Top 20 paying jobs in Australia

What are the top 20 highest paying jobs in Australia? Find how you can upskill or plan your career into one of the highest paying jobs in Australia.

  • Valentin Berard
  • Job Search

Top 20 paying jobs in Australia

By the end of this year, the GDP per capita in Australia is expected to reach 56100.00 USD. In 2022, it’s expected to continue to reach approximately 57300.00 USD.

As Australia’s job landscape is also beginning to trend upward once more, and the country is recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are plenty of job openings throughout Australia, including openings for high-paying positions.

For those who are looking to make a career change or who are making future plans for their careers, this guide can help them to understand which positions pay the most and the degrees that are required to qualify for them. Read on to learn about the highest-paying jobs in Australia in 2021.

What Salary Is Considered Rich in Australia?

As of November 2020, the average salary in Australia for full-time adults is around A$1,712 per week, which works out to A$89,024 per year.

The cost of living in Australia is higher than that of many other countries. Compared to the United States, for example, the cost of living is 13.71 per cent higher, even though rent is, on average, 9.83 per cent lower.

To enjoy a higher quality of life and live comfortably, without having to worry about everyday expenses, a person would need to earn an above-average salary. In Australia, a “rich” person’s salary would start at around A$100,000 or more per year. However, according to this article from Vogue, all of the country’s top 10 earners bring home more than $A150,000 per year.

What Is the #1 Highest-Paid Position in Australia?

Among the best-paid jobs in Australia, a job as a surgeon is the one to consider if you want to earn a very high salary. On average, surgeons earn a salary of A$394,303, which is nearly 4 times what the average person in Australia earns per year.

It’s not exactly surprising that surgeons are the highest-paid professionals in Australia. After all, most healthcare careers pay very generous salaries. Furthermore, surgeons spend an inordinate amount of time in school honing their skills before they begin practising, so it makes sense that their salary would match the amount of effort they’ve put in.

The good news is that, if the idea of working as a surgeon doesn’t appeal to you, there are plenty of other high-paying positions in Australia that you may want to consider instead, including the following:

20. Systems Engineer

19. Information Technology Security Specialist

18. Engineering Manager

17. Information Technology Architect

16. Engineering Manager

15. CEO or Managing Director

14. Mining Engineer

13. Medical Practitioner

12. Psychiatrist

11. Head of Compliance

10. Information Technology Portfolio Manager

9. Chief Financial Officer

8. Head of Technology

7. Investment Director

6. Internal Medical Specialist

5. Mining Head of Operations

3. Construction General Manager

2. Anaesthetist

1. Surgeon

Top 5 Highest Paying Industries in Australia

As with any country, the most well-paid jobs typically tend to fall into certain industry categories. The following are the top 5 highest paying industries in Australia, each of which is worth considering if you’re looking to make a career change, or if you want to start your career in a high-paying job shortly after leaving school.

1. Mining, Resources & Energy

Australia is home to some of the world’s most diverse and abundant mineral and energy reserves. Because of this, the mining, resources, and energy industry is one of the country’s most promising.

There’s a wide range of jobs available in this field, and the average salary for the entire industry is around A$100,000 per year. The mining, resources, and energy industry has grown a lot over the last several years. However, industry professionals have also just barely scratched the surface when it comes to what’s available down below.

Top 3 Job Titles and Salaries
  • Driller: Average salary A$80K to A$200K
  • Mining Engineer: Average salary A$184,507
  • Mining Head of Operations: Average salary A$325K
Job Prospects

Because so much of Australia’s surface is still left unexplored and untapped, there will likely be a growing demand in the mining, resources, and energy industry for quite a while. This means career prospects look great for most professionals who hope to break into it.

👉 Browse Jobs in the Mining Industry in Australia

2. Consulting & Strategy

Consultants and strategists can earn a great living in Australia by advising others on how to run their businesses more smoothly.

From construction and legal consultants to healthcare and financial strategists, there are tons of jobs in this industry, which is worth approximately $1.5 billion, that pay experts generous salaries in exchange for their expertise.

Top 3 Job Titles and Salaries
  • Management Consultant: Average salary A$88,377
  • Financial Consultant: Average salary A$108,076
  • Legal Consultant: Average salary A$109,000
Job Prospects

There’s a high demand in Australia for talented consultants who can provide advice and direction to other professionals. Most business owners, whether they work in law or retail, want to know what they can do to run their companies better and increase their profits. Consultants have the skills and experience needed to help them accomplish that.

👉 Browse Consulting Jobs in Australia

3. Construction

It’s not surprising that construction is one of the most profitable industries in Australia. The industry generates more than $360 billion in revenue each year and produces approximately 9 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. It also has a projected annual growth rate of 2.4 per cent over the next 5 years.

Top 3 Job Titles and Salaries
  • Scaffolder: Average Salary A$94,603
  • General Foreman: Average Salary A$158,005
  • Construction General Manager: Average Salary A$350,000
Job Prospects

As we mentioned above, the construction industry in Australia is a major contributor to the country’s GDP, and it’s expected to grow steadily over the next several years. If you’re looking for a career that offers lots of opportunities and room for growth, most people would likely agree that working in the construction industry would be a safe bet.  

👉 Browse Jobs in the Construction Industry in Australia

4. Engineering

There are lots of job opportunities in the engineering industry in Australia, too. This particular industry has held steady for several years, and it’s even expected to reach a valuation of A$95.69 billion by the year 2025. There will likely always be a need for experienced, skilled engineering professionals, so it makes sense that this has been and continues to be one of Australia’s highest-paying industries.

Top 3 Job Titles and Salaries
  • Civil Engineer: Average Salary A$100,000 to A$120,000
  • Electrical Engineer: Average Salary A$75,000 to A$152,580
  • Petroleum Engineer: Average Salary A$66,000 to A$194,000
Job Prospects

The engineering industry seems to be a very safe, secure industry for those who want to earn a high salary and enjoy a great deal of job security. There’s a strong need for engineers in Australia, and that need isn’t likely to go away anytime soon.

👉 Browse Jobs in the Engineering Industry in Australia

5. Healthcare

Finally, healthcare, one of Australia’s highest-paying industries. This industry is expected to generate approximately A$162.4 billion in 2021 alone. Not only is it home to Australia’s highest-paying career (surgeon), but there are lots of other well-paying positions that fall under the healthcare umbrella that job seekers might want to consider.

Top 3 Job Titles and Salaries
  • Internal Medicine Specialist: A$304,752
  • Anaesthetist: Average salary A$386,065
  • Surgeon: Average salary A$394,303
Job Prospects

A career in the healthcare industry is likely one of the safest options for those who want to enjoy a high level of job security (in addition to a high salary). There will always be a demand for healthcare workers (after all, people aren’t going to stop getting sick or injured, are they?). There’s a lot of opportunity for growth in the healthcare field, too, which is great news for those who want to continue learning over time.

👉 Browse Jobs in the Healthcare Industry in Australia


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Top 5 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia for Fresh Graduates

The highest paying jobs in Australia for fresh graduates, in many cases, will be different from the highest paying jobs for experienced workers. After all, some of the best-paying jobs in the country aren’t accessible until after someone has gained some on-the-job experience.

However, there are still some careers that will provide a high salary right away. Here are 5 of the best-paid jobs in Australia that students who have recently graduated (or who are getting ready to graduate soon) ought to consider, especially if earning a generous salary is important to them:

1. Medicine

It takes a lot of schooling to land a career in medicine. At a minimum, to become a registered nurse, you’ll need around 4 years of schooling, whereas a surgeon requires 8 or more years, depending on their specialty.

It may take you a while to graduate, but when you do, a medical degree will yield you a very generous salary right out of the gate. All of the hard work you put in while in school will pay off, literally.

For example, the average starting salary for healthcare workers is A$70,000. That salary steadily increases over the years, too, as healthcare workers gain experience and seniority within the hospital or practise where they work.

👉 Browse Medical Jobs in Australia on GrabJobs

2. Dentistry

Another career that can provide a high salary right out of school is dentistry. As soon as you graduate from dental school, you can expect to earn an average starting salary of A$86,300. Within 3 years of graduating, that salary increases to an average of A$105,100.

Like medical professionals, dentists have to spend a lot of years in school training before they can start practising. Because they put so much time in upfront, though, they’re able to hit the ground running right when they graduate with a fairly high salary.

It may be frustrating at times when preparing for a career in dentistry, and there may be times when you feel as though your schooling will never end. It will, though, and you’ll likely be rewarded with a high-paying job when it does.

👉 Browse Dentistry Jobs in Australia on GrabJobs

3. Engineer

As you now know, engineering is one of the highest-paying industries in Australia. With this in mind, it makes sense that engineers would start earning a decent salary as soon as they leave school.

The starting salary for an engineer varies depending on the type of engineering degree that they pursue. For example, on the low end, an aerospace engineer will earn an average starting salary of around A$58,300. On the other end of the spectrum, civil engineers can earn around A$64,000 when they first graduate.

There’s a lot of room for growth within the engineering field, too. Within a few years, your salary will be much higher than it was when you started, and you may even have opportunities to transition into other, related positions, such as consulting or project management.  

👉 Browse Engineering Jobs in Australia on GrabJobs

4. Solicitor

Solicitors, once they graduate from school, can earn a very high salary right out of the gate. After all, the average starting salary for new graduates is A$98,396.

Solicitors don’t have to spend quite as much time in school as some of the other professionals on this list, either.

To become a lawyer in Australia, you’ll need to spend between 4 and 5 years on average to earn either a Bachelor of Law degree (or an LLB) or a Combined LLB. You’ll also need to complete practical legal training, which typically takes around one year (sometimes less).

The future growth projections for solicitors are very strong, which means there will likely be lots of jobs available in the future. For students who are considering a career in law, this is a particularly good point to consider.

👉 Browse Solicitor Jobs in Australia on GrabJobs

5. Construction Manager

Finally, construction managers can also earn a very good living right out of school, too. Once you graduate with a degree in construction management, which typically takes about 3-4 years, your average salary will be somewhere around A$99,386.

The construction industry is booming in Australia right now. This means there are lots of job opportunities for recent graduates.

You can increase your chances of getting hired even more by gaining some on-the-job experience as a management assistant before you graduate. This also gives you a chance to see whether or not construction management is the right fit for you.

👉 Browse Construction Jobs in Australia on GrabJobs

What Degree Pays the Most in Australia?

In many cases, earning a high-paying job in Australia starts with earning the right degree. In the table below, we’ve broken down some of the best degree types to consider if you want to enjoy a high starting salary as soon as you’re out of school:

As you can see, not all of these jobs will put you in the NZ$100,000-plus bracket right after you graduate from college. That doesn’t mean they’re not well-paying jobs with a lot of room for growth (and higher earnings) in the future, though.

Pursuing any of these degrees can still open a lot of doors for you. They may help you to start earning a high salary sooner than you (likely) would have if you were to take a different career path.

Degree Type

Potential Salary

Starting salary for new graduates is around A$70,000

Starting salary for new graduates is around A$60,565

Starting salary ranges from A$58,300 to A$67,000

Starting salary for new graduates is around A$98,396

Starting salary for new graduates is around A$99,386

It’s worth noting that these numbers are just estimates based on average earnings for new graduates. There are plenty of other degrees that can lead to well-paying jobs, these are just some of the most lucrative options that students might want to consider as they’re making plans for the future.

Land One of the Highest Paying Jobs in Australia Today

There you have it: The top 20 highest paying jobs in Australia. Whether you want to work in the healthcare field, engineering, or anything in between, there’s a lucrative job here for you.

Do any of these positions interest you? Are you thinking about pursuing one of the degrees mentioned above that are likely to lead to a high-paying job?

Keep the information discussed in this guide in mind so you can plan for the future and start searching for a job that sets you and your family up for long-term financial success.

If you want to simplify your job search even further, check out GrabJobs’s free job search tool makes it easier than ever to find open positions in your area.

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more:

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