My hair looks bad no matter what Reddit

I've been dealing with major issues with my (Caucasian) hair since 2008, and they've never fully gone away. The big issue is, my hair is both extremely frizzy and extremely oily. It's not even like frizzy by the roots and oily in the body or vice versa, it's frizzy and oily everywhere. Every single thing I try to do with my hair makes it either too frizzy or too oily. It is also sort of wavy/curly but doesn't have a definitive wave or curl pattern, so it looks terrible if I let it air dry. It also looks terrible if I heat style it because it becomes heavy and greasy. It feels like I've used a ton of product on my hair and I use NO product, or at the very most a pea-to-dime-sized dab of leave-on conditioner or heat protectant.

I have tried "curly girl" and my hair looks kind of okay, but by the second day it's really frizzy, and it just generally looks like I've just gotten out of bed.

I try blow drying it only and it gets really oily and really frizzy.

I try blow drying it and flat ironing and it looks super dull and extremely greasy and also still pretty frizzy.

I've tried a ton of different shampoos, from shampoos for curly hair to high-end salon brands. All SLS-free and free from all the stuff you're supposed to avoid.

I only wash once every 3-4 days.

I comb it once when it's wet to distribute conditioner and never, ever brush it.

I make sure I wash all the product out thoroughly.

I have tried so many things that I don't even know what to try anymore. Shampoo only, conditioner only, shampooing twice and conditioning once, all types of drying methods, cutting it to all different lengths, cutting it into a pixie cut and then letting it grow back "virgin," but none of these ever help any of my issues. My hair looks terrible every day. Unless I go to a salon - then it looks and feels amazing. So obviously I'm doing something wrong if my hair can look that good, but I don't know how to replicate what a hairstylist does. I've even tried using a round brush to blow dry. Doesn't work. The advice hairstylists give me is just to try their products...but all products have the same effect when I use them at home.

I'm looking to get into a new career and I don't see any way my hair can look even remotely professional at this point. The last places I worked I just let my hair look bad every day, but I want to put across a more confident image this time. I can't even wear it up easily because it's so oily that putting it up weighs down my head, or if I'm having a particularly frizzy day the baby hairs frizz all around the top of my head.

What in the world am I missing here? Should I go to a dermatologist about this?

FRIEND. I felt this EXACT way before I finally unloaded years of hating my hair on a new stylist, who promised to help me, and ended up telling me I'm a wavy gal. Now I love my hair. Don't get me wrong, dealing with waves is a chore, and it definitely takes a while to coax them out when you've been blowfrying them straight for years, but the result is worth it!

Here is my 1yr progress photo. First photo was literally after that appointment with the stylist where she told me my hair is wavy, the second was exactly a year after.

Posted by1 year ago


I don’t know much about hair, and I’m awful at doing it myself. The most I’ll do is use a wide tooth comb and brush it to the left or right. When I go to get a haircut I honestly don’t ever know what to tell the hairdresser, other than “just do what you think would look good”.

Never have I remembered a time I liked how my hair has looked. I wanted to see what some guys might have to say in regards to it. If you’ve dealt with the same or a similar event, how do you go about dealing with it?

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level 1

i throw on hat usually, just a ball cap but I also personally like the way I look that way so I wear a hat like everyday.

level 1

Yup. I just buzz it too short to style and quit thinking about it til it needs another trim.

level 1

Yep. So I shave it all off, grow it back until about six months past the point I can reasonably continue to claim it's impossible to do anything with such short hair, consider just letting it grow, get annoyed, get too hot again, and shave it all off.

Totally a good plan 9/10, would recommend it.

level 1

My looks alright when I grow it but when I started receding I made the decision to shave it.

Best choice I ever made.

No more dicking with my hair in the mornings.

level 1

All I know is that when it's down I look like a muscular Dave Grohl, and when it's up I look like Solid Snake.

level 1

I decided to let my hair do what it wants and now I got these Tim Burton ass looking locks. Honestly, I love how fuzzy I look, I don't draw attention like I used to with an afro, and it's so much less time consuming than shaving my hair.

level 1

Clipped it off. So much less fuss in the morning its great

level 1

Gotta get that high skin fade and gel that shit up and to the side. I have to cuz I am military, but damn does it look professional!

level 1

Started having it cut short and worked from there.

Right now I always just ask for 4 mm on the sides and 45 on top. They usually know to fade it to make the sides look good.

How do you make your hair not look bad?

Read on below!.
Plan ahead on days when you know you need to look especially presentable. ... .
To tame flyaways, spray a toothbrush with hairspray then gently brush your hair into place. ... .
Invest in a good shampoo and conditioner combo. ... .
Learn how to do a sock bun. ... .
Carry dry shampoo with you wherever you go..

Why does my hair not look good?

Dull hair tends to lack moisture, shine, and body. It can be caused by many factors, like using the wrong products, not getting enough nutrients in your diet, or overusing harsh chemicals or techniques. Fortunately, there are ways to perk up dull-looking hair.

Why is my hair always messy and frizzy?

What Causes Messy Hair? The three main causes of buhaghag or frizzy hair are genetics, damage and dryness, and humidity. Some people are predisposed to frizziness because of hair texture. Curly hair may be naturally frizzy because oil can't travel as easily down the hair shaft.

How do I know if my hair looks bad?

What Does Damaged Hair Look Like: 7 Signs Your Hair Is Unhealthy.
Split Ends. Split ends are one of the most common signs people will notice, or understand, as being a characteristic of damaged hair. ... .
Dull Appearance. ... .
Rough to the Touch. ... .
Looks Flatter. ... .
Overly Dry. ... .
Unnecessarily Tangled. ... .
Noticeable Hair Loss and Thinning..


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