The meaning of the name ollie



Meaning:Olive tree; Peaceful

There has been many a famous Oliver throughout history and artistic ventures, from Oliver Twist to Oliver Hudson. If such a name makes you feel like you're close to finding the perfect match but not quite there, consider the sweet diminutive form of Ollie. This gender-neutral Latin name means "olive tree," which is a symbol of peace. It comes from the Latin word olivarius, which means "olive tree planter," so it's ideal if you have visions of baby sowing the seeds of a better world.

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French Baby Names Meaning:

In French Baby Names the meaning of the name Ollie is: Olive tree.

German Baby Names Meaning:

In German Baby Names the meaning of the name Ollie is: Elf army. Can also be a Relic, ancestral heritage.

Latin Baby Names Meaning:

In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Ollie is: Olive (symbol of peace); peaceful.

American Baby Names Meaning:

In American Baby Names the meaning of the name Ollie is: Elf army. Can also be a Relic, ancestral heritage.

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Discover the origin, meaning and pronunciation of the name Ollie.

The meaning of the name ollie

The name Ollie is said to have a Latin origin, coming from the name Olivia or Oliver. In Latin, the meaning of Ollie is 'olive tree'. In Ancient Greece, an olive branch was used to symbolize peace, harmony and togetherness. It also has Germanic roots and is considered to be the French form of the name 'Olafur', coming from ‘Alfihar’. Alfihar is comprised of its elements ‘alf’ meaning ‘an elf’ and ‘ihari’ meaning ‘an army’. Hence, the name can also mean ‘an elf army’ or ‘an elf warrior’. Though Ollie was earlier used as a diminutive for Oliver, it has been rising to fame and becoming a given name by itself. Olly Alexander is an actor and singer and is the lead singer in the British band Years and Years. Popular footballers with this name are Aston Villa’s Ollie Watkins and AFC Wimbledon’s Ollie Palmer. There are also a number of cricketers with the name, including Ollie Robinson, Ollie Stone and Ollie Davies.

Spelling of Ollie

O-L-L-I-E , is a 5-letter male given name.

Locations featuring Ollie

Ollie's Sichuan Restaurant

411 W 42nd St, New York, New York 10036, United States

Ollie's Trolley

425 12th St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20221, United States

Ollie's Public House

3400 Edgewater Dr, Orlando, Florida 32804, United States

Ollie's Pub

401 S Main St, Breckenridge, Colorado 80424, United States

Songs About Ollie

Rock Around with Ollie Vee

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The meaning of the name ollie

What is the meaning of the name Ollie?

The name Ollie is primarily a male name of English origin that means Elf Army.

diminutive form of Oliver

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Stats for the Name Ollie

The meaning of the name ollie
Ollie is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts

The meaning of the name ollie
Ollie is currently not ranked in U.S. births

What is the biblical meaning of Ollie?

In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Oliver is: The olive tree. The biblical olive tree symbolizes fruitfulness and beauty and dignity. 'Extending an olive branch' signifies an offer of peace.

Where does the name Ollie originate?

A short form of Olivier, the French form of a Germanic name, possibly related to the Scandinavian Ólafur, from Áleifr, meaning "descendent of the ancestors". Another possible origin is the name Alfihar, meaning "elf army". Ollie Locke rose to fame in the pseudo-reality series "Made in Chelsea".

Is Ollie a unique name?

Ollie was the 1085th most popular boys name and 2221st most popular girls name. In 2021 there were 193 baby boys and only 83 baby girls named Ollie. 1 out of every 9,641 baby boys and 1 out of every 21,440 baby girls born in 2021 are named Ollie.

Is Ollie a English name?

The name Ollie is primarily a male name of English origin that means Elf Army.