Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

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Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

Mismatched integration value and ISO code for field

while imprting Account records  (csv file ) i Received error as 'Mismatched integration value and ISO code for field'.what does this mean??

  • December 5, 2013
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Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

I'm not having ny field as'ISO  code'.

digamberlucky wrote:

What value for 'ISO Code' field your csv is having?

  • December 6, 2013
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Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

yes i faced the same issue, I removed the default country and tried it worked....

for now this is the workaround we have



  • December 12, 2013
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"Mismatched integration value and ISO code for field: Billing State/Province Code"

Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

Written by Ashley Milne
Updated over a week ago

This error happened because you have the state and country picklists feature enabled and it requires that both "state" and "country" fields are populated correctly. 

For example, if you have "California" in your field "State", Salesforce expects you to put "US" in the field "Country". We recommend you to do one of the following:

  1. Disable state and country picklists in Salesforce for the time of the migration. You can find how to do it here

  2. If you don't want to disable state and country picklists, please make sure that for all records the "country" field matches the "state" field, meaning that the state that you are entering exists in the specified country. Here's the list of countries accepted by Salesforce

  • Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon


    • Join Date: Apr 2015
    • Posts: 85

    We are just setting up WooCommerce and sent a test transaction. We received a "mismatched integration value and ISO code for field" error when trying to process temporary contact TC-1123. Can you tell me what field caused this error, so we can fix it. Also please look at all the custom question information that is coming over - how do we prevent this from happening?

    I have given you 7 day access. Our Org ID is 00DA00000009ZiZ

    I have screen prints but I tried to upload and am getting the following error "Upload failed due to your usergroup's upload quota. This file will require 172.2 KB but you only have 3.5 KB of 976.6 KB remaining." Not sure how to resolve this or how to get the screen prints to you.

  • Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

    C&P Support

    • Join Date: Nov 2015
    • Posts: 6451

    Good day @KMartin

    We reviewed and found that you have enabled the Country state picklist in Salesforce and you have set the INTEGRATION VALUE to be the full name. You are seeing the two letters code at Temp contact state (TX) but the actual value in the database is the full name.

    You can resolve this by changing each of the states in Data Management which you configured State and Country Picklists, choose United States to edit, and then edit the states) and change it to the TWO letters code.

    Hope this will resolve the issue. Please check and let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

    Click & Pledge Support Department

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  • Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon


    • Join Date: Apr 2015
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    I have updated all the states to fix the integration value to 2 letter codes. I went into our Event and sent a test transaction and I am still receiving an error (error below.... your forum will not allow me to attach pictures). Our C&P settings are set to "Use State/Province abbreviation (e.g. California = CA)". I'm not sure why it still will not process correctly. Temporary Contact ID - TC1177, TC1178, TC1179, TC1180

    I have granted access for 7 days. Our Org ID is 00DA00000009ZiZ

    Visualforce Error

    System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, There's a problem with this state, even though it may appear correct. Please select a state from the list of valid states.: [MailingState]
    Error is in expression '{!SaveItem}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page cnp_paas_evt:eventtemporarycontact: (CnP_PaaS_EVT)

    An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. (CnP_PaaS_EVT)


  • Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon

    C&P Support

    • Join Date: Nov 2015
    • Posts: 6451

    Good day @KMartin

    The issue is, you have updated the INTEGRATION VALUE to be the TWO letters but if you notice the temp contacts are having full state name which is causing the issue:

    Hope you see the issue.

    Click & Pledge Support Department

    On Salesforce? Help us by rating our app: Click & Pledge Donor Management on AppExchange

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    Live Support available Join between 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET Monday - Thursday: https://clickandpledge.com/webinars/
    Are you on Salesforce? Join us at the Power of Us Hub: https://powerofus.force.com/0F980000000CjpC


  • Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon


    • Join Date: Apr 2015
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    I do see the issue, but I do not know how to resolve the issue. The form fields in Event Manager will not allow to change to state code. Please help.


  • Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon


    • Join Date: Apr 2015
    • Posts: 85

    Disregard. Since the events manager continues to process with full state name (even though it is marked as State Code in C&P Settings), I went ahead and reset all the integration values back to full state name.

    The only future issue we will see are transactions processed through WooCommerce. Unfortunately WooCommerce uses state codes instead of full names. Therefore I will have to temporarily change the integration value back to the state code to process the temp contacts then return it back to full state name once this is completed.

    It will not be a pleasant process, but at least it's a work around. Maybe one of these days WooCommerce, Salesforce and Click & Pledge will play nice together.

    Mismatched integration value and iso code for field amazon
