Redo of healer episode 3 sub indo

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Informasi Anime

  • Judul : Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi atau dikenal Redo of Healer juga dikenal di Jepang sebagai Kaiyari singkatnya, adalah seri novel ringan fantasi Jepang yang ditulis oleh Rui Tsukiyo dan diilustrasikan oleh Shiokonbu. dan telah dikumpulkan dalam empat volume tankōbon. Adaptasi serial televisi anime oleh TNK ditayangkan perdana pada 13 Januari 2021. “Healer tidak bisa bertarung sendirian.” Menceritakan Keyaru, seorang penyembuh yang terikat oleh fakta bahwa penyembuh takkan bisa bertarung sendirian, selalu dimanfaatkan oleh orang lain. Suatu hari, ia menyadari potensi tersembunyi dari sihir penyembuh miliknya dan yakin bahwa penyembuh adalah kelas terkuat. Namun, saat ia menyadari potensi itu, ia kehilangan segalanya. Karena itu, ia menggunakan sihir penyembuh kepada dunianya sendiri, memutar kembali waktu selama empat tahun, dan mengulangi semuanya dari awal.

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    Mar 31, 2021



    Finally, after all these years, the definitive magnum opus of the Japanese anime industry is here. Eva who? Shingeki no what? Redo of healer is unironically one of the best shows in recent memory. It’s not for everyone, in fact it’s probably not for most people. That’s fine. It was for me.

    “You only like Redo because of how edgy it is” Well, you’re not wrong. What makes Kayari so enjoyable is not its story, which is actually pretty good in its own right, but its unique take on the dark fantasy general and how it takes traditional preconceptions of what a MC has to be, ... and turns them on their head. We have all the same traditional set ups that we’re accustomed to with this genre. JRPG inspired world, OP MC surrounded by a harem of girls, setting out on a quest, etc, ect. Where the series sets itself apart from others is the MCs approach to revenge and life.

    In traditional series like this, you have a MC who is afraid of hurting people, afraid of women and just a beta male in general. What I love about Keyaru is the fact that he just doesn’t give a fuck. He’s not afraid to tear people apart, literally and figuratively, and he reacts how a normal person in his situation would. I love that. What people often forget about when they write negative reviews and talk about the MCs use of rape as a weapon, is the emotional, physical and psychological abuse that he endured at the hands of the people he gets revenge on. Yes, rape is horrible, but in the context of Kayari it is totally understandable from a literary and logical standpoint why its used in the story.

    One negative thing about the anime, is the fact that Keyaru’s desire to not hurt anyone who hasn’t hurt him isn’t emphasised. I think that caused a lot of people to hate him as an MC because of the cut monologues that provide context about his emotional state. While Keyaru is not a good guy in the traditional sense, he is not out to hurt people who have not abused him or hurt his companions. He’s not just out raping and killing people for the sake of it.

    On the animation quality side of things, I think TNK did a better job than I was expecting. The fight scenes are surprisingly well done and the sex scenes are as fluid as you’d hope. I do think the OST was pretty weak, but that’s a rather minor complaint.

    A story that makes you uncomfortable is not necessarily a bad story. Sometimes we need to have our views and ideas challenged, and I think Kayari can provide that for fans of dark fantasy anime/LNs. Again, you know damn well if this show is for you or not. If you’re just gonna have a meltdown about how edgy it is, just stay away.

    Kayari gets 10 heals out of 10.

    Reviewer’s Rating: 10

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    Mar 31, 2021


    Not Recommended

    I haven’t written many seasonal reviews this year. I slept on Mushoku. I slept on Promised Neverland Season 2. I slept on the glorious Ex-Arm! I will NOT sleep on Redo of Healer! This is one I absolutely had to review as soon as it finished! I gave this a 4 because Redo of Healer is dogshit, but it’s also hands down the most entertaining anime of Winter 2021! I’m dead serious.

    So, exactly what kind of idiocy are we in for? In case you aren’t aware, there is a certain sub-genre within the wide world of isekai. These are the isekai like Shield Hero that ... were spawned from the massive success of Mushoku Tensei in 2012. Is Sword Art Online too feminist for you? Are you sick of progressive concepts like “consent” ending up in your anime? These are the anime for you! These are pure power fantasies for a market of angry, young, single men. These series absolutely revel in their level of political incorrectness even by Japanese standards. Mushoku is proud to be pro-pedophilia. Shield Hero is proud to be pro-slavery. To be honest, I don’t actually mind this at all. If these series serve as a healthy outlet for frustration and anger, then they are doing a good thing. I may not be the target audience, but not every piece of media is made for everyone. It is perfectly fine for media to sometimes be exclusive. I worked at a Walmart in Tennessee and sold easily about 500 Pureflix movies every month. I am not offended if a movie is made specifically for straight, white, Evangelical Christians and everyone else is going to have a bad time. Sure, it would of course be an issue if that were every movie, but that doesn’t mean we should take the opposite extreme and try erase 100 percent of those movies! Everyone deserves a movie or show that’s made for them. Sometimes we all want to feel comfort, acceptance, and recognition that we don’t have to work for.

    So where does Redo of Healer fit into all this? Honestly…I’m not even sure. Redo of Healer takes this reactionary power fantasy SO far that it becomes an absolute joke. At certain points, I was entirely convinced I was watching a Juvenalian satire. In other words, a show that wanted to make fun of these types of isekai by exaggerating their faults. People genuinely like Naofumi from Shield Hero and Rudeus from Mushoku. Keyaru is completely unlikeable by design. There is no twisted worldview where he’s the good guy. He is a force of chaotic evil who happens to be torturing and killing lawful evil because they harmed him. We can laugh our asses off when he casts a spell on his dick to make himself iron hard and slaps a princess in the face. However, it is impossible to see Keyaru a decent person. Just in case the audience ever gets close to sympathizing with him, it gives him a maniacal laugh and clear-cut villain speech where he proves that he doesn’t care about saving anyone and solely cares about himself. He was fully willing to poison and massacre an entire city simply to gain a sex slave that he can manipulate and commit statutory rape against. When a villain tried to massacre a city to draw him out, he just sat there and watched the massacre happen. Only when a merchant he happened to sort of like was killed did he decide on a whim to save a few survivors. When his favorite restaurant was massacred, he didn’t care about the people. He decided to summon a giant bull and have it rape the killers to death in order to “avenge the food”. Keyaru is best described as 10 percent Lelouche, 20 percent Shield Hero, and 70 percent Kefka from Final Fantasy. He is a broken man that has been driven insane by years of torture, drugs, and rape. Now he exists solely to dole out hilariously over the top punishment on all those who wronged him.

    I’ve argued with several friends on MAL over whether or not Redo was a satire. There are plenty that believe it is actually genuine and the original light novel author is simply that depraved. However, I would argue that Redo of Healer is so ridiculous that it doesn’t even matter if the original author intended it to be serious. The director of the 2006 Wicker Man remake intended it to be a serious and disturbing film that he made as a critique of modern feminism. Nicholas Cage said it best. “When you make a film in which a man dresses up in a bear suit and runs around punching women, you’ve made a comedy.” Redo of Healer can only be classified as a comedy. It’s not really a revenge porn because it isn’t erotic. The sadist who would be satisfied when Keyaru summons 3 ogres to rape and eat an evil lesbian to death will instantly lose his chub when Keyaru busts out a half rack of baby back ribs to munch on and tells her to spread her butthole more. I don’t think it’s clinically possible to get an erection watching this show. The tonal whiplash is simply too intense. Redo of Healer is a comedy just like Top Gun is a gay community cult classic and Dolemite is a comedy and not a serious kung fu film. At a certain point it doesn’t matter if it was entirely intentional or not. Interestingly, this makes Redo of Healer far more inclusive and broadly appealing than Shield Hero or Mushoku. You don’t need to be male to enjoy this show. You don’t have to be straight. You don’t need to be a virgin with rage. All you need to have a ball with Redo of Healer is a dark sense of humor.

    I’m not going to spend much time covering the plot of this show, because the plot honestly doesn’t matter. Redo is about a sad little twerp who gets tortured for years by a team of evil knights who are bent on global conquest. However, this sad sack is actually an evil genius who is formulating a ridiculous revenge scheme. In the first episode, he uses a magic MacGuffin and goes back in time to take advantage of his absurdly OP powers and inflict suffering on all of his enemies. So how is he so powerful? Allow me to introduce you to the moronic magic system in this anime. Healing powers are considered a cursed gift because you must relive all the memories of whoever you heal. That means experiencing all their pain and suffering. This also means that Keyaru can duplicate the spells and abilities of anyone he has healed because he has their memories and knows how to do it. Here’s why that’s so stupid. Keyaru never exercises and isn’t in good shape. He hasn’t conditioned his body at all. Yet he’s able to run at superhuman speed and has superhuman strength simply by having the memories of great athletes. Just because you theoretically know how to run doesn’t mean you’ll be as fast as Usain Bolt! A doctor with poor hand eye coordination can know exactly how to perform a surgery and still won’t be able to do it! He also doesn’t have an abnormally high level of mana, but can cast S tier spells because he knows the basics of how to do it. Keyaru’s power is either intended to be a joke or the author of the LN is a complete moron. Honestly, it could be either from what I’ve seen of the man’s interviews.

    However, Keyaru’s bullshit power has one amazing upside for the viewer. Every single spell in existence is activated by the incantation “HEAL!” This means that every single battle in the show is Keyaru just screaming “HEAL! HEAL! HEAL! HEAL!” ad infinitum. I can’t describe how funny this becomes after a few episodes. All credit goes to Keyaru’s amazing voice actor. If that man ever comes here to my town, he will never have to buy a drink! I will pay his bar tab for life!

    Should you watch Redo of Healer? If you can appreciate dark comedy and want to laugh at something stupid, I absolutely recommend this one! I’m a little sad I can’t bring myself to rate it higher, but it’s also a pretty lousy show on an art and technical level. Definitely bring this title to your next bad movie night. You will be laughing until tears stream down your faces! Shame on Funimation for adapting the virgin Mushoku and not dubbing the Chad Redo of Healer. This should be seen and enjoyed by as many people as possible!

    Reviewer’s Rating: 4

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    Mar 31, 2021


    Not Recommended

    Shield Hero is having an inferiority complex rn.

    Ok hear me out, I really want to give this an ironic high rating, but it is literally beyond my capability to even do so. Like I want to be super quirky like other reviewers who rate ironically too :( you know like those 10/10 Ex-Arm reviews that pose a threat to comedy, or perchance the voguish undaunted NTR-immune de-Twitter’d armor-plated exemplars who fervently admire this sort of stuffs.

    Anyhow, it’s bad, because it kinda gets boring especially towards the end. But still not that bad.

    After 12 episodes, I barely even know what happens. Comment on my intelligence ... however you want, but whenever I watch this show, my attention span halves and my brain ceases to intellectually function (though confessedly I just don’t really care about whatever was going on). But that didn’t matter. In the end, what matters is that I was slightly amused by the show, sardonic or not, yet also got bored of it pretty quickly. And if there’s anything I ought to be mindful of, it is that unlike Shield Hero, our protagonist healer hero isn’t some midway morally ambiguous caitiff that we’re supposed to like. Ironically, that makes it all the better.

    Let’s get one thing straight first. The discourse on morality, sexual violence and (hate to even type this) ‘thematic depth’ regarding this show is all worthless to me, because for a torture porn to receive such a treatment is unthinkable. It’s like saying “I watch Ruggero Deodato’s movies for the plot”. Now after finishing the show you might be wondering, why are the characters over-the-top unhinged subhuman garbage with no redeeming quality? The answer is rather simple: they aren't supposed to deserve the audience’s remorse. Essentially the classic “look at how satisfying the rape revenge brought upon these scums of the earth is”, which is integral to how torture porn works. None of this is meant to help you understand more about rape and revenge, and since this is no meaningful writing in my book, I wouldn’t take it seriously either. We, the audience, are conditioned to feel absolute contempt and hatred for the abusers, for it's only natural, and rational, to despise humans who have shown zero human traits and committed countless evil deeds. So conveniently, the show justifies these comically malicious characters’ suffering, superficially appealing to the instinctual human response. Of course whether you’re content with the revenge or not is within your power, yet it's practically undeniable that such is the intent. So, nuancing something this openly farcical and exploitative, be it under positive or negative light, is just mindboggling.

    “But no one deserves to be tortured.”
    Ok save that for a serious talk. Because even more conveniently, a once sane, upright jack of a protagonist has become a psychopath beyond recognition, understandably after years of torment. Convenient, isn’t it? For whatever a psychopath does isn’t within the realm of morality. It matters not if you disagree with the dude's perspective on punishments, because the man is already as far from sanity as humanly possible. Better yet, the show is completely aware of this, and acknowledges how evil the MC is. I wouldn’t consider laughing manically after bathing under the blood of the soldiers who just killed the people from your own village is very batman-like; at least from how I see it, the show doesn’t make it seem cool? Sure it works in favor of evil, but it isn’t deceptive nor does it shun its evilness. And even better, this man also happens to be a literal god with the kind of power that can technically do anything in the name alchemy (time travel(??), altering people’s appearance, forceful erection, hentai mind-breaking, etc.). Yes it makes no sense, though this is all but an excuse. It excuses his actions, his revenge, his methods, his fucking, his every misdeed simply because it needs to get to the point, the torture porn. There’s nothing deeper about it. In a way, this makes it hysterically enjoyable to watch at times. Watching a comically-treated gloating, egomaniacal psychopath not giving a damn about anything even if he might appear otherwise at first, and how his hedonic schemes are equally as horrible as his victims, is all so hilarious for whatever reasons. I also couldn't care less about whatever happens to the mc because he’s a purely wicked guy himself. So to sum up the experience, it's like witnessing an inhuman villain slaughtering other inhuman villains while the whole thing is so absurdly comical, and it’s quite honestly not that bad (at first).

    Sadly, the formula gets worn out pretty quickly and soon enough, the show loses much of its entertainment (after 4 or maybe 5 episodes). Everything is repetitive, which is to be expected, ultimately becoming the greatest flaw. Sure there might be 1 or 2 funny things happen once in a while to tingle my mingle like the ferocious shadow schlong. But generally, there isn’t much to look forward to, because the formula is kept completely static. Our protagonist's path of vengeance won't see any alternatives for as long as this goes on, and the outcome is predictably a 2-sides-of-the-coin. Whatever triumph lies ahead or catastrophe befalls the protagonist simply doesn't compel me, because I have no care for him in the first place. I take none of this seriously so it shouldn't come as a surprise that for a repetitive formula, nothing can be of interest for a 12-episode length. I guess avoiding the pitfall of Shield Hero (not making a meant-to-be-adored MC and revenge a complete pain in the ass to sit through) can only benefit it so much. In exploitation, enjoyment is everything. While it's rather amusing to take in the self-aware irony and hilarity, it isn't nearly enough to compensate the dreary repetitiveness and a direction that doesn’t pique my interest. Btw I didn’t watch most of the Shield-Hero-esque trading/investigating/wandering shenanigans but I get the gist of it. Still let’s just say Redo of Healer does it better and thus is a wholly better show because we all know that’s true.

    For the overall production quality, it’s aight like a mid-tier hentai I didn’t really care. The voice acting makes it pretty funny though, so I approve that. That said, it's whatever.

    Now, onto the real questions. Does it make you a psychopath for enjoying how absurdly psychopathic the protagonist is? No. Does it make you a subhuman garbage who deserves no remorse for rooting for the dude? Probably not (except if you actually take it seriously in some twisted way, but morality is shit-fest of a discussion anyway). And does it make you a man of virtue for feeling sick watching a torture porn? Fuck no. Also you have the carte blanche to jerk off to this, yeah I know you’re welcome. Enough said, Shield Hero can go suck Healer Hero’s long shadow schlong. This is objectively the superior revenge tale.

    Reviewer’s Rating: 3

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