Kingdoms of amalur daggers vs Longsword

generally speaking beside stealth, the other reason to use daggers is the high percentage of piercing damage, which bypasses armor reduction, but not "all damage resistance", which is a special effct found on magica;l equipment or in the use of a few rare abilities like Sphere of Protection.

Armor reduction is the type of protection most enemies possess, such as trolls and such, and Piercing damage allows you to 'break' their armor and then get hit reactions for a short time on them, stunlocking them, but the same effect can also be done if slower, with high amounts of normal damage.

Enemies who seem to ignore damage and give no hit reactions for supreme toughness and size actually have a break point [at about one third their total health I think] where once this value is supassed within a short period of time, they stagger and take slightly more damage and hit reactions.

The two best ways to force this are piercing damage and bleeding effects, or hitting them with a magical element the enemy is weak to.

Bleeding effects make the bleeding victim take 1/3 more damage from all physical damage sources foor as long as the bleed duration holds out.

Piercing + bleeding proc on a big tough foe will quickly allow you to stagger it, generally faster than swinging a giant hammer or sword would.

For what's it's worth, daggers and arrows with high inate piercing are made to be really good at single target and tough foe slaying, whereas larger weapon with less piercing and more normal damage tend to have large sweeping areas of effect and offer great crowd control vs large packs of normal mobs.

in this manner, rogue types work best most often by singling out the toughest enemy in the fight and taking it out fast, possibly after avoiding or controlling the other foes with his other tricks, like the ice mines. [a bug makes it so the mines damage and duration don't scale as they should, sadly never fixed]

Either a stealth kill or using the fast single target damage options of daggers and arrows., take 'em out one by one!

Warrior in contrast excel at engaging mass numbers of foes all at once, head on, and at high levels get big damage buffs on themselves for each foe recently defeated.. thus they perform better by mowing down the normal foes in huge swaths then using the buffs from doing so to finish off the tougher boss like guys.

This is entirely by design.

A hybrid can approach combat from either direction, mixing and matching based on what weapons he enjoys using the most, and of course..

Magic wielders operate under their own set of special modifiers, mostly centered on learning what elemental damage types various foes may be strong or weak against, or using cold to slow mobs, lightnig to stun them, and fire to incite panic.

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  2. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  3. Whats the point of longswords?

Golem345 10 years ago#11

Kurgan777 posted...
dynodude posted...
Because traditionally when you don't dual-wield or use a two-handed weapon in a game you use a one handed sword/axe/mace and a shield.

This game is far from traditional, especially since there's two handed animations for the longswords.

Basically they are hand-and-a-half-swords, you can use them one, handed or two.

Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain

Tbon110 10 years ago#12

Golem345 posted...
Basically they are hand-and-a-half-swords, you can use them one, handed or two.

This. I know it's a video game, but it is a nice change of pace to see a real weapon used somewhat realistically for once.

Vanilla_Funk (Topic Creator)10 years ago#13

Kurgan777 posted...
Vanilla_Funk posted...
You cant hold a shield

The game has no visible shields until you block anyways, so why is that even a valid complaint???

The longsword has faster attack speeds than the greatswords as well as different combos and moves.

If you want "dual wielding" so badly, invest in the Blacksmith and Sagecraft trades so you can make your own set of specialized daggers with special attributes.

In terms of realistic combat styles, dual swords in not anywhere near realistic, armored knight combat used a single large double edged broadsword with a shield. Sometimes the sword was replaced by a mace, a morningstar, a flail, or a one handed warhammer, but dual swords for armored knights is a movie fantasy.

Your reply seems a little aggressive and Ill merely say that I am just talking about my impressions, and that I dont want anything "so badly."

But I will reply to the "movie fantasy" part. Um, this IS movie fantasy in the form of a video game. If I wanted realistic sword play I would fire up the old school "Die By the Sword" game from Treyarch, then weep after trying to play it for five minutes.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

TheTenth20 10 years ago#14

a combo can be interrupted by the monsters, so of course having a weapon speed of "very fast" will be less interrupted than a "very slow", this "interruptability" is sen in the "might" tree, there's a skill saying that the armor is more effective but the chance of being interrupted is greater too, which is only logical as someone wearing 100 kilos of armor is slower in combat

sonicteam2k1 10 years ago#15

Dart_Feld7 posted...
The answer is speed and pop up attacks so you can juggle enemies.

Isaac_Redfield 10 years ago#16

Longswords are like the bastard child of the Greatsword and Dagger. I personally can't find any reason to ever use them over the Greatsword. It only takes one playthrough to see how utterly crappy they are in comparison in all areas other than being a bit faster. That speed doesn't matter though when they fail in every other area. Even the attack animations fail when set beside the Greatsword.

TheTenth20 posted...
a combo can be interrupted by the monsters, so of course having a weapon speed of "very fast" will be less interrupted than a "very slow", this "interruptability" is sen in the "might" tree, there's a skill saying that the armor is more effective but the chance of being interrupted is greater too, which is only logical as someone wearing 100 kilos of armor is slower in combat

True, but the Greatsword can easily hit multiple enemies at the same time with just regular attacks, as well as it's phenomenally useful charge attack, and they can't do anything when being hit by it. The Longsword on the other hand has a hard enough time hitting two enemies at the same time that aren't standing right on top of one another--Longsword combos get interrupted much easier.

I'm also not sure what skill you're talking about. Relentless Assault makes you uninterruptable, but it makes your mitigation less effective. Once you reach 6/6 in the skill, you can no longer be interrupted and your armor is working to it's fullest effect.

sonicteam2k1 10 years ago#17

long sword has the easiest launcher at earlier levels though, and you can launch during your combo. With daggers you have to earn the skill that lets you launch from a roll IIRC. I'm sure the long sword has it's use. More range and damage than daggers, faster than great sword and has the best launcher option if you're going for juggles.

roadkill888 10 years ago#18

Because swords are badass in all shapes and sizes.

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain. It's time to toss the dice.
GT:yan templer

  1. Boards
  2. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  3. Whats the point of longswords?

What is the best weapon in Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning?

1/14 Sword of the Bolgan King (Greatsword) The Sword of the Bolgan King is an incredibly powerful and heavy weapon. It has the highest base damage out of all the greatswords in the game.

Are daggers or swords better?

A dagger is better than a sword for close range work. A dagger is an effective parrying weapon. A dagger is easier to conceal than a sword. A dagger is quicker on the draw than a sword.

Are Faeblades or daggers better?

Daggers are good for a finess focus, with many bonuses applied to them, but I prefer Faeblades because sneaking and backstabbing is not a large part of my fighting style when playing a finess character. Even outside of stealth and backstabbing, however, some sets of daggers can be amazingly powerful.