Trails in the Sky Final Chapter walkthrough

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The NG Nightmare Run
    1. Modding (Visuals, Voice Acting, and BGM)
  2. Prologue
    1. (Tutorial) Bracer Exam
    2. Rescue Mission
    3. Farm Investigation
    4. Mayor's Request
    5. Photo Opportunity
    6. Burglary
  3. Chapter One
    1. Airline Investigation
    2. Burglary (Again)
  4. Chapter Two
    1. Fire Investigation
    2. Festivities
  5. Chapter Three
    1. Orbment Investigation
    2. Making Repairs
    3. Factory Incident
  6. Final Chapter
    1. Hostage Rescue
    2. Infiltration
    3. Final Dungeon
    4. Celebration
  7. Miscellaneous
    1. Carryover Bonus for Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
    2. Bestiary (not started)
    3. Bugs, Glitches, and Oversights I Found
    4. A "Perfect" File?
    5. Version History
    6. Contact & Legal Information

Final Chapter: Turmoil in the Royal City

Bracer Requests

  • To Queen Alicia (10 (+8)), Sewer Monster (West) (8), Sewer Monster (East) (8)
  • BP: 34
  • Total BP (Chapter Two): 324/368


  • Battle Staff, Schneiders, Hide Gauntlet, Stinger, Steel Gauntlet, Silver Star, Hawkeye, Cestus


  • Shield Coat


  • Freeze, Action 3, EP Cut 3, Shield 3, Defense 3


  • Carnelia - Chapter 8, Carnelia - Chapter 9, Liberl News - Issue 8, Carnelia - Chapter 10, Carnelia - Finale


  • Gorgeous Crepe, Bouillabaisse, Mixed Cocktail, Refreshing Pie, Chef's Curry, Rich Espresso, Special Ice Cream, Chomping Spare Rib


  • Deathblow 2, Teara Balm, Shield 3, Teara Balm, Defense 3, Chomping Spare Rib, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Gladiator Headband, Hawkeye, Cestus, Teara Balm
  • Total Chests: 120/164

The City of Zeiss

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Zeiss (after Leiston Fortress)

Note: To advance the story, go to the Landing Port and talk to the ticket booth
Note 2:
Some dialogue changes after you get the tickets

Zeiss Central Factory & Factory Block

  • Outside: Priam (northeast vendor; changes after buying tickets), Irene (southeast vendor; changes after buying tickets), Elise, Vince
  • Landing Port (becomes inaccessible after advancing the story): ++Gerald (ticket booth; advances the story), Rutherford (near traffic control tower; changes after advancing the story), Bartholomew (near traffic control tower; changes after advancing the story)
  • Factory - Basement: Faye (Orbment Workshop)
  • Factory - 1F: Hazel (reception; changes after buying tickets), Erick (maintenance)
  • Factory - 2F: Constance (Archives), ++Factory Chief Murdock (Office; dialogue changes after getting tickets), ++Maintenance Chief Gustav (Office; appears after getting tickets)
  • Factory - 3F: Hugo (Design Room), Igor (Design Room), Prometheus (Design Room), Karl (Workshop)
  • Factory - 4F: +Dr. Miriam (Clinic), Terry (Lab), Ray (Lab)
  • Factory - 5F: Supervisor Travis (Operations), Wilmont (Operations)
  • Factory - Roof: empty

City Block

  • Outside: Knowles (between Bracer's Guild and general goods), Lane (outside arms & guards), Bruno (behind arms & guards), Monika (outside general goods), Cosimo (near clock tower)
  • Northeastern House: Stain
  • Northwestern House: Sotiria, Muriel (upstairs), Randall (upstairs)
  • Zeiss Chapel: +Father Vixen, Sister Kiera
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Kilika (dialogue changes after getting tickets), Gundolf (upstairs)
  • Stain Arms & Guards: Elkan, Wong (upstairs)
  • Bell Station General Goods: Elwyn, Ada (upstairs), Didi (upstairs)
  • Forgel Bar: +Ben (counter), Ursus (kitchen), Rehmann
  • Zahnrad Hotel: Martina (front desk), Emma (upstairs, top right room),
  • House behind bar: Yuriel, Louise (upstairs)
  • Russell Home & Factory: empty

Elmo Village (accessible after getting tickets)

  • Outside: Quantay (behind northern house), Lucky (behind northern house), Recia (behind northern house)
  • Autumn Souvenirs: Sima
  • Southern House: Lynn
  • Northern House: Cyril
  • Pump Shed: empty
  • The Maple Leaf Inn: ++Mrs. Mao, Addy, Ed (kitchen)

Zeiss Area

  • Kaldia Tunnel/Zeiss Entrance: Rudi
  • Ritter Roadway: Royal Army Soldier (entrance to Soldat Army Road), Royal Army Soldier (entrance to Soldat Army Road)
  • Air-Letten - Checkpoint (accessible after getting tickets): Private Nix (tunnel guard), Private Cromwell (inside, front desk), Warrant Officer Kientz (inside, near front desk), Caesar (inside, first room on right, counter (mess hall)), Private Orta (inside, second room, on right (rest stop)), CWO Hahn (inside, top room)
  • Wolf Fort (accessible after getting tickets): Rufus (rest stop, counter), Private Henning (rest stop), Radmira (rest stop, upstairs), Charles (rest stop, upstairs), Private Brahm (gate guard), CWO Pace (fort), Warrant Officer Gerwin (fort, upstairs)
  • Sanktheim Gate (accessible after getting tickets): ++Private Wayne (front desk), Sanders (first room on right), Tammy (first room on right), CWO Dale (first room on left), Warrant Officer Talbot (first room on left), Talia (inside, second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door)
  • Leiston Fortress: inaccessible

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Note: This is your last chance to collect Acerbic Tomatoes. They won't be found anywhere else for the rest of the game. Remember, you can collect them in the fourth floor Lab in the factory. Just exit and reenter the Lab and the tomato can be gathered again. The Tomato Sandwiches can restore 40 CP, the most any food can do in this game (and that's all they're good for since they only heal 100 HP). Unfortunately, the recipe also calls for a monster ingredient (Tender Poultry), or I would just say collect 99 tomatoes and make 99 sandwiches. I recommend collecting 20-30 tomatoes at the minimum instead. You can buy CP restoring food in the next chapter, though they are expensive (700 mira each) and only heal 25 CP. Having the Tomato Sandwiches would be a good stash of emergency CP restoring food (and we are going to need characters at 200 CP a lot during this final chapter... we're going to have some difficult battles ahead of us). If you want more Tender Poultry, you can get them from Flame Velgr (Carnelia Tower; the first enemy you encounter there is a Flame Velgr), and the Green, Pink and Red Penguins in Kaldia Limestone Cave (there's a mob with two Pink Penguins at the entrance to Kaldia Tunnel; fight it, exit and reenter, and when you get low on EP, use the orbment charging station in Kaldia Tunnel (near the bridges to the west) to heal up). There will be one monster who drops Tender Poultry in the next region too.

Go to the Landing Port and talk to the ticket booth. Then down the stairs to the docking strip for a scene. Go back upstairs and talk to the ticket booth again.

We can now go to other areas. Before doing anything else, travel to Air-Letten (through Kaldia Tunnel). Go downstairs, and into the second room on the right (the rest area). Talk to the soldier here for Carnelia - Chapter 8.

You can go to the Bracer's Guild and talk to Kilika for an optional bit of dialogue. Visit the hot springs if Estelle and Joshua are not at 200 CP. This is also your last chance to fight the Shining Pom for this area.

When you're ready, exit onto Ritter Roadway and go all the way east to Sanktheim Gate for a scene. Enter the fort. Once you talk to the soldier at the counter and choose Fill out papers you will no longer have access to the Zeiss region for the rest of the game. After the scene, you'll have an NPC following you.

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel Area (before going to Grancel)

Note: Visit these places before going to Grancel

  • Sanktheim Gate (after filling out papers): Private Wayne (front desk), Warrant Officer Talbot (near front desk), +Sanders (first room on right), Tammy (first room on right), CWO Dale (first room on left), Talia (inside, second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door), Private Wolpe (gate guard; changes after the scene at the Royal Avenue fork), Private Olnis (gate guard; changes after the scene at the Royal Avenue fork)
  • Gurune Gate (after filling out papers): Private Stoll (gate guard), Private Barranco (gate guard), CWO Robin (inside), Private Anden (back desk), Warrent Officer Graves (first room on right), Sam (first room on left), Emily (second room on left), Private Selbourne (upstairs, first door, all the way down the wall), Private Thomas (upstairs, all the way around, upstairs)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Exit the fort to the right, then exit east.

Royal Avenue

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Hillside Bee
    -Weak to earth and water (120), and fire (200)
    -Attacks can poison
  • Marsh Chupacabra
    -Weak to fire (150); resists water (70) and wind (80)
    -Immune to blind
    -Attacks can leech HP to heal itself
    -Has an attack that can petrify
  • Hell Mars
    -Neutral to all four elements
    -Has decent arts defense; physical attacks might be better
    -Has a charge up attack that causes faint
  • Primera
    -Neutral to all four elements
    -Immune to sleep, blind, and faint
    -Low HP and physically weak
    -Reflects arts; use physical attacks and crafts only

Chests (check them twice!): none

I would understand if you held off on fighting any monsters until the NPC is out of your party. If you're going to fight them anyway, equip Estelle with Silver Earring and T-Anklet/Mirage Ring and Joshua with Grail Locket and Gladiator Belt. Set up their quartz like this:

Estelle: EP Cut 2, Attack 2, Confuse/Seal/Strike, Evade 3, Cast 2, Haze
Joshua: Action 2, Mind 3, EP 3, Cast 2, Eagle Eye, Attack 3

Yep, most of the enemies are weak to fire here. Rely on Fire Bolt, Flare Arrow and White Gehenna. Two Fire Bolts will take down a bee. A Flare Arrow and a Napalm Breath will take down a chupacabra (the only time Napalm Breath should be used). Use Spiral Flare sparingly. Joshua is setup for physical attacking because there is a monster here that reflects arts.

Follow the path to the fork for a scene.

Note: If you want to get the Shining Pom achievement out of the way right now, go east to Erbe Scenic Route. Go east and south and it will be between the two forks here. You'll have to rely on Shadow Spear as you are too weak to take one down with S-Crafts. Once you defeat one, the achievement should be yours. If you want to wait, that's fine. You'll be coming back here with a full party soon enough and I'll be advising you to farm the Shining Pom for a bit to get your levels up and get more sepith.

Go north to the next zone. We have to make a detour. Go east at the fork to the next zone. Go east at this fork fork and enter Gurune Gate. Go inside, up the stairs, and through the first door. Walk the length of the wall until you find a patrolling soldier (Private Selbourne). Talk to him to get Carnelia - Chapter 9.

Backtrack west to the first fork and go north into Grancel for a scene.

Note: Once you enter Grancel, you won't be able to leave until you visit the Bracer's Guild.

The City of Grancel

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (first visit)

Note: To advance the story, go to the Bracer's Guild

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Armand (near stall by Fisherman's Guild), Ellie (near stall by Fisherman's Guild), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Troy (near stall by orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south)
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: +Fisher (counter), Helmuth, Percy (upstairs), +Lloyd (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door, downstairs)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan
  • Northwestern House: Ralph
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready (counter)
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), Private Tact (south gate guard), Phoebe (near arena), Nana (near arena), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Robyn (near arena), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), ++Receptionist (by arena extrance), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower)
  • Edel Department Store: Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Carla (near upper entrance), Lucia (near upper entrance), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Museum Director, ++Professor Alba, Santos (left room)
  • Grand Arena (after advancing the story): Sunia (counter), Clark (counter),
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Rutherford (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk)
  • Southwestern House: Helena (kitchen), Marian (upstairs), Martin (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Norche, Helmuth (upstairs)
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard; dialogue changes after advancing the story), Private Aluts (gate guard; dialogue changes after advancing the story)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Sister Noah, Cisna, Bishop Reval (lower left corner door, upstairs)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), +Middle-Aged Man/Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Faults (second floor), Noticia (third floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen), Rianne (upstairs)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro, Edel
  • Port: inaccessible

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Note: It is possible to get stuck from one of the walking NPCs, most notably in West Block. If they run into you on the stairs, sometimes for some reason they'll trap you there. The only remedy is to reload an earlier save.

Note 2: The NPC dialogue is going to change a lot in this chapter. Far more than any other chapter. And Grancel is a big city. If this is something you are seeking out, be prepared.

This place is huge. If you talk to Berden, the dapper fellow by the fountain, you'll get a rundown of what's in the city (he's a good person to return to if you're interested in the game's lore). If you want to learn even more about the world, go to the History museum in East Block and look at the exhibits and signs.

Anyway, lets do some shopping first before we visit the Bracer's Guild. In the east stall just as you enter, you can buy Gorgeous Crepe for the recipe.

Next, go into the orbment factory. Synthesize the following only if you've gotten the achievement for 3000 of each sepith or the synthesis won't bring that particular sepith below 3000 or if you don't care about the achievement: Freeze, Action 3, and EP Cut 3. We will be getting Shield 3 and Defense 3 in chests shortly. However, as I had already gotten 3000 of each sepith, I synthesized one of each anyway along with another Defense 3, a Mind 3, Attack 3, Evade 3, and Action 3. Eventually, we're going to want four Action 3 and 3-4 EP Cut 3 in total with Action 3 being the priority. Boss battles and the like are going to get more serious and having that extra speed is going to be very helpful. Plus, we're going to want at least three Defense 3 before the final dungeon (two from the factory, one from the chest).

If you don't have 81k+ mira, you'll have to go to the East Block and into the department store. The vendor in the left corner sells ingredients for the mira trick. You may want more though. Read below to make your decision.

Go into the arms and guards shop. Purchase Battle Staff, Schneiders, 2x Shield Coat, and 2x Composites. That's 76k alone. Next, go into the Sunnybell Inn (northeast corner) and purchase Bouillabaisse, Mixed Cocktail, and Refreshing Pie. The Mixed Cocktail is the best healing food in the game. 1400 HP, plus cures all status ailments. I strongly recommend buying as many as possible as you play through the game (buy them all at once using the mira trick or a little at a time as you get mira from completing Bracer requests). We will definitely want a lot before we tackle the final dungeon. The Bouillabaisse is a sit down recipe that heals 1500 HP and 30 CP for everyone. Unfortunately, it takes monster ingredients. If you want to farm those ingredients (all can be found from monsters in this area), get 20-30 of each. Remember we also have the Tomato Sandwiches and another recipe we'll be getting shortly.

Go into the West Block and into the cafe. Purchase Chef's Curry and Rich Espresso. The Chef's Curry heals 1000 HP for everyone and doesn't require monster ingredients. You may want to keep enough ingredients on hand at all times to use this recipe 20-30 times. Having it will spare you from using healing items that you're able to use in battle.

Now go into East Block. Look at your minimap. See that section in the west just below the North Block entrance? Go there to find a stall vendor. Purchase the Special Ice Cream. 700 mira. This is another CP healing food and one we will have access to for purchase for much of this chapter. We will want as many of these as possible before a certain event. I will be sure to tell you when you should get these. We will definitely want a lot of these before the final dungeon (you won't be able to purchase them once you reach the final dungeon).

Now go inside the department store. The upper right corner vendor has Liberl News - Issue 8. The upper left corner vendor has ingredients and the lower right corner has accessories. The only new thing here is the Proxy Puppet which I described during the factory incident in Zeiss.

I know it's all a lot to take in, but we are in the final chapter after all. We are getting the best or second best of everything the game has to offer at this point. Plus, we're going to be facing off against a lot of difficult and annoying bosses, not to mention annoying mobs in the final dungeon. Being over prepared for them will be better than being under prepared.

When you're finished exploring and shopping, head into the Bracer's Guild for a scene. When prompted, choose That letter would just get crumpled up?

After the scene, you can talk to Elnan again for more story-relevant dialogue.

Exit the Bracer's Guild and go north into the North Block. Continue north to enter the Grancel Castle area for a scene. Exit the castle area and head east to East Block. Go to the eastern side and talk to the ticket booth. You'll need 1000 mira on hand. Then talk to the receptionist and show them your tickets to get in.

Once inside, go through the left or right doors and upstairs for a scene. Afterward, in the spectator seats, go through the north door to go downstairs. Go around the corner and into the dressing room for a scene. You'll end up back at the Bracer's Guild.

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after the preliminaries)

Note: To advance the story, go to the Sunnybell Inn then talk to the Calvard Embassy guard.

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Armand (near fountain), Ellie (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south)
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Percy (upstairs), Lloyd (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan, ++Analace (second floor)
  • Northwestern House: Ralph, Patty
  • Sunnybell Inn (visiting here advances the story): Cready, ++Olivier, Bill, Spencer
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), ++Private Tact (south gate guard; advances the story), Phoebe (near arena), Nana (near arena), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Robyn (near arena), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower)
  • Edel Department Store: Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Carla (near upper entrance), Lucia (near upper entrance), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), ++Professor Alba, Santos (left room), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Rutherford (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: +Fritz (front desk)
  • Southwestern House: Marian (kitchen), Helena (upstairs), Martin (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Norche, Helmuth (upstairs)
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard), Private Aluts (gate guard)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Sister Noah, Cisna, Bishop Reval (lower left corner door, upstairs)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Faults (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen), Rianne (upstairs)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro, Edel
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area (after advancing the story)

  • Sanktheim Gate: Private Wolpe (gate guard), Private Olnis (gate guard), CWO Dale (first room on left), Talia (first room on right), Private Wayne (front desk), Warrant Officer Talbot (near front desk), Sanders (second room on right), Tammy (second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door)
  • Gurune Gate (after filling out papers): Private Stoll (gate guard), Private Barranco (gate guard), CWO Robin (inside), Private Anden (back desk), Warrent Officer Graves (first room on right), Sam (first room on left), Emily (second room on left), Private Selbourne (upstairs, first door, all the way down the wall), Private Thomas (upstairs, all the way around, upstairs)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

To advance the story, visit the Sunnybell Inn (north of the Bracer's Guild) for a scene, then head over to the southern part of East Block and talk to the Calvard Embassy guard (Private Tact) for another scene. After this, we can now exit Grancel.

Note: No matter what, you have to both visit the Sunnybell Inn and talk to the Calvard Embassy guard to advance the story. If you go straight to the embassy, even though the guard tells you exactly where Zin is, you'll still be prompted to visit the bar when you try to leave Grancel.

Royal Avenue

Note: If you didn't fight any monsters on Royal Avenue because you had the professor in your party, now's your chance to fight them (or wait a bit longer when you have more party members). The monsters usually show up solo or in pairs so the battles won't be too difficult.

Go south, and at the fork go east to the next zone. Go east, and at the fork go southeast to Erbe Scenic Route.

Erbe Scenic Route

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Flame Plant
    -Weak against water (200); resists fire (50)
    -Has an attack that can cause confuse
  • Sharkodile
    -Weak to earth and fire (150); resists water
    -Strong physical attacker
    -Can call Dinediles into battle when wounded
  • Dinedile
    -Neutral to all four elements
    -Has VERY high attack
  • War Bat
    -Neutral to all four elements
    -Immune to blind
    -Attacks can leech HP and heal itself
    -Has an attack that can AT Delay
  • Hell Mars
    -Neutral to all four elements
    -Has decent arts defense; physical attacks might be better
    -Has a charge up attack that causes faint
  • Primera
    -Neutral to all four elements
    -Immune to sleep, blind, and faint
    -Low HP and physically weak
    -Reflects arts; use physical attacks and crafts only
    -Attacks can cause seal
  • Hillside Bee
    -Weak to earth and water (120), and fire (200)
    -Attacks can poison

Chests (check them twice!): Deathblow 2, Teara Balm, Shield 3, Teara Balm, Defense 3

Modify Estelle's and Joshua's quartz setup a bit:

Estelle: EP Cut 3, Attack 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Cast 2, Haze
Joshua: Action 3, Mind 3, EP 3, Cast 2, Eagle Eye, Attack 3

Also, switch out Estelle's T-Anklet for Lily Necklace.

BE VERY CAREFUL about the Sharkodiles. If you wound them and they get their turn, they will most likely call Dinediles into battle. Sharkodiles hit hard enough (650+ damage) and have a little over 2000 HP, but Dinediles have 2600 HP and hit even harder (1150+ damage). If you don't get a preemptive strike on Sharkodiles, or if Dinediles start getting called into battle, you will most likely lose unless having Estelle use Earth Wall every turn will save you. Fortunately, Dinediles are slow, so using Flicker or Evil Eye could keep them delayed long enough to defeat them.

Go south, and at the fork go west into the area with the stone monument. Open the chest to the east for a Deathblow 2. Check the chest twice!

Return to the fork and go south into the next zone. At the lowest point the the path goes south, just before going northwest (the elbow), you'll find a [Teara Balm].

NOTE: There are monster chests in Erbe Scenic Route, but we're going to hold off on them until we get more party members.

Go south, and at the fork, STOP. Replace Estelle's Mind 3 for a fire quartz so she has Volcanic Rave. Make sure Joshua has at least 100 CP (fight battles or use CP healing food). Replace Joshua's Gladiator Belt with Ruby Talisman. SAVE. Go south and follow the path to the end for a scene.

Event Battle: Hillside Bee x3

These are no different than the bees on Royal Avenue. Unfortunately, you'll have an NPC to protect. Use White Gehenna, Volcanic Rave, Flare Arrow, or Fire Bolt. Hold off on using Joshua's crafts for now. If you're having an issue with the NPC falling in battle, put Earth Guard on them.

The bees may run away when damaged.

Another scene and...

Event Battle: Hillside Bee x8

Use Joshua's S-Break Black Fang as soon as possible to end the fight.

A lengthy scene and you'll end up at the hotel.

NPC Dialogue - Hotel Roenbaum

Note: To advance the story, go upstairs and into the upper right room.

  • Fritz (front desk), Phoebe (top right room), Nana (top right room), Miele (top left room), Sophina (bottom right room), Armand (upstairs, bottom left room), Ellie (upstairs, bottom left room)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go upstairs and examine the door on the upper right to advance the story.

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after finding Zin)

Note: To advance the story, talk to the ticket booth by the Grand Arena

South Block

  • Outside: ++Kurt (near Royal Avenue exit), Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Armand (stall near Fisherman's Guild), Ellie (stall near Fisherman's Guild), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Troy (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south)
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Helmuth, Percy (upstairs), Lloyd (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door, downstairs)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan
  • Northwestern House: Ralph
  • Sunnybell Inn: +Cready, Spencer
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), +Private Tact (south gate guard; advances the story), Phoebe (near arena), Nana (near arena), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Robyn (near arena), ++Lifa (ticket booth near arena; advances the story), ++Receptionist (outside arena; advances the story), +Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower)
  • Edel Department Store: Edel, Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Carla (near upper entrance), Lucia (near upper entrance), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), ++Professor Alba (right room), Santos (left room), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Rutherford (upper docking strip), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk)
  • Southwestern House: Martin, Marian, Helena
  • Northwestern House: Norche
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard), Private Aluts (gate guard)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Bishop Reval, Sister Noah, Cisna,++Sister Ellen
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Faults (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen), Rianne (upstairs)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area (after advancing the story)

  • Sanktheim Gate: Private Wolpe (gate guard), Private Olnis (gate guard), CWO Dale (first room on left), Talia (first room on right), Private Wayne (front desk), Warrant Officer Talbot (near front desk), Sanders (second room on right), Tammy (second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door)
  • Gurune Gate (after filling out papers): Private Stoll (gate guard), Private Barranco (gate guard), CWO Robin (inside), Private Anden (back desk), Warrent Officer Graves (first room on right), Sam (first room on left), Emily (second room on left), Private Selbourne (upstairs, first door, all the way down the wall), Private Thomas (upstairs, all the way around, upstairs)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Start by getting 74k mira so you can buy Steel Gauntlet, Silver Star, 2x Shield Coat, and 2x Composites. This is now the time you're going to want Special Ice Creams, as well as ingredients for Tomato Sandwiches, Special Ice Cream, and Bouillabaisse (for outside battles). Throughout the tournament (as well as some boss battles outside the tournament and during the final dungeon), we're going to want our characters at 200 CP before every fight so they can use crafts and S-Crafts. This will require having lots CP restoring food on hand or ingredients to cook said food.

We're also going to want EP Charges as well. Make sure you always have 30-50 on hand.

At the minimum, use the mira trick for the equipment. We're going to tackle some monster chests, as well as farm the Shining Pom for this area.

If you've already farmed the 3000 sepith, get another Action 3, Attack 3, and Mind 3.

Setup Olivier's and Zin's quartz like this:

Olivier: EP 3, EP Cut 2, Cast 2, Action 2/3, Mind 2/3, Seal/Confuse/Strike
Zin: Petrify, Move 2, Attack 2/3, Action 2/3, Hit 3, Defense 3

This is just for fighting the remaining mobs on Erbe Scenic Route as well as the monster chests. Our setup for the Shining Poms will be slightly different.

Keep Joshua with Grail Locket and Gladiator Belt. Give everyone else Lily Necklace and Crest Charm/Feather Brooch.

Lastly, go into Tactics. Put Olivier in one of the back corners and Zin in the center of the board. And switch Zin's S-Break to Aural Blast.

Exit Grancel South.

Royal Avenue

Go south and continue south at the fork to enter the next zone. Go southeast and then east at the fork to enter Erbe Scenic Route.

Erbe Scenic Route

Go east, and at the fork go north to the end. SAVE. West of the stone monument is a monster chest.

Monster Chest: Flame Plant x2, Sharkodile, Hell Mars, War Bat, Primera

This battle can be a bit complicated. On the one hand, with Lily Necklace/Grail Locket on the Flame Plants are completely harmless (their STR is so low they won't be damaging you). On the other hand, Sharkodile will call in Dinediles once it's wounded, and that could easily derail the battle. With Primera, you have to be careful where arts go. If it moves into an AoE or if a monster is defeated and any arts fixed on it are switched to Primera, you're going to end up hurting yourself. And Hell Mars has a charge up attack (which can be interrupted with Olivier's Sniper Shot or Estelle's Hard Break). With Crest Charm/Feather Brooch, it won't cause faint, but it will still hurt.

You have a few options.
1) Get Zin and Joshua to 200 CP before this battle and use their S-Breaks. This should get rid of them (just know there is another monster chest with the same lineup of monsters).
2) Take out the Primera first, then use arts on everything else except for the Sharkodile. Once the Sharkodile is left, hit it hard and fast, and delay its turn as much as possible (Flare Arrow, Earth Lance, Flicker, Smite). Maybe even use Estelle's S-Craft on it.

Reward: Shield 3

Check the chest again!

The best way to handle healing outside battle is for Zin to switch out Attack 2/3 with HP 3 (so it's combined with Move 2) and use La Teara on everyone. Since he's not an art caster, we might as well make some use of his EP.

Now go south. At the first fork, go south, and just as it bends southeast to the next fork, look to the west for a [Teara Balm]. It's the part of this area where you find the Shining Pom.

Go all the way south to the stone monument here. Behind the monument is the other monster chest. Same exact setup as the other. You'll get [Defense 3]. Check the chest twice!

That's all the chests for Erbe Scenic Route. You can zone east and fight all the mobs here you didn't fight before meeting up with Zin. Otherwise, it's time to farm the Shining Pom.

Sepith Farming/Power Leveling, part 2

The setup is simple: Give everyone Shadow Spear (requires 5 time element) and the best EP and EP Cut quartz you can give them (for Zin, it'll have to be one or the other). Give everyone Cast, Action, and make sure Joshua and Zin have the best Attack quartz. To give Zin Shadow Spear, you may have to unequip Petrify and give him either Blind or Deathblow 1 along with EP 2/3 or EP Cast 2/3 (if you don't have Action 3 to give him). Both will need to go in slots 2 and 3.

When farming, just cast Shadow Spear over and over. When Joshua and Zin get 200 CP, use their S-Crafts on the next battle you can get the crit bonus (make sure Zin takes advantage of it). Alternatively, you can use everyone's S-Craft if they all have 200 CP (without the need for damage bonuses). You can build up CP quickly with the Gladiator Belt and Gladiator Headband. Once Joshua or Zin gets 200 CP, put the accessories on the other one.

Save before every fight. If all the Shining Pom run away, just reload your save and try again.

When someone runs out of EP, rest up at Sanktheim Gate.

It's unfortunately tedious and luck-based, but on Nightmare difficulty, that's what we have to do. Keep farming the Shining Poms until you get 3000 of each sepith or everyone is level 32+, whichever happens last. At the minimum, you should work to get Olivier to 32 because he learns a new craft that's an AoE heal. Good to use when you need instant healing and you don't have enough time to cast La Teara.

Our ultimate goal, which doesn't need to be met right away, is to get 3-4 of most of the top tier quartz: Defense, Attack, Mind, Action, Cast, EP, and EP Cut. Top priority should be getting four Action 3. As you get 3-4 of these quartz, you really won't need their corresponding sepith anymore and can start selling what remains. This will cut down or eliminate how much we'll need to use the mira trick.

As you get closer to finishing, make sure all your characters have 200 CP by the time you're done. Equip each character with Gladiator Belt and Gladiator Headband to make sure this happens quickly.

By the time I got Estelle, Joshua, and Olivier to level 32, I had acquired about 2600 of each sepith from the farming session.

Return to Grancel and get more quartz (remember: prioritize getting four Action 3). Then do a combination of the mira trick and selling sepith you don't need anymore (most likely earth, fire, water, space, and mirage). Just in case, I kept about 1000 earth, fire, wind, and water and 2000 space and mirage (I was almost out of time sepith from synthesizing). There is one more quartz we'll need to synthesize and it will require space sepith. Fortunately, the sepith to mira exchange rate is the highest it will get for the rest of the game. I managed to sell enough sepith to get 420k and I had plenty of each sepith to spare.

With the mira you got, buy 99 Special Ice Cream, 30-50 Mixed Cocktails, 30-50 EP Charges, and all the ingredients you need to cook Bouillabaisse and Tomato Sandwiches (how much ingredients you buy will depend on how many of their monster ingredients you have; you can also just get 99 of each ingredient if you want to spend the mira).

Setup everyone like this:

Estelle (Skull Pendant, Woolly Knit-Hat): EP Cut 3, Cast 2, EP 3, Action 3, Mind 3, Defense 3
Joshua (Grail Locket, Gladiator Belt): Action 3, Mind 3, EP 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3, Defense 3
Olivier (Skull Pendant, Long Barrel): EP 3, EP Cut 3, Cast 2, Action 3, Mind 3, Defense 3
Zin (Skull Pendant, Gladiator Headband): Petrify, Hit 3, Attack 3, Action 3, Move 2, Defense 3

Ready to go? Head over to East Block and talk to the ticket booth by the Grand Arena, then talk to the Receptionist outside the arena.

NPC Dialogue - Grand Arena (before first match)

  • Premises: Sunia (front desk), Clark (front desk), Spectator x5 (upstairs spectator seats), Patty (upstairs spectator seats)
  • Waiting Room: ++Joshua, ++Zin, ++Olivier, ++Kurt, ++Anelace, ++Carna, ++Grant, 1st Lieutenant Bern, Specialist Gorg, Private Micria, Private Bian, 1st Lieutenant Riel, Specialist Taris, Private Zain, Private Issac

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go right into the next room, around the corner and examine the door on the left for a scene.

In order to get the tournament started, you have to talk to everyone in the room once. After you talk to the last person, a scene will play and the first round will begin.

Martial Arts Tournament, Round One: Deen, Rocco, Rais, Raven Gang Elite

These guys are stronger than when you faced them before, but otherwise have the same move set. The Elite is weak to all four elements (200) while the other three are neutral. No status immunities. Also, the Raven Gang Elite can only attack. The other three have crafts which can heal, boost STR, revive, lower DEF and seal, and a charge up craft that causes deathblow.

For AoE, use White Gehenna and Evil Eye. For single target, use Blue Impact or Earth Lance. Just be aware these guys have high DEF but no arts defense, so arts is the way to go unless you're delaying their turn. None of these guys have any status immunities, so you can cause faint or use Chaos Brand and start confusing them. For Zin, you can have him use Distend and Taunt to boost his DEF and keep all the guys focused on him. Just keep him healed or put Earth Guard on him if you do this. Also, if you use Distend and then get his CP back to 200 before Distend wears out, you can use his S-Craft which will do more damage with the STR boost (about 1600 damage).

Once you get them below 2300-2500 HP (depending on if Zin's STR is boosted with Distend), you can use Joshua's and Zin's S-Craft to end the fight.

More scenes after the fight and you'll end up outside the Grand Arena.

NOTE: If you do not want spoiled to you who you'll be facing in future matches DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR BESTIARY until the end of the tournament. After witnessing all the other matches that happen during round one, the bestiary will record those opponents who you will face in the future and not record those who you won't face.

The NPCs have new dialogue. Be sure to talk to everyone in the hotel before going to the Bracer's Guild

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after round one of the tournament)

Note: To advance the story, go to the Bracer's Guild then the hotel

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Armand (stall near Fisherman's Guild), Ellie (stall near Fisherman's Guild), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south)
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Percy (upstairs), Lloyd (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan (advances the story), ++Carna (second floor), ++Grant (second floor)
  • Northwestern House: Ralph
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready, Spencer, ++Zin, ++Olivier
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), Phoebe (park north of department store), Nana (park north of department store), Private Tact (south gate guard; advances the story), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), ++Anelace (near west stall), Robyn (near west stall), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower)
  • Edel Department Store: Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Carla (near upper entrance), Lucia (near upper entrance), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), ++Professor Alba (right room), Santos (left room), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: ++Sister Ellen (near castle entrance), Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around)
  • Hotel Roenbaum (before going to Bracer's Guild): Fritz (front desk), ++Kurt (upstairs, bottom right room)
  • Southwestern House: Helena (kitchen), Martin (upstairs), Marian (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Norche, Helmuth (upstairs)
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard), Private Aluts (gate guard)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Sister Noah, Cisna, Bishop Reval (left corner door, upstairs)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen), Rianne (upstairs)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro, Edel
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area (inaccessible)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go to the Bracer's Guild and talk to Elnan for a scene. Then go into the hotel for a lengthy scene.

The NPCs have new dialogue again.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (before round two of the tournament)

Note: To advance the story, talk to the receptionist outside the Grand Arena

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south)
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: +Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door, downstairs)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan, ++Carna (second floor), ++Anelace (second floor)
  • Northwestern House: Ralph
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready, Spencer
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), Private Tact (south gate guard), Phoebe (near arena), Nana (near arena), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Robyn (near arena), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), ++Receptionist (outside arena; advances the story), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower)
  • Edel Department Store: Edel, Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Carla (near upper entrance), Lucia (near upper entrance), #Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), ++Professor Alba (left room), Santos (right room), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Troy (before castle entrance)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk)
  • Southwestern House: Martin, Marian, Helena
  • Northwestern House: Norche
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard), Private Aluts (gate guard)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Armand (outside church), Ellie (outside church)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Bishop Reval, Sister Noah, Cisna,++Sister Ellen, Seagaro
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Faults (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen), Rianne (upstairs)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): empty
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area

  • Sanktheim Gate: Private Wolpe (gate guard), Private Olnis (gate guard), CWO Dale (first room on left), Talia (first room on right), Tammy (first room on right) Private Wayne (front desk), Warrant Officer Talbot (near front desk), Sanders (second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door)
  • Gurune Gate: Private Stoll (gate guard), Private Barranco (gate guard), CWO Robin (inside), Private Anden (back desk), Warrent Officer Graves (first room on right), Sam (first room on left), Emily (second room on left), Private Selbourne (upstairs, first door, all the way down the wall), Private Thomas (upstairs, all the way around, upstairs)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Note: During this time, the Special Ice Cream vendor is not open for business.

Go to the Bracer's Guild and check the board for a monster extermination request. Now enter West Block, go to the southwestern corner (behind the cafe), and examine the gate to unlock it. Go inside.

Grancel Sewers - West Block

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Mad Snail
    -Weak to earth, fire, and wind (150)
    -Has an AoE craft that heals and boosts DEF
  • Great Moth
    -Weak to fire (200)
    -Has an attack that can petrify and an attack that can poison
    -Has a craft that than heal and boost SPD

Chests (check them twice!): Chomping Spare Rib, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Teara Balm

Setup everyone like so (use lower tier if you didn't farm sepith earlier):

Estelle (T-Anklet, Topaz Talisman/Emerald Talisman): EP Cut 3, Seal, EP 3, Action 3, Cast 2, Mind 3
Joshua (Grail Locket, Gladiator Belt): Action 3, Mind 3, EP 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3, Attack 3
Olivier (T-Anklet, Topaz Talisman/Emerald Talisman): EP 3, EP Cut 3, Cast 2, Action 3, Mind 3, Confuse
Zin (T-Anklet, Ruby Talisman): Petrify, Eagle Eye, Attack 3, Hit 3, Haze, Defense 3

Go downstairs. Go around the corner to the fork. To the right is a dead end with a monster. Continue forward as the path turns right, then right again and goes down. Cross the small bridge on the left to enter a new room. Go downstairs and follow the path to the end to [Chomping Spare Rib]. This is the final recipe. If you got all the other recipes, you'll get an achievement.

Check the chest twice!

This food boosts STR and DEF by 15%. Unfortunately, it takes seven monster ingredients (three different kinds), one of which the Bouillabaisse recipe also uses. If you're willing to farm them, it might be worth it to make a few.

Backtrack upstairs and through the door to return to where you were previously, then continue down through the door into a large open room.

Go to the bottom right corner and through the door here. Go right and grab the [Teara Balm]. Backtrack and go left now. Follow the path and go downstairs. Then follow the path and go upstairs. Grab the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Backtrack all the way to the large open room and go through the large opening in the top right. Go through the hallway to end up at a fork. Go right, skip the first room (dead end), and enter the second room. Grab the [Teara Balm].

Backtrack and go left at the fork to the end and enter the door here. Enter the next room. Follow the path, cross two bridges, and end up at a fork. Go left and grab the [Teara Balm]. Now go right and cross the bridge. Here is our target. Switch out either one of Joshua's accessories for the Sapphire Talisman (or any other talisman you're not using) and make sure he has 200 CP. SAVE. Approach the monster.

Monster Extermination: Scissor Hands x8

Use Joshua's Black Fang as soon as possible. Fight over. The Scissor Hands are really weak to all four elements (300). With a talisman on, Joshua will slaughter all of them easily (5000+ damage).

The only reason you should save before this fight is because the Scissor Hands can deathblow with their attacks. If this is becoming an issue, replace everyone's T-Anklets with Skull Pendants.

These monsters also drop Juicy Bones. If you want to get an optimal drop, you can reload until you get a few, but we'll be finding these monsters as regular encounters down the road.

That's it for Grancel Sewers - West Block. You probably see the red treasure chests in this room, but haven't opened yet. We have to go through other parts of the sewers to get them, and those will be open to us later. Backtrack out of the sewers and report to the Bracer's Guild {BP: 8}.

Give Zin the Grail Locket and everyone else Skull Pendants. Switch out Estelle's talisman for a +3 DEF accessory, Joshua's talisman for Gladiator Headband, Zin's for Gladiator Belt, and Olivier's for Long Barrel. Switch out Estelle's Seal quartz for Defense 3, Joshua's Attack 3 for Impede 3, Olivier's Confuse for Range 1, and Zin's Eagle Eye and Haze for Action 3 and Move 2.

Rest at the hotel to heal up. Restore everyone's CP to 200 with food. Then go into East Block and talk to the receptionist outside the arena to get inside.

NPC Dialogue - Grand Arena (before second match)

  • Premises: Sunia (front desk), Clark (front desk), Spectator x10 (upstairs spectator seats), Patty (upstairs spectator seats), ++Dorothy (upstairs spectator seats)
  • Waiting Room: ++Josette, ++Kyle, ++Don, Lyall

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Attempt to go through the right door for a scene (you can also try to go through the left door too, but the right door is where we need to go). Go through the right door and into the door on the left (waiting room) for a scene. Then go out onto the grounds.

Martial Arts Tournament, Round Two: Kurt, Carna, Anelace, Grant

This is going to be a long match. Here's a breakdown of the four opponents.

Kurt: Immune to deathblow and taunt. Has an art that can heal, an AoE craft that can revive, an AoE craft that can boost DEF, and an art that can deathblow.
Carna: Immune to mute and seal. Has an AoE craft that can boost STR, an AoE craft that can blind, and casts Spiral Flare (AoE fire art).
Anelace: Immune to petrify and deathblow. Has a single-target attack craft and a craft that can revive.
Grant: Immune to petrify and deathblow. Has a craft that can AT delay and impede and an AoE attack craft.

One strategy is to take down Kurt first, followed by Anelace, to get rid of the healers. Another strategy is to get rid of Anelace and Grant first since they have the least HP.

Have Zin use Taunt, so everyone but Kurt will target him exclusively. On Zin's next turn, use Distend to boost his STR and DEF. After that, have him attack. If the opponents group close enough together, have him use his S-Craft. Estelle should use Earth Guard on Zin or keep him healed with Teara or healing foods. When not healing, use Earth Lance or Blue Impact. Joshua should use Flicker on single targets or White Gehenna and Evil Eye if he can hit two or more. Olivier should use White Gehenna or Blue Impact. Also have Olivier serve as backup healer if necessary.

All the opponents can be confused, so you can use Chaos Brand or Smite to get them confused and hitting each other (or running away). If you go this route, don't worry about taunting them. It appears targets can't have taunt and confuse at the same time (which makes sense).

If anyone begins casting arts, have Estelle, Joshua (since he has Impede 3 on), or Olivier impede them.

Once Kurt (or someone else) gets below 1800 HP, Estelle's S-Craft can take them out. If two or more get to about 1200 HP or less, use Joshua's S-Craft (or Zin's if they are grouped together).

After the match, a lengthy scene. You'll end up outside the Grand Arena.

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after round two of the tournament)

Note: To advance the story, go to the second floor of the Liberl News station

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south), Soldier (corner of inn), Solider (corner of orbment factory), Soldier (patrolling north and south (west)), Soldier (patrolling north and south (east))
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Percy (upstairs), Lloyd (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: +Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan, ++Carna (second floor), ++Grant (second floor)
  • Northwestern House: Patty
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready, Spencer, ++Zin, ++Olivier
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), Private Tact (south gate guard), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Ralph (outside arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Phoebe (park north of department store), Nana (park north of department store), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower), Robyn (downstairs from clock tower), Soldier (patrolling outside arena), Soldier (patrolling counter clockwise around department store), Soldier (patrolling clockwise around East Block)
  • Edel Department Store: Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), ++Dorothy (near upper right store), Carla (near upper entrance), +Lucia (near upper entrance), ++Anelace (near right entrance), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Santos (left room), ++Professor Alba (left room, upstairs), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (upper docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Soldier (patrolling outside hotel), Soldier (patrolling north and south), Soldier (beginning of western road), Soldier (patrolling western road)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk), ++Kurt (upstairs, lower right room)
  • Southwestern House: Marian (kitchen), Helena (kitchen), +Martin (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Helmuth
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard), Private Aluts (gate guard)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Armand (outside port), Ellie (outside port), Solider (patrolling outside house near cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside Liberl News)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Cisna,++Sister Ellen (top left door, upstairs), Sister Noah (bottom left door), Bishop Reval (bottom right door)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor, Editor-in-Chief
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Faults (first floor), Noticia (third floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen), Rianne (upstairs)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro, Edel
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area (inaccessible)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

The ice cream vendor is open again, so restock on Special Ice Cream if you used any.

Go into West Block and enter the Liberl News building. Go upstairs for a scene. Read each file to continue. When prompted, choose Colonel Richard.

After the scene, head over to the Bracer's Guild and talk to Elnan. You'll end up at the hotel.

NPC Dialogue - Hotel Roenbaum

Note: To advance the story, go upstairs and examine the top right door.

  • Fritz (front desk), Phoebe (top right room), Nana (top right room), Miele (top left room), Sophina (bottom right room), ++Anelace (bottom left room), Carla (upstairs, top left room), Lucia (upstairs, top left room), ++Kurt (upstairs, bottom right room; changes after advancing the story), Armand (upstairs, bottom left room), Ellie (upstairs, bottom left room)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go upstairs and examine the top right door for a scene.

Go downstairs and SAVE. To get max BP, we have to get over to the cathedral without being spotted by the soldiers. Of course, the way to avoid all of them is going to involve a roundabout way of getting to the cathedral. Plus, we'll have to make a slight detour to grab another Carnelia book.

Exit the hotel.

The Stealth Mission

NOTE: Pause the game (go into your camp menu) if you have to stop and read the guide. Some moments require you to act quickly so you don't get caught by a patrolling guard.

North Block

There's a guard just south of the hotel, guards posted on every block entrance except East Block, and a guard patrolling the middle in a circle. Wait for the guard patrolling the middle to walk past you, then go north and east, hugging the wall, and enter East Block

East Block

QUICKLY move east and north into the Landing Port. Go north, down the stairs, and onto the airship. Talk to Ralph here to get Carnelia - Chapter 10.

SAVE before exiting the Landing Port.

Wait for the guard who is patrolling east and west here to go east. Move south and hug the northern wall of the department store and go into the little park here and hide in the eastern trees. This will give you a view of the other patrolling guards. There are two that patrol around outside the park, two that patrol the whole perimeter of the department store, and two that patrol the whole perimeter of East Block. Wait for the two patrolling the department store to pass by, then when the two patrolling outside the park leave an opening, move east toward the arena and hug the wall. Go south until you see the southeast corner of the department store wall.

On top of the guards patrolling the perimeter of the department store and the East Block, there is one patrolling east and west on the sidewalk of the southern side, as well as the guard posted outside the embassy. Wait for the guard patrolling the perimeter of East Block counterclockwise to pass, then walk west on the road and enter South Block (there's a guard patrolling the sidewalk on the west side of East Block, so be aware).

South Block

SAVE. There is a guard patrolling north and south on the eastern side of the row of trees, a guard patrolling north and south on the western side of the row of trees, and a guard patrolling counterclockwise around the trees next to the Bracer's Guild.

Wait for the guard patrolling north and south to go past you north and the guard patrolling around the trees to be on the western side of them, then move south toward the exit onto Royal Avenue. Move west along the wall to the western side of South Block.

SAVE. There's a guard patrolling the perimeter of the orbment factory (up to the entrance), a guard patrolling the perimeter of the arms & guards shop, and a guard patrolling on the road between the two stores. Don't forget about the other guards, notably the one patrolling north and south. You have to wait for the guard patrolling north and south to go north and the guard patrolling the orbment factory to head toward West Block before moving. When you get on the road between the two stores, you'll have to go onto the road and hug either the orbment factory wall or arms & guards store wall to avoid the soldier patrolling the street (which wall you hug will depend on where the other guards are). You may have to weave or walk in a "U" shape to avoid them. Enter West Block.

West Block

SAVE. Go south to the stairs. There are two groups of two soldiers patrolling clockwise around the cafe and there is only about 2-3 seconds between each group. As soon as one group passes, quickly walk north and into the nook on the east side where the house is sitting (the house of the port worker Duncan for those who've been talking to the NPCs). Wait for a group to pass, then head north up the stairs. That's all for dodging guards, so head north to the cathedral for a scene.

Mission complete.

You'll end up back at the hotel.

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (before the final match)

Note: To advance the story, talk to the receptionist outside the arena

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south), Soldier (corner of inn), Solider (corner of orbment factory), Soldier (patrolling north and south (west)), Soldier (patrolling north and south (east))
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Lloyd (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan
  • Northwestern House: empty
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready, Spencer
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store; changes multiple times when she passes by Anton), Laone (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store; changes multiple times as Marsha passes him), Ricky (south of department store; changes after Marsha passes Anton three times), Private Tact (south gate guard), Miele (near arena), Godfrey (near arena), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Phoebe (park north of department store), Nana (park north of department store), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Carla (near west stall), Lucia (near west stall) Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower), Robyn (downstairs from clock tower), Soldier (patrolling outside arena), Soldier (patrolling counter clockwise around department store), Soldier (patrolling clockwise around East Block)
  • Edel Department Store: Edel, Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Santos (left room), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (near upper docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Soldier (patrolling outside hotel), Soldier (patrolling north and south), Soldier (beginning of western road), Soldier (patrolling western road)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk)
  • Southwestern House: Marian, Helena, Martin (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Helmuth
  • Grancel Castle: Private Dan (gate guard), Private Aluts (gate guard)

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Rianne (outside northern house), Armand (outside port), Ellie (outside port), Solider (patrolling outside house near cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside Liberl News)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Cisna,++Sister Ellen, Sister Noah, Bishop Reval
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Faults (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area

  • Sanktheim Gate: Private Wolpe (gate guard), Private Olnis (gate guard), CWO Dale (first room on left), Talia (first room on right), Tammy (first room on right), Private Wayne (front desk), Warrant Officer Talbot (near front desk), Sanders (second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door)
  • Gurune Gate: Private Stoll (gate guard), Private Barranco (gate guard), CWO Robin (inside), Private Anden (back desk), Warrent Officer Graves (first room on right), Sam (first room on left), Emily (second room on left), Private Selbourne (upstairs, first door, all the way down the wall), Private Thomas (upstairs, all the way around, upstairs)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go to the Bracer's Guild and get the new request from the board.

Now go to East Block and hear the southern entrance to the department store. You'll see two guys here. Talk to the guy in the green vest (Anton). Now wait for the woman walking around the department store (Marsha) to walk by Anton twice (he'll get the heart icon above his head). Use turbo mode to speed it up. Before passing him a third time, she will wait by the southeastern corner of the department store. Talk to her. When Anton reacts to her a third time, talk to him. You'll get Carnelia - Finale. Open up all eleven chapters of Carnelia (if you haven't been reading them already) to get the achievement.

The Carnelia Series and Beyond

Every Trails game has a set of books like Carnelia that you collect throughout the game. Believe it or not, their stories do have relevance to the world building of Zemuria (in some cases, they're even relevant to the main plot). For example, you'll find out more about the background of the Carnelia books in a future Trails games.

If the world building aspect of the Trails game is interesting to you, make sure to read the Carnelia books as well as the other book series you collect in the different games. You can read the Carnelia books anytime on the Trails wiki, but fair warning, you may expose yourself to spoilers that way.

Go to the northeast corner and unlock the gate for the sewers.

Grancel Sewers - East Block

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Scissor Hands
    -Really weak to all four elements (300)
    -Attacks can deathblow
  • Boiled Egger O
    -Resists all four elements (80)
    -Casts Plasma Wave (line AoE wind art)
    -Self-destructs when defeated
  • Great Moth
    -Weak to fire (200)
    -Has an attack that can petrify and an attack that can poison
    -Has a craft that than heal and boost SPD
  • Mad Snail
    -Weak to earth, fire, and wind (150)
    -Has an AoE craft that heals and boosts DEF

Chests (check them twice!): Teara Balm, Gladiator Headband, Hawkeye, Cestus, Teara Balm

Setup everyone how you did in the West Block sewers (for the most part):

Estelle (T-Anklet, Topaz Talisman/Emerald Talisman): EP Cut 3, Seal, EP 3, Action 3, Cast 2, Mind 3
Joshua (Grail Locket, Sapphire Talisman): Action 3, Mind 3, EP 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3, Attack 3
Olivier (T-Anklet, Topaz Talisman/Emerald Talisman): EP 3, EP Cut 3, Cast 2, Action 3, Mind 3, Confuse
Zin (T-Anklet, Ruby Talisman): Petrify, Eagle Eye, Attack 3, Hit 3, Haze, Defense 3

With the talismans on, even Olivier can take down a Scissor Hand in one attack.

Note: One of the monsters you encounter will self-destruct when defeated, making Zin a bit more useless in those fights. Just have him use Earth Lance so he's at least doing some damage.

Go downstairs to the next room. Cross the bridge to the next room. This room is one big square, but go left first. Ignore the first room you come across. Go around the corner and enter the first room here. Get the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice! Exit the room and enter the next room you come across. SAVE. Open the chest.

Monster Chest: 2x Mad Snail, 2x Scissor Hands, 2x Great Moth, 2x Boiled Egger O

The only new monster is the Boiled Egger. It resists all four elements (80), casts Plasma Wave (line AoE wind art that can seal; about 1100 damage), and self-destructs when defeated. That means you need to keep Zin away from them and take them down with White Gehenna.

With the talisman's equipped, Olivier's Quick Draw and Estelle's Hurricane are pretty effective against the Scissor Hands and Mad Snails. They'll go down pretty quick. Three White Gehenna's will eliminate the Boiled Eggers. Zin with the Ruby Talisman will make short work of the Great Moths. It's a pretty easy battle.

Reward: Gladiator Headband

Check the chest twice.

As far as I could tell, equipping one character with two Gladiator Headbands does increase the amount of CP you earn when damaging or taking damage.

Exit this room and continue around the corner and enter the next room (for reference, if you pass this room and go around the corner, you'll have gone completely around the room; the next room you see will get you out of the sewers).

Go down the hall, around the corner, and enter the next room. Follow the path, across a bridge, to a fork. To the right is a monster. Go left. Skip the first bridge, cross the second bridge, and go downstairs. Follow the path around and go upstairs. Heal up and SAVE. This monster chest is the same setup as the other. You'll get [Hawkeye]. Equip it on Olivier. Check the chest twice!

Backtrack to the room with the two bridges and cross the other bridge and enter the room. Eventually, you'll end up on another bridge. Follow this path and enter the first room you see on the left. Go down the path and cross the first bridge you see and follow the path down to another monster chest (same setup). You'll get [Cestus]. Equip it on Zin.

Check the chest twice!

Backtrack out of this room and continue down the path. Continue to the end and you'll find a [Teara Balm].

Backtrack out of this room and go right into the next room. Ignore the first room on the left and enter the second room. Go downstairs and SAVE. We have found our monster extermination target. Everyone still have T-Anklets on? Zin has the Ruby Talisman?

Monster Extermination: Bone Fish x4

The Bone Fish are weak to fire (150). They have an AoE attack that can freeze, but only does about 400 damage.

Use White Gehenna, Flare Arrow, and Zin's Smite. Alternatively, with Zin equipped with the Ruby Talisman, his Aural Blast will deal about 2600 damage at 200 CP which will end the fight.

After the fight, continue down the path and flip the lever here. Backtrack and head back upstairs and through the door. Go down the path and enter the room we skipped. Go downstairs and we're in the room whose wall just moved from the lever. Go upstairs. We're now in Grancel Sewers - West Block.

Go left and enter the room on the left. Continue down the hall to the next room. This very large room should look familiar to you at least. Enter the door in the top left corner. Follow the path all the way around, ignoring the door on the left and past the fork as it goes right, and go upstairs. Enter the door and you'll be back in Grancel - West Block.

The City of Grancel

Go to the Bracer's Guild and turn in the request {BP: 8}. Completing this request will have gotten you an achievement for exterminating all the "big monsters."

If Estelle, Joshua, and Olivier are really close to level 33, I suggest fighting the Shining Pom. Just remember to remove everyone's talismans. Otherwise, heal up, get everyone's CP to 200. Restock on Special Ice Creams. Then head over to the receptionist by the arena entrance and talk to them to get inside.

NPC Dialogue - Grand Arena (before second match)

  • Premises: Sunia (front desk), Clark (front desk), Spectator x20 (upstairs spectator seats), Patty (upstairs spectator seats), Ralph (upstairs spectator seats), Dick (upstairs spectator seats), Raleigh (upstairs spectator seats), Troy (upstairs spectator seats), ++Kurt (upstairs spectator seats), ++Grant (upstairs spectator seats), ++Carna (upstairs spectator seats), ++Anelace (upstairs spectator seats), ++Professor Alba (upstairs spectator seats), ++Dorothy (upstairs spectator seats), ++Mayor Klaus (after advancing the story)
  • Waiting Room: ++Olivier, ++Zin

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

In order to advance the story, you need to go to the spectator stands and talk to Kurt, Professor Alba, and Dorothy (there are others to talk to as well, but they aren't required to continue). Then go downstairs and into the main hall for a scene. Return to your waiting room for a scene.

Let's setup our party.

Estelle (Skull Pendant, Crest Charm): EP Cut 3, EP 3, Defense 3, Action 3, Cast 2, Mind 3
Joshua (Skull Pendant, Crest Charm): Action 3, Mind 3, EP 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3, Defense 3
Olivier (Skull Pendant, Crest Charm): EP 3, EP Cut 3, Cast 2, Action 3, Mind 3, Defense 3
Zin (Grail Locket, Gladiator Belt): Poison, Evade 3, Attack 3, Action 3, Hit 3, Defense 3

Walk out onto the stage.

Martial Arts Tournament, Final Round: 2nd Lieutenant Lorence, Special Ops Soldier (Push Daggers) x3

This has the potential to be a tough match. Here's a breakdown of the opponents.

Special Ops Soldier: Immune to poison, petrify, mute, blind, faint, deathblow. Has an attack that can AT Delay, poison, seal, or deathblow. Can also use Reviving Balms to bring someone back from KO.
Lorence: Immune to freeze, petrify, seal, faint, deathblow, taunt. Casts Tearal and Earth Guard. Has an attack that can cause faint. Can also create body doubles. Normal attack alone can do 1000+ damage.

This is the reason I had Zin go with the Poison quartz. Lorence can be poisoned, so Zin should be attacking him in the hopes of getting it to stick. For the others, use White Gehenna, Earth Lance, and Blue Impact. Keep Estelle on healing duty and Olivier as a backup healer. I was lucky to have all four of them cluster close together to hit them with Evil Eye and Zin's S-Craft (since Zin has the Gladiator Belt, he'll get CP back in no time). When Zin got 100 CP, I had him use Aural Blast again. You can also use Distend, let Zin's CP build up back to 200 CP, and then use his S-Craft with boosted STR. Once Lorence gets below 1700 HP, have Estelle use her S-Craft on him. Lorence's body double disappears once Lorence is KO'd.

If you want, you can also have Zin use taunt which will affect the three soldiers. Just keep him healed and have Earth Guard applied.

Alternatively, all four are not immune to confuse, so you can hit all four with Chaos Brand and watch them beat each other up or run around the battlefield. Lorence alone will massacre everyone.

You get 100k mira as a prize. After the scene, you'll end up outside the arena.

Note: Olivier will take everything with him that was equipped. Weapon, armor, accessories, and quartz. You'll get it back... eventually.

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after the final match)

Note: To advance the story, go into the castle

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), Armand (near fountain), Ellie (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south), Soldier (corner of inn), Solider (corner of orbment factory), Soldier (patrolling north and south (west)), Soldier (patrolling north and south (east))
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Lloyd (upstairs), Percy (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan, ++Carna (second floor), ++Kurt (second floor)
  • Northwestern House: Ralph, Patty
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready (counter), Spencer, Godfrey, Miele, ++Grant (upstairs)
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), +Private Tact (south gate guard), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Carla (near west stall), Lucia (near west stall) Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower), Robyn (downstairs from clock tower), Soldier (patrolling outside arena), Soldier (patrolling counter clockwise around department store), Soldier (patrolling clockwise around East Block)
  • Edel Department Store: ++Anelace, Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), Sophina (lower left corner)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Santos (left room), ++Professor Alba (left room, upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (near upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (near upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Soldier (patrolling outside hotel), Soldier (patrolling north and south), Soldier (beginning of western road), Soldier (patrolling western road)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: +Fritz (front desk)
  • Southwestern House: Helena (kitchen), Martin (upstairs), Marian (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Helmuth
  • Grancel Castle: advances the story

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Dalia (outside northern house), Solider (patrolling outside house near cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside Liberl News)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Cisna, Sister Noah, Seagaro, Bishop Reval (lower left room, upstairs)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor, Nana, Phoebe, ++Dorothy
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Faults (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Katrina (kitchen)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Edel
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area (inaccessible)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go to the castle area in North Block. Approach the castle and choose to enter for a scene.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel Castle

Note: The names of the areas are according to the map.

  • Foyer: Special Ops Soldiers x3
  • Administrative Room: Dayan, Tooker
  • Kitchen: Regis, Folk, Head Cook Gervais (changes after meeting Hilda)
  • Cellar: Special Ops Soldier
  • Dining Room: Nage, Sorella, Primrose, Ekle
  • Maid Quarters: +Shea (changes after meeting Hilda), ++Head Maid Hilda (after visiting the Keep)
  • Throne Room:empty
  • Left Wing: ++Mayor Maybelle (top left room), ++Lila (top left room), ++Zin (bottom left room), ++Mayor Klaus (bottom right room), ++Dean Collins (bottom right room)
  • Library: Libra
  • Right Wing: ++Factory Chief Murdock (bottom right room)
  • Lounge: Revol
  • Garden Terrace: Special Ops Soldiers x2

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

To advance the story you have to:
-Talk to Mayor Maybelle, Mayor Klaus & Dean Collins in the Left Wing
-Talk to Factory Chief Murdock in the Right Wing
-Go upstairs from the Right Wing onto the Garden Terrace for a scene
-Go up the steps and left to the red carpet, then go up for a scene
-Go back to your room for a scene
-Leave your room for a scene
-Leave the Left Wing for a scene

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel Castle

Note: The names of the areas are according to the map.

  • Foyer: Special Ops Soldiers x4
  • Administrative Room: Dayan, Tooker
  • Kitchen: Regis, Folk, Head Cook Gervais
  • Cellar: Special Ops Soldier
  • Dining Room: Nage, Sorella, Primrose, Ekle
  • Maid Quarters: advances the story
  • Throne Room: inaccessible
  • Left Wing: ++Mayor Maybelle (top left room), ++Lila (top left room), ++Zin (bottom left room), ++Mayor Klaus (top right room), ++Dean Collins (bottom right room)
  • Library: Libra
  • Right Wing: ++Factory Chief Murdock (bottom right room)
  • Lounge: Revol
  • Garden Terrace: Special Ops Soldiers x2

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Enter the Maid's Quarters for a scene (exit the Lounge, go through the Right Wing into the Foyer, go downstairs and enter the right room in the center).

The NPC dialogue has changed with the new circumstances.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel Castle

Note: The names of the areas are according to the map.

  • Foyer: Special Ops Soldiers x4
  • Administrative Room: empty
  • Kitchen: +Head Cook Gervais
  • Cellar: Special Ops Soldier
  • Dining Room: empty
  • Maid Quarters: Shea, ++Head Maid Hilda (after meeting the Queen)
  • Throne Room: inaccessible
  • Left Wing: ++Mayor Maybelle (top left room), ++Lila (top left room), ++Zin (bottom left room), ++Mayor Klaus (top right room), ++Dean Collins (bottom right room)
  • Library: empty
  • Right Wing: ++Factory Chief Murdock (bottom right room)
  • Lounge: empty
  • Garden Terrace: Special Ops Soldiers x2
  • Royal Keep: ++Queen Alicia (after meeting her)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Go upstairs into the Garden Terrace, and from there to the Keep for a lengthy scene.

Leave the Keep for a scene. Pick any name you want.

Leave the Terrace for a scene. You'll end up at the Maid's Quarters. Leave the Maid's Quarters and go upstairs for a scene. Pick any option you want.

You'll end up back at the Bracer's Guild {BP: 10 (+8)}. The +8 is for answering dialogue choices correctly (when relevant) and for not getting caught by the soldiers during the stealth mission.

Hostage Rescue

Hostage Rescue

Bracer Requests

  • Hostage Liberation (10 (+4))
  • BP: 14
  • Total BP (Chapter Two): 338/368


  • Mystic Stave and/or Twin Plovers (see below)


  • none


  • none


  • Liberl News - Issue 9


  • none


  • none
  • Total Chests: 120/164

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after visiting the castle)

Note: To advance the story, go into the castle

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south), Soldier (corner of inn), Solider (corner of orbment factory), Soldier (patrolling north and south (west)), Soldier (patrolling north and south (east))
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Lloyd (upstairs), Percy (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door), ++Carna (leaves after talking to her)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan (dialogue changes after finding all four bracers), ++Carna (third floor; after talking to her elsewhere), ++Grant (third floor; after talking to him elsewhere), ++Anelace (third floor; after talking to her elsewhere), ++Kurt (third floor; after talking to him elsewhere)
  • Northwestern House: Ralph, Patty
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready (counter), Spencer, ++Grant (leaves after talking to him)
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), +Private Tact (south gate guard), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Carla (near clock tower), Lucia (near clock tower), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower), Miele (across the street from clock tower), Robyn (across the street from west stall), Soldier (patrolling outside arena), Soldier (patrolling counter clockwise around department store), Soldier (patrolling clockwise around East Block)
  • Edel Department Store: ++Anelace (near upper right store; leaves after talking to her), Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Santos (left room), ++Professor Alba (left room, upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Sophina, Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (near upper docking strip), Carnero (near upper docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (upper docking strip), Royal Army Soldier x2 (guarding stairs to lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier (lower docking strip; inaccessible), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Godfrey (walking around), Armand (near castle entrance), Ellie (near castle entrance), Soldier (patrolling outside hotel), Soldier (patrolling north and south), Soldier (beginning of western road), Soldier (patrolling western road)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk; changes after meeting Kurt)
  • Southwestern House: Helena (kitchen), Martin (upstairs), Marian (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Helmuth
  • Grancel Castle: advances the story

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Solider (patrolling outside house near cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside Liberl News)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Cisna, Sister Noah, Bishop Reval (bottom left room, upstairs), Archbishop Currant (bottom right room, upstairs)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor, Nana, Phoebe
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Faults (first floor), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), ++Dorothy (second floor), Noticia (third floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro, Edel
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area

  • Sanktheim Gate: Private Wolpe (gate guard), Private Olnis (gate guard), CWO Dale (first room on left), Talia (first room on right), Private Wayne (front desk), Warrant Officer Talbot (near front desk), Sanders (second room on right), Tammy (second room on right), Private Chesley (3rd floor, first door)
  • Gurune Gate: Private Stoll (gate guard), Private Barranco (gate guard), CWO Robin (inside), Private Anden (back desk), Warrent Officer Graves (first room on right), Sam (first room on left), Emily (second room on left), Private Selbourne (upstairs, first door, all the way down the wall), Private Thomas (upstairs, all the way around, upstairs)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

There are several things that need to be done. Here's the best way to complete them:

South Block
1) Go to the arms & guards shop and upstairs to find Carna
2) Go to the Sunnybell Inn to find Grant
East Block
3) Go into the department store and buy Liberl News - Issue 9
4) Talk to Anelace. You'll end up outside in the park north of the department store.
North Block
5) Go into the hotel, upstairs, and into the lower right room for a scene (Kurt)
-If you're catching all the NPC dialogue, now's the chance to go back to the Bracer's Guild and talk to Elnan and the four bracers for new dialogue
West Block
6) Go into the cafe and SAVE. Baral, the cafe owner, will give you either Estelle's or Joshua's best weapon (Mystic Stave, Twin Plovers respectively) in exchange for the full set of Carnelia books. If you are looking to get all achievements in one playthrough: get the weapon you don't want, make a separate save, reload the save before the trade, and then get the weapon you want. If you are planning on playing through the game twice or more, don't worry about making an extra save. On a normal playthrough, it really doesn't matter which weapon you choose. On a Nightmare run though, I recommend keeping the Twin Plovers. We use Joshua's crafts far more than Estelle's.
7) Go into the Liberl News building and up to the second floor for a scene. When prompted, choose Someone had just called him, and then An arranged marriage for Princess Klaudia for bonus BP.
8) Go into the cathedral and into the lower right room. Talk to the Archbishop for a scene.

After finishing all of this, head back to the Bracer's Guild and talk to Elnan for a scene.

This is your last chance to get things done before the rescue mission. Heal up and restore all CP to 200. Stock up on Special Ice Creams, Mixed Cocktails, EP Charges, and food ingredients. Synthesize any quartz you need. Just know that your quartz numbers will be skewed since not being counted is the quartz Olivier had equipped before leaving. Again, you'll get those quartz back, but not now.

Equip Estelle with Skull Pendant and Crest Charm, Joshua with Grail Locket and Gladiator Belt, and Zin with Pearl Earring and Skull Pendant. Keep their quartz setup the same from the final match of the tournament except exchange Joshua's Defense 3 for Attack 3 and Zin's Evade 3 for Move 2. You can keep Zin's Poison or give him Petrify, there's only one enemy coming up that can be poisoned or petrified. Alternatively, you can remove Poison and give him Seal or Confuse instead of Move 2. All the enemies we'll be facing do not resist seal and confuse.

Once you're ready, talk to Elnan again and tell him you're ready.

After the scene, you'll be in front of the Royal Villa entrance. Go north into the villa.

Erbe Royal Villa

Event Battle: Special Ops Soldier (Push Daggers), Special Ops Soldier (Gun) x2

They're the same as the Special Ops Soldiers you faced before, only easier to take down now. The one with the daggers still have the Shadow Weaving craft (AT Delay, poison, seal, or deathblow) and also have Reviving Balms (like the ones in the tournament). They're also immune to poison, petrify, mute, blind, faint, and deathblow. The ones with the guns have an AoE. They have no immunities.

White Gehenna, Earth Lance, Blue Impact, Flicker, Evil Eye, and Smite (especially since the enemies can be confused). Joshua's crafts will be dealing good damage between the Attack 3 quartz and having his best weapon. Estelle has healing duty.

Alternatively, cast Chaos Brand on all three soldiers and watch them tear each other apart.

Heal up. The next battle is scripted no matter if you take the upper right door or the lower left door. However, both doors will not force you into a battle, only the first one you go through. The quickest route to our destination though is the lower left door.

Event Battle: Special Ops Soldier (Push Daggers), Special Ops Soldier (Gun), Attack Doberman x2

Use the same tactics as before. The Attack Doberman are weak to all four elements (120) and have no status immunities.

From here on out, you might get into an encounter with Special Ops Soldiers. And you can't escape them, so may sure you are always healed up before entering a room.

Starting with the door in the southwest corner:
-Guest Room (exiting results in a battle with 2x Special Ops Soldiers (Push Daggers) and a Special Ops Soldier (Gun))
-Guest Room
-Lounge (3x Special Ops Soldiers (Push Daggers) and a Special Ops Soldier (Gun) inside)
-Drawing Room
-Locked Door
-Gallery (some items on display you can examine; exiting results in a battle with 2x Special Ops Soldiers (Push Daggers) and a Special Ops Soldier (Gun))
-Guest Room (exiting results in a battle with 2x Special Ops Soldiers (Push Daggers) and a Special Ops Soldier (Gun))
-Guest Room (exiting results in a battle with 2x Special Ops Soldiers (Push Daggers) and a Special Ops Soldier (Gun))

This is how it was with me at least in the beginning. All the battles aside from the one in the Lounge appear to be randomized. After the first random encounter, a room that didn't have an encounter might result in an encounter and vise versa. After the scripted battle in the Lounge, entering and exiting it could also result in a random encounter. I didn't notice any particular pattern except that a room that resulted in a random encounter would not result in another random encounter if you entered and exited it immediately after.

Fight however many random encounters you want, but to advance the story, head over to the locked door (north middle door) and examine it, then head over to the Lounge (third room up on the west side). You'll get into a fight with 3x Special Ops Soldiers (Push Daggers) and a Special Ops Soldier (Gun). You'll get a preemptive strike, so take full advantage of it.

A scene after the fight. It will be different depending on whether you examined the locked door first or not. If you didn't examine the locked door, do so and then come back and talk to the chamberlain. His dialogue will also be different depending on whether you examined the locked door first or not.

Note: You can now rest for free here in the Lounge. This means, theoretically, you can grind out levels with the random encounters. At level 33, Estelle and Joshua were getting 36 EXP per fight. For me, that meant 10 random encounters would be enough to get them to level 34. Estelle is going to have a really tough battle ahead. Level 33 should be more than enough for it (I think level 31 or 32 might be the minimum). If you want that extra cushion though, now's a good time to get her to 34.

Exit the Lounge and enter the Gallery (east of the locked door). Examine the red vase in the top right corner for a scene. Exit the Gallery and examine the locked door. SAVE. In Tactics, make sure all your characters are in the back and side-by-side. Enter the room and go down the hall for a scene.

Event Battle: Heavily Armed Soldier x2

These guys hit HARD. 1200 damage for a normal attack AND their AoE. If you're characters are not spread out enough or in the very back without Earth Wall, these soldiers can end the battle with two AoE attacks. Their AoE can also cause faint. They're immune to freeze, petrify, sleep, faint, deathblow, and taunt. And they have over 3800 HP and high DEF. Joshua, with 336 STR was not even able to do 300 damage to them with a normal attack. Zin was doing less than 200. This means only use crafts to take advantage of the crit bonus, to AT Delay, or to inflict confuse.

The strategy that worked out the best for me was to put all three characters close together in the back. Have Zin on Earth Wall duty, only attacking if he doesn't have to move or no one needs Earth Wall. Estelle will use Earth Wall, La Teara, or if no one needs either, White Gehenna. Joshua will use Evil Eye every turn (except for maybe the first). This method left my characters the healthiest by the end of the fight.

Another strategy: if one of your characters gets a turn first, open with everyone using their S-Crafts to take down one of the soldiers and leave the other one with less than 1000 HP. If not, wait for both soldiers to get a turn before using your S-Crafts.

Chaos Brand also work on these guys.

Unequip Estelle of her accessories and quartz. Enter through the doors for a lengthy scene.

You'll end up back in Grancel.

The City of Grancel

Go to the Bracer's Guild and report to Elnan {BP: 10 (+4)}. The +4 is for picking the correct dialogue options.



Bracer Requests

  • To Rescue a Queen (10 (+5))
  • BP: 15
  • Total BP (Chapter Two): 353/368


  • Estoc, Sidewinder


  • Reflector


  • Cloak


  • none


  • none


  • Tear All Balm, Reflector, Tear All Balm, Cloak
  • Total Chests: 124/164

The NPCs have new dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after rescuing the princess)

Note: To advance the story, go into the castle

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south), Special Ops Soldier (corner of inn), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling north and south (west)), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling north and south (east))
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), Lloyd (upstairs), Percy (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan
  • Northwestern House: Ralph, Patty
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready (counter), Spencer, Private Dan, Private Aluts
  • House by Bracer's Guild: Bill, Ilene

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around East Block), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), Private Tact (south gate guard), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Carla (near clock tower), Lucia (near clock tower), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower), Robyn (downstairs from west stall), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling outside arena), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling counter clockwise around department store), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling clockwise around East Block)
  • Edel Department Store: Edel, Danton (lower right store), Terell (near lower right store), Lily (upper right store), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Santos (left room), ++Professor Alba (left room, upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Sophina, Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (near upper docking strip), Carnero (near upper docking strip), Special Ops Soldier (upper docking strip), Royal Army Soldier x2 (guarding stairs to lower docking strip), Royal Army Soldier + Special Ops Soldier (lower docking strip; inaccessible), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Godfrey (walking around), Armand (near castle entrance), Ellie (near castle entrance), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling outside hotel), Special Ops Soldier (patrolling north and south), Special Ops Soldier (beginning of western road), Soldier (patrolling western road)
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk), Miele (lower right room)
  • Southwestern House: Helena (kitchen), Martin (upstairs), Marian (upstairs)
  • Northwestern House: Helmuth, Norche (upstairs)
  • Grancel Castle: Special Ops Soldier x2

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Solider (patrolling outside house near cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside Liberl News)
  • Grancel Cathedral: Archbishop Currant, Cisna, Sister Noah, Bishop Reval (bottom left room, upstairs)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor, Nana, Phoebe
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), Faults (second floor), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), ++Dorothy (second floor), Noticia (third floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen)
  • North House (Lower West Block): Lakeisha, Phelio
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Area (inaccessible)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Restore everyone's CP. Stock up on Special Ice Creams, Mixed Cocktails, EP Charges, and food ingredients. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY FOOD AND INGREDIENTS. When you're ready, head over to Grancel Sewers - East Block.

Grancel Sewers - East Block, West Block

Go downstairs for a scene. Be sure to put Haze and Eagle Eye on. Here's the directions to the secret path:

-Go across the bridge to the next room
-Go right and enter the first door
-Follow the path around and enter the next room
-Follow the path, cross the bridge, and go left. Cross over the first metal bridge and enter the next room.
-Go to the next room.
-Go to the next room.
-Follow the path and enter the first room you see.
-Follow the path until you get to the area with the three narrow platforms. Go onto the second platform and examine the wall. Enter the room.
-Go downstairs, follow the path, and go upstairs.

Grancel Sewers - North Block

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Black Sheep
    -Weak to fire (200)
    -Immune to blind
    -Has an attack that can cause faint
    -Has an attack that can AT Delay
    -Has an ability that can boost STR and lower DEF of your party members
  • Whale Frog (male)
    -Resists water (80)
    -Immune to sleep and faint
    -Has an attack that can poison
    -Can call Fly Skippers into battle
  • Great Moth
    -Weak to fire (200)
    -Has an attack that can petrify and an attack that can poison
    -Has a craft that than heal and boost SPD
  • Bone Fish
    -Weak to Fire (150)
    -Has an AoE attack that can freeze
  • Boiled Egger O
    -Resists all four elements (80)
    -Casts Plasma Wave (line AoE wind art)
    -Self-destructs when defeated
  • Mad Snail
    -Weak to earth, fire, and wind (150)
    -Has an AoE craft that heals and boosts DEF
  • Scissor Hands
    -Really weak to all four elements (300)
    -Attacks can deathblow
  • Whale Frog (female)
    -Resists water (80)
    -Immune to sleep and faint
    -Can call Whale Frog (male) into battle

Chests (check them twice!): Tear All Balm, Reflector, Tear All Balm, Cloak

Setup Joshua and Olivier so they get fire arts. Give Joshua Grail Locket and Ruby Talisman. Give Olivier and Zin both T-Anklet and Crest Charm.

Follow the path to the next room. Follow the path here and cross the bridge into the next room.

Follow the path around and grab the [Tear All Balm] just before the next room. Check the chest twice!

Enter the next room. SAVE and open the chest.

Monster Chest: Boiled Egger O x5, Bone Fish

They are no different than when you encountered them before. Boiled Eggers cast Plasma Wave and self-destruct when defeated. Bone Fish are weak to fire and have an AoE attack that can freeze.

Use White Gehenna and Evil Eye for all of them. Use Flare Arrow on the Bone Fish. If you want to make the battle quicker, have Zin use Distend and his S-Break immediately after to wipe out the Boiled Eggers.

Reward: Reflector

Check the chest twice!

If you equip the Reflector on someone, just make sure to unequip it when I say to. The other party is going to need it.

Return to the previous room with the Whale Frogs. Backtrack to the previous room with the bridge. Continue left and enter the next room.

Follow the path, ignore the bridge, and grab the [Tear All Balm]. Now cross the bridge, cross the second bridge, and enter the next room.

Enter the next room and the room after that. Follow the path around and enter the second room you come across. Go downstairs, cross the bridge, and go upstairs. Cross the bridge and SAVE. Another monster chest with the same set up. You'll get the [Cloak] quartz. Check the chest twice!

Note: The Cloak quartz prevents encounters on the map. What this means is, when you equip it you'll still see monster walking around but touching them does not send you into battle. And just to make sure: no, this is not the last quartz you collect in the game. There's still one more.

Backtrack to the room with the two doors and enter the other door now. You'll be in a large room. Take the center path up and go upstairs.

STOP! Unequip everyone of their accessories, especially the Grail Locket and Gladiator Belt. Unequip the Reflector too. Lastly, unequip everyone of their quartz. Approach the door and choose to wait on standby.

Erbe Scenic Route

A scene will play out and you'll be in control of Estelle and her party. Setup your party like this:

Estelle (Silver Earring, Skull Pendant): EP Cut 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Evade 3, Action 3, Cast 2
Kloe (Grail Locket, Gladiator Belt): HP 3, Mind 3, Action 3, Freeze, EP Cut 3, Cast 2
Schera (Reflector, Silver Earring, Skull Pendant): Evade 3, Mind 3, Action 3, Cast 2, Shield 3, EP Cut 3

The mechanic here can synthesize quartz, so synthesize what you need so you have the above setup. Also, he sells items, including EP Charge EX for 1000 each. Buy 30-50 at least. He also sells Steel-Toed Boots if you are simply collecting equipment. It's inferior to Composites by a longshot though.

Get everyone's CP to 200.

When you're ready, enter the airship and choose to board.

Grancel Castle

SAVE. Make sure everyone's CP is at 200. You can put status ailment quartz like seal, sleep, freeze, or confuse on the guys, and maybe give Joshua and Zin Skull Pendants, but we're going to finish the upcoming fight with S-Crafts.

Go right and up the stairs here.

Event Battle: Special Ops Soldier (Push Daggers) x2, Special Ops Soldier (Gun) x2, Attack Doberman x2

Use S-Breaks to end the fight. If any damage boosters are on the turn order, use your S-Breaks on those turns.

A scene and you'll switch back to Estelle.

Boss Battle: Captain Amalthea, Special Ops Soldier (Push Daggers) x2

Amalthea is immune to petrify and deathblow. She has an ability that can steal EP and an AoE craft that can poison. She can also cast Aqua Bleed and Shadow Spear.

An easy way to end this fight is to use Chaos Brand on everyone.

Otherwise, use the usual attack arts on everyone. Keep Estelle on healing duty, and if you're characters are close together, she can use Earth Wall too. Kloe should either be casting arts or using Kaempfer on Amalthea. Interrupt any arts with Schera's Bind Whip or Kloe's Sturm. Remember, too, that Schera has Heaven's Kiss, which accelerates you're party's turn (if they're close enough together). Very useful to get quick healing in, to get an art to cast sooner rather than later, or for Kloe to apply Kaempfer if it wore off.

This battle is surprisingly not that difficult.

Heal up. Restore everyone's CP. Buy more healing items or synthesize more quartz if you need to.

SAVE. Go left and approach the keep for another fight. Special Ops Soldier (Push Daggers), Special Ops Soldier (Gun) x2, Attack Doberman x2.

Heal up. Restore CP. You still have access to the mechanic.

SAVE. Continue approaching the keep for another fight. Special Ops Soldier (Gun) x2, Attack Doberman x2, Sold Dozer x2.

Heal up. Restore CP. You still have access to the mechanic.

SAVE. The upcoming fight will have BP on the line. In Tactics, put your characters in the back row with Kloe in the middle.

Enter the Keep for a scene.

Boss Battle: Duke Dunan von Auslese, Special Ops Soldier (Gun) x2, Heavily Armed Soldier


The requirement for getting the BP bonus in this match is to not KO Duke Dunan. Unfortunately, he will somewhat participate in battle through healing and buffing up all the soldier's STR by 40%. The Heavily Armed Soldier with 40% more STR is going to be really bad news, so prioritize taking him down first. Also, use Kaempfer on the Heavily Armed Soldier at every opportunity.

Unfortunately, you shouldn't risk using Chaos Brand on the soldiers as they might turn around and KO Duke Dunan.

The first turn the soldiers will move forward. Have all three characters use White Gehenna. This will eliminate or almost eliminate the gunners and shave off about 2000 HP from the Heavily Armed Soldier. If a character gets a turn before all three soldiers go, put the arrow six spaces in front of Kloe (or whoever is in the center) when casting White Gehenna. Three more casts of White Gehenna (or Blue Impact or Earth Lance if it's just the Heavily Armed Soldier left) will end the fight.

You can talk to Butler Philip in the top right room if you want (only for dialogue).

Go upstairs and enter the next room, but DON'T GO ANY FURTHER!

Equip Estelle and Schera with Glam Chokers and Lily Necklaces. Replace Estelle's Evade 3 with Range 1. Replace Kloe's Freeze with Heal and EP Cut 3 for Defense 3. Replace Schera's Mind 3 for Defense 3. Make sure everyone is spread out in the back in Tactics, with Estelle in the middle.

Heal up. Restore everyone's CP to 200.

SAVE. We are about to fight one of, if not the hardest boss fights in the game if you're not prepared. We need to win this fight for bonus BP and an achievement. There's also more achievements on the line immediately after the battle.

Go through the doors for a scene.

Boss Battle: Lorence

Oh boy.

Lorence is neutral to all four elements and is immune to all status ailments. He also has 8700 HP. Here's a break down of his attacks and abilities:

Zero Storm: Line AoE craft that impedes and can penetrate through defense.
Demon Flames: S-craft that can cause faint
Silver Thorn: Low damage AoE art that will confuse 100% of the time
Anti-Sept Zero: Room-wide art that mutes 100% of the time
Tearal: Healing art (1800 HP)
Earth Guard EX: Puts up twoshields that nullify all damage

Round One: Start off by having Schera and Estelle cast Clock Up EX on Estelle and Kloe. Have Kloe use Kaempfer on Lorence.

Kloe's only job is to use Kaempfer every turn until Lorence uses his S-Craft Demon Flames. Once he does, have Kloe use her S-Break to heal everyone. After that, you can let up a little with the occasional Earth Lance or Blue Impact. Estelle will either heal with, reapply Clock Up EX (especially on Kloe), or use Earth Lance or Blue Impact. Schera will be reapplying Clock Up Ex, serve as backup healer, use Earth Lance or Blue Impact, or use Heaven's Kiss to give Kloe and/or Estelle extra turns.

Don't worry about interrupting Lorence's arts unless he is casting something on himself.

If Lorence uses Earth Guard EX, use weak attack arts or regular attacks (if he is close to your party) to nullify it. Remember, it blocks two attacks.

Once you get Lorence below 2700 HP, use both Estelle's and Schera's S-Break on him. If Schera doesn't have 200 CP, then wait till about 2400 HP.

After the battle, a lengthy scene {BP: 10 (+5)}. The +5 is for not KOing Duke Dunan and for not losing to Lorence.

You'll be asked to pick two party members. YOUR CHOICE IS IMPORTANT FOR TWO ACHEIVEMENTS. In order to get one achievement, you have to pick two guys. To get the other, you have to pick two girls. The achievement is only obtained from the first choice you make. That means, you need to make one choice and MAKE A SEPARATE SAVE. Then reload your save from before fighting Lorence, win or lose the fight, go through the scenes again (you can turbo through them by holding Ctrl and Alt unless you reassigned the turbo and skip buttons), and make your other choice. Reload your separate save (especially if you lost to Lorence when you fought him again). After this, you can swap out characters as you please.

Final Dungeon


Bracer Requests

  • Aureole (12)
  • BP: 12
  • Total BP (Chapter Two): 365/368


  • Zweihaender, P-05, Magesta, Daedalus Arm, Nine Tails, Hauteclere, Berserker, Thor's Hammer, Arc Rod, Erbe Blade


  • Royal Guard, Valkyrie Dress


  • Move 3


  • none


  • none


  • Magesta, Celestial Balm, Teara Balm, Celestial Balm, Daedalus Arm, Royal Guard, Teara Balm, EP Charge EX, Tear All Balm, Nine Tails, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Atlas Gear, Sylphen Boots, Valkyrie Dress, Hauteclere, Berserker, Tear All Balm, Teara Balm, Thor's Hammer, EP Charge EX, EP Charge EX, EP Charge EX, Sylphen Boots, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Atlas Gear, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Royal Guard, Celestial Balm, Celestial Balm, Celestial Balm, Arc Rod, Erbe Blades, EP Charge EX, Valkyrie Dress, Tear All Balm
  • Total Chests: 164/164

Put Agate and Tita in your party really quick. Have them unequip and reequip the weapons they have on them in order to register them with the game.

Professor Russell can synthesize quartz and sells healing items. Start by getting Move 3. This is the last quartz to collect, netting you the achievement.

Notable healing items Professor Russel sells: Tear All Balms (2000 mira), Celestial Balms (5000 mira), and EP Charge EX (1000 mira). You might want to consider buying ten of each at the minimum. Sell your sepith. If you unequip the changeable party members' armor and shoes, you'll have five extra Shield Coats and four extra Composites to sell, as well as extra quartz (you only need four of a particular quartz, so sell the extras). Don't worry about getting more for now, as the enemies we'll be facing have a chance to drop those items, not to mention the treasure chests.

Now, the big question: who do you put in your party? Most people put Olivier and Kloe, with Schera being a substitute. As usual with this game, arts casters reign supreme. There are only a few enemies that have such high ADF (arts defense) that physical attacks are worth using on them.

I strongly recommend having a guy and a girl with you at all times. The strongest armor and shoes in the game are male and female only, and you get two sets of each. That means if you take two guys or two girls with you, one of them won't have end game armor equipped (they'll have to stick with Reflector and Composites). The end game armor makes quite a difference in how much damage a character receives.

Here's a breakdown of everyone's strengths and weaknesses (compared with each other, not compared with Estelle and Joshua):

-Strengths: Third highest ATS, Heaven's Kiss (accelerates teammates' turns)
-Weaknesses: Single target S-Craft (probably the least useful S-Craft along with Olivier's as it's not upgraded)
-Strengths: Highest ATS, Happy Trigger (healing craft), versatile quartz setup
-Weaknesses: Low HP, low DEF, low damage AoE S-Craft (probably the least useful S-Craft along with Schera's as its not upgraded)
-Strengths: Second highest STR, Spiral Edge (AT Delay), Draguna Edge (line AoE craft), CP restoring craft (drains HP), high damage AoE S-Craft
-Weaknesses: Terrible arts caster
-Strengths: AoE attacks, Smoke Cannon (only two non-boss enemies are immune to blind), Vital Cannon (healing craft), AoE S-Craft
-Weaknesses: Lowest HP and DEF, below average arts caster, restrictive quartz setup for a physical attacker
-Strengths: Highest STR, can boost own STR and DEF, can heal self, Smite (only one non-boss enemy is immune to confuse), can be a tank with Taunt + Distend, high damage AoE S-Craft
-Weaknesses: Lowest ATS, worst arts caster, no AoE or long range crafts (aside from S-Craft); somewhat restrictive quartz setup (one earth slot will probably remain unused)
-Strengths: Second highest ATS, Kaempfer, AoE healing S-Craft
-Weaknesses: Restrictive quartz setup, second lowest DEF and HP, no damage dealing S-Craft

Other things to consider:
-Do you want to stick with two characters for the whole dungeon or do you want to level up everyone equally?
-If you want to switch out characters, you have to return to base camp. It will stay at the dungeon entrance until you fight a boss on Level 3, then it will move to Level 3. There are five levels to this dungeon. While the dungeon is a bit of a labyrinth, we at least have the Cloak quartz to make sure we get places quickly.
-If you decide to switch characters halfway through or longer, make sure they are at least level 37-38 before facing the final boss.
-The final boss has parts that are strong against physical attacks and parts that are strong against arts.
-All except one enemy are neutral to all four elements, making the talismans mostly useless

I decided to take Olivier and Kloe. Here's my setup:

Estelle (Glam Choker, Gladiator Headband): EP Cut 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Haze, Action 3, Cast 2
Joshua (Glam Choker, Gladiator Belt): Action 3, EP Cut 3, Mind 3, Cast 2, Eagle Eye, Attack 3
Olivier (Glam Choker, Long Barrel): EP 3, Mind 3, Action 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3, Range 1
Kloe (Grail Locket, Gladiator Headband): Mind 3, Heal, Action 3, HP 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3

Heal up at the orbment charging station. When you're all set, cross the bridge to a fork. Right is a dead end, so go left into the first level.

Sealed Arena - 1st Level

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Broken Piece
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep

Chests (check them twice!): Magesta, Celestial Balm, Teara Balm, Celestial Balm, Daedalus Arm, Royal Guard, Teara Balm, EP Charge EX, Tear All Balm, Nine Tails

Note: I'm going to give every room a number and descriptor like "1.1 - Long Hallway." Some rooms have offshoots that lead to dead ends, in which case the offshoots will be named something like "1.3.1 - Hallway." The first number is the Sealed Area level. Because there will be a lot of backtracking, having these room numbers is going to be helpful.

1.1 - Long Hallway 1

Continue into the next room.

1.2 - Left/Right Fork

Go right into the next room.

1.3 - Two Room Hallway with Long Rectangular Sign

Go into the first room.

1.3.1 - Hallway 1

Continue into the next room.

1.3.2 - Monster Chest Room 1

SAVE. Make sure everyone is at 200 CP (switch around the Gladiator Belt and Gladiator Headbands as necessary). I recommend using CP restoring food sparingly as we can't buy anymore or get anymore ingredients. Make sure everyone is in the back row in Tactics and spread out as much as possible (put Olivier in the middle). Open the chest.

Monster Chest: Photon Judge x3, Guard Minion x3, Broken Piece x3

Photon Judge is immune to all status ailments. Guard Minion is immune to poison, petrify, and sleep.

Photon Judge has two attacks. One attack will impede arts, the other is an AoE that causes mute. The Guard Minions will stay back and cast Shadow Spear, Lightning, and La Teara.

This is probably one of the only times to make use of Anti-Sept All. Cast it on the Guard Minions to disable their arts. They'll approach and attack instead, but it's better than the alternative.

You're characters are going to get pounded quite a bit in this battle. If a crit bonus shows up, or if all the smaller enemies get below about 1700 HP, have Joshua use his S-Break. If your characters start getting low on HP, immediately use Kloe's S-Break. After that, have Olivier use La Teara. With Range 1 on, he should be able to reach everyone or most everyone.

One strategy is to manipulate the Photon Judge into using their impede attack, as its single target (and may do a bit less damage?). Plus, when the character gets their turn again, they tend to be able to cast their art right away.

Otherwise, White Gehenna is the art to use. Weaken the smaller enemies first so Joshua can S-Break and eliminate them. When it's just the Photon Judges left, use White Gehenna, Earth Lance, or Blue Impact (depending on if you can cast the art before they get their turn or not), and Olivier's S-Craft (if he can hit two or all three). Also, use Kloe's Kaempfer on the next Photon Judge that gets its turn. You can use Estelle's S-Craft to eliminate one sooner rather than later too (with damage bonus, she'll deal about 1700 damage at level 35).

Reward: Magesta

Check the chest twice!

Equip the weapon on Olivier.

Backtrack to room 1.3 and go into the second room.

1.3.3 - Treasure Chest Room 1

Open the chest for [Celestial Balm].

Backtrack to room 1.2 and go left now to the next room.

1.4 - Elbow Hallway with Two Two-Triangle Signs

Go into the next room.

1.5 - Hallway 2

Go into the next room

1.6 - Large Room w/ Treasure Chest

Grab the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Go right into the next room.

1.7 - Elbow Hallway with Door and Chest

Ignore the door and go to the end for a [Celestial Balm]. Now go through the door.

1.8 - Two Room Hallway with Two-Triangle Sign

Ignore the first door and enter the second.

1.8.1 - Monster Chest Room 2

SAVE. Make sure everyone has 200 CP and is healed up. Open the chest. It's the same exact fight as the other monster chest. You'll get [Daedalus Arm], a weapon for Zin. Check the chest twice!

Return to 1.8 and go through the other door.

1.9 - Hallway 3

Go to the next room.

1.10 - Elevator to Level 2

Don't use the elevator yet. Instead, go through the upper right door.

1.10.1 - Long Hallway 2

Go into the next room.

1.10.2 - Monster Chest Room 3

STOP! Make sure everyone is healed up with 200 CP. Put Kloe in the middle back in Tactics. Switch out Kloe's EP Cut 3 for EP 3. We want her to have La Curia. Equip Estelle, Joshua, and Olivier with Lily Necklaces and Crest Charms. Equip Kloe with Grail Locket and Gladiator Belt. SAVE, then open the chest.

Monster Chest: D-Series Doom x3, Broken Piece x2

D-Series Doom is immune to poison, petrify, and sleep. They have a line AoE that can penetrate defense and a room-wide AoE that can inflict the following: sleep, mute, blind, seal, confuse, and/or faint. Lastly, they can call more Broken Pieces into battle (usually when a Broken Piece is defeated).

Everyone except Kloe can be muted, which will effectively stop any arts they were casting, so keep that in mind. If anyone gets sealed or muted, have Kloe use Curia or La Curia or use a Mixed Cocktail.

The strategy is much the same as the other monster chests. Hit as many enemies as possible with White Gehenna. Use Blue Impact or Earth Lance for single target. Have Kloe use Kaempfer on D-Series when possible. If a crit bonus shows up, use Joshua's S-Break. If it shows up again, use Estelle's S-Break on a D-Series. Use Kloe's S-Break in an emergency and Olivier's when you can easily mop up a group.

All the enemies are also susceptible to confuse, so Chaos Brand can be used as well.

Reward: Royal Guard

Check the chest twice!

Note: The equipment setup used above I will refer to as the "D-Series Doom setup." The other setup will be the "Photon Judge setup."

Royal Guard is male only armor, so equip it on Joshua. Also, put EP Cut 3 back on Kloe and return everyone to the Photon Judge setup

Return to the elevator room and go through the lower right door.

1.11 - Four Room Hallway with Short Rectangular Sign

Go through the left most door.

1.11.1 - Treasure Chest Room 2

Grab the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Leave this room and enter the room right next to it.

1.11.2 - Treasure Chest Room 3

Grab the [EP Charge EX]. Exit this room and go into the room at the far right end.

1.11.3 - Treasure Chest Room 4

Grab the [Tear All Balm]. Exit this room and go into the room next to it.

1.11.4 - Monster Chest Room 4

SAVE. Make sure everyone is healed and at 200 CP. Open the chest. It's the monster chest with Photon Judges. You'll get [Nine Tails], a weapon for Schera. Check the chest twice!

That's it for Level 1. Go back to base camp if you want to heal up at the orbment charging station, buy more items, or switch out characters. Then take the elevator down to Level 2.

Sealed Area - 2nd Level

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Broken Piece
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep
  • Guard Minion
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep
    -Casts Shadow Spear, Lightning, and La Teara

Chests (check them twice!): Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Atlas Gear, Sylphen Boots, Valkyrie Dress, Hauteclere, Berserker, Tear All Balm, Teara Balm

2.1 - Elevator to Level 1

Go up to the next room.

2.2 - Hallway 1

Go up to the next room.

2.3 - Two Room Hallway with Triangle Sign

Go left into the next room.

2.3.1 - Elbow Hallway with Two Rooms

Enter the first room you come across.

2.3.2 - Treasure Chest Room 1

Grab the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and go through the other door on the left.

2.3.3 - Treasure Chest Room 2

Grab the [Teara Balm].

Return to room 2.3. Go through the door on the far right.

2.4 - Elbow Hallway 1

Go right into the next room.

2.5 - Ledge with Stairs and Three Rooms

Go down the stairs and into the left room.

2.5.1 - Monster Chest Room 1

STOP. Put everyone in the D-Series Doom setup. Heal up and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (D-Series Doom). You'll get [Atlas Gear], male only shoes. Put them on Joshua. If you got Joshua's Twin Plovers, he is now officially decked out in the best the game has to offer. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and enter the right most door.

2.5.2 - Three Room Hallway with Short Rectangular Sign

Enter the first room.

2.5.3 - Monster Chest Room 2

Heal up and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (D-Series Doom). You'll get [Sylphen Boots], female only shoes. Equip them on Estelle.

Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room. Skip the room on the right and go to the room on the end.

2.5.4 - Monster Chest Room 3

Heal up and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (D-Series Doom). You'll get [Valkyrie Dress], female only armor. Equip it on Estelle. With this, you should get an achievement. Also, if you got Estelle's Mystic Stave, she's now equipped with the best the game has to offer.

Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and enter the room we ignored.

2.5.5 - Monster Chest Room 4

Put everyone in their Photon Judge setup. Heal up and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (Photon Judge). You'll get [Hauteclere], a weapon for Kloe.

Check the chest twice!

Return to Room 2.5. Go through the middle door.

2.6 - Hallway 2

Go into the next room.

2.7 - Three Room Hallway with Triangular Sign

Go left and through the door.

2.7.1 - Ledge with Two Stairs

Go up the stairs and into the next room.

2.7.2 - Elbow Ledge

Go left to the next room.

2.7.3 - Hallway 3

Go into the next room.

2.7.4 - Mini Elevator Room (2nd Level)

Go up the elevator.

2.7.5 - Mini Elevator Room (1st Level)

Go through the door.

2.7.6 - Monster Chest Room 5

Heal up and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (Photon Judge). You'll get [Berserker], a weapon for Agate.

Check the chest twice!

Return to room 2.7 and go through the first door on the right.

2.7.7 - Treasure Chest Room 3

Grab the [Tear All Balm].

Return to the previous room and go to the room on the right end.

2.8 - Long Hallway

Go right into the next room.

2.9 - Large Room

Go left into the next room.

2.10 - Hallway with Small Rectangular Sign

Go up into the next room.

2.11 - Elbow Hallway 2

Go left into the next room.

2.12 - Elevator to Level 3

Grab the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Take the elevator down.

Sealed Area - 3rd Level

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Broken Piece
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep
  • Guard Minion
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep
    -Casts Shadow Spear, Lightning, and La Teara
  • S-Series Doom
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep

Chests (check them twice!): Thor's Hammer, EP Charge EX, EP Charge EX, EP Charge EX, Sylphen Boots, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, Atlas Gear

3.1 - Elevator to Level 2

Go through the door.

3.2 - Hallway with Two Rooms and Two-Triangle Sign

Go through the first room (in front of the sign).

3.2.1 - Long Hallway

Go into the next room

3.2.2 - Mini Elevator (Level 3)

Go up the elevator.

3.2.3 - Mini Elevator (Level 2)

Go through the door.

3.2.4 - Ledge

Heal up and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (Photon Judge). You'll get [Thor's Hammer], a weapon for Tita.

Check the chest twice!

Return to room 3.2. Go right into the next room.

3.3 - 3rd Level Hall

Go right onto the large platform (the fork). Replace everyone's Glam Chokers with Lily Necklaces. Heal up, restore everyone's CP to 200 with food. SAVE. Take the upper path up for a scene.

Note: If you want to see everyone's dialogue for this scene, keep the save before it separate.

Boss Battle: Captain Amalthea, Gundoll x2, (M-Series Doom)

Amalthea has the same setup as the previous fight with her (Shadow Spear, Aqua Bleed, EP absorbing, and an AoE craft that poisons). She's immune to petrify and deathblow. The Gundolls are immune to every status ailment except confuse. They can attack normally, malfunction and lose a turn, or malfunction and damage itself and cause itself confuse. It can also call M-Series Doom into battle.

M-Series Doom is immune to poison, petrify, sleep, and taunt. They can cast Diamond Dust, Aero Storm, Volcanic Rave, and Titanic Roar. When defeated, they self-destruct in a large radius (larger than any of the other self-destructing monsters we've faced).

You can use Chaos Brand on all three to make the fight easy. Otherwise, it's the usual arts and crafts. Use Joshua's and Estelle's S-Break on a crit bonus. Use Kloe's S-Break when your party is low on HP.

Just like the other battle with Amalthea, this one is not that difficult.

After the fight, you're base of operations moves here. This is the only time it will move.

Heal up, buy healing items, synthesize quartz, etc.

When you're ready, head through the door to the next room.

3.4 - Two Room Hallway with Two-Triangle Sign

Go into the first room.

3.4.1 - Treasure Chest Room 1

Grab the [EP Charge EX]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and go through the door at the far end.

3.5 - Elbow Hallway

Go right into the next room

3.6 - Three Room Elbow Hallway

Skip the first two rooms and go into the room at the end.

3.6.1 - Treasure Chest Room 2

Grab the [EP Charge EX]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room. The room to the right here is a circular path that will take you to 3.7. The only reason to take this path would be to fight the monster. Otherwise, skip this door and go to the one on the left.

3.7 - Three Room Hallway with Two Two-Triangle Sign

Skip the first two rooms and enter the room at the very end of the path.

3.7.1 - Treasure Chest Room 2

Grab the [EP Charge EX].

Return to the previous room. Enter the next door.

3.8 - Two Room Hallway with Triangle Sign

Skip the first room and enter the second one.

3.8.1 - Monster Chest Room 1

Put everyone in their D-Series Doom setup. Open the chest for a battle (D-Series Doom). You'll get [Sylphen Boots]. Check the chest twice!

At the minimum, put EP Cut 3 back on Kloe so she has White Gehenna again and put Gladiator accessories on everyone.

Return to the previous room and enter in the room we skipped.

3.9 - Hallway 1

Go into the next room.

3.10 - Long Hallway 2

Go down into the next room.

3.11 - Three Room Elbow Hallway with Triangular Sign

Go right into the next room.

3.11.1 - Two Room Hallway

Enter the first room

3.11.2 - Treasure Chest Room 3

Grab the [Teara Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and enter the other door.

3.11.3 - Treasure Chest Room 4

Grab the [Teara Balm].

Return to room 3.11. Go past the sign, past the upper room, and enter the room at the end.

3.11.4 - Monster Chest Room 2

Heal up, make sure everyone's CP is at 200. Replace everyone's Lily Necklaces for T-Anklets. This is the "M-Series Doom setup." SAVE. Open the chest.

Monster Chest: M-Series Doom x3, Guard Minion x2, Broken Piece x2

M-Series Doom is immune to poison, petrify, sleep, and taunt. They can cast Diamond Dust, Aero Storm, Volcanic Rave, and Titanic Roar. When defeated, they self-destruct in a large radius (larger than any of the other self-destructing monsters we've faced). This means muting them has the potential to be dangerous.

First turn, have someone cast Anti-Sept All on the M-Series Doom and Guard Minions while the other three cast White Gehenna on them. Follow this up with Joshua's S-Break (and Olivier's too if necessary) to eliminate the M-Series before they get too close.

Reward: Atlas Gear

Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and go through the door we skipped.

3.12 - Elevator to Level 4

Go down the elevator.

Sealed Area - 4th Level

Note: To reduce grinding in the long run, I fight each mob I encounter at least once.


  • Broken Piece
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep
  • Guard Minion
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep
    -Casts Shadow Spear, Lightning, and La Teara
  • S-Series Doom
    -Immune to poison, petrify, and sleep

Chests (check them twice!): Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Royal Guard, Celestial Balm, Celestial Balm, Celestial Balm, Arc Rod, Erbe Blades, EP Charge EX, Valkyrie Dress, Tear All Balm

4.1 - Elevator to Level 3

Exit the room.

4.2 - Long Hallway 1

Continue to the next room

4.3 - Four Room Hallway with Two Two-Triangle Signs

Go all the way left into the far end room.

4.3.1 - Treasure Chest Room 1

Grab the [Tear All Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room. Ignore the door on your right and enter the second door on your right.

4.3.2 - Treasure Chest Room 2

Grab the [Tear All Balm].

Return to the previous room. Enter the room on the far right.

4.3.3 - Three Room Elbow Hallway with Two Short Rectangular Signs

Go around the bend and enter the first room you see (on the left).

4.3.4 - Treasure Chest Room 3

Grab the [Tear All Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room. Continue right and enter the door at the far right end.

4.3.5 - Treasure Chest Room 4

Grab the [Tear All Balm].

Return to the previous room and enter the room right in front of the sign here.

4.3.6 - Elbow Ledge

Enter the next room.

4.3.7 - Two Room Hallway

Enter the room on the right.

4.3.8 - Monster Chest Room 1

Heal up and SAVE. Put on your M-Series Doom setup. Open the chest for a battle (M-Series Doom). You'll get [Royal Guard].

Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and go all the way left into the next room.

4.3.9 - Four Room Hallway with Short Rectangular Sign

Enter the first door on the right.

4.3.10 - Treasure Chest Room 5

Grab the [Celestial Balm].

Return to the previous room. Ignore the room in front of the sign. Enter the next room on the right.

4.3.11 - Treasure Chest Room 6

Grab the [Celestial Balm]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room. Enter the door on the end.

4.3.12 - Treasure Chest Room 7

Grab the [Celestial Balm].

Return to the previous room and enter the room in front of the sign.

4.3.13 - Hallway Monster Chest

Heal up, restore Estelle's and Joshua's CP to 200 at the minimum, and put a talisman on him and Estelle (any one will do). SAVE. Open the chest.

Monster Chest: Gundoll, M-Series Doom x2, Broken Piece x2

The Gundoll here is different from the ones you fought in the battle with Amalthea. For starters, they are weak to all four elements (120). They are still immune to all status ailments except confuse. They also have three additional skills: they can heal themselves 1000 HP, boost their STR by 50%, and boost their DEF and SPD by 10%.

Use Earth Lance and Blue Impact on the Gundoll. With talismans on, Estelle's S-Craft does 2500 damage to Gundoll while Joshua's does 2000.

Probably the best way to end the battle is to have everyone cast White Gehenna, and as soon as those are cast, use Estelle's and Joshua's S-Break. Estelle should target the Gundoll. The only except would be if a crit bonus shows up, then use Joshua's S-Break instead of him casting White Gehenna.

Reward: Arc Rod

Check the chest twice! Only equip this on Estelle if you didn't get her Mystic Stave.

Now we have to backtrack all the way to room 4.3. Once you do, enter the third room you come across (the room closest to the far left end room).

4.4 - Three Room Ledge with Stairs

Go down the stairs and enter the room on the left.

4.4.1 - Monster Chest Room 2

Heal up, restore Estelle's and Joshua's CP to 200, and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (Gundoll). You'll get [Erbe Blades]. Equip these on Joshua only if you didn't get his Twin Plovers. With this, you should get the achievement for collecting all weapons. If it didn't pop, and you didn't put Agate and Tita in your party to unequip and reequip the weapons they came with, that's probably why.

Check the chest twice!

Put everyone's Gladiator accessories back on. Return to the previous room. Enter the first room on the right.

4.4.2 - Treasure Chest Room 8

Grab the [EP Charge EX]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room and enter the right-most room.

4.5 - Long Hallway with Two-Triangle Sign

Enter the room on the right near the end.

4.6 - Elbow Hallway with Upper Ledge

Continue to the next room.

4.7 - Hallway with Side Room

Enter the room on the left.

4.8 - Hallway 1

Enter the next room.

4.9 - Two Room Hallway with Stairs and Three Short Rectangular Signs

Enter the first room you come across.

4.9.1 - Monster Chest Room 3

Heal up, put everyone in their M-Series Doom setup, and SAVE. Open the chest for a battle (M-Series Doom). You'll get [Valkyrie Dress]. Check the chest twice!

Return to the previous room. Go down the stairs and enter the next room.

4.10 - Small Room

Enter the next room.

4.11 - Ledge with Two Stairs and Four Short Rectangular Signs

Enter the door on the right before the stairs.

4.11.1 - Treasure Chest Room 9

Grab the [Tear All Balm]. Check the chest twice! This is the final treasure chest for the achievement.

Return to the previous room. Go up both stairs and around and enter the next room.

4.12 - Elevator to Bottom Level

Take the Elevator down.

Sealed Area - Bottom Level

SAVE here. Move forward and up the stairs for a scene. If you want to see what the other characters say in this scene, keep this save separate.

This is it. Once you go through the door, you'll be facing against the final boss. It's a four-part battle. There's an orbment charging station here.

Last Minute Grinding

By the time I got here, my four characters (Estelle, Joshua, Olivier, Kloe) were at level 39. Estelle and Joshua needed 160-180 EXP to get to level 40.

If you plan on playing Trails in the Sky SC and will be using your Trails in the Sky FC Clear Data, I recommend getting Estelle to level 40 at the minimum. The prologue in SC was surprisingly tough on Normal (my Estelle was level 39 the first time I played SC). On Nightmare it's unforgiving.

If you want to level up everyone, level 40 is a good point to get them all to. After that, the EXP rate begins to really slow. From 40 to 41, you'll get 16-24 EXP per battle. From 41 to 42, it's 8-12. From 42 to 43, it's 4-6. I imagine, then, 43 to 44 will be 2-3, 44 to 45 will be 1-2, and 45+ will be 1 EXP. If you want to level all your supporting characters to 40, Estelle and Joshua will get to or close to level 42.

This is entirely optional. However, like I said, I recommend getting Estelle to level 40 at the minimum. I only leveled her and Joshua higher because I wanted to test something out and also see if there is an optimal party for the final boss.

There is one good spot to grind. Ignore the S-Series Doom and fight the Broken Pieces along the way (or use a Cloak quartz to ignore everything until you get to the grinding spot):

-Start in the Hall (base camp). Enter the next room.
-Two-Triangle Sign room. Go to the far right room.
-Elbow Hallway. Go into the next room.
-Skip the first room and enter the second room.
-Go into the next room.
-Go left into the next room.
-Two Two-Triangle Sign room. Enter the room immediately after the second Two-Triangle sign.
-Triangle Sign room. Enter the first room.
-Enter the next room.
-Enter the next room.
-Triangle Sign room. Go left and enter the first room you see.
-Elevator Room to the 4th Level. Take the elevator.
-Exit the Elevator Room.
-Fight the Broken Piece. Enter the next room.
-Two-Triangle Sign Room. Enter the room to the left of the Two-Triangle sign here.
-Fight the Broken Piece (this room has stairs).

From here, re-enter the Two Two-Triangle Room, re-enter the room just right of the Two Two-Triangle sign (with the purple trim). Fight the Broken Piece. Then re-enter the Two-Triangle sign room and re-enter the room to the left of the sign. Fight the Broken Piece. Rinse and Repeat.

When you need to heal, and you don't want to use items, you can either backtrack to base camp or heal on the Bottom Level (don't forget to use the Cloak quartz). To get to the Bottom Level:

-From the room with the Broken Piece and a stairs, go down the stairs and enter the right door (with the purple trim).
-Enter the next room.
-Enter the next room.
-Enter the next room. (There's a Broken Piece here with five monsters if you have enough EP)
-Enter the next room.
-Go down the stairs and enter the next room.
-Enter the next room.
-Go up both stairs and enter the next room.
-This is the elevator to the Bottom Floor.

The only art you need is White Gehenna. Every character will be using it. Optionally, you can have Tita use Smoke Cannon. Boost up her STR as high as possible with Attack 3, Gladiator Belt, and Gladiator Headband. Also give her Hit 3. She can also use her S-Craft. For Zin and Agate, give them Gladiator Headbands (and Gladiator Belt if Tita is not in the party). When either Joshua, Agate, Zin, or Tita gets 100 CP, use their S-Craft and finish the monsters off with White Gehenna. If the crit bonus shows up and one of them has at least 100 CP, use their S-Craft then.

Make sure you unequip your supporting characters' armor, accessories, and quartz when you switch around. Also make sure you bring on a guy and a girl so they can equip the best armor. And don't forget to equip everyone's best weapon!

To get Zin and Agate White Gehenna and optimize their quartz layout:

Zin: Defense 3, EP Cut 3, Action 3, Attack 3, Mind 3, (unused)
Agate: Attack 3, EP Cut 3, Action 3, Mind 3, EP 3, Strike

I recommend pairing Zin with either Schera or Kloe since his ATS is so bad (At level 34 with Mind 3, he had 87 ATS).

Heal up, get everyone's CP to 200. Buy items. Cook up about 10 Tomato Sandwiches and a few Chomping Spare Ribs. Put everyone close together and in the back in Tactics. For the fight, you should have 10 Tear All Balms, Celestial Balms, and EP Charge EXes. If you're going to do New Game+, buy more so you have them for that playthrough. Sell sepith if you want. Once you get four of each Tier 3 quartz and four of each status ailment quartz, you won't need sepith anymore.

Also SAVE. The dialogue is slightly different depending on who you take with you to the final boss.

Who to take to the final boss? Most people go with Olivier, Schera, and/or Kloe. As stated above, arts rule the day. For example, at level 40 with 368 STR, Agate was doing less than 300 damage with Draguna Edge. That's about less than half of what Olivier and Kloe can do with arts. Whoever you choose, here's are my recommended setups for everyone:

Estelle (Gladiator Headband, Crest Charm): EP Cut 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Attack 3, Action 3, Cast 2
Joshua (Gladiator Belt, Grail Locket/Crest Charm): Action 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3, Attack 3
Schera (Crest Charm, +3 DEF accessory/Gladiator Headband): Shield 3, Cast 2, Mind 3, Action 3, Evade 3, EP Cut 3
Olivier (Crest Charm, Long Barrel/+3 DEF accessory): EP 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Action 3, Cast 2, EP Cut 3
Agate (Crest Charm, Gladiator Headband/+3 DEF accessory): Attack 3, Defense 3, Mind 3, Action 3, Cast 2, Strike
Tita (Crest Charm, Long Barrel/Gladiator Headband/+3 DEF accessory): EP Cut 3, Attack 3, Mind 3, Range 1, Action 3, Cast 2
Zin (Crest Charm, Gladiator Headband/+3 DEF accessory): Defense 3, Attack 3, Strike, Shield 3, Action 3, (unused)
Kloe (Grail Locket/Crest Charm, +3 DEF accessory): HP 3, Mind 3, Defense 3, Heal, Action 3, Cast 2

Ready to go? Go through the door for a scene.

Final Battle, Phase 1: Colonel Richard, Photon Judge x2

All enemies in all phases of the final battle are neutral to all elements and are immune to all status ailments, including AT Delay.

Richard has 16646 HP. Here's a breakdown of his skills:
-Afterglow Smasher: Single target S-Craft
-Luminous Divider: Single target craft
-Luminous Ogre: Single target craft that can cause faint
-Luminous Wheel: AoE craft that can impede
-White Gehenna: AoE art that can cause faint

The two Photon Judges (8990 HP) are stronger than what you fought throughout the dungeon. They have all the skills they had before plus another AoE attack that hits harder and in a wider radius. Remember, they can cause mute and impede arts, so watch out for those. Just like the other fights, you can manipulate them into always using their impede attack so they aren't using their other skills.

Start off by casting Earth Wall and Clock Up/Clock Up EX on everyone. Keep both of these arts on everyone as often as possible. Heal with La Teara or your best healing items. When a crit bonus comes up, have Joshua and Estelle use their S-Breaks (you can boost their STR with either Chomping Spare Rib, Monster Sushi, or Estelle's Morale craft). For arts, use White Gehenna, Earth Lance, and Blue Impact. Focus on the Photon Judges first.

As for individual characters: Schera should use Heaven's Kiss to accelerate everyone's turns and Bind Whip to impede Richard's casting. Olivier should use Sniper Shot to impede Richard's casting and Happy Trigger if you need emergency healing. Agate should use Draguna Edge until he runs out of CP. Unfortunately, Richard is immune to AT Delay, so Spiral Edge is not very useful. Tita should either cast arts or use Smoke Cannon to hit as many enemies as possible. Use Vital Cannon for emergency healing. Zin should use Distend and then attack normally. Once he has 200 CP, and Distend is still active, have him use his S-Break. Kloe should use Kaempfer on Richard and Sturm to interrupt his arts. Otherwise, have her focus on arts casting.

Once the Photon Judges go away, the battle is far easier. You can focus more on offense and less on defense.

This battle isn't going to end quickly. And it's not even the longest battle of the four phases.

A scene after the battle. From what I understand, if your Bracer Rank is below a certain level, the final boss fight will either end here or after phase 2.

Final Battle, Phase 2: Reverie, Right Forceps, Left Forceps

Your HP and EP will be fully healed.

The Right Forceps (8700 HP) is very fortified against arts and the Left Forceps (4346 HP) is very fortified against physical attacks (including S-Crafts). So focus all crafts and S-Crafts on the Right Forceps and arts on the Left Forceps.

The Right Forceps can cast Stone Impact, Diamond Dust, Spiral Flare, and Aerial. The Left Forceps can heal itself and others.

Reverie (17400 HP) has a single target attack, an AoE attack, and a charge-up line AoE. If you can't get Earth Guard/Wall on a character before the line AoE goes off, MOVE! That attack is a doozy.

Start by eliminating the Left Forceps (use arts) since it's the weakest and the healer. Be sure to impede its arts so it's not healing anything. After that, eliminate the Right Forceps (physical attacks).

Use the same strategy as last battle. Earth Wall, Clock Up EX, La Teara, Blue Impact/Earth Lance. Get Joshua especially, but Estelle also, to 200 CP (use food), especially when a crit bonus is coming up, then unleash their S-Crafts. Use food or Morale to boost their STR for some extra damage.

As long as you keep Earth Wall up, this battle is not that difficult either. Once it's just Reverie, just use Blue Impact and Earth Lance to take it down, moving out of the way when it uses its line AoE. Don't worry about S-Crafts. In fact, build up Estelle's and Joshua's CP as much as possible before the battle ends. Use food if you have to. Also, heal everyone's HP and EP the best you can before you end the fight.

Another scene.

Final Battle, Phase 3: Reverie, (Alpha Drone), (Beta Drone)

Your HP and EP do not fully restore before this battle.

Reverie now has 29000 HP. It will spend its first turns summoning drones (up to four?). In the beginning, they'll be Alpha Drones (1740 HP). As the battle goes on, Reverie will start summoning Beta Drones (2175 HP).

Alpha Drones can heal, use a line AoE attack, cast Napalm Breath, and self-destruct when defeated.

Beta Drones have all of Alpha Drone's skills plus its attacks can seal, it can cast White Gehenna instead of Napalm Breath, and it can put up a barrier that nullifies one physical attack, including S-Crafts (Craft Guard) and a barrier that nullifies one art (Arts Guard).

Reverie has a lot of new skills too. Most notably, a room-wide attack that impedes and a charge-up room-wide attack that does devastating damage. Also, when you destroy the drones, it will use Death Rage, a single target attack which is also devastating. Before you destroy both drones and Reverie gets a turn, or when it begins charging up its room-wide attack, put Earth Wall on everyone.

Start the battle with Earth Wall and Clock Up EX. Once you have Earth Wall up, two drones are out, and you either boosted Joshua's STR or get a damage bonus, use Joshua's S-Craft/S-Break to get rid of the drones. Reverie will use Death Rage on someone. When another crit bonus comes around, use Estelle's S-Craft on Reverie.

After that, it's just a matter of keeping Earth Wall applied and using Blue Impact or Earth Lance on Reverie. If a drone is close enough to Reverie, you can use White Gehenna or Aero Storm to hit them both.

When you get Reverie below 19000 HP, it will lose its room-wide impede attack and begin to summon the Beta Drones. When it does its line AoE attack, it will have to cool down and in that time it will lose DEF. This is the best time to unleash Estelle's and Joshua's S-Craft on it. When it gets below 7000 HP, it will lose its charge-up line AoE. This is when it will start using its charge-up room-wide attack. MAKE SURE EARTH WALL IS UP! After it uses this attack, it's DEF will be lowered. Use S-Crafts if you can.

Another scene.

Final Battle, Phase 4: Reverie

It only has 5000 HP and it will sit there and do nothing.

In order to get an achievement, DO NOT USE S-CRAFTS! Just wail on it until it goes down. If you already got the achievement, then throw everything and the kitchen sink at it.

More scenes. You'll end up back in Grancel. {BP: 12}.

NOTE: Don't worry! There's one more request to finish to get the remaining 3 BP!



Bracer Requests

  • The Embassy Mission (3)
  • BP: 3
  • Total BP (Epilogue): 368/368


  • none


  • none


  • none


  • Liberl News - Special


  • none


  • none
  • Total Chests: 164/164

The City of Grancel

You start in the castle area. The last time to hunt for NPC dialogue.

NPC Dialogue - Grancel (after final dungeon)

Note: To advance the story, go into the castle

South Block

  • Outside: Finel (lower west stall vendor), Nonna (lower east stall vendor), Raleigh (near fountain), Dick (near fountain), Troy (near fountain), Berden (near fountain), ++Mayor Maybelle (near fountain), ++Lila (near fountain), Gaspard (stall near orbment factory), Simon (near arms & guards store), Mirano (near arms & guards store), Bill (between Bracer's Guild and Sunnybell Inn), Ilene (between Bracer's Guild and Sunnybell Inn), Latanya (walking in circles), Tran (walking north and south), Soldier (corner of inn), Soldier (patrolling north and south (west)), Soldier (patrolling north and south (east))
  • Wingard Orbal Factory: Zacharias (counter), Tom (third floor counter)
  • Fisherman's Guild: Fisher (counter), ++Factory Chief Murdock, ++Mayor Klaus, Lloyd (upstairs), Percy (upstairs)
  • Weis Arms & Guards: Chaeli (counter), Shepard (upstairs, through door)
  • Bracer's Guild: ++Elnan (changes after finishing request)
  • Northwestern House: Ralph, Patty
  • Sunnybell Inn: Cready (counter), Spencer, ++Zin, ++Agate, ++Kurt (upstairs), ++Grant (upstairs)
  • House by Bracer's Guild: empty

East Block

  • Outside: Builna (walking counterclockwise around department store), Marsha (walking clockwise around department store), Laone (walking clockwise around East Block), Anton (south of department store), Ricky (south of department store), Private Tact (south gate guard), Lifa (ticket booth near arena), Private Bergan (north gate guard), Sorbet (west stall vendor), Carla (near clock tower), Lucia (near clock tower), Clarice (near clock tower), Nemo (near clock tower), Robyn (near west stall), Phoebe (near west stall), Nana (near west stall), Soldier (patrolling outside arena), Soldier (patrolling counter clockwise around department store), Soldier (patrolling clockwise around East Block), Tourist x31
  • Edel Department Store: Edel, Danton (bottom right store), Terell (near bottom right store), ++Anelace (near bottom right store), ++Carna (near bottom right store), ++Schera (near bottom right store), Lily (upper right store), Midee (upper left store), Kitty (near upper left store), Sienna (near upper left store), ++Butler Philip (near top left store)
  • History Museum: Licia (counter), Santos (left room), Museum Director (upstairs)
  • Grand Arena: inaccessible
  • Landing Port: Sophina, Finella (ticket booth), Tiffany (upper docking strip), Carnero (upper docking strip), Mechanic Payton (lower docking strip), Faye (lower docking strip), +Private Brahm (lower docking strip), Filder (Liberl Orbalship Co.), Sasha (Liberl Orbalship Co.)

North Block

  • Outside: Becker (running around), Noel (walking around), Palmer (walking around), Godfrey (walking around), Miele (near castle entrance), Martin (outside southwestern house), Marian (outside southwestern house), Helena (outside southwestern house), Soldier (patrolling outside hotel), Soldier (patrolling north and south), Soldier (beginning of western road), Soldier (patrolling western road), Visitor x12
  • Hotel Roenbaum: Fritz (front desk), ++Kloe, ++Jill, ++Hans, ++Dean Collins
  • Southwestern House: empty
  • Northwestern House: Norche (upstairs)
  • Grancel Castle (outside): Private Dan, Private Aluts, Armand, Ellie, Tourist x4

West Block

  • Outside: Sharnelle (walking around), Peter (near church), Private Datten (port entrance guard), Phelio (outside north Lower West Block house), Lakeisha (outside north Lower West Block house), Solider (patrolling outside house near cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside cathedral), Soldier (patrolling outside Liberl News), Tourist x8
  • Grancel Cathedral: ++1st Lieutenant Schwarz, Cisna, Sister Noah, Bishop Reval (bottom left room, upstairs), +Archbishop Currant (bottom right room)
  • Baral Coffee House: Baral (counter), Connor, ++Professor Russell, ++Tita
  • The Liberl News Service: Sariah (front desk), ++Dorothy (first floor), ++Nial (second floor), Faults (second floor), Editor-in-Chief (second floor), Noticia (second floor)
  • House Near Cathedral: Dalia, Katrina (kitchen)
  • North House (Lower West Block): empty
  • Northeast House (Lower West Block): Duncan
  • Southeast House (Lower West Block): Seagaro
  • Port: inaccessible

Grancel Castle

  • Foyer: Royal Guardsman x2
  • Administrative Room: Dayan, Tooker, Helmuth
  • Kitchen: Head Cook Gervais, Folk, Regis
  • Cellar: empty
  • Dining Room: Elke, Sorella
  • Maid Quarters: ++Head Maid Hilda
  • Royal Guard Room: empty
  • Throne Room: ++Queen Alicia, ++General Morgan, ++Cassius
  • Left Wing: Primrose
  • Library: Libra
  • Right Wing: Nage
  • Lounge: Revol, ++Olivier (disappears after request)
  • Garden Terrace: empty
  • Royal Keep: Shea (Princess' Room)

Grancel Area (inaccessible)

+ = Interaction (NPC interacts with one of your party members)
++ = Voiced dialogue or interaction
# = NPC has nothing new to say

Start by going inside the castle. Go upstairs and into the Right Wing. Go inside the room at the end (the Lounge) and talk to Olivier. Now head over to the Bracer's Guild and examine the board. You'll find the request The Embassy Mission.

You must talk to Olivier first or the request won't show up.

Go back to the castle's Lounge and talk to Olivier for a scene. You'll end up back at the Bracer's Guild {BP: 3}. With this, you should get three achievements: one for this request specifically, one for getting all 368 BP, and one for completing all Bracer requests.

Elnan has extra dialogue relevant to the story.

Next, head over to the department store in East Block. Go to the top right vendor and purchase Liberl News - Special. Open up all the newspapers you haven't read yet for an achievement.

There is an optional scene if you approach the ice cream vendor in East Block.

If you're interested in knowing where all the supporting characters are:
-Mayor Maybelle and Lila: Near South Block fountain (before Royal Avenue entrance)
-Factory Chief Murdock and Mayor Klaus: Fisherman's Guild
-Zin, Agate, Kurt, and Grant: Sunnybell Inn
-Schera, Carna, Anelace, and Butler Philip: Department Store
-Kloe, Jill, Hans, and Dean Collins: Hotel Roenbaum
-Julia: Grancel Cathedral
-Professor Russell and Tita: Baral Cafe
-Dorothy and Nial: Liberl News
-Hilda: Castle Maid Quarters
-Queen Alicia, General Morgan, and Cassius: Castle Throne Room

If you're going to do New Game+, stock up on any food and ingredients you may want (Mixed Cocktail, for example). Unfortunately, we can't buy Special Ice Cream.

To advance the story, go to the small park north of the department store in East Block and choose to stop and rest for a lengthy scene. You'll end up at Grancel Castle.

Grancel Castle

NPC Dialogue - Grancel Castle (after the celebration)

Grancel Castle

  • Right Wing:++Schera (bottom left room), ++Zin (bottom right room), ++Professor Russell (top right room), ++Agate (top right room), ++Tita (top right room)
  • Lounge: Revol, ++Olivier
  • Garden Terrace: ++Joshua (advances the story)
  • Royal Keep: ++Queen Alicia, ++Kloe, ++1st Lieutenant Schwarz, ++Head Maid Hilda, Shea

Go up the stairs to the Garden Terrace.

Go up the stairs and left, past the red carpet, and up the stairs in the left corner for a lengthy scene.

Congratulations! You have completed The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC!

Be sure to create a Clear Data save after the credits.

New Game+

Here's what carries over into New Game+:

-Items (inventory items)
-Equipment (weapons, armor, shoes, accessories, and quartz (no more than ten of each; so if you have more than ten T-Anklets or HP 2 quartz, etc., you'll have ten of them in NG+); quest related items do no carryover (not sure if this includes the prototype gun, books you collect from requests, etc.))
-Information (recipe book and monster guide)
-Status (character levels and opened orbment slots)
-Enemy Strength (Normal, Hard, or Nightmare)