The devils loose in salem, mr. proctor, we must discover where hes hiding!

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The Crucible and The Witch Hunt

Rush's Witch Hunt song states "The mob moves like demons possessed/ Quiet in conscience, calm in their right/ Confident their ways are best." However, in Arthur Miller's work The Crucible, Mary Warren states "The Devil is loose in Salem, Mr. Proctor, we must discover where he's hiding" (Miller 59). Rush's remark shows the irony in Mary Warren's statement through the description that the accusers "move like demons." Although, Mary's statement is ironic, it allows Miller to accomplish his goal of relating communism to the Salem Witch Trials and still has a universal meaning that applies to today's situations.

The concept of the Devil being in Salem is ironic because the evil doings come mainly from Abigail Williams and other selfish people. Betty states "You drank a charm to John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor"(19). This exemplifies a selfish desire of Abigail's to have John Proctor and how evil she is willing to be to get her desire. The excitement in the quote shows sureness and an upset attitude toward Abigail's selfishness. "She thinks to dance with me on my wife's grave!...But it is a whore's vengeance..."(110) is stated by Proctor. This quote continues to show that witchcraft accusations were often used to get revenge on someone, rather than getting rid of the Devil's presence. It is ironic that the accusers were really the people creating the sin. It is clearly illustrated that selfish desire , rather than the Devil, was responsible for the evil actions occurring.

The irony in this quote demonstrates Miller's purpose through the illustration that it is nearly impossible to prove an individual of witchcraft, just as it was nearly impossible to prove an individual of being a Communist in the 1950's. "In the countries of the Communist ideology, all resistance of any import is liked to the totally capitalist succubi, and in America any man who is not reactionary in his views is open to the charge of alliance with a Red hell"(34). This furthers that if a man did not react with his views of communism that he was more likely be accused himself. This idea, perhaps, led to false accusations by a selfish man's desire to rescue himself.

Summary and Analysis Act III: Scene 3


Danforth summons Abigail and three of the girls into the vestry room, where he questions Abigail. She denies Mary Warren's charge that she is lying and that she falsely accused Elizabeth Proctor.

Danforth learns that the girls danced in the woods. Hathorne questions Mary Warren and asks her to pretend to faint. When she cannot, he insists that she is lying now because she cannot faint as she claims to have done before.

Danforth asks Abigail if she could have imagined the spirits. Abigail denies such a possibility. Suddenly Abigail and the other girls claim that Mary Warren is sending out her spirit against them.

Proctor calls Abigail a whore and tells the court about their affair. He then defends his wife Elizabeth by saying that she is incapable of lying. The court summons Elizabeth. When she enters the room, no one will speak and she notices that Proctor and Abigail both have their backs to her. When Danforth asks Elizabeth why she dismissed Abigail, Elizabeth lies, concealing Proctor and Abigail's affair.

Abigail and the girls again begin accusing Mary Warren, who recants again and claims that Proctor forced her to say that Abigail is lying. Danforth asks Proctor if he is in league with the Devil, placing Proctor under arrest. Hale denounces the proceedings and quits the court.


Scene 3 is the most intense scene in the play because everything is revealed, and timing proves to be one of the most important factors. Proctor realizes that it is critical for Mary Warren to testify against Abigail before she loses her courage to do so. In addition, time is critical at this point in the play because individuals are being convicted continuously. Every conviction increases Abigail's authority and decreases the likelihood that the Court will acquit someone accused. Proctor knows that Mary Warren is unsure about testifying directly against Abigail. Just as Danforth appears to favor Abigail's claim that Mary Warren is lying, Proctor informs him that Parris caught Abigail and the others dancing in the woods. This information, coupled with the fact that Parris discovered them, profoundly affects Danforth. Now Danforth views Abigail differently, and is more inclined to believe Proctor.

Danforth's sympathy shifts again to Abigail during Hathorne's cross-examination of Mary Warren. Hathorne makes a legitimate request when he asks Mary Warren to repeat her fainting performance. If she pretended to faint the first time, then she should be able to do it again. She is not able to do it.

Mary Warren's inability to faint or stage a fit serves as a cue to Abigail. In the court's eyes, Mary's failure to feign an attack proves that the girls cannot fake such behavior, which lends merit to Abigail's subsequent claim that Mary Warren's spirit is attacking her. At this point, the court is likely to discard Mary Warren's testimony in view of the evidence Abigail provides.

Only when Proctor accuses Abigail of being a whore does she end her fit and lose credibility with Danforth. When Proctor tells the court of his affair and Abigail's plot to kill Elizabeth, he gives the court another opportunity to end the trials. However, just as Danforth willingly dismissed Corey's claim against Putnam because Corey would not reveal his witness, so Danforth dismisses Proctor's claim that Abigail is a harlot, simply because Elizabeth lies to conceal the affair.

Irony is evident in this scene because Danforth is committed to preserving truth, yet he will not acknowledge truth when he hears it. Proctor, who has spent seven months concealing his affair with Abigail, now tells the truth but is disbelieved. And Elizabeth, who has lived by the truth, lies to keep her husband's secret and condemns them both by doing so. And Mary Warren, who had lied and now is finally telling the truth, lies again to save her life. The only winner here is the chief liar, Abigail Williams, who continues to lie. And the court, which should be an instrument of truth, is in the position of condemning those who tell the truth and believing liars.

Truth does triumph in the end, through the individuals who refuse to compromise their beliefs in order to preserve their lives. However, the advocates of truth often pay with their lives — a heavy price.

Proctor's admission of adultery and Elizabeth's lie to hide the affair from the court mark a turning point in their marriage. Shame overwhelms Proctor, but he demonstrates his loyalty and love for Elizabeth by revealing the affair in order to save her life. The situation also changes Elizabeth. She knows that Proctor's name is important to him, and that he would not ruin his reputation by admitting an affair unless he truly loved her. She can finally trust him again.


guile slyness and cunning in dealing with others; craftiness; here, deception.

cool emotionally uninvolved; uncommitted; dispassionate. Here, meaning calculated.

harlot a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual activity for pay; here, meaning a sexually immoral woman.

slovenly careless in appearance, habits, work, and so on; untidy; slipshod.

gull to cheat or trick; dupe.

Who said the Devil's loose in Salem Mr Proctor we must discover where he's hiding?

Proctor; we must discover where he's hiding!" Explanation: Although Warren is referring to witchcraft and the women that supposedly threaten the girls with black magic, this quote is filled with great irony since the only real evil to discover in Salem is in the form of greedy adults and attention-seeking children.

What quote did Proctor use?

What quote did Proctor use to help Mary remain brave? "Do that which is good, and no harm will come to thee."

What page does John Proctor confess to witchcraft?

Act Four Pages 97–116: Day of execution When faced with Rebecca Nurse, who will not confess to witchcraft, he becomes ashamed. He signs the confession but tears it up when he hears it is to be put on public display: I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (p. 115).

What does Proctor say before he dies?

After having signed, then ripped up his confession, John Proctor declares that he cannot throw away his good name in a lie, even though doing so would save his life. He chooses to die.