Optimum ivr

Optimum Voice Response (IVR)

With our easy-to-use designer, call center administrators define the customer experience for all calls as they are guided through IVR menus and prompts, into ACD queues and skill groups, and delivered to agents. Optimum offers you the flexibility to upload custom prompts and hold music to fine-tune your IVR caller’s experience and enhance your brand. 

When your customers call, your agents will be ready to address all their needs. When a call is delivered to an agent, a screen pop will provide all of the caller’s info, eliminating customer frustration at repeating information. 

You can also provide agents with scripts to ensure consistent call handling for improved customer satisfaction. Optimum provides built-in quality monitoring and voice recording to help supervisors train agents on ways to communicate more effectively. 

Additionally, you can retrieve data from an external web server, to verify a caller’s account number, provide self-service options such as reviewing bank account balances or open customer support cases, and more. 

With robust support for call variables (call-attached-data), call center administrators can easily design sophisticated branching IVR Script logic to ensure that each caller’s self-service or agent- assisted service experience is uniquely tailored to the needs of the customer and the business goals of the call center. 

Custom Prompts
Data Retrieval
Custom Scripting
Voicemail Option 

Enhance Your Customer’s Experience 

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  • IVR

Build an IVR in minutes

Build an IVR in minutes not weeks – no programming, just drag and drop with a mouse

Optimum ivr

Benefits Of A Jet IVR

IVR or Auto Attendants as they are also known, help your business handle calls more efficiently by diverting callers directly to the relevant department. Jet’s simple to manage callflow builder and wealth of knowledge on best practices can help your business make the most out of every phone call. 

Book a demo for a free consultation with a telephony expert at Jet on how you can utilise IVR in your business to handle phone calls more efficiently.

Optimum ivr

Remove the need for a receptionist by automatically routing every call

Optimum ivr

Ensure that priority calls are answered straight away

Optimum ivr

Reduce the number of nuiscance or FAQ calls through voicemail & voice message options

Top Features

What Makes Jet IVR So Much Better?

Optimum ivr

Clicks Not Code

No need for programmers. If you can use a mouse, you can build and support a Jet IVR

Optimum ivr


Deploy in minutes, not weeks or months

Optimum ivr


Start from as little as $20 a month

Optimum ivr

Cloud Based

No infrastructure or hardware to own and maintain

Optimum ivr


Hosted in Australia for optimum call quality, security and no time lag

Optimum ivr


Start off small and grow big – no limit to calls that can be processed through your IVR

Optimum ivr


View the options that callers used within Jet’s Call Flow behaviour report

Optimum ivr


Full integration with Jet’s Inbound Numbers, Call Queue, Business Phone System and Cloud Mobile Services


IVR Starting At $20 Per Month

Jet IVRs start at just $20 per month for a up to three widgets. These widgets give you the power to create a single or multi-level IVR.

A Single Level is where you only play a single list of options to a caller. For example Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Service, Press 3 for accounts. Press 4 to hear the option again.

In medium and larger companies it is common to see multiple levels servicing different departments or brands. 

There are no call costs associated with the Jet IVR when it is diverting calls within your Jet phone network. Your Jet network includes other departments and extensions that you have set up with Jet or calls going out to your Jet Apps or Jet Cloud Mobiles.

Optimum ivr


Route Callers By Their POstcode

Optimum ivr

Postcode IVR allows you to divert calls to different departments, stores or locations based on the postcode that the caller enters.

For example if you have a store in Parramatta that services the neighbouring suburbs only then a ‘Call Collection’ group can be set up that contains the Parramatta post code of 2150 along with the post codes of adjoining suburbs such as Merrylands 2160.

When a caller selects a post code within the designated Paramatta Call Collection group then the call will be automatically routed through to the Parramatta store.

You can set up as many Call Collection groups as you require. If you have any post codes outside of all your Call Collection groups then calls are sent through to a default answering point.

For a quote on postcode IVR, get in touch with our team.


Report on IVR and Caller Activty

There are 3 reports to help you understand how your Jet IVR is performing

IVR Report

At a glance see what that options clients are choosing on your IVR. This helps you will resourcing and and optimising of your options.

Inbound Call report

One of Jet’s most commonly used reports. Each individual call is shown in detail including what option was selected by the caller.

Callflow Behaviour report

One of Jet’s most powerful reports. The Callflow Behavior report shows how calls transverse your organisation including how they move through your callflow.

Optimum ivr

Australia’s Business Cloud Telephone Network

What is the IVR phone number?

An IVR number is a contact phone number that has an IVR menu system integrated with it. You can set one up in a cloud system to perform automatic call routing, and it can be used together with common IVR features, including self-service options, custom messages and notifications, caller ID, and more.

What is my IVR?

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an automated phone system technology that allows incoming callers to access information via a voice response system of pre recorded messages without having to speak to an agent, as well as to utilize menu options via touch tone keypad selection or speech recognition to have their ...

What is an IVR process?

Interactive voice response or IVR is an automated business phone system feature that interacts with callers and gathers information by giving them choices via a menu. It then performs actions based on the answers of the caller through the telephone keypad or their voice response.

What is IVR and examples?

As a customer, when you make a call to the company, the IVR system will respond by giving you a pre-recorded greeting and asking you to choose an option from a set menu. For example: By pressing the “one” on the keypad, you will receive a given service.