Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft PDF Tg

I would imagine there was a lightning rail running on the Day of Mourning. And even if there wasn't...well...there has to be SOME reason House Orien and House Cannith have NOT managed to restore that lightning rail through the Mournlands.

And no one knows if that track is damaged.

Cannith and Orien do have a lot of money, with Cannith being one of the richest of the Dragonmarked houses, so they can afford security, like unemployed warforges, goblinoid mercenaries, House Deneith, and there are a lot of unemployed refugees who would be willing to try to survey and rebuild the track. So, something other than mutated monsters and beasts, as to be preventing any attempt.

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RR8 - Van Richten's Guide to the Created.pdf


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RR8 - Van Richten's Guide To The Created PDF

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RR8 - Van Richten's Guide to the Created.pdf

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Note: Part 1 of this series is here.

One thing I hear from many sides on this new Ravenloft book is that it is not like the old Ravenloft books.

This might come as a shock, but it is not supposed to be like the old books.

All of these books were purchased as new in the last two weeks

Right now Wizard of the Coast is reporting that sales of D&D are the best they have ever been with 2020 sales outpacing the previous "best year ever" of 2019.  

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft is for all fans of horror-inspired gaming in D&D. But by and large, the target audience is the 5e players and DMs.  Not the fans of 2nd Ed. Ravenloft.

And that is OK.

Really. It is.  

If I want to play Ravenloft like I did back in 1990 (I don't mind you, I want to play like I do now) well, I am not at a loss for options. 

DriveThru RPG has their big D&D Settings sale on now, so I got all three of those books cheap.  I can now tuck my originals away. This is good because my Realms of Terror box looks like it lived through the Grand Conjunction AND the Requiem; which it did.  And because I played those I don't need to go back.

Right now you can get PDF and/or Print on Demand versions of the Classic Ravenloft books.

Realms of Terror

The entire boxed set in one huge volume.

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

For 3e.

Though not part of the sale D&D sales on DriveThru, these are on sale for the Domains of Dread sales on DMsGuild!  Use the DriveThru or DMSGuild sites for the sales, the prices are the same.

Forbidden Lore

Domains of Dread

There is still Ravenloft to be had regardless of how or even when you want to play it.

If you want to play Ravenloft 5e and you want some of these older options, well go on over to the DMsGuild and their Domains of Dread Sales.  Certainly, there is something there for you. 

Even the original Ravenloft I6 and Ravenloft II: I10 are on sale.  I honestly don't need another copy of I6, I have my original, but it is tempting.


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