Paypal were sorry things dont appear

Customers are receiving error: Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.

This error typically occurs for a couple reasons:

Incorrect PayPal Settings

It’s possible you have entered your PayPal email address or PayPal Identity Token incorrectly. Please confirm your PayPal email address and PayPal Identity Token are entered correctly within Downloads →Settings → Payments → PayPal Standard

Encrypted Website Payments

Your customers may also see this if  Encrypted Website Payments set to ON. Setting it to OFF will resolve the issue. This setting can be adjusted from within your PayPal account by following these steps:

(1) From your PayPal account, hover over the cog in the upper right corner of the screen and click Account Settings
(2) On the next screen, click Website Payments on the lower left
(3) On the right side of the screen, click Update next to “Website preferences”
(4) Make sure the option under “Encrypted website payments” is set to OFF

Will turning off Encrypted Website Payments be less secure?

EDD has full verification of payments to ensure the data isn’t tampered with. 

Can EDD work with Encrypted Website Payments enabled?

Yes. In order to utilize PayPal’s Encrypted Website Payments, you need to upload a public certificate to PayPal: //

There is a problem with your PayPal account

This error can occur if your new account isn’t fully setup or if PayPal locked it down. Please reach out to PayPal to confirm you account is in good standing and there are no problems.


Hope this helps....


Thanks for getting back.
** Please do read this email in full length.

I copied the new code sent by you and used it, but the error still persists.
It says: "Things dont appear to be working right now.

OBSERVATION: I have figured out what the issue is. A huge number of other merchants are having the same issue due to which their sales have gone down too. You can check your forums regarding this issue.

Basically what happens is, that when we merchants use SHOPPING CART BUTTONS from paypal buy now buttons, only then we get this error.

So here is the thing:

Say my website: has 2 options: USD and GBP 

A client selects USD option and proceeds and lands on the paypal page (shopping cart page),
there he realizes that he wishes to add one more applicant OR wish to pay in GBP instead of USD or he simply clicks on continue shopping, goes back to the website and closes the website and revisits the website after say 1 week or so and this time he selects the other currency === Thats when this error comes.

Because Paypal shopping cart cannot process 2 currency types in one go.
Which absolutely makes sense.

However, the error message does NOT reflect the exact message OR the action that the user should take.
It should say something like: Delete your history/cache OR REMOVE all the orders from your cart, go back and select only 1 currency option to proceed/place your order with no glitches.

If you remember, 6 months ago, PayPal did let you place orders in 2 different types of currencies (however did not process it and move fwd).
It would give an error like: You cannot proceed with 2 different currency types. Please remove the alternate currency from your cart.

This gave the user/buyer a clear cut message as to what is going wrong, and decreased cart abandonment.

So this is such a basic issue, which a lot of merchants over paypal are not getting.
If the error message can be fixed and a clear cut approach is given to the user, then we merchants can save a lot of money and keep using PayPal as before.

I sincerely appreciate your effort and support in this matter throughout.

Looking forward to see if something can be done on these lines.



You have set up your PayPal account to integrate with FormSmarts, but whenever you submit a form and try to check out, you get the following error from PayPal: “Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later”.


If the PayPal URL in the address bar of your browser contains the snippet code=EWP_SETTINGS, PayPal blocked the payment because the Block Non-encrypted Website Payment setting of your PayPal account is turned on.

Turn off Block Non-encrypted Website Payment to allow FormSmarts payments to go through:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account
  2. Go to the Website Payment Preferences of your PayPal profile
  3. Scroll/swipe down to the Encrypted Website Payments section
  4. Set Block Non-encrypted Website Payment to Off
  5. Click the Save button

If you accept payments via PayPal that do not go through FormSmarts, do not disable Block Non-encrypted Website Payments unless you understand the security implications outlined below.

Understanding PayPal's Encrypted Website Payments Setting

When the Encrypted Website Payments setting is turned off, the details of a payment due can easily be modified in the HTML source of a web page, allowing a fraudster to change the amount due, currency or receiver of a payment before the data is submitted to PayPal.

When the setting is on, the payment details are encrypted with a secret key that is only known to the seller and PayPal so that the data cannot be changed undetected.

Because FormSmarts knows the details of all the fees and pricing options associated with a FormSmarts form and can authenticate and validate payments with PayPal, we can automatically verify1 that each payment received by a customer is consistent with the amount due, etc. This verification process does not rely on PayPal's Encrypted Website Payments and we do not support this feature.

If you are receiving payments to your PayPal account in addition to those made via FormSmarts, you need to manually verify that each of these payments corresponds to the amount due before providing the service or fulfilling the order.

  1. Current PayPal integration (a.k.a. Advanced PayPal Integration) and SuperCart only. The now-retired Basic PayPal Integration did not attempt to validate payments.

Why does PayPal say we're sorry things don't appear to be working right now try again later?

This error typically occurs for two reasons: You have entered your PayPal email address or PayPal Identity Token incorrectly. Your Encrypted Website Payments set to ON.

How do I fix a PayPal error?

How to Troubleshoot PayPal Issues.
Check to see if PayPal is down. ... .
Confirm your bank. ... .
Confirm your credit card. ... .
Try another payment option. ... .
Use your PayPal balance. ... .
Make the transaction from a familiar device. ... .
Use a different web browser. ... .
Disable your VPN..

Is PayPal under maintenance right now? is UP and reachable by us.


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