Thick hair thinned out before and after

I don't care what anyone says — there is nothing more traumatizing than getting a bad haircut. You can pop the hair vitamins like no one's business and study yourself in the mirror daily, but it feels like it never changes. It just takes forever to grow back out. You might think you're totally ready to do it, but there are some things you need to consider before you get your hair thinned out. You want to avoid any hair trauma at all costs.

I have insanely thick hair, and I'm the first to say that I've always hated it. It's too heavy, it takes too long to dry, in the summer it gets hot, I could go on and on. So I finally took the plunge this last summer and got my hair thinned out. It took me about a week before I realized what a huge mistake I'd made, and it's finally now, after months and months, starting to look like the thick head of hair I was born with. I don't think I'll ever curse my thick locks again.

I made the decision on a whim while sitting in the hair salon. "Yeah! Go for it! Why not?" But had I done some research first, I probably would not have made that same decision. if you're contemplating thinning out your thick hair, here are a few things you need to consider first.

1. It Might Look Different

The grass is always greener on the other side, but if you've never had thin hair before, it may going to look different, depending on your hair texture. "If someone with a ton of curly hair is really thinned out you won't notice it quite as much as someone who has finer more straight hair," says Garnier Celebrity Hairstylist, Ashley Streicher. "I would say to be very cautious when asking to have your hair 'thinned out,' cause it can really make your hair looked damaged and misshaped if overdone."

2. Styling Could Be Harder — Or Easier

I took for granted how easily my natural hair texture styled. It held curls without any spray, and I could put it in a braid or a bun and instantly get texture and movement without any heat, but once I thinned it out? Not so much. It was harder to style, and when I did get a style, it fell flat much quicker. However, it's not always the same for everyone. "For some people who have extremely thick, course hair it can make styling easier, or at least cut down on blow dry time," Streicher says. "But sometimes over thinning can change the shape of the haircut making styling more difficult."

3. It Will Get Dirty Faster

If you're used to washing on the regs, this won't be a problem, but for all of thick hair's inconveniences, it does have one thing going for it: You can go way longer between washes.

4. Beware Of The Method Used

Bennett Raglin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

If your stylist uses thinning shears, as long as they are used correctly, you should avoid damage, but razoring, another popular method of thinning, can cause your ends to look dry and frizzy. "If over thinned, your hair can look thin on the ends and more bulky at the roots looking like you have thinned split ends," Streicher explains. "Unfortunately there is no way to treat that."

5. It Will Alter Your Wave Pattern

If you have naturally wavy or curly hair and air dry it, prepare to see some differences. "It changes the shape and can therefore make your hair feel like a different texture," the hairstylist says. So your "wash and go" routine might not be as seamless anymore.

6. The Grow Out Is Rough

Getting your hair thinned out isn't like getting a haircut that's too short. "It will look bulkier at the roots and thinner on the ends," Streicher says. To get that thickness back, you're going to have to regrow the hair from your root. Imagine how long that will take.

7. To Fix It, You May Have To Go Blunt

If you just can't live with thinner ends anymore, a faster solution to waiting for it to grow is to cut your hair blunt. Blunt ends always make your hair look thicker, but if you're a fan of layers, or that "V" shape, then you might have to part with it for a while until your hair grows and thickens.

This post was originally published on February 25, 2016 It was updated and republished on August 30, 2019.

This article was originally published on Feb. 25, 2016

  • What It Means to Get Your Hair Thinned
  • Should You Get Your Hair Thinned?
  • Pros of Thinning Your Hair
  • Cons of Thinning Your Hair
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • So, Should I Get My Hair Thinned?

Many thick-haired people ask is – should I get my hair thinned? Is your hair too thick? Or is there just too much? While you may think an easy fix is thinning out your thick and volumized hair to make it more manageable, thinning may not be the best idea. 

Sometimes thinning can lead to a disappointing result. While thinning will take most of the bulk out of your hair, it won’t make the strands less thick. Let’s dive in and thoroughly answer your question. 

What It Means to Get Your Hair Thinned

Thick hair thinned out before and after


Thinning shears (used by a hairdresser) are scissors that limit how much hair is cut off. They have one straight edge and one notched edge for guiding how much hair is cut.

If your hairdresser  overuses thinning shears, you may have problems styling it, due to the different lengths. While getting your hair thinned won’t take any length off, its purpose is to help change the shape and structure of your hair.

If your hair is very thick, you’ll want to consider getting your hair thinned. However, if you have short thick hair, thinning may only make it look shorter, and you’ll end up with a fluffy bob. 

One of the first things you should consider before doing anything else is finding a hairdresser who has been in their field for more than five years. 

Maybe, schedule an appointment for them to look at your hair and how it grows and ask them for advice on getting the desired look you’re going for. Finding a good hairdresser makes all the difference when deciding whether you need your hair thinned or not.

There are also a few things to consider before getting your hair thinned, which we’ll cover in detail below.

How Long Is Your Hair?

If you have short hair, you’ll want to stay away from thinning as it won’t give you the result you’re looking for – actually, quite the opposite. The longer your hair, the better you’ll be.

The weight will bring down how much volume your natural hair has with longer hairstyles. So, thinning your hair with a longer hairstyle will help it look not as poofy – as long as you have the weight behind it. 

Your Hair Will Take a Different Shape

Hairdressers will start thinning from the midsection of your hair, so the roots will look bulkier while the ends are thinner. If you have naturally curly or wavy hair, thinning it will take some bulk out of it. However, the curls may become tighter, and the wave pattern may differ. 

If you have straight or fine hair, you’ll see a massive difference in how your hair lays flat or is styled. Curly, thick hair will show subtle differences that only you’ll recognize when it comes to styling. 

It May Become More Difficult To Style (Or More Effortless)

If you’re looking for a flatter, more relaxed hair, thinning is the quick fix. However, if you have straight hair, your natural curls or waves may take some heat and beauty products to get it right again. 

Since the way hairdressers thin your hair, you’ll have more hair near the roots and less hair near the tips, which can cause your hair to bunch up unless you have long hair to weigh it down. 

Also, you may notice more poof if your hair is short and naturally curly or thick and more frizz if your hair is straight or volumized. Taming your hair may become more difficult depending on your natural hair type. 

You’ll Need More Washes Than Before

Perhaps the most significant benefit (depending on perspective) is with thick, volumized hair, you can get away with more lazy days without having to wash your hair every time you shower, and it looks great.

When your hair is thinned, it will look greasier and dirty quicker because the texture has changed. Then again, if you’re a shower everyday type of person, this won’t be a problem for you.

Read Next: How Often Should I Wash My Hair? Quiz

Fixing a Thinned Haircut Takes Forever

Another great thing about volumized, thick hair is that you can get away with layered and V-cuts. However, when your hair looks and feels thinner, getting these types of cuts will only make it look shorter and messy. 

You may become tired of thinner ends and easier breakage, so waiting for it to grow out may take forever, considering the shortness starts near your roots. Your best bet may be to get a blunt bob and invest in some extensions until your hair grows out again. 

Pros of Thinning Your Hair

Thick hair thinned out before and after


The advantages of using thinning shears on your next haircut depend on what you’re looking for. Some people want thick, volumized hair – others want a flatter, more tameable look. 

When you’re thinning your hair, you can expect the bulk of your hair to be trimmed down (it will look closer to your face). Your hair will appear wispier and light, and your hair will seem as if it has a feathered, more textured look. 

Some benefits to a thinned haircut are:

  • Adds texture to any length of hair. For short hair, opt for layers or thinned – not both.
  • Thinner hair gives off a younger and modernized look.
  • It will allow thick-haired people to have a flatter approach and fine-haired people to have a bulkier look.
  • Helps make your head feel lighter, which will decrease getting overly warm during the summer months.
  • Great for fixing a bad haircut.
  • It settles easier.
  • You’ll feel it’s easier to manage – most of the time.

Cons of Thinning Your Hair

Not enough thinning, and you won’t get your desired look. Too much thinning will result in more flyaways, frizz, and dryness. Ensure you have a hairstylist who knows what they are doing and have used thinning shears before.

The cons of getting your hair thinned are as follows:

  • Make sure your hair is healthy enough to thin – otherwise, dry hair plus thinning shears equals more frizz and unmanageable hair.
  • It’s easy to get carried away with thinning shears. Remember, you want relaxed hair that is easier to style – not hair with its own mind.
  • You may run into more breakage and easier to damage hair when using heating tools and hair products.
  • Your hair may grow slower.
  • Keep thinning scissors away from your roots; otherwise, the top of your head will end up poofy and uncontrollable.
  • Remember – fine hair plus thinning shears removes volume, which equals more frizz and flyaways. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Thick hair thinned out before and after

Nina Buday/Shutterstock

Are you still unsure about whether you should get your hair thinned or not? Here are some common questions asked by thousands of people in the same position as you. 

Does Thinning Your Hair Make it Grow Back Thicker?

Getting your hair thinner by a hairdresser doesn’t affect how your hair grows – thicker, denser, or otherwise. It really depends on your hair type, which you will notice more.

Thinner hair will look thicker with a thinned haircut. Thicker hair will look flatter with a thinned haircut. The process of how it grows back can only be seen within six months of your thinned cut since everyone’s hair grows differently. 

What’s The Difference Between Thinning and Layering?

A layered cut requires ordinary scissors to cut length off in different parts of your hair. For example, a two-layered haircut means the top layer of hair is shorter than the bottom. 

A thinned haircut requires special scissors to go through the depths of your hair and cut the bulk of it out. 

The biggest difference between layered and thinned cuts is that layers create volume while thinned haircuts create a soft look. 

How Often Should I Get My Hair Thinned?

Depending on your desired look, you will decide how often you should get a thinned haircut. On average, getting a haircut every three to four months is recommended.

However, with different hair types, a cut will only be necessary according to your natural hair, whether you should wait or get it done. If your hair is thick, you can wait a couple more months. On the other hand, if your hair is thin, you’ll need to aim for it sooner.

Read Next: How Often Should You Cut Your Hair?

What Happens If I Get My Curly Hair Thinned?

If you have naturally curly hair, thinning it will take the bulk of it down, but it will be hard to notice.  If you decide to get your curly hair thinned in hopes that it will help tame down some of those curls, you’ll only end up with potentially more frizz and easier to damage hair.

Not to mention, your curls won’t lay the same as before because thinning shears change the shape and pattern of your hair. 

Should I Get My Hair Thinned If I Am Trying to Grow it Out?

If you’re trying to grow your hair out, you shouldn’t get your hair thinned or layered; just trim until you reach the desired length. Thinning your hair or adding style such as layers will only cause your hair to have different lengths, making it seem like your hair is taking forever to grow. 

So, Should I Get My Hair Thinned?

Still, the question remains, should I get my hair thinned? One thing you can try is getting it thinned once and see if you like it. Just because your friend had a bad experience doesn’t mean that you will too.

It comes down to the fact of how manageable your hair is. If your hair is fine the way it is, but you notice some breakage and frizz, it may be best to stick to a light trim. If it’s a hot mess and you’re having more bad hair days than not – opt for a thinning haircut.

Can thick hair be thinned out?

One of the most common ways hairstylists trim long, thick hair is by thinning it out. While removing some weight from your hair may seem like the best way to make it more manageable, over-thinning thick hair can cause unwanted volume from the shorter layers left behind during the thinning process.

Does thick hair grow back after being thinned?

Using thinning scissors is not that different from styling your hair. It doesn't affect the number of hairs you have on your head or how thick they will be. It doesn't depend on it. Your hair grows back anew in less time.

How long does it take for thinned out hair to get thick again?

Hair grows back at a rate of 1 inch (one inch) per month. Depending on how much hair has been removed, it will take anywhere between one to six months to regrow your hair after being thinned out. The thing to watch out for is whether or not your hair is damaged due to the hair thinning scissors or texturizing shears.

Does getting your hair thinned damage it?

Are Thinning Scissors Bad For Hair? If used incorrectly, thinning shears can do more damage than good. As mentioned, over-thinning the hair or starting too close to the root can leave your client with that spiky, static hair look. It can also damage the ends of the hair, leaving it looking stringy.