Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Scenario: Nuclear solution By: FierceBirdOfFlame

SC BW scenario Nuclear solution.pdf (253 KB)

Backed into a corner after the fall of Korhal IV, Arcturus Mengsk pulls out all the stops to halt the combined effort of Jim Raynor & Sarah Kerrigan. Activating his secret WMD facility of Erebus Station, Mengsk now seeks to quell the coup by plummeting the sector in nuclear fire.

3-player scenario with the following factions:

- Arcturus Mengsk;
- Jim Raynor;
- Queen of Blades.

This scenario is also available in Tabletop Simulator as a workshop item:

Notes: Another scenario I had written about 3-4 years ago. Was never able to test it but perhaps other people can enjoy it for what it's worth.

Feb 14, 2019

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Scenario: To tame the beast By: FierceBirdOfFlame

SC BW scenario To tame the beast.pdf (309 KB)

The Overmind runs rampant throughout the sector. Fearful of the Swarm's power, various factions vie to tame the beast. Tassadar seeks to neutralize the hivemind to safeguard his people, but the UED & Queen of Blades have far more sinister motives. Both are eager to take its power for their own, granting them unquestionable dominance...

3-player scenario with the following factions:

- Queen of Blades;
- Tassadar;
- United Earth Directorate (represented by the Jim Raynor faction)

A 2-player varient is possible, consult page 5 for more details.

This scenario is also available in Tabletop Simulator as a workshop item:

Notes: Another scenario I had written about 3-4 years ago. Was never able to test it but perhaps other people can enjoy it for what it's worth.

Feb 14, 2019

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: StarCraft Reference Play Aid By: instinctive

SCBW Reference 3.2.pdf (14.25 MB)

* Retreat card does not allow Attacker to retreat.
* Workers on depleted resource are moved to Unavailable.

Feb 6, 2019
SCBW Reference 3.2.pdf (14.24 MB)

Minor update, NOT necessary to reprint from previous version:
- Added removal of workers from depleted resource cards to sequence of play.
- Added simple game setup sequence, the event card counts are already on the play aid.
- Removed all "interesting" house rules except the 5CP/SVC variant.

Oct 30, 2017
SCBW Reference 3.1.pdf (14.24 MB)

Suggested printing:
- pages 1-2: double sided 1 copy for each player.
- pages 3-4: double sided 1 copy for the table.
- pages 5-6: legend (new!) and notes, need not be printed.

Major Bug Fixes (I went through every card again):
- Zergling values are now correct. Sorry!
- Missing Scout card is now included. Sorry!
- Arbiter cost was incorrect.

- Unit costs are now aligned with tech costs.
- Increased font sizes and color changes for clarity.
- Reinforcement cards are in orange for visibility.
- Reinforcement cards are marked F if they require FLU.
- Cloaking, Detection, and Sacrifice are now red.
- Tech-required names and requirements are now purple.
- Health + for boosts that don't apply with Guard token.
- General cleanup.

Removed: card-sharing information between unit types. I think this was cluttered and of low value. It is best to learn these overlaps through play.

Sep 4, 2017
StarCraft Reference 3.0.pdf (14.39 MB)

What's New:
1-page reference with units, tech, and images.
1-page reference for orders, modules, leadership cards, event cards, and the basic play sequence.
1-page comprehensive turn sequence.
1-page comprehensive battle sequence.
1-page notes and credits (not necessary for play)

Jun 27, 2017
SCBW Cheat 2.1.pdf (1.19 MB)

Clarified language for reveal and resolve, sacrifice/cloaking, and regroup phase. Added racial abilities. Added StarCraft font for coolness factor.

Sep 16, 2016
SCBW Cheat 2.0.pdf (1.11 MB)

Cleaned up Play Sequence and Battle and Skirmish. Should be very complete. I needed an aid that pulled together all the errata and disparate rulings. New! Combat and Technology breakdowns for each race! Now you can see how two units interact with respect to combat cards. On the reverse is a player aid oriented to the new player. If you find errors or omissions, please let me know. Thanks, and enjoy this great game!

Sep 13, 2016
SCBW Cheat.pdf (60 KB)

So many great play aids already, but I wanted one that is black-and-white friendly and sequence-of-play oriented. Version 1.0.

Sep 10, 2016

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Ayuda facciones By: hasnak

Ayuda facciones.pdf (672 KB)

Ayuda visual para la construcción de tropas de cada facción.
Incluye las tropas y tableros de la expansión.

Apr 22, 2018

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: BloodySloth's Faction Introductions and Unit Summary By: BloodySloth

BloodySloths_Margin_Safe_Summaries.pdf (15.69 MB)

The Version 2 Faction Summaries, but cropped so as to be more friendly to printers that cannot handle printing with no margins. These print with one-inch margins at the correct size. If you can print without margins, download file below this one instead!

Feb 11, 2018
BloodySloths_Faction_Summaries_v2.pdf (18.18 MB)

Version 2 fixes some typos and grammatical errors, clarifies some language, changes the font to be more legible, and shrinks the overall references to a more convenient size. There are now two per sheet; make sure to print double sided if you can, and cut them apart after printing!

Feb 10, 2018
BloodySloths_Faction_Summaries_v1.pdf (8.17 MB)

Intended to be printed double-sided, one side of each sheet is a brief introduction to each race and faction leader, with a bit of flavor text and a little strategy tip for each unit, as well. On the other side of each sheet is a breakdown of the min/max values for each unit of that faction, what techs are relevant for each, and a really brief summary of each tech.

I know this game is ancient and out of print at this point, but hopefully someone will find these useful!

Thanks to some other guides I gathered inspiration from, particularly msmilo's tech tree and StefanSasse's strategy guide. And thanks of course to FFG, Blizzard, and the StarCraft: Remastered team!

Dec 20, 2017

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Scenario: Clash of beliefs By: FierceBirdOfFlame

SC BW scenario Clash of Beliefs.pdf (175 KB)

Religious tensions flare and the Protoss can no longer ignore their differences. With both sides convinced of the other's heretical nature, civil war grips the species. As brother fights brother across the stars, Arcturus Mengsk seeks to turn the conflict to his advantage. The time is ripe to unlock the ancient knowledge the Protoss so dearly covet for his own gain.

3-player scenario with the following factions:

- Aldaris;
- Arcturus Mengsk;
- Tassadar.

A 2-player varient is available at the end of this PDF.

This scenario is also available in Tabletop Simulator as a workshop item:

Have written a bunch of scenarios over the years but I can never find people willing to invest the time into playing this game anymore. Hopefully you will have better luck & have fun with these scenarios.

Apr 28, 2016

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: BW Reference with all combat related unit informations (stats and abilities) By: gawain77

Expanded quick reference card.pdf (7.97 MB)

This is the newest and third verison of my Starcraft Broodwar Reference sheet with a turn summary and a designed overview about all combat related techs, unit stats and abilities.

Steven vG was so kind to do the work and look into it to correct spelling mistakes and streamline some sentences to make sure it is as clear as possible. There should be no mistake left in this third version, feel free to download and use it to your liking.

Mar 30, 2016
SC_BW_Reference_Sheet_ver2.pdf (3.97 MB)

This is the second version of the Brood War Reference Sheet.

Corrected some minor and one major mistake (uups Infested Terran had Cloaking instead of Sacrifice on my first version). Furthermore I added one new feature.

But have a look by yourself, if you liked the first one this one is a must have.

Mar 18, 2009
SC_BW_Reference_Sheet.pdf (3.78 MB)

In this pdf file you'll found the Unit stats as listed in the Brood War Rule Book. I corrected the values, because there were about 5-6 mistakes in it. In addition I added all combat related informations:

1. The maximum combat stats of technology Combat Cards if there are such Cards for the unit (like "Siege Mode" for Tanks or "Increased Reaver capacity" for Reavers / tech related Combat stats have a "blue background")

2. Splash Damage (on a "blue background" if it is granted by technology required Combat Cards, on a "green background" if it is granted by the starting Combat Cards / "small" if it is only aggainst Marines and alike, "all" if it is against any targetable unit)

3. Collateral Damage (always on a "blue background" because you always have to research it)

4. Support values

5. Air and ground attack abilities

6. Special abilities and Technologies like Cloaking, Mind Control, Plague (on a "blue background" if you have to research it, on a "green background" if it is a starting ability)

7. Reinforcement cards that are for all units (at the bottom of the list marked with "any" / on a "green background" if they are in the starting Combat Deck, on a "blue background" if you have to reserach them)

Last but not least I did a back page for double sided print. There are all modules and orders listed. In addition the turn sequence and the battle sequence.

Have fun with it

Mar 8, 2009

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Tutorial scenario: First Dawn By: FierceBirdOfFlame

SC BW tutorial scenario First Dawn.pdf (181 KB)

Configurations for Starcraft + Brood War expansion covering: planets, event deck & leadership card setup. Goal: reduce downtime & setup so the game is easier to learn & enjoy for casual players.

Since I'm the only fervent strategic boardgamer in my group of friends, I've compiled a list of parameters to trim down Starcraft: the board game to a more managable size. Leadership cards, certain event cards, galaxy setup, overal gametime,... plenty of features that I adore but had to adjust so it wouldn't scare off newcomers or occasional players. After a few tests with these guidelines, I was able to land smoother & shorter experiences. This allowed me to let Starcraft hit the table more often without scaring off more easygoing players.

If you spot any typos or have suggestions, feel free to leave a comment.

Mar 16, 2016

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: StarCraft: The Board Game - Resurrection (expansion) By: cyb3k

StarCraft TBG - Resurrection v1.1.pdf (6.70 MB)

Unofficial expansion which doubles a choice of leadership cards for each game stage and implements a variety of modes and optional rules.

Starcraft: The Board Game and Brood War expansion required to play.

The file contains:
- 98 leadership cards (14 for each faction, including UED)
- 6 new installations
- new game modes and optional rules

Some of card ideas are taken from additional factions available in BGG "Forum" and "Files" sections of a game.
You may find more information and links in a file.

Version 1.1.
- new game mode: "Greed"
- "Quick Reference" page for game modes
- reworked rules for combination of two Overmind cards
- several other minor corrections and clarifications

Material that is new to the previous version is highlighted in blue.

Apr 21, 2013
StarCraft TBG - Resurrection v1.0.pdf (6.69 MB)

Unofficial expansion which doubles a choice of leadership cards for each game stage and implements a variety of modes and optional rules.

Starcraft: The Board Game and Brood War expansion required to play.

The file contains:
- 98 leadership cards (14 for each faction, including UED)
- 6 new installations
- new game modes and optional rules

Some of card ideas are taken from additional factions available in BGG "Forum" and "Files" sections of a game.
You may find more information and links in a file.

Version 1.0.

Mar 21, 2013

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Brood War szabálykönyv By: Ryek

sc_bw_HU.pdf (6.39 MB)

A szabálykönyv magyarra fordítása, a küldetések nélkül.

Mar 1, 2012

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: SCBW tech tree By: msmilos

SCBW tech tree v1.2.pdf (1.98 MB)

Tech tree for all three races v1.2
(some minor revisions and more intuitive trees)

Nov 5, 2011
SCBW tech tree.pdf (1.19 MB)

Tech tree for all three races.

May 30, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: UPDATED VERSION OF FAQ FOR 12 FACTIONS LEADERSHIP CARDS By: retienne

My New Leadership cards FAQ.doc (35 KB)


Jul 25, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: OLD AND NEW FACTIONS LEADERSHIP CARDS (12 FACTIONS) UPDATED VERSION By: retienne

My New Leadership cards + original cards FULL LIST By Faction.doc (86 KB)

Text of all leadership cards UPDATED of 12 FACTIONS + FAQ

Jul 25, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Event cards translated into Serbian v1.0 (with Broodwar) By: Floating World

Starcraft Broodwar Karte sa Dogadjajima.doc (55 KB)

All the event cards translated into Serbian. Hope it helps.

Apr 29, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Battle & Technology cards translated into Serbian v1.0 (with Broodwar) By: Floating World

Starcraft Broodwar Tehnologije i Borbene Karte.doc (97 KB)

Serbian translation of battle and technology cards for easier play

Apr 29, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Polisch translation of Protoss cards By: farmeriusz

tassadar żółty.pdf (4.52 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart Protossow (Aldaris i Tassadar).
Tlumaczenie Zergow: unicorn
tlumaczenie kart zdarzen: rhcorvin
tlumaczenie Protossow: ja
tlumaczenie Terran: ja
grafika: rhcorvin

Polisch translation of both Protoss factions cards.

Feb 3, 2011
aldaris pomarańczowy.pdf (4.46 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart Protossow (Aldaris i Tassadar).
Tlumaczenie Zergow: unicorn
tlumaczenie kart zdarzen: rhcorvin
tlumaczenie Protossow: ja
tlumaczenie Terran: ja
grafika: rhcorvin

Polisch translation of both Protoss factions cards.

Feb 1, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Polisch translation of Zerg cards By: farmeriusz

queen fioletowy.pdf (4.94 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart Zergow (Overmind i Kerrigan).
Tlumaczenie Zergow: unicorn
tlumaczenie kart zdarzen: rhcorvin
tlumaczenie Protossow: ja
tlumaczenie Terran: ja
grafika: rhcorvin

Polisch translation of both Zerg factions cards.

Feb 3, 2011
overmind zielony.pdf (4.58 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart Zergow (Overmind i Kerrigan).
Tlumaczenie Zergow: unicorn
tlumaczenie kart zdarzen: rhcorvin
tlumaczenie Protossow: ja
tlumaczenie Terran: ja
grafika: rhcorvin

Polisch translation of both Zerg factions cards.

Feb 1, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Polisch translation of Terran cards By: farmeriusz

raynor niebieski.pdf (4.66 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart Terran (Mengsk i Raynor).
Tlumaczenie Zergow: unicorn
tlumaczenie kart zdarzen: rhcorvin
tlumaczenie Protossow: ja
tlumaczenie Terran: ja
grafika: rhcorvin

Polisch translation of both Terran factions cards.

Feb 3, 2011
mengsk czerwone.pdf (4.28 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart Terran (Mengsk i Raynor).
Tlumaczenie Zergow: unicorn
tlumaczenie kart zdarzen: rhcorvin
tlumaczenie Protossow: ja
tlumaczenie Terran: ja
grafika: rhcorvin

Polisch translation of both Terran factions cards.

Feb 1, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Polisch translation of event cards By: farmeriusz

wydarzenia.pdf (1.24 MB)

Polskie tlumaczenie kart wydarzen.
Polish translation of event cards.

Feb 1, 2011

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Starcraft New Factions By: cyb3k

Starcraft New Factions v1.0.pdf (6.70 MB)

Additional Leadership cards for the "StarCraft: Brood War" boardgame, accomodated to the original layout of cards. The file contains also additional rules and FAQ.

You may find more information in the file.

Version 1.0.
Made by users: "cyb3k" , "theasaris".
Some card ideas are taken from user "TiredOfThis" from the FFG-Forums.

Dec 22, 2009

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Starcraft New Factions By: theasaris

Starcraft Factions v1.0.pdf (245 KB)

This is an old version. You can find the current version here:

version 1.0

These are five new user-made factions for the Starcraft Boardgame.

Some card ideas are taken from user "TiredOfThis" from the FFG-Forums. Thanks go to cyb3k for revisions and suggestions.

Nov 4, 2009

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: Leadership Card Texts By: Sillion

Leadership_Cards.pdf (279 KB)

Printable version of all the Leadership cards including United Earth Directorate

Sep 14, 2009

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: SC BW - Card sized GAME SETUP - Portugues v.1 By: Dagoma

SC_BW_Setup_PT_v1.pdf (148 KB)

Card sizes player aid for game setup for Starcraft the Board Game Brood War (I like to have a small list of game sequence when I play to be sure I didn’t forgot anything). Double sided.

Portugese version

posted by designer

Jul 26, 2009

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: SC BW - Card sized GAME SETUP - English v.1 By: Dagoma

SC_BW_Setup_EN_v1.pdf (146 KB)

Card sizes player aid for game setup for Starcraft the Board Game Brood War (I like to have a small list of game sequence when I play to be sure I didn’t forgot anything). Double sided.

English version
posted by designer

Jul 26, 2009

Starcraft brood war board game scenarios

StarCraft: The Board Game – Brood War Expansion:: SC BW - Card sized player aid - Portuguese v.1 By: Dagoma

SC_BW_Playeraid_PT_v1.pdf (257 KB)

Six card sized player aids, 3 models (for the different factions), for Starcraft the Board Game Brood War version, with the sequence of a Game Round and Battle Sequence (I like to have a small list of game sequence when I play to be sure I didn’t forgot anything).
Double sided.

Portuguese version

posted by designer

Jul 26, 2009

Is Brood War balanced?

Brood War was never balanced. There was a certain magic about the development of the metagame with minimal developer involvement that cannot be replicated in the current climate. Something is powerful, you shout obscenities at the developers, and two weeks later it's fixed, only for something else to break.

What's the difference between StarCraft and StarCraft Brood War?

Brood War's gameplay remains fundamentally unchanged from that of StarCraft, although it made small alterations to unit costs and some abilities, and added some new units. These changes make rushing tactics—a factor that gained some criticism in the original StarCraft—less practical.

What is the newest StarCraft game?

Chris Metzen James Phinney
Microsoft Windows Classic Mac OS macOS Nintendo 64
First release
StarCraft March 31, 1998
Latest release
StarCraft: Remastered August 14, 2017
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