The Little Seagull Handbook answer key

C)C)aa0Answers to ExercisesS-1a EXERCISE 1, p. 4181.B3.A5.A7.A9.B2.B4.A6.B8.A10.AS-1a EXERCISE 2, p. 4191.B3.B5.A7.B9.A2.B4.B6.B8.A10.AS-1a EXERCISE 3 (possible answers), p. 4201.correct2.It wasthe lead that was poisonous, not the tomatoes.3.Since poorer people ate from wooden plates,theydidn’t have any problem with tomatoes.4.The tomato it is native to the Western Hemisphere, and it was the Spanish explorer Cortés whobrought it back to Europe.5.Cortez he found tomatoes growing in what is now Mexico.6.correct7.Although tomatoes are usually classified as vegetables,theyare really fruits.8.correct9.The importer it claimed that tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables, and therefore the duty onvegetables should not apply.10.It wasdecided by the Court that tomatoes are prepared and eaten like vegetables, not like fruits,and that therefore the vegetable duty had been charged correctly.S-1b, p. 4211.For example, when the mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson publishedAlice’s Adventures inWonderland, he used the name Lewis Carroll.2.In the past, some authors used pseudonyms because they couldn’t getpublished under their realnames.3.Three such authors were the sisters Anne, Charlotte, and Emily Brontë, who were originallypublished under the names Acton, Currer, and Ellis Bell.4.Mary Ann Evans opted for the male pseudonym George Eliot, which appeared on her novels suchasMiddlemarchandSilas Marner.5.So that he could have credibility as a writer of books for girls, L. Frank Baum, the male author of theOz books, took a female pseudonym, Edith Van Dyne.7.That was the motivation for Ford Madox Ford and Joseph Conrad, whose original names were Ford6.spell or pronounce.Other authors, like some actors, take pseudonyms simply to have a name that is catchy or easy to1


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List and describe the three main sections of the handbook. What are their matching color


1.The writing section is red.

2.The research section is blue.

3.The edit section is yellow.

The handbook provides guidelines for four documentation styles. What are they?





What is a comma splice? The handbook suggests four ways to fix a comma splice, name one.

A comma splice is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses.

One way to fix a comma splice is to make the independent clauses two

separate/complete sentences.

According to MLA format, is a title page required? What information should go on the first


According to MLA format, a title page is not required.

Your name, the teachers name, the class name, the due date, and the title should go on

the first page.

What pointers does the handbook give about the process of drafting?

The handbook advises students/writers to write quickly in spurts while also expecting

surprises. You should also expect to write more than one draft, and worry about

correctness later on.


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