Keep it under your hat origin

Keep it under your hat

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Keep it under your hat'?

Keep it secret.

What's the origin of the phrase 'Keep it under your hat'?

On first hearing this seems a rather strange phrase. Why should people put anything under their hats and, even if they were to, why would that be associated with secrecy? The speculation is that putting an item under one's hat would be a way of hiding it. Such trickery is recorded, as in the collection of stories published as The Adventurer, 1793:

"By a sudden stroke of conjuration, a great quantity of gold might be conveyed under his hat."

Keep it under your hat origin
The most commonly repeated speculation of the origin of this expression is that English archers in medieval times used to store spare bowstrings under their hats to keep them dry. That's as likely as another fanciful story about English bowmen - that the French chopped off the fingers of any English archers captured during the Hundred Years' War and that the English archers made defiant two-fingered V-signs to the French army at Agincourt to show that they still had their fingers and were ready to fire. Later wits have elaborated on the yarn to include the story that the archers also shouted 'pluck yew' (English longbows are made of yew wood) - a neat pun but complete nonsense.

Let's just get that bowstring under the hat tale out of the way:

- Firstly, keeping dry isn't keeping secret, so even if archers did store strings under their hats, and there's no evidence that they did, where is the connection to the phrase's meaning?
- Secondly, and it would have been kinder to put this first as it entirely dismisses the archer tale, the phrase isn't known in English until the 19th century - so much for a medieval origin.

What else, apart from gold and string, might one keep under one's hat? One's head, of course. The phrase didn't derive from putting anything under one's hat at all - 'under your hat' simply meant 'in your head'. That's the meaning alluded to in early citations of the phrase in print. The oldest of such that I can find is in the novel The History of Pendennis by William Makepeace Thackeray, 1848:

Thus, oh friendly readers, we see how every man in the world has his own private griefs and business... You and your wife have pressed the same pillow for forty years and fancy yourselves united. Psha, does she cry out when you have the gout, or do you lie awake when she has the toothache? ... Ah, sir - a distinct universe walks about under your hat and under mine.

The extended phrase 'keep it under your hat', which didn't arise until the 20th century, simply meant 'keep it in your head', that is, 'think it, but don't say it'. An early example is found in P. G. Wodehouse's Inimitable Jeeves, 1923:

It made such a hit with her when she found that I loved her for herself alone, despite her humble station, that she kept it under her hat. She meant to spring it on me later.

Keep it under your hat origin

This page is about the idiom keep it under your hat


If someone tells you a secret and you keep it under your hat, you don't tell anyone.

For example

  • I'll only tell you if you promise to keep it under your hat.
  • Aunt Biddy said she couldn't possibly tell me the family secrets because she'd pledged on her mother's grave to keep them under her hat.

Origin: There are at least two theories about this idiom's origin. One says it's related to the fact that archers in medieval Europe used to keep spare strings for their bows under their hats, with the implication being that other things could also be kept under one's hat without anyone knowing about it. The other says it's related to the fact that one's head is under one's hat, and that to keep something under one's hat simply means to keep it in one's head, as opposed to spreading it around by telling everyone.

See Idiom of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey

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Q From Andrew Lewis: I was listening to a history programme on BBC Radio 4 a couple of days ago and the presenter was talking about the English longbow and how the archers were able to quickly detach their bow strings in the event of rain and would keep them dry under their hats. He suggested that it is from this that we get the expression keep it under your hat. I checked this out on your website but can find no reference to this expression. Just curious.

A Thank you for another splendid example of popular etymology to add to my substantial collection. English archers would seem to have accumulated more than their share of such stories, such as their supposed popular taunt pluck yew that was combined with a particular obscene gesture to show the enemy that they still possessed the fingers with which to pull their bowstrings.

As you have since written, there is evidence that English archers did keep their bow strings dry in this way. Juliet Barker writes in her book Agincourt: “According to the French chronicler Jean de Venette, they ‘protected their bows by putting the strings on their heads under their helmets’”. It seems that the story you mention has grown out of this practice.

There are two big problems with the story. To start with, how the meaning of the idiom developed is hardly obvious. How could the practice of keeping an essential part of one’s military equipment dry by putting it under one’s hat lead to a figurative idea of keeping something secret? The essence of the metaphor, of course, is that information or ideas that are “under the hat” are in the brain and so are secure from any interception.

Much more significantly, the tale fails on dating evidence. Keep something under one’s hat, meaning to keep something secret, is relatively modern, centuries later than medieval archers or ceremonial hats. It also seems to be American. This is the first example I’ve found in exactly that form:

If you do not wish to have your name as informant mentioned in connection with the matter, nor any thing done about it at all, say so; at any rate, tell us where you know of a producer who is engaged in the mixing business, and we will keep it “under our hat” if you say so.

Gleanings in Bee Culture, 15 Oct. 1892, 761/1. This was volume 20 of a well-known periodical, published every two weeks in Medina, Ohio.

There are earlier examples of under your hat from British English, but these are in slightly different senses, referring respectively to a person’s imagination, thoughts and skills:

But Adam was proof against this and several similar temptations, and when his neighbours asked how soon he was going to be wed, he would laugh and make some joking reply — say that he could not afford to keep a wife, that he preferred to keep his family under his hat, or that he could not find a lass to suit him.

The Old Factory, A Lancashire Story, by W B Westall, 1881.

Nuttie ... was taking in all these revelations with an open-eyed, silent horror. ... It was all under her hat, however, and the elder ladies never thought of her.

Nuttie’s Father, by Charlotte M Yonge, 1885.

The man whose estate lies under his hat need never tremble before the frowns of fortune.

What I Remember, by Thomas Trollope (the brother of Anthony), 1887.

I’ve unearthed two other stories that try to explain the idiom. One links it to President Abraham Lincoln, who famously wore a stove-pipe hat. He had the habit of keeping important papers in it, to the extent that he referred to it as his office. The other relates to the ceremonial swordbearer of the Lord Mayor of London, a post that can be dated to 1420, who keeps the key to the Lord Mayor’s seal of office in a special pocket in his hat.

Since we know that the expression is American and from a period only three decades after Lincoln’s presidency, it’s even possible the story about his hat is indeed the origin. But, in view of the English examples, I wouldn’t bet on it.

What does the expression keep it under your hat mean?

: to keep (something) secret : to not tell anyone about (something) I'll tell you what happened, but you have to keep it under your hat.

What does the phrase in your hat mean?

If you tell someone to keep a piece of information under their hat, you are asking them not to tell anyone else about it.

What does cry at the drop of a hat mean?

phrase. If you say that you are ready to do something at the drop of a hat, you mean that you are willing to do it immediately, without hesitating.