The meaning of the name gina

The name Gina is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Gina is: A , Virgina, Eugina, Regina, and other names ending in -gina. Often used as an independent name. Famous bearer: twentieth century Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida.

Gina name meaning and details.

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What is the meaning of Gina ?

Gina is baby unisex name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is Italian. Gina name meanings is A well- born woman, Silvery.
People search this name as How to prounounce gina, Gina prophetic name.
Other similar sounding names can be Gian, Geena, Genia, Genie, Gino, Giaan, Gana, Guna, Gene, Gena.

Answers for the most frequently asked questions about name Gina

What does Gina name mean?

Gina is one of the most loved baby unisex name, its meaning is a well- born woman, silvery, . this is a suggested hindu name for those born under the birth star dhanishta a short form of georgina, which is a feminine form of george and originally comes from the greek name georgios, which is from ge, meaning "earth" and ergon, meaning "work"..

What is the religion of the name Gina?

The people with name Gina are mostly known as Christian.

What is the origin of the name Gina?

Most of the christian names are orginated from Italian origin.

Is the name Gina difficult to pronounce?

Gina name has 4 letter and 1 word and it short and easy to pronounce.

Is Gina name is short?

Absolutely! Gina is a short name.

Gina Name Combinations.

You probably have google this question: My baby name is Gina and how can I combine the name Gina with other names and create unique & new name? We tried to suggest Gina name combinations. You can see how it looks the name Gina as first name or Gina as last name. You can combine the middle name for Gina and create a unique name.

Gina Ethnicity Distribution.

  • Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander

  • American Indian and Alaska Native

Popular personalities with Gina Name.

The meaning of the name gina

Gina Carano

Gina was born on April 16th, 1982 in Dallas County, Texas. Gina is also known as Conviction and Crush.

The meaning of the name gina

Gina Torres

Gina Torres is an actress. She was most active from 1992 to present. Gina was born on April 25th, 1969 in New York City, New York, U.S.

The meaning of the name gina

Gina Rodriguez

Gina Rodriguez is an entrepreneur, manager, actress, and television personality. Her ongoing career started in 1992. Gina was given the name Gina Delia on November 15th, 1967 in San Fernando Valley, California, United States. Gina is also known as Demi Delia and Demi Delia".

The meaning of the name gina

Gina L. Gershon

Gina L. Gershon is an actress, singer, author, and singing. She has had major accomplishments since 1981. Gina was born on June 10th, 1962 in Los Angeles.

The meaning of the name gina

Gina Rinehart

Gina Rinehart is a chairman of hancock prospecting and chairman of hancock prospecting (hppl). Gina was given the name Georgina Hope Hancock by her parent Lang Hancock on February 9th, 1954 in Perth.

The meaning of the name gina

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13th Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

The meaning of the name gina

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Gina Raimondo

Treasurer of Rhode Island

The meaning of the name gina
The meaning of the name gina
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The meaning of the name gina
The meaning of the name gina

The meaning of the name gina

Gina Dirawi

Television Host

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Calculate Numerology for Gina

# Ltr indexLetter in NamePosition of Letter0G31I12N53A1Numerology of name Gina1 (subtotal of 10)

Discovering Personality Type of Gina

Gina has the numerology 1 and this belong to the religion christian. The people with numerology 1 are also thought to be extremely independent and they have an individualistic approach towards everything. They do not believe in working with others to get their work done rather they tend to deal with everything on their own.

The gender is Unisex. The characteristic of the people with numerology 1 is that they are very leading means that they have the quality of a good leader.
They believe in only depending upon themselves rather than relying on anybody else.

They have the capability of attaining everything by themselves and they are also thought to be the pioneers for everything. The meaning of this Gina is A well- born woman, Silvery. As we mentioned above that they are independent, so they also believe in starting everything on their own too. They do not depend upon anyone and are quite autonomous with everything.

What is the biblical meaning of Gina?

Meaning: Garden, small garden. Gender: Female. Origin: "Gan" is the Hebrew word for garden.

How rare is the name Gina?

Gina was the 1872nd most popular girls name. In 2021 there were 105 baby girls named Gina. 1 out of every 16,947 baby girls born in 2021 are named Gina.

What is the prettiest Italian girl name?

Common and Popular Italian Girl Names.
Sofia. More commonly spelled Sophia, this name is popular in many languages and means “wisdom” in Greek. ... .
Aurora. In Latin this name means “dawn.” ... .
Giulia. ... .
Ginevra. ... .
Alice. ... .
Emma. ... .
Giorgia. ... .

What is Gina in Greek?

In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Gina is: Well born.