Sims 4 meet friends at school

Sims 4 meet friends at school

Hi, I know that children and teens don't seem to make friends at school so i was just wondering if anyone knew of a mod that would let this happen?

Thanks! :)

Sims 4 meet friends at school

level 1

I had the same problem until I clicked the work icon and realized you can specifically have them look for and make friends.

level 2

Ah okay, thanks I’ll have a look next time!

level 1

I circumvented this by visiting the playgrounds for a couple days until my kid met enough other kids to form a group. then I could summon them whenever I felt like it so should could build relationships :)

If you get to the park between 3pm and 8/9pm, usually at least 2-3 other kids will show up.

level 1

I was running into the same problem, so I moved a couple extra families with kids into the neighbourhood. After that they met several kids at school.

level 2

Oh that’s a good idea! I’ll do that next time :) thanks!

level 1

If you click on your child while they’re at school, there’s an option to focus on making friends at school. You could also move in more kids into the neighborhood! But I’m sure you can find some kids, I find many walking outside my house in Willow Creek.

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I'm playing TS4 for just few hours. There is lot of flaws but one thing is just *(*^$#*&%%#.... annoys me completly. How I suposse to make friends to my kid sim? Socialize at school does nothing and there is no simple interaction like "play with". My adult sims can make good friends over a few hours but my kiddo can't make a friend during two days. Kids/teens should have plenty of friends from school for god sake! Any ideas? Mods? Because this is killing my desire to play this game.


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I haven't played with kids, but if their school interactions are anything like the work interactions of my Sims, I'd say that what it actually does is fulfilling some of your Sim's needs, such as the need to socialize, etc.

Sims 4 meet friends at school

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So over the duration of a week, my teen sim made 8 friends at school. Only TWO were teenagers... My teen sim now has 6 child friends... I wouldn't mind so much if it was one or two, but seriously? Six? I wanted her to find someone to date, and that opportunity just fell through the floor...

Could the meeting new friends be restricted to that sim's age group when it comes to school? Children just meet children and teens just meet teens?

Topic: Can't Meet New Friends in School  (Read 8575 times)

I'm having a bit of an issue with the Meet New Friends Tone in school... actually, it doesn't appear. It's like all the paperboys and child townies are not in school so I can't use the "Meet New Friends" tone. This was a bit of a disaster in my test run of the LSD, when my first heiress was unable to meet a teen schoolmate because no teens were in school, in fact there were no teens at ALL, they all grew up to young adults! Did zombies eat all the kid NPCs or something? It's happening in Isla Paradiso too! I moved in the Hans but when Phillip went to school, the only tones were Normal Effort, Work Hard and Slack Off! What the EA? Come on, tell me this is another bug.

Sims 4 meet friends at school

Sims 4 meet friends at school

I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

"With great ability comes great taking into account of one's actions!" - spoken by an NPC in Lego Marvel Superheroes

I had that happen a few days ago. I watched my sim go to school and there were all kinds of kids her age going in. I reset her and the next day all the normal options were there. I don't know if this is the same problem, but you might want to check it out just in case.

Sims 4 meet friends at school

I have this too! I'm not sure its a bug, but EA needed to pay just a little bit more attention to detail. There are kids in school, but when you see them outside of school, they're all young adults. And when I got generations, my imaginary friend told me I should have a teen party. But there was one problem... there were no teens! Once, my teen boy went to school and met a girl and she was a TEEN! And I contacted her outside of school and she was a TEEN! It was amazing! I invited her to my house and she came and yeah they did their homework together and stuff (actually I cant remember what happened) and when she went home I kinda stalked her.

Sims 4 meet friends at school
But she didn't have a house anywhere. She got in a taxi and drove to the water fall, got out and walked to the edge and disappeared! I follow stray cats and dogs too and they do the same thing, except in different places. It's so random!
Oh my, I'm off topic again.
But yeah, if anyone knows anything, please post! I'd love to find a solution for this!
Hope this helped!
Happy Simulating.
Sims 4 meet friends at school


Sims 4 meet friends at school

Where words fail, music speaks.
~Hans Christian Andersen

You can force teens into your home town, though, they will be "homeless".  Your sim can still invite them over or chat on the phone.  Use your adult to watch for the paper boy/girl (or do this when the child is home from school).  Invite the child inside.  Buy a birthday cake and give the child a birthday party.  The next day, a brand new child will appear with the paper.  Repeat if needed.  Obviously, you will need to keep the new teen in your home until your child/teen returns or get friendly enough for them to visit if you invite them.  I usually do both, just in case the youngsters do not get the relationship to a suitable level during the after school time.

I hope this helps.  It is not cheating as far as I'm aware, as you are not doing anything with the cheats or using any store items.

Sims 4 meet friends at school

�In this world, there is nothing softer or thinner than water. But to compel the hard and unyielding, it has no equal. That the weak overcomes the strong, that the hard gives way to the gentle -- this everyone knows. Yet no one asks accordingly.�

I'm going to move this over to the Miscellaneous Help board.  It's more about game play bugs than actual technical issues.

Sims 4 meet friends at school


I have the same issue in my Appaloosa Plains.  It's probably due to EA's story progression not causing pregnancies.  So eventually, the town just gets old with no influx of new kids.  My town is about to have a baby boom (through Master Controller).

Sims 4 meet friends at school


I don't use mods, but, I have found another way of getting a baby boom.  Start a town, any town, you won't be saving the game.  Select all the couples in the town you like the look of.  Each household in turn:  Start playing the family until you can afford fertility treatment.  I don't need to explain the next step

Sims 4 meet friends at school
.  Exit the household, Evict the couple and save to bin.  Repeat until you have enough pregnant couples. Exit game.

Now, every time the game looks as if it needs some new blood, take one family from the bin and place them into an empty house using edit town.  You don't need to do anything with the family after this.  Twins and triplets, not your own, are so cute.

Sims 4 meet friends at school
.  (Not to be used in challenges etc.).  (You could do this more quickly using cheats to get the fertility treatment too.)

Sims 4 meet friends at school

�In this world, there is nothing softer or thinner than water. But to compel the hard and unyielding, it has no equal. That the weak overcomes the strong, that the hard gives way to the gentle -- this everyone knows. Yet no one asks accordingly.�

Okay, I'm back to having this problem. It was working fine one sim day and the next, not. I've reset sim, reset town, cleared caches, and restarted my computer. I'm going to try removing and replacing the school next. There are a lot of children entering the school, so lack of youngsters is not the problem. I will watch more carefully to make sure they're not all teens!

Sims 4 meet friends at school

Nothing I've done works. I also had them move house and back. Nope. I used a save point (the child's first day of school) when I know it was working. Still no good. I'm going to try playing a different family with children in town and if that doesn't work, moving my family to the bin and back. I'm in Sunset Valley with Ambitions, Generations, and Seasons. I have NRaas mods Overwatch, Story Progression, and Master Controller. Everything is updated. I will also try removing mods one at a time.

Sims 4 meet friends at school


On the mods, remove them all and see if it works (would confirm it's a mod), then add them back one at a time to find out which one.

Sims 4 meet friends at school

Other families in town had the same problem. However, moving my family to the bin and back worked, so I guess it wasn't the mods. I don't know why I always am hesitant to use the bin option when it works so often. Ah well. Thanks for posting, Dellena. It's always good to know someone is out there.

Sims 4 meet friends at school

Can My Sims make friends at school?

They will not make a friend, but the social need will go up. I hate this feature because I used to love having my sim kids make friends at school. The only way I can find them friends is to have them travel to the park and there are usually some other kids playing there...

How will you befriend a classmate?

Have a look at some of our ideas to help you start building new friendships at school..
Use Conversation Starters to Get Chatting. ... .
Spend Time with Your Friend's Friends. ... .
Speak to Someone Who's on Their Own. ... .
Look for Common Interests. ... .
Be Approachable. ... .
Ask Open Questions..