New girl drinking game not true american

New girl drinking game not true american

True American is a drinking game invented by Nick, Winston, Schmidt and Coach, and adopted by Jess and Cece when Jess moves in.


The rules of True American are very elaborate and complicated and never fully explained. True American is first seen in the episode Normal. The game is expanded to include stripping during the episode Cooler, and in Wedding Eve they play 'First Lady Edition' in honour of Cece, the bride.

True American has been played once in every season except season 4. Season 1 it was played in Normal, in Season 2 it was played in Cooler, Season 3 it was played in Mars Landing, Season 5 in Wedding Eve.



Teams are optional. To pick teams, everyone holds up a random number of fingers against their foreheads. You are teamed up with anyone that is holding up one less finger as you. Unmatched players can team up as needed.


The castle is made up of cans of beer and a bottle of liquor. The bottle of liquor is the king of the castle. The beers are Pawns which are the Soldiers of the Secret Order. The Pawns are lined up in four lines radiating outward from the King.


There are four zones and an alternate zone is a “crazy” zone. There is a trail of chairs, cushions, tables, etc through the zones. The floor is molten lava. You must use these objects to traverse the zones without stepping in the lava. The Castle is in the middle of the zones.


The game starts with a shotgun tip-off. Then, someone chants “One, two, three, four, JFK!” and all other players yell “FDR!” at which point everyone runs to the center table, grabs a beer and picks the nearest object to stand on.

GAME PLAY: Players move around the game area in a clockwise direction. The player whose turn it is always moves one space; however, the other players must “win” their moves. This player has three ways to provide the other players with a way to win their move. Players take turns attempting to earn moves. There are three actions that can be taken on a turn.

  • Guessing a common trait: The player names two people or objects that have something in common. The other players then yell out what is in common. For instance, “Abe Lincoln, George Washington” and “Cherry Tree”. Players who guess correctly drink and move.
  • Doing the count: The player counts “one, two, three” and on four, all players put a number on their head similar to how teams are picked. Players who have the same number as the player whose turn it is can drink and move.
  • Completing a quote: The player begins a quote and all other players attempt to finish the quote. For instance, “The only thing we have to fear is…“ and “fear itself!”. Players who complete the quote correctly drink and move.


Here are some other random rules.

  • Everything that you hear in True American is a lie.
  • When a player finishes their beer, they yell “All trash belongs…” and all other players yell “in the junk yard!” at which point empty cans are thrown into a designated receptacle.
  • A player may yell “JFK” at any time at which point everyone must yell “FDR” and finish their beer.
  • If you play with Clinton Rules the game includes stripping if you fail certain tasks.
  • Any time someone yells "Donald Trump" all players must respond with "Build the Wall" and drink.

WINNING: After all Pawns have been removed, the King is vulnerable. The first player to land on one of the center spaces, finish their beer and take a swig from the King, wins the game!

LOSING:   If you are caught without a beer or with only an empty beer, you lose. If you step in molten lava, you lose. To enter back into the game, drink one full beer and start on a space that the other players decide.


Jess – It's 50% drinking game, 50% life size Candy LandSchmidt – Well it's more like 75% drinking game, 25% Candy Land. By the way, the floor is molten lava.Winston – It's more 90% drinking game, with a loose Candy Land structureJess – Clinton Rules, pick your interns!! (aka strip TADG)


The hit Fox sitcom New Girl has been off the air for three years, but the loft's most recognizable drinking game, "True American," lives on. It's the non-descriptive name of the hard-to-follow and never-quite-explained drinking game favored by Jess, Nick, Winston, Schmidt, Cece, and whoever else ended up in the apartment. Despite appearances and mentions in numerous episodes, the rules are never explained and the goal is never pinned down.

Part of New Girl's magic is and always was the chemistry between the core characters. The group's ease with each other, comedic timing, and generally entertaining antics carried the show for seven seasons. It makes sense that these characters would play a drinking game they made up and know the rules for. The game took off among viewers, many of whom took the idea of piecing together the rules as a challenge.

So why not explain those rules to devoted fans? Speaking with The A.V. Club in 2012, New Girl creator Elizabeth Meriwether went on record explaining that making the whacky game's rules increasingly hard to follow is part of the running joke. Running jokes are a major part of New Girl's comedic structure. From the "douche jar" to Jess's go-to break up movie, the series is filled with callbacks and in-jokes that are as hilarious as they are rewarding for viewers. In many ways, not revealing the rules for True American proves the idea that it's less about the game and more about what the game represents. It highlights a dynamic group of friends who have countless jokes between them and a whole lot of spare time on their hands.

new girl true american

If New Girl had taken the time to explain True American in detail, it may have made some viewers happy, but it would have taken the wind out of the joke. The confusing rules felt like an essential component of True American by the end of the series. Some viewers might even argue that the gang themselves didn't know the rules from one round to the next. It'd be easy to believe that with that much drinking involved, the residents of 4D might lose track of some of the details, making the game that much more realistic.

A few things in New Girl's iconic game do stand out though, like using American historical figures and moments, standing on furniture, and the infamous rule that led to Nick and Jess's first kiss. In many ways, True American changes as much as the relationships between the characters do throughout New Girl. This makes the game the perfect reflection of the whole group: eccentric, ever-changing, and above-all very fun to watch.

More: New Girl Series Finale Explained: What Happened & The Future

What episode does New Girl play true American?

The characters also played True American in "Cooler", the 15th episode of the second season, in "Mars Landing", the 20th episode of the third season and in "Wedding Eve" the 21st episode of the fifth season.

How do you play all American drinking game on New Girl?

To start the game, all players shotgun a beer. The first player to finish yells “1, 2, 3, 4, JFK!” and the rest of the players yell, “FDR.” Every player then runs to grab a pawn and get to the nearest object to get off of the lava. Everyone will move from object to object, from zone to zone in a clockwise direction.

What is true American in New Girl?

As Jess says, “So, [True American] is 50% drinking game, 50% life-size Candy Land” (Season 1, Episode 20). Though if you're underage and want to play, don't lose hope. The roommates played True American half a dozen times throughout New Girl's run on TV.