O tempo de cozimento de um frango depende de sua massa em quilogramas

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Supõe-se que o consumo mensal de água por residência em um certo bairro paulistano tem distribuição Normal com média 10 e desvio padrão 2 (em m3). Para uma amostra de 25 dessas residências, qual é a probabilidade de a média amostral não se afastar da verdadeira média por mais de 1 m3?


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Video Transcript

Hi, I'm David and I had to have you answering your question. Now let me bring up your question here. Okay, I used the google translate to translate your question into english And in this question we're going to discuss about the normal distribution. Yeah, let me rematch you that you have the X followed by the normal with the main under standard deviation. And then we turn the excrement has the main. Our standard deviation were followed by the standard normal in this question here were given the extreme in the water consumption. Follow my normal When the mean equal to the 10 Standard Division equal to the jew And where the symbol, an eagle to the 25. The question asked him to find the probability that the symbol means experts, not division from the two average by more than one. So exper minus meal. It will be bye. Not division more than once is more than equal to one. This could be the probability we are looking for. And let me imagine you about the sample mean X. Bar it will manage the meal. Our standard division. We need to divide by square the pain in other job 10. The standard normal. Therefore from this one, we want to divide both sides by the sigma hours with Japan using the formula here. And if we do it on the side we have the signal will be due on the square root of 25. If we do it and then the quantity on the left here, it will turn out to be absolutely on the Z smaller equaled jew. Number, number one divided by two times 5 Equal to the 2.5. And this probability to equal to the probability of the Z between the -2.5 and 2.5. Now it will charge you down the graph from the normal situation, it will have the bell curve, The volume in the middle of the zero. This will be the 2.5, this will be the -2.5 and the one we're looking for will be the area under the curve, said it in yellow here and to find that it would be much easier to turn the one we manage the one on the left hell and minus the one on the right town. But because of the symmetry they're equal to the two towns so we can 10 minutes two times one of them. I choose the one on the left minus 2.5 to find this problem but pretty day and we put on the table so let me come to the table here and I will put the table on the right here for you. Now from the timber we will see The Z score and -2.5 it will correspond to the probability of 0.0062. So therefore we get the answer equal to okay The 0.98 76. So Zimmermans 62, yep and that's gonna be the answer for this question here

2 O tempo de cozimento de um frango depende de sua massa em quilogramas. Sabe-se que um frango de 2,5 kg leva 1h25min para assar. Maria tem 60 min. para assar um frango. Qual a massa máxima de frango que ela poderá comprar? Classifique as grandezas. Dica: 1h25min=75 min



Grade 12 · 2021-08-25

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2) O tempo de cozimento de um frango depende de sua massa em quilogramas. Sabe-se que um frango de 2 O tempo de cozimento de um frango depende de sua - Gauthmath leva 1h25min para assar. Maria tem 60 min. para assar um frango. Qual a massa máxima de frango que ela poderá comprar? Classifique as grandezas. Dica: 1h25min=75\ min




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