Washing hair with dish soap to remove build up

When it comes to greasy hair, a nice lather, rinse, repeat with your everyday shampoo usually does the trick of restoring them to squeaky-cleanliness. But for those rare times when your hair remains greasy (even after you've washed it), can you use dish soap to get rid of the stubborn slickness?

It all started after I took a weekend vacation. When I arrived at the little boutique hotel I was staying at, I was shocked to discover that it didn't supply me with any shampoo or conditioner. Seriously, what hotel doesn't give you even a little sample-sized bottle of shampoo these days? And let me state that this wasn't a cheap hotel, either (chintzy bastards). I didn't think much of it at the time, as I had washed my hair that morning. If I was lucky, I could rock dirty hair for another two days before heading home. That meant curling my hair the second day and wearing it up in a bun on the third. No problem, I could do this.

Green Works Natural Dishwashing Liquid, $9, Amazon

Except that by the time the weekend was over, my hair was crying out for a wash. Normally, going two days without would be fine, but this particular weekend was filled with walking in humidity, soaking for hours in a hot tub, and sweating, sweating, sweating. I didn't realize that with all the product and sweat building up in my hair, it was becoming a hot greasy mess.

When I arrived home, I couldn't get into the shower fast enough to get rid of the greasy-ass catastrophe that was taking over my head. I sighed with relief as I lathered my locks with my usual shampoo, thinking that that was the end of it. But when I finally got out of the shower and dried my hair, it was still extremely greasy around the crown of my head.

I have to admit that this has never happened to me before. My hair is always clean after I shampoo it. To my profound annoyance, I figured I didn't rinse out the shampoo well enough, and decided to wash my hair a second time. I was extremely thorough, mind you. But to my absolute horror, after I finished drying my hair, the excess oil just wasn't budging.

Completely confused (not to mention frustrated as hell), I wondered if maybe it was my shampoo that was suddenly the problem. I decided to head over to the store, pick up a different shampoo, and try the whole lather, rinse, repeat thing all over again. And what do you know, the greasiness remained.

It was at this moment that I decided to turn to the Internet for help. Surely, someone else had also angered the hair gods and had a solution to break this dreaded curse? As it turns out, I was right. The Internet was full of other women whose hair remained greasy even after shampooing. And the best method of action seemed to be to wash one's hair with dish soap.

Considering that dish soap is used to get rid of "tough grease," this seemed a rather simple solution. But would it really work? I decided at this point that I had nothing to lose. I chose a green-friendly dish soap (the less chemicals the better, as far as I'm concerned), brought it into the shower, and went to town. Because dish soap is a lot harsher than shampoo when it comes to "stripping" your hair, I made sure to concentrate it on my scalp and avoid washing my drier / more sensitive ends.

After I finished shampooing, I could already feel the difference in my hair — it was extremely squeaky when wet, and felt a lot "lighter" on my scalp. I finished off by putting an intense conditioner on the ends (to save them from the super-strength of the dish soap), then gently towel-dried my hair before blow-drying it.

It was the moment of truth. Once I finished drying my hair, I ran my hand over my scalp and through the roots. Pre-dish-soap, my hand would catch in my hair, and my fingers would be sightly covered with an oily substance. But this time, to my absolute delight and relief, my hair felt light, soft, and, most importantly, clean. The dish soap method worked.

Although washing my hair with dish soap made it gorgeously clean, it isn't something I would recommend you do often. It can be rather harsh on your hair, and you want to make sure you keep a proper balance when it comes to your head's natural oils (something the dish soap removes completely).

However, if you ever happen to develop greasy hair that just won't wash out with your regular shampoo, like I did, I would highly recommend you go the dish soap route. It's a brilliant little hair hack, and one I will immediately resort to again in the future, should the grease demon rear its ugly head once again. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some fabulous hair flipping to do.

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Images: Courtney Mina

Washing your hair with dawn dish soap is the newest trend in the beauty industry. Many YouTubers and beauty vloggers are going gaga over its hair benefits. The strong formula of this detergent may help remove excess oil and dandruff. But is washing your hair with this soap really safe?

This article explores the benefits of dawn dish soap and how to use it on your hair. Keep reading.

In This Article

  • Can You Wash Your Hair With Dawn Dish Soap?
  • Benefits of Using Dawn Dish Soap for Hair
  • How Do You Use Dawn Dish Soap As A Shampoo?
  • Infographic: Who Shouldn’t Use Dawn Dish Soap On Their Hair
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Key Takeaways

Can You Wash Your Hair With Dawn Dish Soap?

Woman washing her hair with liquid soap


The simple answer? Yes, but within reason!

Like every other dish soap out there, the primary purpose of this product is to clean utensils and remove grease from them. Keeping that in mind, this dish soap can technically be used to remove the oil and gunk from your hair, too.

But, although Dawn dish soap can be useful in removing scalp build-up, it is important to remember that the harshness of the product can damage your hair. Therefore, we suggest washing your hair with Dawn dish soap only as a last resort.

With this cautionary warning in place, let us move on to some of the benefits that come with using Dawn as a shampoo.

Even though frequent use of this product can damage your tresses, there is no denying the immediate benefits that come with using Dawn as shampoo. Here are some of them:

Dawn dish soap may reduce scalp issues like dandruff


  • Due to its strong formula, Dawn dish soap can be used to remove dandruff, grease, and oil from your hair that cannot be removed with normal shampoos.

Dawn dish soap is good for protective hairstyles like braids and twists


  • Shampooing with Dawn is a great option for those with protective styles as the soap helps deplete the extreme build-up present around the roots.

Dawn dish soap may lighten or remove hair dye from hair


  • Dawn dish soap also acts as a mild bleach and can, therefore, be used to remove or lighten hair dye on your hair.

Now that you know the benefits of washing your hair with Dawn, let us discuss the correct way to use this soap.

How Do You Use Dawn Dish Soap As A Shampoo?

Woman drying her hair after washing it with dawn dish soap


To achieve the best results possible, we recommend washing your hair with Dawn dish soap by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Measure out the amount of product needed based on your hair requirements. For example, if you want to remove any product build-up or oil from your hair, use a pea-sized portion of dish soap. Wash your hair with a larger amount of Dawn soap if you want to strip your hair color.
  • Dilute the Dawn soap with an equal amount of water to avoid any negative reaction when washing your hair.
  • Wet your hair and massage in the mixture until it starts to lather.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse out the soap from your hair completely.
  • Apply some conditioner to your hair and leave it on for at least 10 minutes before washing it out. This is done to replenish the moisture lost from your strands.
  • Blow-dry your hair and style it as preferred.

Pro Tip: While more research is required in this regard, it is said that adding a pinch of baking powder to the dish soap mixture can help wash out the color of your hair.

Infographic: Who Shouldn’t Use Dawn Dish Soap On Their Hair

As mentioned in the article above, Dawn Dish Soap can be used in moderate amounts to keep your scalp and hair clean. However, there are some people who should not use this soap as it can cause adverse reactions like scalp burning, swelling, irritation, and redness. It may also aggravate their existing hair and scalp issues.

Check out the below infographic to learn more about who should not use Dawn Dish Soap on their hair.

who shouldn’t use dawn dish soap on their hair [infographic]

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Many beauty vloggers cannot stop talking about the benefits of using dawn dish soap. This dish soap is primarily used to remove grease and oil from the dishes. In the right quantity, using dawn dish soap may remove dandruff, bleach, and oil from your hair and reduce scalp buildup. However, due to its strong concentration, frequent soap usage may damage your hair. You can follow our step-by-step guide to know more about washing your hair with dawn dish soap the right way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dawn dish soap cancerous?

There are concerns regarding the cancer-causing effects of Dawn dish soap. However, scientific data is lacking regarding its carcinogenic effect.

Is Dawn dish soap harmful to humans?

A few synthetic ingredients in Dawn dish soap may trigger allergic reactions like skin irritation and breathing issues. Therefore, avoid excessive exposure to it and wear gloves while using synthetic detergents and soaps.

What happens if you mix bleach and Dawn dish soap?

Mixing soap and bleach may release toxic gases, which may irritate the eyes and skin.

Will Dawn dish soap get toner out of hair?

Dawn dish soap may get toner out of hair. However, it is not advisable to use dish soap on your hair. Instead, use a clarifying shampoo.

Key Takeaways

  • The actual purpose of the Dawn dish soap is to clean utensils and remove grease from them.
  • However, this soap can also remove dandruff, grease, and oil from your hair.
  • The dish soap also acts as a mild bleach and can remove or lighten hair dye on your hair.

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  • Author

Arshiya Syeda is an editor at StyleCraze. Prior to that, she was a content writer and combined her writing and... more

What happens if I wash my hair with Dawn dish soap?

Dawn dish soap strips your hair of its natural oils, so it is not a good idea to use it all the time. Washing with Dawn is okay occasionally, but using it too often will dry your hair and scalp and cause breakage.

How long do I leave Dawn dish soap in my hair?

Dilute the Dawn soap with an equal amount of water to avoid any negative reaction when washing your hair. Wet your hair and massage in the mixture until it starts to lather. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse out the soap from your hair completely.