Should I play Torna the Golden Country?

  1. What is Torna: The Golden Country? It's a DLC expansion of XC2 that serves as a prequel to the main story.

  2. When should I play it? Torna, The Golden Country was originally conceived as taking place between Chapters 7 and 8 of the main game. However, it soon got too big for what was essentially a playable flashback sequence, so it was cut from the main game and sold as a DLC expansion that lasts about 20 hours (so basically, a full-size normal game or a short JRPG). As such, Torna spoils every mystery that Chapters 1-7 of the main game have already covered, and spoils one minor thing from a later chapter. It also has an entirely different combat system to the main game. For this reason, the majority of the fanbase is of the opinion that you should play Torna AFTER you beat the main game due to spoilers, pacing (it's 20 hours game), and shifting to a different combat system only to shift back later. HOWEVER, Torna adds a lot of narrative and emotional context to a few characters, as it was originally envisioned as part of the main game. For that reason, Executive Director Tetsuya Takahashi, father of the Xeno series, is of the opinion that you should play Torna BETWEEN Chapters 7 and 8 of the main game to get the narrative as he intended. This is something the majority of the fanbase disagrees with, since the main game worked around this. NEITHER Takakashi nor the fanbase recommends playing Torna before the main game, due to spoilers, though some people have experienced XC2 that way and have had a positive experience.

  3. Why is there a physical copy? Because Torna grew to the point of basically being a second game rather than just small DLC expansion, it was sold separately as its own entry. It's more akin to something like Uncharted: Lost Legacy. Buying the physical version of Torna will come with codes for all the other XC2 DLC that's not part of the Torna expansion. Additionally, you can just buy it digitally as DLC for the main game.

That's it. I hope that helps anyone confused.

I got the DLC for my birthday right after gaining the 5th party member, and that's when I went through Torna.

Consensus around here seems to be after chapter 5 or 6 so you don't get spoilers for Xenoblade 2 main story, which makes sense. On the other hand, the developers said that since it's really it's own story and has enough unique gameplay elements, feel free to go at it whenever. Having played it myself, I agree with the developers. Going through it will where you are will most likely give you a different perspective on many events in the story, knowing where certain characters came from years ago and where various titans end up.

I think it's really interesting to see what I have seen. I also don't feel like I've been spoiled for much of anything. I actually look forward to the main story much more after having completed Torna. There are certain things that you know happened before XC2 that aren't covered in the DLC as well, and considering what happens in the DLC, I really want to see the explanation for how certain events transpired.

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  1. Boards
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
  3. Play the main game or torna first??

zoroark14 3 years ago#1

Which to play first? - Results (240 votes)


82.92% (199 votes)



17.08% (41 votes)


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For info I’ve bought the main game on release day, same for torna so I played the main game first (personally think playing the main game first is the way to go)

But I’m curious what peoples think here

ShadowLink3000 3 years ago#2

Definitely the main game first unless you want to spoil yourself.

TalesofLizalfos 3 years ago#3


Torna spoils a bit,

though alot of things set up in Torna don't have a payoff until the base game.

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BakonBitz 3 years ago#4

Yeah, definitely the main game. Despite being sold separately Torna is kinda dependant on the main game and definitely spoils some stuff from there that are supposed to be plot revelations.

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empireoffire 3 years ago#5

Torna assumes you've played the main game.

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pifflepuffs 3 years ago#6

Torna is the prequel, play that first.

zoroark14 (Topic Creator)3 years ago#7

pifflepuffs posted...

Torna is the prequel, play that first.

Prequel are meant to be played after
Reason why they’re call prequel

Shaded_Phoenix 3 years ago#8

zoroark14 posted...

pifflepuffs posted...
Torna is the prequel, play that first.

Prequel are meant to be played after
Reason why they’re call prequel

Well, there are people who mix them up. And there are prequels that can be watched first. But typically because they're written afterwards, they often assume familiarity with things earlier titles establish.

Torna is very much written to be watched afterwards, or after Chapter 7 at least, for maximum effect.

Operation Latex Turtle is a go.

Megatonez 3 years ago#9

Play the main game first, Torna spoils a few major twists from the main game.

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zoroark14 (Topic Creator)3 years ago#10


  1. Boards
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
  3. Play the main game or torna first??

Is Torna worth it?

Torna: The Golden Country makes for a fantastic place to start in the series and an essential play for anyone that enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It's been shortened, streamlined, and depending on your preferences, you might find that this DLC expansion handles a few mechanics better than the main game ever did.

Is Torna a good game?

It's hard not to recommend Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country to anyone looking for a great RPG experience on the Switch. It's a great expansion for fans of Xenoblade 2 while at the same time being a perfect way for newcomers to sample the games without signing their life away on a full-length RPG.

How long does Torna the Golden Country take to beat?

It should take around 20 hours to complete, and around 40 hours if you go for absolutely everything. Inside the package - Game on physical cartridge - DLC code which states "Helpful items, Quests, Rare Blades, Challenge battle mode".

Is Torna the Golden country a full game?

Yes, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Torna the Golden Country is a standalone game. It's actually a prequel to Xenoblade Chronicles 2. If you own Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and bought the expansion pass, you would have received this game as DLC.