Vitamin c with rose hips reviews

From the United States

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on August 10, 2022

No dislikes.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 9, 2013

Most people are unaware that YOU CAN NOT OVERDOSE ON VITAMIN C PERIOD. That being said, the body, if given too much vitamin C, will have a reaction in the form of mild to medium diarrhea. If that does happen then drop dose by 1/4 and that is your bodies safe max level. You would have to be in the 15,000 to 40,000 mg range before that would happen. Fact: Vitamin C, in the presence of cancer cells, becomes an Oxydator that Will kill those cells. There are 3 primary things that effect the body. 1) Fungi, 2)Virus' 3)Bacterial. Vitamin C, in the presence of these issues becomes an Oxydator and keeps them at bay. Vitamin C is water soliable and must be taken throughout the day. Use the Vitamin C with Rose Hip, it helps to retain more of the C during release. I take 10,000 mg daily and I don't keep a cold, when they do come on, more than a few hours. Read up on Dr. Linus Pauling, 2 time Nobel Peace Prize Recipient. He, Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Max Gerson, (Read about Dr. Max Gerson and his Life Saving, Proven Cure against cancer with Case Studies), have proven the Absolute healing effects of this Vitamin, as well as many ohers. You can read all about this information at They even have list of doctors worldwide who are Ortho Molecular specialist that truely treat your whole body with, near, no pharmaseuticals. The Corporate pharmacy monsters do not care about your health. Do yourself a favor and start Really Studying on subjects like Ortho Molecular medicine, Hollistic Medicines, Homiopathic medicine, The Endocrine System (especially the Thyroid Gland. I chose Dr. David Brownstein, leading expert in his book: Overcoming Thyroid Disorders. Near 80% of All Americans are walking around with an abnormal thyroid gland. Doctors today are being trained to ignore our sympthoms and reley on lab results.They are loosing their ability to know the symptoms). Get back to the basics of life and escape this crazy illusion of Corporate Dictatorship. Ask yourself this. Why are boys growing breast and some being born with no genitils? Why are girls becoming physically more masculine? Why is Cancer up 5,000% since the 50's in most cases and 20,000% in a few special cases? We have all these walks for the Cure, but never do we ask "hey, why is Cancer up all over the place?" Fight Cancer by fighting ignorance. The AMA (American Medical Association) doesn't care about your health. They are, and have been for some time now, a Eugenics Political system. Please do yourself a favor and Look up The Beginings of Euginics and the people who have pushed this Antihumanistic view on the poor and ill. Look, get healthy by getting informed and being responsible for Yourself. No Sheeple in 2014!!! LOL Watch "What in the world are they spraying" then the second one "Why in the world are they spraying". It's Free on YouTube. Enjoy the Vitamin C

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 12, 2014

Vitamin C is on of the best ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and it also acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C must be consumed in copious quantities to maintain good health and supplementation is necessary, as the average human does not eat the quantities of fruits and vegetables to fully get the Vitamin C to maintain optimal health.
Several studies show that Vitamin C helps
-It is an essential component of many enzyme reactions that happen in the body which help in the development and the well being of many vital organs and in immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.
- Many studies have indicated that higher blood levels of Vitamin C could lower the risk of death from all types of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
- Vitamin C has also shown to be effective in reducing the severity and the duration of the common cold.
How much Vitamin C is needed?

Most of the research and supplement recommend taking 500 mgs of Vitamin C to achieve health results but there is no adverse reactions from taking more. The 1000 mg is thus perfect for for our consumption. The normal RDA is 75-90 mgs a day and unless you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables it would be hard to get all the required.
According to WebMd, we would have to get
here are all the foods and beverages you'd need to consume to reach 500 milligrams (mg):
Cantaloupe, 1 cup (8 ounces): 59mg
Orange juice, 1 cup: 97mg
Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup: 74mg
Red cabbage, 1/2 cup: 40mg
Green pepper, 1/2 cup, 60mg
Red pepper, 1/2 cup, 95mg
Kiwi, 1 medium: 70mg
Tomato juice, 1 cup: 45mg.

So the pill is perfect and it combined with Rose hip, which is one of the richest plant sources of Vitamin C and Lycopene- which reduces the dangerous LDL. Rosehips also contain Vitamin A, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

I paid 11.90 for 250 pills of Vitamin C and with subscribe and save, the price of a capsule came to 0.04 cents a pill. A very inexpensive way to good health.

Make Vitamin C a part of your diet along with healthy eating and exercise.
Read:Linus Pauling.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 12, 2022

It strengthens your immune system so good that I haven’t got sick this winter from anything!!! 2 a day and I have been A ok!

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 16, 2016

Rose hips are the round portion of the rose flower just below the petals. Rose hips contain the seeds of the rose plant. Dried rose hips and the seeds are used together to make medicine.

Fresh rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C, so they share many uses with vitamin C including preventing and treating colds, flu, and vitamin C deficiencies. However, much of the vitamin C in rose hips is destroyed during drying and processing and also declines rapidly during storage. Because of this, many rose hip-derived "natural" vitamin C products have actually been fortified with lab-made vitamin C, but their labels may not always say so.

Rose hips are also used for stomach disorders including stomach spasms, stomach acid deficiency, preventing stomach irritation and ulcers, and as a "stomach tonic" for intestinal diseases. They are also used for diarrhea, constipation, gallstones, gallbladder ailments, lower urinary tract and kidney disorders, fluid retention (dropsy or edema), gout, back and leg pain (sciatica), diabetes, high cholesterol, weight loss, high blood pressure, chest ailments, fever, increasing immune function during exhaustion, increasing blood flow in the limbs, increasing urine flow and quenching thirst.

In foods and in manufacturing, rose hips are used for tea, jam, soup, and as a natural source of vitamin C.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 21, 2014

Contrary to the USDA recommendation for vitamin C, I take approximately 10,000 mg a day (sometimes more). It is nearly impossible to overdose on vitamin C. If you take too much the worst that will happen is you’ll have to run to the bathroom frequently.

I started ordering Nature’s Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips from Amazon when I realized it was 50% cheaper than going to my local health store. That’s right, I was paying $28 for a bottle of 250 capsules of 1,000 mg of vitamin C. Because I’m a prime member I don’t have to worry about shipping charges and the vitamin C is delivered within 2 days.

I make my entire family take large doses of vitamin C. I can’t remember the last time any of us were sick. More than taking it at the first sign of the sniffles, vitamin should be a daily staple. I came to this conclusion after much reading and research.

If you’re on the fence about taking large doses of vitamin C, look up Dr. Andrew Saul. He has a website entitled If you go there, search for his information on vitamin C (he has lots of info on other vitamins too). That’s a good place to start learning about the benefits of taking large doses of vitamin C.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 5, 2015

I have been purchasing this particular item for several years and never had a problem until now. Nearly every vitamin and herb company is now poisoning the pills with "magnesium stearate." These companies are lying to the public about what "magnesium stearate" is and it's dangers. I believe this "magnesium stearate" is related to the recent problem that has arised which is the pills going bad within a short time - a few months after opening and long before the expiration date on the bottle. Bad meaning the pills turning a reddish color, blotchy and smelly.

This has just recently happened to a bottle of the NOW Foods brand B-100 I have and also with this Nature's Way Vitamin C. I contacted both companies. NOW Foods claims to be researching the problem. Nature's Way has really poor customer service. The lady I spoke with said that this has been a prevalent problem lately and she would not refund my money. I have two bottles of this stuff. One of them unopened but too late to return to amazon. The opened bottle went in the trash. I refuse to ever purchase anything else from the Nature's Way company since they do not back up their own products and because of the "magnesium stearate" these companies are poisoning the pills with.

People need to be aware of what is going on in the health foods industry. Not every ingredient is being reported on the bottles. These companies are hiding ingredients and lying to the public. PAY ATTENTION to what is written on the bottle. Why consume something full of fillers, binders, and JUNK? You are wasting money purchasing pills containing this "magnesium stearate" when not only is it poisoning your body but it reduces the effects of the vitamin/herb by as much as 65%.

If people had any sense they would stop purchasing from these companies who are trying to force this poison on us and buy from the rare companies who appear to mainly be outside of America who are not contaminating the food and pills.

You can see the picture I attached here of the contamination. The NOW Foods B-100 pills looked far worse than these Vitamin C pills, but I failed to take a picture of them and that bottle was sent back to the NOW Foods company for which I am waiting to find out if they will get back with me about the findings of this contamination.

Vitamin c with rose hips reviews

1.0 out of 5 stars Important Message about Nature's Way and Magnesium Stearate
By Perry Mason on March 5, 2015

I have been purchasing this particular item for several years and never had a problem until now. Nearly every vitamin and herb company is now poisoning the pills with "magnesium stearate." These companies are lying to the public about what "magnesium stearate" is and it's dangers. I believe this "magnesium stearate" is related to the recent problem that has arised which is the pills going bad within a short time - a few months after opening and long before the expiration date on the bottle. Bad meaning the pills turning a reddish color, blotchy and smelly.

This has just recently happened to a bottle of the NOW Foods brand B-100 I have and also with this Nature's Way Vitamin C. I contacted both companies. NOW Foods claims to be researching the problem. Nature's Way has really poor customer service. The lady I spoke with said that this has been a prevalent problem lately and she would not refund my money. I have two bottles of this stuff. One of them unopened but too late to return to amazon. The opened bottle went in the trash. I refuse to ever purchase anything else from the Nature's Way company since they do not back up their own products and because of the "magnesium stearate" these companies are poisoning the pills with.

People need to be aware of what is going on in the health foods industry. Not every ingredient is being reported on the bottles. These companies are hiding ingredients and lying to the public. PAY ATTENTION to what is written on the bottle. Why consume something full of fillers, binders, and JUNK? You are wasting money purchasing pills containing this "magnesium stearate" when not only is it poisoning your body but it reduces the effects of the vitamin/herb by as much as 65%.

If people had any sense they would stop purchasing from these companies who are trying to force this poison on us and buy from the rare companies who appear to mainly be outside of America who are not contaminating the food and pills.

You can see the picture I attached here of the contamination. The NOW Foods B-100 pills looked far worse than these Vitamin C pills, but I failed to take a picture of them and that bottle was sent back to the NOW Foods company for which I am waiting to find out if they will get back with me about the findings of this contamination.

Images in this review

Vitamin c with rose hips reviews

Vitamin c with rose hips reviews

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 15, 2015

This is one of the vitamins I take very regularly. Since I was a child I have suffered frequent styes on my eyes. At one point early in college I even needed to have surgery to remove one that persisted for months. I have found that supplementing with vitamin C has stopped me from getting styes, and if I feel one coming on I up my dosage and it never shows.

I also love taking vitamin C as a way to keep me from getting sick. I haven't gotten sick beyond a stuffy knows and slight cough in more than 5 years. I think regular dosing of vitamin C and a healthy diet deserve the credit. I think vitamins and healthy living are a much better option than many of the harmful medicines that are prescribed.

The 1000mg Nature's Way capsules are a little larger than some other ones, but most adults should have no issue getting them down. I've also never had any unpleasant taste from taking these. I do think these are more effective than the GNC chewable vitamin c tablets I also take from time to time.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 2, 2015

Excellent product. I have been using this product since mid August and this product provides a great way to build collagen. If you need to build collagen (nosebleeds or bleeding in general), this could be an excellent supplement. As always, if you are currently talking other medication, please consult your physician prior to use. In general, with most of my other natural supplements, there appears to be no side effects although watch the dosage and do not exceed your daily dosage.

While I originally purchased this product for building collagen, another beneficial side effect has been the ability to fight infection, cold and flu. In the past when I had the flu, I would be sick for a prolonged period with sneezing, coughing and generally be ridden with flu symptoms. So, in addition to nosebleeds and bleeding in general, a highly beneficial side effect has been the ability to fight the flu and the common cold. While I understand that past performance is not an indication of future performance, as I stand currently, I am highly positive about Vitamin C in general and it's beneficial effects on one's health.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 19, 2022

Easy to swallow

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What is vitamin C with rose hips good for?

Summary Compared with other fruits and vegetables, rose hips offer one of the highest levels of vitamin C. This vitamin, along with other compounds in rosehip tea, helps strengthen and protect your immune system.

Should you take vitamin C with rose hips?

If you're eating a varied diet that includes enough fruits and vegetables, it's unlikely that you're deficient in this water-soluble vitamin. However, if you're supplementing, vitamin C with rose hips may help boost your intake of other nutrients, not just vitamin C.

When should I take vitamin C with rose hips?

How to use Vitamin C With Rose Hips. Take this vitamin by mouth with or without food, usually 1 to 2 times daily. Follow all directions on the product package, or take as directed by your doctor. If you are taking the extended-release capsules, swallow them whole.

What does rose hips do for the body?

Rosehip extract contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which are believed to ease joint inflammation and prevent joint damage. It's also rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties.