uma versão estendida do SQL projetada para executar operações no MS SQL Server. Um banco de dados é uma coleção de dados relacionados.

Quem foi o desenvolvedor do SQL Server?

Microsoft SQL Server
Versão estável
SQL Server 2019
Sistema operacional
Microsoft Windows, Linux.
Sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados relacional (SGBD).
Microsoft SQL Server – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia › wiki › Microsoft_SQL_Servernull

O que é Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) é a principal ferramenta para administrar o Mecanismo de Banco de Dados e escrever o código Transact-SQL. Ele está hospedado no shell do Visual Studio.