Skin tag removal dermatologist near me

  • Home Skin Conditions Skin Tags

What are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small benign growths of excess skin cells which look like a small (less than 1cm) mound or flap which protrudes from the body often connected to the skin by a stalk. They can develop anywhere on the body however they most commonly occur in areas of skin on skin friction such as the neck, chest, underarms and groin. Skin tags affect both males and females of any age although occurrence is more common in elderly people or associated with weight gain. Although not painful items such as clothing, bags or jewellery can rub against the skin tag causing them to become irritated.

The Dermal Clinicians at Melbourne Laser & Aesthetic Centre are experts in treating skin tags and skin lesions.
A consultation is required to properly assess the skin tags prior to removal treatment.

Skin tag removal dermatologist near me

  • How are skin tags treated?
  • What are the immediate post treatment effects and long term results?

A common method to remove skin tags is diathermy or precision cautery. This method utilizes a current to cauterize and dehydrate the skin tag either removing it entirely through the stalk or by causing it to fall off on its own.

CO2 ablation Laser treatment can also be used to cauterize and desiccate the skin tag. An anaesthetic cream is topically applied or chilled air is used for increased comfort.

Immediately post treatment the skin tag (if still present) and surrounding area will appear slightly red and may also feel a little warm or itchy however subsides within a few hours. If small the skin tag may only require one treatment. Larger skin tags occasionally require a touch up treatment. Cost for treatment will depend on the number and size of the skin tags.

A comprehensive consultation with a MLAC Senior Dermal Clinician or Cosmetic Registered Nurse allows for proper assessment and treatment plan development. Please call our clinical experts on (03) 8686 5786.


Skin tags are tumours on the skin that are non-cancerous. They are raised from the skin surface and are made of fat cells, nerve cells, and ducts and fibres, and have an epidermis covering. The surface of skin tags can be either smooth or rough and are skin-coloured or brownish.

How Do Skin Tags Occur?

Skin tags are formed by the bunching of blood vessels and collagen that are trapped inside thicker skin, generally found in skin folds and creases.

How are Skin Tags Treated?

Skin tags are harmless and are generally removed for aesthetic purposes or because there are signs of irritation due to constant friction. Some of the treatment options for skin tag removal at our Melbourne clinic include excision, cauterisation, and ligation.

The skin tag removal Melbourne cost at the clinic you visit will also depend on the type of treatment used for the tag removal.


Warts are bumps or growths that can take place either on or within the skin and have a surface that is hard with black spots owing to the blockages in the vessels. Warts are skin-coloured and painless and can be found in areas such as:

  • The feet
  • Back of the hands
  • The skin surrounding the nails
  • The fingers

What Causes Warts?

Warts are caused due to the human papillomavirus (HPV) coming in contact with your skin or entering through a cut. The virus is also contagious and can spread from person to person or spread to different parts of the body if you scratch or touch other parts of your body.

How Can Warts be Treated?

The treatment for warts depends on the location that it is present in as well as the type of wart you are infected with. There are a number of treatment options for wart removal in Melbourne, from lasers to making use of high-frequency electrically induced heat.

Diathermy helps cauterise the tissue infected by warts, ensuring the complete removal of the wart. The method includes using high-frequency electrical currents to produce heat in the area where the tissue is unhealthy or infected. This is one of the common procedures used by almost every wart removal clinic in Melbourne.

Ablative and non-ablative lasers are used, depending on how many warts are to be removed and their size, to remove the skin or tissue infected by warts quickly.

Whether you wish to find a clinic to help remove skin tags in Melbourne or need treatment for wart removal, CSD Clinic has the best-experienced skin specialists to help you deal with your skin condition.

Will a dermatologist remove skin tags?

Dermatologists have several simple methods to remove skin tags. Cryotherapy can be used to freeze them off, skin tags may be removed with scissors or a scalpel, or an electric needle can burn them off. This last procedure is known as electrodessication. Your dermatologist can determine the best method for removal.

How much is a skin tag remover?

A dermatologist can remove skin tags during an in-office procedure that typically costs $150 out-of-pocket, as health insurance plans usually do not cover cosmetic procedures. Over-the-counter treatments and at-home remedies for skin tags usually cost up to $30.

How do dermatologists remove tags?

One commonly used method is cryotherapy, in which a physician, usually a dermatologist, freezes off the skin tag using liquid nitrogen. Another option is electrocautery, in which an electric probe or needle is used to burn off the skin tag.

What is the best skin tag remover?

Best skin tag temovers.
Editor's pick: Micro Auto TagBand Skin Tag Remover Device. ... .
Best freeze skin tag temover: Compound W Skin Tag Remover. ... .
Best skin tag remover kit: Ulensy Skin Tag Remover. ... .
Best skin tag pads remover: Samsali Skin Tag Remover Pads. ... .
Best homeopathic skin tag remover: ProVent Skin Tag Remover..