The Ron Clark Story full movie English Subtitles

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Ron Clark, ready for your first day?

  • Yes, ma'am.

  • >> I'll be with you in a minute, and
    I'll introduce you to your class.

  • >> Hi.

  • What happened to you?

  • Teacher says I can't learn so
    I should go out with the trash.

  • >> Okay, settle down.
    Let's get out our silent reading.

  • [SOUND]
    >> I'm Mr. Clark.

  • What's your name?

  • Hadley Craig.

  • >> Nice to meet you.

  • You know, I'm so sorry.

  • I'm so forgetful.

  • What's my name again?

  • >> It's Mr. Clark.

  • >> See, you just learned something.

  • Let's get you out of there.

  • >> Mr. Clark?

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> Is you going to be our new teacher?

  • >> Alan, no whispering.

  • >> Get the chairs.

  • >> My hair.

  • >> Get the jello molds.

  • >> Bill, grab the other table.

  • >> We'll arrive at
    Swan Quarter about 5:00,

  • like we always do
    >> Pick up the shrimp

  • bait at the general store,
    like we always do,

  • and hop the ferry over to Ococoke Island
    for some fine flounder fishing.

  • >> Like we always do.

  • >> Folks, it's not quite the end of the
    year summer celebration we expected but

  • let's take a moment to thank our own Mr.

  • Who's fifth grade class tested
    number one in Baltimore county for

  • the fourth year in a row.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> We have a surprise that we have

  • put together for you.

  • Unfortunately, it's outside.

  • >> Man.


  • >> [LAUGH] Ya'll know, Mr.

  • Clark began here as a temporary teacher.

  • We've all chipped in on something
    to make him feel more permanent.

  • [LAUGH]
    >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> I love it here, but I've gotta move on,

  • mom, before they use
    that parking space for

  • my grave.
    New York public schools

  • are desperate for good teachers,

  • newspaper says they're begging for them.

  • every year I tell my students to go for
    what they want in life, dream big,

  • take risks, it's time I start
    living up to my own words.

  • I'm gonna miss you guys but

  • I gotta go.
    >> We understand, sweetie.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Goodbye.

  • People get killed in New York.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> This is Radio Roanoke, where the sun is
    shining and the temperature is 78 degrees.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> News and sports in five Baltimore,
    but now let's get ready to rock and

  • roll with the Smoking Red.

  • >> That was the mellow midnight
    voice of Johnny Hartman,

  • this is WNYC in New York City.

  • Next up, something cool on a hot night.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [SOUND] Come on, pal, get out of the way!

  • >> Okay, sir.

  • >> Come on!

  • Fuck you!

  • >> Rent's due at ten, cash only.

  • Check out's at 11:30.

  • >> Okay, this is great.

  • And what's your name?

  • >> Yolanda.

  • >> Thank you, Yolanda.

  • Hi.

  • >> [NOISE]

  • >> New York.

  • [SOUND]

  • [SOUND] Good morning.

  • Good morning.

  • Yolanda, good morning.

  • Do you have a list of
    public schools in Harlem?

  • >> Sure, I do baby.

  • [SOUND] Okay, thank you.

  • >> Why you want school listings for?

  • >> I'm a teacher.

  • >> And you wanna teach up in Harlem?

  • >> Yes.

  • >> Well then, honey,
    you're gonna need something else.

  • Personal injury lawyers.

  • Because once your white
    behind goes on up in there,

  • they'll be carrying you back
    out the same way you went in.

  • What kind of foolishness is this going
    on up there to Harlem trying to teach,

  • you know you ain't [INAUDIBLE].

  • >> Okay, thank you.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Thank you so much for coming in.

  • >> You're welcome but
    if you could just look at my resume.

  • >> I apologize we just don't
    have a position available.

  • All my kids tested above grade level.

  • >> I'm sure they did.

  • And good luck to you.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [SOUND]

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Ma'am?
    You forgot your purse.

  • >> Thanks.

  • >> You're welcome.

  • [MUSIC]

  • I'll get-
    >> So

  • my merry men and ladies,
    let us steal from the rich and

  • help a poor brave waiter go henceforth
    into the kitchen and command your dinners.

  • >> Nice hat,
    distracts the customers from that accent.

  • >> Hey, watch out, I got a bow and arrow.

  • What show are you in?

  • Everybody works here as an actor.

  • >> I'm a teacher.

  • >> You are going to change
    before your first class, right?

  • >> Very funny.

  • How about you?

  • >> Me?
    I'm taking a break from acting.

  • The Cleopatra gig is very challenging.

  • >> Hey, who's that?

  • >> It's the Queen of Egypt,
    in love with Marc Anthony.

  • >> No, I.

  • Who is that?

  • >> Marissa and
    she's even more beautiful out of costume.

  • I'm Jason, otherwise known as Marc Antony.

  • >> Sorry.

  • >> Happens all the time, bro.

  • Don't sweat it.


  • >> [INAUDIBLE]

  • >> Hey, hey, hey.

  • >> Enough!

  • TaShawn Mitchell, my office, now.

  • I'm not playing with you, son.

  • [SOUND]
    I ain't no sucker.

  • >> Mister Socks, what the hell was that?

  • That boy's your student.

  • >> Not anymore.

  • >> You walk away, you stay away.

  • >> You can have the little bastards.

  • >> I can start right now.

  • >> You're lucky you got detention and
    not an assault charge.

  • >> Hello I'm Ron Clark, I wanted to
    let you know I taught fifth grade for

  • four years in North Carolina.

  • You need a teacher, I need a job so
    let's help each other out.

  • >> Mister Clark I'm sure
    you're very sincere but

  • I'm afraid you might be a little too
    >> Too what?

  • Too white, too tall, too ugly?

  • >> Nice.

  • >> I specialize in raising
    standardized test scores.

  • >> This is the honors class.

  • These students score the top 10
    percentile of the state exams every year.

  • We divide each grade in the core classes
    according to their achievement scores.

  • >> What about this class?

  • >> This class tested at the bottom of
    the entire New York City school district.

  • >> They do seem a little bit squirrely.

  • >> A little bit more than squirrely.

  • These students have problems with
    learning, discipline, social skills.

  • Like, TaShawn Mitchell Two
    strikes going on

  • three towards the juvenile
    detention center.

  • >> I'm your man.

  • >> I have an opening in grade 3.

  • If your credentials check out.

  • >> You have an opening right here.

  • >> No.

  • Last year this class went through six
    different teachers before Christmas.

  • >> Yes, nobody wants them and I do.

  • So what's the problem?

  • Test scores are very important to me.

  • It's how I keep my job.

  • >> I can start right now.

  • >> You can start on Monday.

  • State exams are in May.

  • [SOUND]

  • [SOUND]


  • >> High five bro

  • >> I'm on a break.

  • $200 and nothing.

  • Geez, you should have heard them in there.

  • Cleo, we got your snake right here.

  • And then they just stiff me.

  • >> Want half?

  • >> Yeah, sure.
    >> You're a teacher, Clark, what is it?

  • I mean why don't guys grow up?

  • >> Well, I'm afraid my level of
    expertise expires at the sixth grade.

  • >> You got a job?

  • >> Inner Harlem Elementary.

  • I'm going to start
    meeting my kids tomorrow.

  • >> You might want to hold onto this,
    it maybe your last meal.

  • >> No, they're gonna love me.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> I like to meet all the parents Ms.
    Vasquez before I start teaching.

  • >> Julio?
    >> To get them involved.

  • >> Julio, dammit where is he?

  • He a clown.

  • Mr. Clark, but he's a good boy.

  • I had him when I was only [LAUGH] 14.

  • >> That's okay, like I was saying.

  • >> What?

  • >> I was just saying,

  • you can help out by working with
    Julio every night on his homework.

  • >> Sure, okay [LAUGH].

  • >> Together, we can get him excited
    about learning, American history.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Solar system, pre-algebra.

  • [MUSIC]

  • I just want Julio to
    achieve his full potential.

  • >> So, Mr. Clark, are you married?

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> No.

  • >> It's very nice to meet you all, today.

  • >> I've never had a student
    from India before.

  • How do you pronounce your name?

  • >> Bazdiah.

  • I like to read, especially when.

  • >> Quite Larky.

  • Men are talking, okay?

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> Shamika Wallace, I'm Mr.

  • Clark you're new teacher.

  • I called earlier.

  • >> It's Saturday fool.

  • >> Shamika, who is it?

  • >> Nobody.

  • >> Are those your brothers?

  • >> No, they're my kids.

  • I'm 12 years old and I got 3 kids.

  • >> Who are you talking to?

  • >> I'm Mr. Clark, Shameeka's new teacher.

  • >> What the hell happened to Mr. Solis?

  • >> He quit.

  • >> I swear to God, you teachers
    come in and out of this school.

  • >> Yeah, I know that.

  • That's why I'm here.

  • I was hoping you would work with me.

  • >> I already got a job, mister.

  • I got two jobs and 4 kids and
    a brother on parole.

  • I'm late for work.

  • [SOUND]

  • [MUSIC]

  • [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> Focus!

  • >> [NOISE]
    >> Morning.

  • Nice to see you, Tayshaun.

  • >> Good morning, Christopher Turner.

  • >> Okay.
    Good morning.

  • Hello.

  • I'm Ron Clark.

  • I guess I'll

  • be teaching

  • [SOUND]
    >> I know, I know.

  • >> She did.

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Yo dream big about what, big butts?

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Dreaming about your mama.

  • >> Woah!

  • >> Take your seats.

  • >> Yo, teacher,
    Shamika's feeling sick today.

  • >> Yeah sick of damn teachers.

  • >> Okay, because this is our first day,
    I have a surprise for all of you.

  • >> What?

  • >> I'll tell you Julio if you turn around.

  • >> Today, there will be no school work.

  • [SOUND] Shamika, don't do that.

  • [SOUND] Shamika,

  • don't.

  • >> Or what?

  • What are you gonna do, suspend me?

  • Go ahead suspend me, I wanna leave.

  • >> We all wanna leave.

  • >> Me too.

  • Hey, let the fools leave it already.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Sit down.

  • You see this?

  • This means that this year
    is going to be different.

  • This is year is going to
    be about more than school.

  • This year we are going to be a family.

  • >> But you don't look like they like me.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> I'm going to be your family and

  • you are going to be my family and
    that means that I am not leaving.

  • And you are not leaving.

  • >> [NOISE] You have

  • any lip gloss?

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Yeah.

  • >> [NOISE]

  • >> [CROSSTALK]

  • [SOUND]

  • [NOISE]

  • [LAUGH]

  • [SOUND]


  • What

  • the hell?


  • >> Well, what do you think?

  • >> We think it looks stupid.

  • >> Who vandalized this room?

  • >> I did sir.

  • >> Mr Clark this

  • sort of stunt may have gone over big
    in aurora but it doesn't work on me.

  • My school, my rules, my way.

  • >> Ooh.

  • [SOUND]
    >> All right, whoa.

  • Put your gum in here.

  • Gum in here.

  • >> Hurry up!

  • >> All the gum in this jar, the gum jar.

  • Come on.

  • Come on, right in here.

  • Hey!

  • I see you.
    Right in here.

  • Come on.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [SOUND] Okay, to your left,
    left, more left.

  • [NOISE]
    >> They're just testing you.

  • They wanna see if you really care.

  • >> See if I care?

  • They weren't even looking at me,
    well one of them was,

  • but I think he was picturing
    me in a dark alley.

  • We have to turn this.

  • >> Ow.

  • Ow.

  • >> Do these legs come off?

  • >> All right I think it looks good there.

  • >> You know,
    school's supposed to be exciting.

  • >> Okay now you sound like one of those
    dumb ass commercials that used to come on

  • on the cartoons on Saturday morning.

  • >> So, what you didn't like school?

  • >> School sucked, I hated it.

  • >> Yeah, well if I was your teacher,
    you would have loved it.

  • [SOUND]
    >> Ron, just relax.

  • Step away from the table.

  • [SOUND]
    >> Yeah, that's what I was doing.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> So

  • now that you helped me move, I guess I
    have to be your, drive you to the airport,

  • feed your fish,
    never forget your birthday kind of friend.

  • >> Not to mention my,

  • cover my weekend shift because I'm
    going to LA with Jason friend.

  • He's going to meet to producers, you know,

  • he's trying to get out of
    the daytime heart-throb thing.

  • >> So,
    how long have you two been going out?

  • >> Almost two years.

  • >> I mean,
    we're not living together or anything.

  • He's busy, I'm busy.

  • But it's good.

  • >> Yeah, it sounds good.

  • >> All right, well we got three hours
    before our shift, who's hungry?

  • >> So you're a union mover.

  • This is gonna cost me a pizza?

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Can I have your attention, please?

  • [SOUND] Before we start today,
    I would like to go over three rules for

  • this class.

  • If you follow them,
    we will all have a lot of fun.

  • >> Yeah, right.

  • >> If you do not follow them,
    there will be consequences.

  • >> Ooh.

  • >> You all remember rule number one,
    we are a family.

  • >> Give me a damn break, man.

  • >> We're not in kindergarten.

  • >> That means we help each other out.

  • We stand up for each other,
    we defend each other.

  • [NOISE]
    >> Rule #2.

  • We respect each other.

  • >> [CROSSTALK]
    >> Hey, you will call me Sir.

  • Not man, not dog, not fool.

  • If you are asked a question you
    will say yes Sir or no Sir.

  • Not yep, nope, uh-uh, nah-uh.

  • >> Nu-uh fool.

  • >> Respect, Julio Vasquez,
    you will not talk unless I call on you.

  • If I am talking, you are listening
    with your eyes right here.

  • Rule #3, we will form a line to enter and
    exit class and go to lunch.

  • >> Come on.
    >> Are you kidding me?

  • >> Shamika?

  • >> What?

  • >> What, sir.

  • Shamika thank you.

  • >> For what?

  • >> Reminding me about rule #4.

  • No smacking of lips and
    rolling of the eyes.

  • If you break one of these rules,
    your name will go up on the board.

  • >> So stupid.

  • If you break another rule
    you will get a check.

  • >> [CROSSTALK]
    >> If you break

  • a third rule

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Hey.

  • >> Hi.

  • >> What you reading?

  • >> Nothing.
    >> I didn't read that

  • book til high school.

  • >> [INAUDIBLE]
    odds ten to one.

  • That's big bucks, man, big bucks.

  • >> What's Julio doing?

  • >> Taking bets on you.

  • >> On me?

  • >> When you're gonna quit.

  • Say he's be gone by Friday.

  • >> Gambling is illegal,
    especially when you're 12.

  • And by the way, I'm not leaving.

  • >> Yo, come on, dog, how am I supposed
    to make some paper around here?

  • >> Boy,
    something smells really good in here.

  • Can I ask a favor of you ladies?

  • I just wanted to know if [INAUDIBLE].

  • >> Dr. King talked about justice
    rolling down like waters.

  • Here pass this around guys.

  • And righteousness like a mighty stream.

  • It's like on a hot day when you go outside
    and whoosh somebody opens up a fire

  • hydrant and there's water
    streaming all over the place.

  • And everybody's running around and
    going crazy.

  • That's what Dr. King wanted justice and
    freedom to feel like.

  • So tonight after we've gone over Dr.

  • King's speech, I want you all to start a
    journal about your dreams and aspirations.

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> [NOISE].

  • >> Rule number three.

  • We all line up to go to the lunchroom.

  • >> You know what?

  • Here's my rule.

  • I ain't standing in no line.

  • >> Okay Shamika.

  • But because we are all a family,
    if one of us doesn't get in line for

  • the lunchroom, then none of us gets lunch.


  • >> Mr Clark, we're starving!

  • >> Shamika, don't do it.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Very quietly two lines right up against

  • the wall.

  • That's good.

  • That's good, nice and quiet.

  • Looks like somebody's not hungry.

  • >> Man, pushing me.

  • >> Stop fighting.

  • Let's go.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> No talking.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> And stop.

  • Shamika, did you cut in line?

  • >> No sir, I did not.

  • >> You do know that I have eyes
    in the back of my head, right?

  • >> I was here.

  • Ask her.

  • Snitcher.

  • >> All right we're all going to stand here
    until Shamika decides to tell the truth.

  • >> [NOISE]
    >> I didn't cut in no line.

  • >> Hey, you're in Mr Clark's class,
    no food.

  • >> Yo, come on, Mr. Clark, I'm starving,
    man, I'm about to faint out-

  • >> Julio, get to the back of the line.

  • And take that hat off.

  • It's up to you whether we eat or not.

  • Shamika this is a family.

  • And families treat each
    other with respect.

  • They never, ever, lie to one another.

  • Did you cut in line?

  • >> Come on Mica.

  • Let's go.

  • >> We are all just waiting on you.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> Thank you.

  • Now what is rule number five?

  • >> No cutting in line.

  • >> That's right.

  • Now go eat.

  • >> [CROSSTALK]
    >> I'm proud of you.

  • >> [CROSSTALK]
    >> Yes mom, I miss you too.

  • Yeah, I know there's a job for me back
    home but things are going very well here.

  • Well it took the kids a little
    while to warm up to me.

  • Yeah, honestly we're getting along great.

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> I want you all to take a good look

  • around at your new clean room.

  • >> Whatever.

  • >> I'm not going to ask who wrecked it.

  • Eyes right here.

  • I was hoping we could
    have fun this year and

  • I think that we still can but only after
    you learn to follow all of my rules.

  • And you will follow all of my rules.

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> [SOUND]

  • >> First of all, he's a freak.

  • Take your seat.

  • Call me sir!

  • Too many damn rules, man.

  • Telling us how to do this and do that.

  • Making us walk around in a damn line.

  • He ain't my daddy.

  • >> He could be your daddy.

  • You don't know.

  • >> You should talk girl.

  • >> Excuse me.

  • >> Shut up.

  • >> All I'm saying is,
    this is our school, all right?

  • We do what we want.

  • Here, cuz he's just gonna leave anyways.

  • >> That's what you said last week, girl.

  • He's still here.

  • >> You wait, he's going.

  • >> I hope not.

  • >> What?

  • >> I like Mr. Clark.
    >> That's cuz you from a foreign country

  • and you don't know how we do here.

  • >> How do we do?

  • >> Do like us baby.

  • You wanna be like us?

  • You gonna do like we do.

  • Come on.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> Let's go.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> Hey, that's really good.

  • Shamika, you're really good at this.

  • >> Yo, don't let him get it.

  • >> [NOISE]

  • >> [NOISE].

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Hey,

  • hey go to your seat.

  • >> What?

  • >> Yeah, go to your seat Julio
    >> Hey, who's talking to you?

  • >> No, I was not talking to you.

  • You gonna hit me?

  • >> No But you did break rule number two,
    you're gonna hit me, sir.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> You think that's funny?

  • >> Shamika, you're in charge.

  • Tayshon, don't do this, hey.

  • [NOISE] Look, I know you have two strikes.

  • You walk now, they'll expel you for sure.

  • Just get back in there.

  • >> Why?
    >> Because I would miss your glowing

  • personality.

  • Mr. Turner does not know
    anything about this,

  • just give yourself another chance.

  • [SOUND]

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> Hey, you still cool with helping
    me move my new dresser on Saturday?

  • >> Yes, definitely.

  • >> I mean Jason would help but
    you've got the reliable car, so.

  • >> This is supposed to be well done.

  • >> It is well done.

  • >> What are you talking about?

  • It's rare.

  • >> Fine, I'll burn it,
    just take out the rest of the order.

  • >> I know how to do my job.

  • >> Congratulations.

  • >> On what?

  • >> Officially becoming a New Yorker.

  • >> You ready?

  • >> Yeah babe, I'll be right there.

  • >> You better go.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> Thank you.

  • Raquel Arenes.

  • Raquel, do you have your journal?

  • >> Mm-mm.

  • >> Elia Sanchez.

  • Shamika Wallis.

  • Shamika, did you bring your Dr.
    King journal?

  • >> No, got no dreams to keep.

  • >> [INAUDIBLE]
    Julio Vasquez.

  • >> Sorry, I couldn't get to it, boss.

  • Why you all doing this?

  • >> Got better things to do, Yo.

  • Oops, my bad.

  • Forgot to say Yo sir, guess I get a check.

  • >> You wanna get a detention?

  • I really, really like your nail polish.

  • >> Thank you, my momma-
    >> Look at me when I talk to you.

  • >> My double bad, another check.

  • >> Look at me.

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Go to hell.

  • >> [SOUND]

  • You win.

  • You did it girl.

  • >> Bounce, bounce, bounce,

  • bounce, bounce, bounce,

  • bounce,
    >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> Hey, what happened,

  • why you aren't in school, kid?

  • >> I don't want to talk about it,
    just show me New York.

  • I've been here for three months,
    I haven't seen a damn thing.

  • >> Today?

  • All right, let's go see some damn things.

  • [LAUGH]

  • >> When I was a kid,

  • I used to call it
    the entire state building.

  • >> [LAUGH] That's cute.

  • Okay, you know what,
    we walked the entire island in a monsoon.

  • I bought you three pretzels and
    two hotdogs,

  • now you're going to do something for me.

  • >> Anything.

  • >> Tell me what happened?

  • >> I shook a desk with
    a 12-year-old kid in it.

  • I wanted to throw it, and
    her, right out the window.

  • >> They've seen that kind of anger before.

  • >> But not from me, I totally lost it.

  • >> What, you felt helpless?

  • They feel that way every day.

  • >> These kids can do anything
    I'm asking them to do.

  • More!

  • They just won't, so today, I gave up.

  • [SOUND]
    >> Don't give up on them.

  • >> Yeah?

  • How long's it been since you auditioned?

  • >> I don't know.

  • [SOUND]
    >> [LAUGH] Two years and seven months.

  • What?
    Broadway's not gonna miss me if I'm gone.

  • Those kids, they'll miss you.

  • Maybe you can be that one guy
    that turns it around for them.

  • [SOUND

  • Mr. Clark was crazy man on Friday, you know?

  • I think he's gone for good.

  • I think we should just all go home.

  • >> Think so?
    >> Yeah.

  • >> Thanks for your advice, son but if Mr.
    Clark isn't in his class,

  • I'm sure we can find someone to cover for

  • >> Why we gotta do that?

  • Good morning Julio, Mr. Turner.

  • >> Fool came back.

  • >> Fool did indeed.
    >> What's he doing?

  • >> He's crazy.

  • >> Everybody take a look around.

  • Within these four walls you can be
    strangers or you can be a family.

  • Within these four walls can be the end of
    your story or you can make it a beginning.

  • A beginning that is better than
    anything you ever imagined possible.

  • Since I got here you have
    not listened to me once.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> So, here's the deal, today,
    we are going to learn grammar.

  • If you are quiet and you listen, every 15
    seconds, I will drink a chocolate milk.

  • If you can do it,
    you may get to see me puke.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> So, do we have a deal?

  • >> Yeah!
    >> Okay, good.

  • Julio.

  • >> Yes.

  • >> This is not for you to eat.

  • I want you to watch the clock and every
    15 seconds, bang the jar with the ruler.

  • [SOUND] Like that.

  • >> All right.

  • >> When I hear the gong,
    I will slam down one of these.

  • The time starts now,

  • every sentence has

  • a subject and a verb.

  • >> What the hell's a boomerang?

  • [SOUND]
    >> Shut up, all of you.

  • >> I guess you guys don't want to
    see me drink all the chocolate milk.

  • The verb expresses action in the sentence.

  • [SOUND]

  • [LAUGH]

  • [MUSIC]

  • [LAUGH]
    >> In this sentence.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug,
    chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.

  • Geez, come on, come on, come on.

  • >> Whoa.

  • >> Whoa.

  • Chug, chug, chug.

  • [NOISE] [APPLAUSE] Now can anybody

  • tell me the verb in this sentence?

  • [COUGH] Feels?

  • >> Yes, yes.

  • >> You gonna puke now Mr. Clark?

  • >> Yes.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Aah.

  • [LAUGH]

  • Yeah come on,

  • keep going.

  • [LAUGH]
    >> Hey

  • can you guys teach me how to do that?

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> You don't think I can

  • learn how to do that?

  • >> No.
    >> Okay all right.

  • I'll make you a deal if I learn how to
    double dutch then you guys got to learn

  • something from me.

  • >> What?

  • >> Everything you need to know for
    the seventh grade.

  • [SOUND]
    >> All right, so you gonna jump?

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Go a little slower.

  • >> Nu-uh, you gotta do like we do.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Ready,

  • set, go
    >> [LAUGH]

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • >> Come on man, you ain't dancing,
    you're jumping.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Aw, come on now.

  • >> I almost got it that time.

  • [MUSIC]


  • [MUSIC]


  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Hey.
    >> [MUSIC]

  • >> Hey Mr. Turner, this is fun.

  • >> Do you really think it appropriate
    to do this with the students?

  • >> Well I'm certainly not
    gonna double dutch with you.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • [MUSIC]

  • Start teaching.

  • >> I am.

  • >> The year's half over.

  • I gave you this class so you could do a.

  • These kids are at
    the bottom of the barrel.

  • >> Don't talk about them like that.

  • >> Now all I'm asking is for
    your students to pass.

  • >> Everyone of my students will pass.

  • >> What?

  • >> I'm not going to pass.

  • >> Good,
    they can become somebody elses problems.

  • >> The problem isn't the kids,
    it's not even what they can achieve.

  • The problem is what you
    expect them to achieve.

  • You are setting the bar here, why?

  • Set it up here, they can make it.

  • This community judges us by scores,
    government funding judges us by scores.

  • People who give me scores,
    they get my respect.

  • >> Okay, good.

  • In May, they'll all test at grade level.

  • >> I don't see how that's possible.

  • >> I'm sorry.
    Did I say grade level?

  • I meant above grade level.

  • Every single one of those kids in
    that class just wants your respect.

  • Hell, I want your respect.

  • >> You want my respect?

  • Stop acting like a 12-year-old!

  • >> I always wanted to go rock climbing.

  • But there I was, on the edge of
    this cliff, ropes on me, and

  • my friends are yelling, jump!

  • Jump!
    Jump, and I looked down, and

  • it is a long way down.

  • So I'm on the cliff and I'm yelling,
    I can't, I can't, I can't, and

  • my friends are yelling, yes you can,
    you can do it, jump, jump, jump and I did.

  • I thought I was going to die.

  • But when I jumped out it
    felt like I was flying.

  • I did something that I never thought
    I could do, and it was pretty cool.

  • Now you guys may not know this,

  • but in this classroom we're
    rock climbing every day.

  • We are climbing up and
    up and up and we are there.

  • And now it's time to jump.

  • Now I know you're scared.

  • But I want you to do it.

  • I want you to jump, I want you guys to

  • feel what it's like [SOUND] to fly.

  • So I want each of you to come up here and
    light one of these candles.

  • Okay, come on up guys.

  • And when you light a candle,
    it symbolizes that we are joined together.

  • And if you trust me, you can learn
    more than you ever dreamed of.

  • And, that's a promise.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [SOUND] The Revolutionary War.

  • Industrialism The civil war.

  • The civil rights movement.

  • I want you all to get the great
    big picture of american history.

  • That's why this year we gonna learn all
    42 presidents of United states in order.

  • >> No once you know the presidents
    It will be easy to remember what?

  • And when?

  • [MUSIC]

  • Come on.

  • None of you passed the test.

  • And there's going to be punishment.

  • >> Aww.

  • I want you to pass

  • these all around.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [LAUGH]

  • [MUSIC]

  • Now let's get down to some
    presidential learning.

  • We start with George Washington
    straight from Mount Vernon.

  • The first president and commander in
    chief, fought the revolutionary was so

  • we could be free.

  • John Adams was second Thomas Jefferson
    third, when we fought for

  • independence their voices were heard.

  • When in the course of human events,
    we took a stand and

  • we've been doing it since.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> It's a tribute

  • to the leaders of the USA.

  • It's a president's rap,
    all right, all right, okay, okay.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> It's a tribute to
    the leaders of the USA.

  • >> It's the President's rap.

  • >> It's the President's rap.

  • All right All right, okay okay.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Tribute to the leaders of the USA.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> All right back to your seats,
    back to your seats please.

  • >> [MUSIC]

  • R to the O to the nizzle.

  • Rizzle.

  • R to the O to the.

  • Ra-kizzle.

  • >> Thank you Mr. Clark.

  • >> Here you go.

  • >> This is my first A.

  • >> Keep going, good job.

  • >> Shimmie-kizzle.

  • >> Thank you, Mr. Clark.

  • [CROSSTALK] A man, straight up.

  • >> Now, give it up for your sizzle selves.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> It's okay to be proud of yourself for

  • doing well on a test.

  • >> [SOUND], let's go.

  • [COUGH] Can you

  • hold up for a minute?

  • Wanted to ask a favor of you.

  • >> Me?

  • >> Could you empty your pockets, please?

  • >> I believe this constitutes
    an illegal search, sir.

  • >> Right on the desk.


  • [SOUND] [SOUND] That morning,

  • at your house your mother's purse?

  • No, no, you see, you got it all wrong.

  • Me and her have this deal, you know?

  • I take care of her and
    she takes care of me.

  • You see?

  • >> No, I don't.

  • >> But you're going to tell
    me that crime doesn't pay.

  • >> Sometimes it costs.

  • And if this case,
    three one hour study sessions with me.

  • >> I mean, for real,
    this seem like a buzz little brother.

  • >> [INAUDIBLE] this stuff is easy money,

  • >> I got enough trouble.

  • >> The man don't care about no kid.

  • He's too busy to take you down,
    so I'm telling you.

  • >> Tayshawn.

  • You got 5-O or something?

  • What's up?
    >> Nah, man, he ain't no police.

  • He just some fool, man.

  • I'll handle him.
    Don't worry, y'all.

  • I got it.

  • >> Some fool in a suit


  • >> You okay?

  • >> Yeah, I'm cool.

  • >> I wanted to bring you this.

  • Here.

  • You could bring up your math and
    English with some extra help.

  • Tomorrow's Saturday.

  • I could meet you at the coffee
    shop by the school.

  • I'll buy you lunch.

  • I'll be there at noon, noon.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Can I take that now?

  • Your daddy didn't show up.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> I'll catch you later, Ben.

  • >> Here I am, not even 2 o'clock,
    I'm early sir.

  • Ready for study session numero trace.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Okay, let me guess three

  • cards top on the flop, and

  • we get another two cards off.

  • >> Okay, that's five cards up.

  • >> Yep.
    >> You add those for me?

  • You know, we got a bet first.

  • >> I bet five fake dollars.

  • >> Well I'll call, and that's 36.

  • >> Looks good.

  • Now what's the square root of that.

  • >> Well.

  • Square root.

  • Okay I think the square root is [SOUND].

  • >> What number multiplied
    by itself gives you 36?

  • >> I don't know six?

  • >> That's good.

  • >> So what you got?

  • >> Pair of sevens.

  • >> Well I guess I get all the chips
    because I got three tens.

  • I know how to play it dog.

  • Want to go again?

  • >> Yeah, sure.

  • >> All right.

  • Shamika Wallace, didn't we have
    an appointment afterschool today?

  • >> Must have slipped my mind.

  • >> We have to talk about your
    turning in your homework.

  • >> I told you the fire alarm
    keeps going off in my building.

  • >> Three times this week?

  • I've been busy again.

  • Last night I just didn't
    do good enough job.

  • >> Would you like to
    show me your homework?

  • I'm sure I can help you with it.

  • [NOISE]

  • This is really close.

  • >> We can fix this.

  • >> Yeah For real?

  • >> Sure we can work it right now.

  • There's a few spelling mistakes, and just
    arrange some of the paragraphs different.

  • Yeah.

  • [SOUND]
    >> He's been cranky and fussy all day,

  • I think maybe he's got a fever.

  • >> Okay, thank you misses Bennett.

  • Mr. Clark I can't work
    on my paper right now.

  • I gotta go make dinner.

  • >> I'll do it.

  • >> You'll do what?

  • >> I'll make dinner and
    you work on your paper.

  • >> Okay.

  • >> Okay.
    >> Start with that third paragraph.

  • >> Okay.
    >> Hi.

  • Okay.

  • Where's the food?

  • Dinner's served.

  • >> I'm trying to concentrate.

  • >> Concentrate later, dinner's served.

  • >> I tried like you said.

  • I moved the third paragraph,
    and it sounds really good.

  • Okay now that's for you and
    who gets baby food?

  • >> He does.
    >> Okay you're gonna like this

  • looks really good.

  • >> What's he doing here?

  • >> He made us dinner.

  • You don't think I can take
    car of my family, Mr. Clark?

  • >> No, yes.

  • [LAUGH]
    >> Please, leave my house.

  • I come home to find him in my kitchen,
    cooking for my family.

  • This girl has a job to do.

  • >> Miss Wallace can we please not talk
    about Shameika like she's not in the room.

  • I'll talk anyway I want.

  • Now, I send my daughter
    to school to be educated.

  • I don't expect the teacher to
    bring school up in my house.

  • >> It's called homework.

  • >> Excuse me?

  • >> She has too much of it to
    be babysitting all the time.

  • >> Mr. Clark.

  • >> Shanika has more potential
    than any kid in my class.

  • Why can't you see that?

  • >> How dare you.

  • >> How are you going to tell me what
    should and should not see in my daughter?

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> I'm merely suggesting that you

  • give her a chance.

  • >> I'm taking my child home now.

  • The white tornado here better not
    be teaching at the school when I

  • bring her back tomorrow.

  • >> Ms, Wallace, I can assure you
    I will deal with the situation.

  • >> Come on, Shanika.

  • >> Please don't fire Mr. Clark!

  • He was just trying to help me, Mama.

  • He was just trying to help.

  • >> It's okay.

  • >> Please don't leave cuz of me,
    Mr. Clark.

  • Miss Wallace, wait.

  • >> I'll meet you outside.

  • Why are you doing this?

  • You give her these grand ideas and
    this world's just gonna crush her down.

  • >> I don't believe that.

  • >> So you're just gonna drop into our
    life and now you know about it, right?

  • >> I just know she's a great student.

  • A born leader, creative, intelligent.

  • >> Shamika?

  • My Shamika?

  • >> Yes.

  • If she tests well enough in May,

  • I think we might be able to get her
    into Manhattan West for middle school.

  • >> That's for gifted kids.

  • Maybe Mrs. Benton can keep
    the boys a little longer everyday.

  • >> Okay.
    >> Okay.

  • >> Morning,

  • Mr. Clark.

  • >> Morning.

  • >> Morning Mr.

  • Clark.

  • >> Did you do this?

  • >> You like it, Mr. Clark?

  • >> It's really good.

  • You've got quite a talent for this.

  • >> It's one of my manys dawg.

  • [LAUGH] Sir.

  • >> Thanks.

  • Good morning.

  • >> Yo, what up?

  • >> You like me, Mr. Clark?

  • >> Don't hate on me cuz I got skills.

  • >> Skills?

  • You mean being a straight up punk?

  • You real good at that.

  • >> Yo, come on, Tay.

  • Just chill out.
    >> You telling me to chill, homie?

  • You tellin' me to chill?

  • >> Come on, man.

  • Mr. Clark likes that art crap, okay.

  • So he thought I did it and
    I just went with it.

  • [SOUND]

  • [NOISE]

  • >> Superintendent Stevens has joined us to

  • determine if Tayshon Mitchell should be
    expelled from Inner Harlem Elementary.

  • >> I vote yes, send him to juvey.

  • >> This isn't a democracy, Mr. Brenton.

  • >> Howard, would you let Mr.
    Turner finish what he was saying?

  • >> You're his foster parent,
    you got the say here.

  • We don't need his lazy ass
    around the house all day.

  • >> What did you just say?

  • Look, if we expel him,
    he's only gonna fall further behind.

  • >> Mr. Clark, our students can't simply
    do what they want with no consequences.

  • >> What about the consequences for

  • We are supposed to be
    keeping these kids in school.

  • Let's all just take a step back.

  • >> Remember that I have eyes in
    the back of my head, so stop fighting.

  • This is not a test.

  • This is my phone number.

  • I want you guys to call me if you
    have any questions about homework,

  • need any advice or
    you are in trouble, that's 24/7.

  • Pick up your math workbooks
    at the front of the class and

  • we have a book report due tomorrow.

  • Remember there are two variables
    in this equation, okay.

  • So x equals, x equal, equals,
    come on Tayshon, you can do this.

  • >> Yo not with you all up on me, man.

  • >> X equals three eighths!

  • >> Yes, that's great.

  • Just keep doing it like that.

  • [COUGH]

  • >> [SOUND] [COUGH] [SOUND] This

  • doesn't sound good.

  • How long you've been this way?

  • >> I don't know a week, maybe more.

  • >> You have pneumonia.

  • I can send you home but you'd be confined
    to bed rest for two weeks minimum.

  • I can't do that.

  • >> Or I can admit you to
    the hospital right now, Mr.

  • Clark.

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> [SOUND]

  • [SOUND] Okay, everybody, take your seats.

  • [COUGH]
    >> Mr. Clark, you look really white.

  • >> Yeah, even more than usual.

  • >> We have four weeks now,

  • I know that doesn't seem like a lot
    of time but if we work really hard,

  • I know we're gonna do
    great on these exams.

  • So let's go over our science topics
    from last week, who knows those?

  • [COUGH]
    >> Magnetism,

  • chemical reactions and gravity.

  • >> Okay good, gravity.

  • Gravity is important because-

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Okay, we get it Mr.

  • Clark, gravity

  • makes you fall down.

  • Mr. Clark, Mr. Clark?

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> I hope he's all right.

  • [SOUND]

  • That

  • good?

  • You got me?

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> Very nice of Jason to
    let me borrow the camera.

  • >> He's happy to help.

  • How much are we taping?

  • >> Four hours.

  • >> Four hours?

  • Every day?

  • >> Yeah kids need it.

  • It will go quick.

  • >> For you.

  • >> Hey, Mariss thank you.

  • >> Come over here.

  • >> Can't have Mr.
    Clark looking all sloppy now can we?

  • >> You know a guy could get used to this.

  • >> Come on.
    Teach already.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Okay now just because I'm on this video
    tape doesn't mean that I can't see you.

  • Alida, is that gum?

  • [MUSIC]

  • All right.

  • Is everybody ready?

  • >> Yes sir.

  • >> Gravity.

  • The force of attraction
    between two objects.

  • [SOUND]
    >> [LAUGH]

  • >> That is gravity.

  • Now according to the definition
    of gravity, why did the egg fall?

  • >> Because.

  • >> And no Julio, it's not because the egg
    and floor are hot for each other.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> Turn around and face me.

  • The egg fell because the force of the mass
    and the distance between the egg and

  • the floor caused a reaction.

  • Okay, now, [COUGH] get out your workbooks
    because I have to clean my floor.

  • [SOUND]

  • >> Good morning, Mr. Clark.

  • >> Good morning, Tisha.

  • Do you have my kids' homework?

  • [SOUND] Good to have you back.

  • [SOUND]
    >> That's not true.

  • >> Yes it is, I want my CD back and
    my money, bitch.

  • >> [CROSSTALK] I need that CD back.

  • >> No you didn't, you damn [INAUDIBLE].

  • >> [INAUDIBLE]
    >> It's Mr..

  • [SOUND]

  • [SOUND]

  • Yo, what up Mr. C?

  • >> You tell me.

  • You guys have one week
    til the state exams.

  • One week to show Mr.
    Turner and your parents and

  • yourselves, what you can do.

  • You guys don't have anything
    you want to tell me?

  • >> There's no way we're
    gonna pass those tests.

  • We always mess up.

  • >> Don't jump on us, man.

  • Sir.

  • I mean, it's nothing personal.

  • >> Everything we do in
    this room is personal.

  • How we talk to each other, how we work
    together, and how we've prepared for

  • these tests.

  • >> But we're way behind now.

  • >> We're not behind.

  • You're ahead.

  • >> Everyone thinks we're losers Mr. Clark.

  • >> No.

  • You are not losers.

  • These rules.

  • They represent everything
    you're accomplished this year.

  • Discovering new things.

  • Believing in each other and
    believing in yourselves.

  • And I'm proud of you.

  • Compared to all that, this test [SOUND].

  • Is nothing.

  • >> Mr. Clark, we have to get
    certain grades to graduate right?

  • So what if we choke?

  • >> But you're not going to choke.

  • You guys didn't work hard all this
    year just to get ready for some tests.

  • Everyday in this room we
    are learning things far

  • more valuable than you
    can get in some book.

  • I teach you and you teach me.

  • And together we'll learn to love to learn.

  • [SOUND] So, next week,

  • you're gonna take that test.

  • You're gonna do the best that you can do
    and you are going to walk out of that

  • room and know that you can do anything
    you want for the rest of your lives.

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> All right tomorrow is the big day but

  • don't worry you know the material
    backwards and forwards.

  • So just get a good night sleep and
    good luck.

  • [INAUDIBLE] can I talk to you for
    one minute,

  • and Tayshawn can you wait for
    me at the door please?

  • [SOUND] I know that it's been hard for
    you to fit in,

  • but you can be smart and still be cool.

  • In fact, you're so smart and cool,
    you can do anything you wanna do.

  • >> I wanna be a doctor.

  • >> Okay, good.
    You'd better kick some butt on that test

  • then, doctor.

  • >> Thank you Mr. Clark.

  • >> Good luck.

  • Tayshawn.

  • [SOUND]
    >> Yo,

  • get it done, you know what I'm saying?

  • Do it.

  • >> Hey, what up T?

  • >> Yo, little brother, where you been?

  • We been looking for you.

  • Are you forgot us up?

  • Check it,
    we got some goods we gotta move now.

  • Come on.

  • It's raining, dude, come on.

  • Hey, look you can't be in and not roll.

  • It can't be like that son.

  • >> I was thinking maybe we
    could walk to school together?

  • We can do a last minute review
    of the test on the way.

  • Yo.

  • You going this way or
    going that way payaso?

  • Which way?
    Come on.

  • >> That way.

  • >> Come on.

  • >> Okay, so
    when you get to the math section.

  • [SOUND] Go get them.

  • [SOUND]

  • >> Good morning.

  • Do not open your test booklets
    until I tell you to begin.

  • Keep your eyes on your own paper.

  • When you've chosen you're answer fill in
    the corresponding answer bubble completely

  • with a number two pencil.

  • If you require an additional pencil please
    raise your hand and one will be provided.

  • Do your best, and no talking.

  • You may begin.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Think they're as nervous as we are?

  • >> I'm not nervous.

  • >> Antacid?

  • >> Thanks.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [SOUND]

  • >> It was 36 hours-

  • >> No, it was 32 hours, right?

  • >> Hi, Mr. Clark.

  • [SOUND]
    >> Double mocha latte, no foam?

  • >> Hi, come on in.

  • >> How were the tests?

  • >> Good I think,
    I think the kids did pretty well.

  • >> Yeah, okay, whatever, I'm freaking out.

  • I got an audition.

  • >> My God, that's great!

  • >> No, no, that's not so good.

  • Jason got a job and
    he asked me to go to LA with him.

  • I don't know what to do.

  • Tell me what to do.

  • >> [LAUGH] I tell sixth
    graders what to do and

  • last time I looked,
    you weren't in the sixth grade.

  • So, thank you very much for stopping by.

  • >> What?

  • [SOUND]
    >> What's going on?

  • >> What time is it?

  • >> Does it look like
    any of us got a watch?

  • >> Shut up, Julio!

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> Whatever you do,

  • do not open the closet.

  • >> No Julio!

  • >> No, no, don't!

  • >> Don't go!

  • >> No!

  • >> No!

  • >> Don't!
    >> Will y'all calm down?

  • >> Hello kids!

  • >> Julio,
    I knew you're gonna open the closet.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> You guys have been working so hard for

  • the last three months on this test,
    and whatever the scores are.

  • I want you to know I'm
    proud to be your teacher.

  • I'm so proud that I asked your parents
    to let me take you somewhere special and

  • they said yes.

  • So, go get your envelopes and open them.

  • >> Shameika?

  • Raquel?

  • >> Right here, right here.

  • >> My god, Phantom of the Opera guys,
    we're gonna Broadway!

  • >> [SOUND]
    >> We are going tonight some come get

  • your playbills.

  • >> [NOISE]
    >> Thank you Mr. Clark.

  • >> Thanks Mr. Clark.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> And this phantom guy, he's so

  • in love with this girl that he's
    got to grab her up, you know?

  • And then he takes her to his secret crib,
    and then he keeps her there.

  • And then they find him.

  • >> Who wins?

  • >> Well I'm not gonna tell you.

  • You find out.

  • >> What the hell!

  • You've ruined my wall!

  • I told you to paint that
    crap in the street!

  • Not in my house.

  • >> No!

  • Get off me, man.
    Get off of me.

  • [SOUND]
    >> You think you can do whatever you want?

  • You piece of garbage.

  • >> [SOUND]!

  • [SOUND]

  • >> Julio, Shameika, Raquel.

  • >> I wonder what it's like inside.

  • >> Ok guys, go in, the play's gonna start.

  • >> Let's go in,
    come on get in there, let's go.

  • >> I can't find Tayshawn.

  • >> Go look for him, Mr. Clark.

  • There's plenty of parents here.

  • We'll look after the kids.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Tayshawn?

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> [SOUND]

  • >> I'm here.

  • >> Get away.

  • Get away.

  • I ain't worth it, I ain't worth it,
    I ain't worth it.

  • >> No no, I know you.

  • I saw your work.

  • And it's beautiful.

  • It's okay, it's okay.

  • It's okay, it's okay.

  • >> [SOUND]
    Where am

  • I gonna go now,

  • Mr. Clark?

  • >> I'm going to help you.

  • I'm not going anywhere.

  • >> [SOUND].

  • [SOUND]

  • Here

  • we go.

  • [SOUND]

  • >> Tayshawn.

  • You be staying here for a while.

  • >> Thanks Mr. Turner.

  • You're welcome.

  • Hey, you're gonna be safe here.

  • >> You've had a hard night, haven't you?

  • >> It may take a while Ron, but
    we'll find him a place I give you my word.

  • >> So which room was yours?

  • >> I'll see you first
    thing in the morning.

  • >> Yes, sir.

  • >> For highest achievement in Science,
    that Ria Santinan.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> Thank you, Mr. T.

  • >> You're welcome doctor.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> For

  • our most outstanding achievement
    in Mathematics, Julio Vasquez.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> Thank you sir.

  • >> For exceptional artistic achievement,
    Tayshaun Mitchell.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> That's for you.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> And last but not least, Shami-

  • >> [SOUND] I'm sorry to interrupt your end

  • of the year party, Mr.
    Clark, but I just received a fax from

  • the Board of Education informing me
    of the results of the state exam.

  • I felt it was important to
    give you the scores myself.

  • These are probably not
    the scores you expected.

  • This class, this sixth grade class,

  • tested higher than any other class.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> You even tested higher
    than the honors class.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> Congratulations.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> Congratulations, Mr. Turner.

  • Very impressive.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> Shamika, your award was going to be for

  • highest achievement in English, but I'm
    afraid I'm going to have to change that.

  • Because looking at your exam scores, I now
    see that you achieved something that no

  • other student in the entire district,

  • Shamika Wallace, [COUGH] you earned
    perfect scores in English and Math.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> My God.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> Mister Clark, for

  • always being there even when
    we didn't want you to be.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> For inspiring us to dream big.

  • >> Yes sir Mr. C.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> For
    looking like a fool when you double dutch.

  • >> [LAUGH]
    >> We voted you.

  • >> [SOUND] The baddest teacher in town.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]
    >> Thank you.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Thank you Mr Clark.

  • >> Once you get down to some
    Presidential learning we'll start

  • with George Washington
    straight from Mount Vernon.

  • First was a date and commander and
    chief of the Revolutionary so

  • that we could be free.

  • John Adams second,

  • Alexander the third when we find
    the [INAUDIBLE] saying [INAUDIBLE].

  • [MUSIC]

  • Where can I watch the triumph The Ron Clark Story?

    Download the Peacock app and start streaming The Ron Clark Story. The Ron Clark Story has a running time of 1 hour and 30 mins.

    Is Ron Clark based on a true story?

    The Ron Clark Story (also known as The Triumph) is a 2006 television film starring Matthew Perry. The film is based on the real-life educator Ron Clark. It follows the tale of an idealistic teacher who leaves his small hometown to teach in a New York City public school, where he faces trouble with the students.

    How long is The Ron Clark Story?

    1h 36mThe Ron Clark Story / Running timenull

    What is the movie The Ron Clark Story about?

    In his small North Carolina hometown, Ron Clark (Matthew Perry) leads a comfortable life as a successful elementary school teacher, earning the respect of the community. However, he knows there are students elsewhere who need him more. Following his inner calling, Clark uproots to New York City, hoping to make a difference for the disenfranchised youths the school system has left behind. Clark makes it his mission to turn around the worst students, even though he knows his job is on the line.The Ron Clark Story / Film synopsisnull