Vikings: war of clans best hero gear

By performing tasks and attacking invaders etc you can obtain materials. The materials you get are stored in the Forge and the materials are divided by quality: Simple (grey), Usual (white), Unusual (green),Rare (blue), Epic (purple) and Legendary (yellow/gold).

Vikings: war of clans best hero gear

If you find 4 of the same material and quality you can combine these to 1 of the next better quality (if you have 16 of one quality you can thus combine it to the second next quality).

The materials can then be used to forge equipment that your Hero can use; Helmet, Armour, Amulets (2), Weapon and Boots. Each equipment have their own special enhancement depending on the materials used; one may give extra Food production, another gives extra healing. This way you can give yourself a really good boost in your status. Material bonuses as well as places where you can find them are detailed on the Materials page.

Pieces of equipment are made of 2 to 4 materials. An item made with 4 materials has 4 bonuses while an item made with 2 materials only has 2.

The cost of crafting pieces of equipment is based and the level required to use it, which is paid as silver and is 10K silver per level required. To craft a standard equipment level 50, it will cost 500K silver. Prices for invaders equipments are much higher though.

By clicking on the Equipment tab and select an equipment type you see a menu of what items you may create in your forge. First you see a list of requirements (level of hero, silver, materials) and then a color coded table of what type of enhancement you get and how likely it is to get that level of boost. Note that the colors reflect the materials you have available and the better quality the higher boost this item will give. If you have several different qualities of material you get random results, the chance to get a specific quality of equipment is indicated on the table before crafting. If you only have one quality you are guaranteed to get that type of equipment.

When you press the craft button you'll see the materials used and note the circle in the middle there the colors indicates how likely it is to get a certain quality. You can click on the materials and change selected quality of the materials. The best quality available are automatically selected so in practice you can only lower the expected quality so it is of limited use, except when you are willing to accept a lower quality item because you want to save the higher quality for another equipment.

You can also destroy an item which gives you back randomly one of the material it was made of, not all.

A searchable list of all equipment can be found here

An updated list of all equipment can be found here

If you play the game in Facebook, the Material inventory can be displayed in list view, see picture.

There was recently introduced Special gear that need to be researched in Stronghold first. The cost is a lot higher than the invader or standard gear, but all the items are a bit better than what we used to have until now

In Vikings: War of Clans, there are many elements that affect how successful you are at the game. Like many similar mobile and browser-based MMOs, Vikings is free to play. However, to supplement the developers, paid microtransactions exist. Players can buy gold which speeds up the process of levelling buildings, heroes, and recruiting army units. Although this helps players with many aspects of the game, it’s not the be all and end all. Your hero’s equipment plays a large part, and you need patience, luck, and experience of the game to get the very best. We take a look at Vikings: War of Clans Invader gear, why it’s so useful, and how to get it. 

Vikings: war of clans best hero gear


Vikings: War of Clans Equipment 

Like in many similar games, the equipment in Vikings: War of Clans has several purposes. However, the main ones in this game are to improve your hero’s stats and give boosts to other areas of the game. With the right gear, you can make quick progress through the game, even without spending any money on microtransactions. 


As you play through Vikings: War of Clans, you must level up your hero, and their stats will improve as you do so. However, it’s only with the right equipment that you’ll maximise these stats. To add another layer of complexity, different sets of equipment boast different stats. So, for certain situations you’ll need specific stat boosts. 


To help you select the right combination of equipment and skills, Vikings: War of Clans has a feature known as Hero Sets. We covered this in more detail in another guide. However, essentially this mechanic lets you pre-build equipment and skill loadouts to switch to in various scenarios. 


Vikings: War of Clans Equipment Levels

As you can tell, equipment plays a significant role in the game. There are several tiers of equipment, as well as levels and rarities within these tiers. Early game players will mainly be focused on Standard Equipment, which can be constructed from readily available resources. 


More advanced players will want to start building Vikings: War of Clans Invader gear. As we’ll see, this requires materials that can only be found from defeating invaders. The top level players will focus their efforts on building Special Equipment, which is made from the rarest and hardest to find items. 


The equipment you forge will also have rarity tiers, and as the quality increases, so does the value and performance of each piece of equipment. There are six tiers in total, including: 

  • Grey – simple equipment. 
  • White – usual equipment.
  • Green – unusual equipment. 
  • Blue – rare equipment. 
  • Purple – epic equipment. 
  • Yellow/gold – legendary equipment. 

You’ll notice significant improvements between simple equipment and legendary equipment, so it’s always worth saving up enough materials to go for a higher level. 


Vikings: War of Clans Equipment Crafting

We cover this topic in greater detail in our Vikings: War of Clans Equipment Guide. However, at a basic level, you must combine materials and resources to craft all the equipment in the game. This includes things like weapons, armour, helmets, boots, and amulets. 


When it comes to materials, the rarer it is, the more chance you have of crafting an item of a higher level. Keep this in mind early on in the game, where you may want to save your better materials for later. The game defaults to choose the rarest materials for the crafting process, but you can change this as you go. 


Vikings: War of Clans Invader Materials

So, once you’ve mastered the basics of the game and you have some solid sets of Standard Equipment, you’ll want to start raising your ambitions to Invader Equipment. There are many different invaders you may face in the game. Each drops its own unique combination of materials which you can then use to craft Invader Equipment. 


There are 16 different invaders that appear on the map, although there’s no way of predicting when and where they’ll appear. You’ll find that invaders have a focus on a particular strength, and the items they drop (and equipment you craft) reflect this focus. Invaders range from level 1 to 6, and the higher the level the more dangerous they are. You’ll also find Uber Invaders closer to the centre of the map. 


Vikings: War of Clans Invader Gear

There are many different types of Invader Gear that you can craft. However, we’ll give you a couple of examples to show how the different types reflect different stats and styles of play. 


Royal Guardsman Invader

If your focus is on killing Invaders to get more item drops, this set can be especially useful. There are several bonuses that this set will bring you: 

  • Increase Hero Offence. This stat ranges from 4.4% at simple to 17.6% at legendary. 
  • Reduce Invader Defence. This reduction is from 5.5% at simple to 22% at legendary. 
  • Increase Hero Endurance. This stat ranges from 6% at simple to 24% at legendary. 
  • Increase Silver Production. This increase goes from 22% at simple to 164.5 at legendary. 
  • Increase Food Production.  This increase goes from 66% at simple to 49% at legendary. 
  • As you can see, the increase in stats can be huge, and you’ll get bonuses that will help you take on other Invaders with ease. The better quality item you craft, the more bonus you’ll get.

Barbarian Invader 

If your goal is to take down as many Invaders in as short time as possible, this is a set worth aiming for. It brings with it the following advantages: 

  • March Speed Increase. This ranges from 17.5% at simple to 70% at legendary. 
  • Stone Production Increase. This increase ranges from 45% at simple to 337.5% at legendary. 
  • Total Defence Increase. This stat increases from 9.1% at simple to 36% at legendary.
  • Hero Energy Restoration Increase. This rate increases from 13.5% at simple to 40.5% at legendary. 
  • Siege Offence Increase. This stat increases from 8.9% at simple to 35% at legendary. 
  • Building Speed Increase. This rate increases from 6.6% at simple to 39% at legendary. 

Here, you can see a very different set of boosts that serve a different purpose from the first example. It’s for this reason that you’ll want to aim for different sets of armour for specific instances. 

What is the best troop in Vikings war of clans?

Cavalry are the fastest troop type in the game, which means that they can be used by players who prefer to strike quickly and, sometimes, unexpectedly. These units are strongest against Ranged (50% bonus) and Siege Engines (50% bonus), but fare poorly against Melee (50% penalty) and Killers (25% penalty).

How do you use hero sets in Vikings war of clans?

To activate a Set, you will need the Hero Set Activation item. You can purchase it in the Item Store or as part of Bank offers. It also drops as a reward for passing checkpoints in the Kingdoms Battle global Competition. To apply a Set, hit the “Activate” button.

How do I get hero Energy in Vikings?

In Vikings: War of Clans, Hero's energy is restored automatically over a certain period of time. You can speed up the restoration process with the help of Knowledge, Hero's Skills, boosts, equipment, and gems. Energy is also fully restored when the Hero reaches a new level.