Vex Mythoclast drop rate bad luck protection

Theres currently two theories, iirc

One is a 3-5% drop chance without any increase from raid completions

The other is like a 2-3% chance with a ~1% increase from looted raid completions

One thing we know for sure, its taken some people over 50 looted runs



As we currently trudge through this winter of no real Destiny content, I shall turn to an old issue I have been meaning to talk about for a while: What on earth is going on with the Vex Mythoclast drop rate?

It’s now been many months since Vault of Glass was introduced, and Vex Mythoclast has gone from a joke of a reprisal to one of the best weapons in the game with a half dozen buffs, making it top tier in both PvP and PvE. And with nerfs coming in December, and fusion rifle mods leaving for Witch Queen, some unlucky players may miss all of these eras, because they simply cannot get the thing to drop.

The main problem here is that no one seems to be able to confirm if Mythoclast has bad luck protection like past raid exotics, and if that may not be working right. Or more pressingly, if there’s no bad luck protection at all. From what I’m seeing, the general consensus is that Vex Mythoclast does not have bad luck protection like some past raid exotics, and instead is hovering around a constant 5% drop rate, judging by amassed data by players.

Bungie has not commented on any of this, one way or another, but we are now entering a period where we are getting up to 40-50 looted clears of Vault of Glass for some people without Mythoclast dropping, and people are fed up. Again, when this happens you could miss an entire era where the gun is god tier, just because of bad drop rate luck alone.

Vault of Glass


To be clear, I’m not saying this for my own benefit. Rather, I’m on the opposite side. I got Mythoclast in my third VoG clear ever. So I had it when it was bad, but I saw it get massively buffed this past season, and those buffs paired with the seasonal fusion rifle mods have created one of the most fun exotic primaries I’ve ever used. And to think that people who have run the raid 20x more times might miss out on that because of luck alone? That sucks.

If there isn’t bad luck protection for Vex Mythoclast, there should be. And I don’t think past iterations of the system have gone far enough. Eyes of Tomorrow was supposed to have it, but it ended up being bugged, and by the end, tons of people were still doing 40+ clears to get it.

I’ll say there is something to be said for a raid exotic being a random drop you can celebrate, as opposed to a guaranteed quest path to get it like Divinity, but the current system is a bridge too far. Drop rate chances should go up significantly with each looted clear, and I’d say that there should be a hard “pity” cap at I don’t know, take your pick, 20, 25, 30 clears? Or a system where you can buy it with spoils eventually? But when you get all the way up to 40 and 50 with nothing to show for it, you are getting “engagement” for people continuing to play the raid every week, but you are sacrificing player morale to a huge degree. There needs to be a middleground here, and frankly, I don’t think Bungie has ever found it. Not with Vex, not even with Eyes or Anarchy, back when those were the hot pursuits.

I’d argue that yes, this is kind of urgent, considering the coming nerfs to the gun, and the season ending taking away fun mods like particle deconstruction. The gun is a blast to use right now, and everyone who has raided enough should be able to get their hands on it in its current form. The current system is not working, which seems clear, and yet for all the changes Destiny constantly makes, its raid exotic drop system always seems to be in poor shape.

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Destiny 2

Vex mythoclast drop

Do I need to kill Atheon every week reset per character, or I can kill him non stop?
Because I already made 25 kills (two weeks grind only with one character) and still nothing...

Or I need to finish VOG from start to the end completely for VEX starting to drop?

Showing 1-10 of 10 comments


26 Nov, 2021 @ 2:30am 

the gun has a 5% drop rate

Originally posted by 꿀라떼:

the gun has a 5% drop rate

and it's only about drop rate?
No needs in special conditions?

It has 5% drop chance, no bad luck protection and you have only 1 chance per week per class, so 3 total, doesn't matter normal or master.

It drops from the last encounter, you don't have to do the whole raid.

Last edited by Ixamesh; 26 Nov, 2021 @ 2:45am

Yeah your 25 Atheon kills over 2 weeks with one char equal to 2 chances of getting the gun. Congrats you've wasted 23 attempts

Last edited by Kitsune; 26 Nov, 2021 @ 2:48am

Originally posted by Kitsune:

Yeah your 25 Atheon kills over 2 weeks with one char equal to 2 chances of getting the gun. Congrats you've wasted 23 attempts

Originally posted by Kitsune:

Yeah your 25 Atheon kills over 2 weeks with one char equal to 2 chances of getting the gun. Congrats you've wasted 23 attempts

This game is so hard to understand, what I should, what I should not to do...
Thanks bangie for that sweet 23 wasted attempts...

Originally posted by BroN1ck:

This game is so hard to understand, what I should, what I should not to do...
Thanks bangie for that sweet 23 wasted attempts...

New player experience w/o veteran friends who tell you what to do and how stuff works is garbage in this game.
Get yourself an active clan with a discord server and you are generally good to go. If you plan to solo most of the game, don't bother. It doesn't work and it's not fun either

Originally posted by Kitsune:

Originally posted by BroN1ck:

This game is so hard to understand, what I should, what I should not to do...
Thanks bangie for that sweet 23 wasted attempts...

New player experience w/o veteran friends who tell you what to do and how stuff works is garbage in this game.
Get yourself an active clan with a discord server and you are generally good to go. If you plan to solo most of the game, don't bother. It doesn't work and it's not fun either

I agree with the first part..vets friends clan etc, but disagree with second part. I solo most of the game and it does work fine (for me) and it is definitely fun (for me) regardless.
Sure there is a lot a lot of stuff I miss out on and don't really know about, but nothing that makes the game not fun.


26 Nov, 2021 @ 5:24am 

Originally posted by Kitsune:

New player experience w/o veteran friends who tell you what to do and how stuff works is garbage in this game.
Get yourself an active clan with a discord server and you are generally good to go. If you plan to solo most of the game, don't bother. It doesn't work and it's not fun either

I agree with the first part..vets friends clan etc, but disagree with second part. I solo most of the game and it does work fine (for me) and it is definitely fun (for me) regardless.
Sure there is a lot a lot of stuff I miss out on and don't really know about, but nothing that makes the game not fun.

Why don't you just go to Discord LFG?


26 Nov, 2021 @ 5:24am 

Originally posted by BroN1ck:

Do I need to kill Atheon every week reset per character, or I can kill him non stop?
Because I already made 25 kills (two weeks grind only with one character) and still nothing...

Or I need to finish VOG from start to the end completely for VEX starting to drop?

You have chance on every character, every reset, so 3 times per week. Just do full run and do Boss CP on all characters. also you get around +0.25% chance per clear to getting the vex.

Last edited by Max; 26 Nov, 2021 @ 5:25am

Showing 1-10 of 10 comments

Date Posted: 26 Nov, 2021 @ 2:27am

Posts: 10

What is the drop rate for 1000 voices?

The default chance of finding One Thousand Voices in a Last Wish chest is only 10%. However, after players have opened 20 chests in total, their odds of finding the fusion rifle should increase to 50%.

Does vow of the disciple have bad luck protection?

Raids or any other activity do not have any sort of bad luck protection for legendary weapons (only exception being Wellspring). Only raid exotics are given bad luck protection.

What is bad luck Protection d2?

The Wellspring: Bad Luck Protection added for weapon drops and Deepsight mods in Wellspring. Does not apply to regular everyday life, sorry. Fixed an issue with Wellspring completion rewards that will make it less likely for players to obtain a powerful or pinnacle drop in the same slot multiple times in a row.

Does eyes of tomorrow have bad luck protection?

However, the more times you clear the raid, the more you're supposed to build up "bad luck protection" against missing out on the Exotic. Essentially, that means your chances of getting Eyes of Tomorrow are supposed to increase each time you clear the raid until, theoretically, your protection reaches 100%.


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