Rate my professor university of oregon





















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468 Ratings

  • I'm a grad student at UO Portland. Some professors and staff have gone above and beyond in creating an inclusive and interactive digital space for students to connect and grow during the pandemic. Others... have not. There is a lot of unchallenged racism and ableism here, which profs/admin engage in, condone, and/or ignore. It's been a mixed bag.

  • I have loved some of my time here at UO and hated other parts. It is a great campus over all but very cliquey and this goes for all social groups (student orgs greek life sports teams etc). Covid definitely impacted campus culture. Hopefully people will open up as we recover. Faculty is great and there are so many classes I wish I could have taken.

  • great campus, really nice. great school and dorms, super nice

  • It is a great school, the people rating it low social aspects just didnt put themselves out there. My freshman year was great. All you have to do is introduce yourself to people and it will be great. The campus is full of awesome people, the food is actually great (lots of options all over campus),and I love most of my classes.

  • Its a great school academically. Socially fraternities, and sororities seem to control such aspects. So not the friendliest place. Food is good, which there was more healthier options. Clubs are cool, and gym is amazing.

  • I love UO. If you are outdoorsy this is a great place to be but I highly recommend having a car if you can. Get involved, you get out what you put in. My first year was very hard but I think that is just the nature of freshman year of college.

  • Focus on athletics under Schill has completely hollowed out the university, and it is now run as a for-profit degree mill. I loved my time there, but from 2015-ish onwards, the downsizing of research and lack of focus on education has IMO killed the University.

  • For those who have found opportunity scarce, it is about what you'd expect at a University level. You get what you put in. Work hard and you'll succeed here. It is easy to become involved if you have your ear to the ground. Read Canvas posts, look at flyers, become involved with your department, ask questions. Take an active role in your education.

  • great school, love it here

  • Eugene can be a little dicey, make sure to lock your car and other items up. Campus is beautiful, and Eugene is in a nice location in proximity to Portland and the Coast. Professors are great also. Social aspect can be tough, just gotta find the right people. Def some entitlement coming from SoCal and Portland

  • Eugene is a charming town. UO has its potential but opportunities dont come easy. Theres a handful of good professors, after switching my major 3 times I found that the Art department, although low funded, has the most supportive staff. The Dean or president or whatever, they don't care whatsoever. dont walk at night, the homeless get violent ):

  • Love UO. The food, city, and facilities and campus are amazing. However, it can be a little scary at times walking around. Campus life is not the best (granted Im attending during COVID) but it has been a little tough getting connected to clubs and people.

  • For all the kids coming California, the weather here is always cloudy unless its spring or summer. You will 100% get sick winter term. Theyre will be one section of campus always under construction and remodeling. Probably one of the best schools for people with dietary restrictions and theyre business school is elite. Your experience will vary.

  • Overall, I really like the University of Oregon. The campus is beautiful, especially in the fall. There isn't a ton to do in Eugene, but since UO is such a big school, there's always something to do on campus. The food is good and I have never had an issue with the WiFi. The clubs are fun and I always feel safe when on campus.

  • Overall staff and professors dont care about students only care about their reputation and good looks. Majors suck and if you want to go somewhere to actually learn I wouldnt go to the university of Oregon.

  • Love it here, but there are still some minor issues

  • Not perfect but in generally really great.


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