Similar words in portuguese and english

Similar words in portuguese and english

Similar words in portuguese and english

There are several language patterns between English and Portuguese. Patterns between two languages are a great way to quickly build vocabulary, as they make it easier to memorize words.

In this lesson you will quickly learn 38 words that are nearly the same in Portuguese and in English thanks to an English vs Portuguese language pattern:

  • English ending in –ary
  • Portuguese ending in –ário / -ária

For example:

  • English: visionary
  • Portuguese: visionário/visionária

Use English vs Portuguese language patterns to improve pronunciation

Working with words that are similar in English and in Portuguese is great to practice pronunciation because you can really compare how the same letters and the same syllables are pronounced in the two languages.

Listen closely to the pronunciation of the words in Brazilian Portuguese. Don’t be fooled by the fact that you understand the word. Make sure that you truly get its pronunciation so you can say the word with confidence when chatting in Portuguese.

Notice that the words in Portuguese have the graphic accent that we call acento agudo (´). It indicates where to place emphasis when you pronounce the word.

Additional Portuguese lessons using English vs Portuguese patterns 

I have other lessons that use different patterns between English and Portuguese to teach you vocabulary and pronunciation. Check them out on my Portuguese Starter Kit page.

Below is a list of 38 words that follow the English vs Portuguese pattern –ary –> ário.

In the video, I pronounce the 18 words that are in bold below to help you practice pronunciation.

This lesson was created with the help of Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary Builder, by Tom Means. The book shows 4,000 words that follow 24 word-ending patterns between English and Portuguese.

English: -ary

Português: -ário

Adversary Adversário/a
Anniversary Aniversário
Arbitrary Arbitrário/a
Beneficiary Beneficiário/a
Centenary Centenário/a
Commentary Comentário
Contrary Contrário/a
Culinary Culinário/a
Dictionary Dicionário
Documentary Documentário
Extraordinary Extraordinário/a
Glossary Glossário
Hereditary Hereditário/a
Honorary Honorário/a
Imaginary Imaginário/a
Incendiary Incendiário/a
Intermediary Intermediário/a
Involuntary Involuntário/a
Itinerary Itinerário
Literary Literário/a
Monetary Monetário/a
Necessary Necessário/a
Ordinary Ordinário/a
Ovary Ovário
Primary Primário/a
Proprietary Proprietário/a
Revolutionary Revolucionário/a
Salary Salário
Sanctuary Santuário
Sanitary Sanitário/a
Secondary Secundário/a
Secretary Secretário/a
Sedentary Sedentário/a
Temporary Temporário/a
Veterinary Veterinário/a
Visionary Visionário/a
Vocabulary Vocabulário
Voluntary Voluntário/a

Now you need to practice so you can speak Portuguese with confidence. Learn Portuguese with a Street Smart Brazil pro. We have been helping learners around the world speak Portuguese with ease since 2008. Book a Trial Lesson here to get started.

Similar words in portuguese and english

Similar words in portuguese and english

Luciana Lage founded Street Smart Brazil drawing on her passion for Brazilian Portuguese language and culture. Street Smart Brazil has been helping learners around the globe speak Portuguese with ease since 2008. Luciana has also taught Portuguese at the University of California, Berkeley and at the University of San Francisco.

Reader Interactions

What Portuguese words are used in English?

Emu (from ema), cobra (from cobra), flamingo (from flamingo), jaguar (from jaguarete), macaw (from macau), macaque (from macaco), mosquito (from mosquito) and piranha (from piranha) all came into English from Brazilian Portuguese.

How many cognates does English and Portuguese have?

If you're an English speaker learning Portuguese, you're in luck: Portuguese-English cognates are remarkably common. Depending on your definition of a cognate, there could be as many as 3,000—and many of these are common, everyday words.

What words are the same in Portuguese and Spanish?

The most commonly used terms are almost the same, “agua”, “sol”, “comer”, “bonito”, “desculpa”, ... The conjugation system follows the same logic and declinations. However, despite all these similarities, there are enough differences and subtleties to make Portuguese and Spanish two different languages.

What are the most common words in Portuguese?

Top 10 most common Portuguese words pronounced by native Portuguese speakers.
Olá = Hello. Let's naturally start with "Olá" which means "Hello" in Portuguese. ... .
Amor = Love. ... .
Felicidade = Happiness. ... .
Gato = Cat. ... .
Cão = Dog. ... .
Sorrir = Smile. ... .
Português = Portuguese. ... .
Sim = Yes..