Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

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The Jurassic World Alive Update 2.20 Tier List below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 73 submitted tier lists. The best Jurassic World Alive Update 2.20 rankings are on the top of the list and the worst rankings are on the bottom.

In order for your ranking to be included, you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site (not simply downloading the tier list image).

Not all dinosaurs are created equal. In Jurassic World Alive, you’ll need a balanced team of dinos in order to battle your way up the PvP leaderboard, because while some are built for speed, others specialize in raw damage and still others get the job done thanks to heavy armor and defensive abilities.

That said, a few dinosaurs that you’ll be able to find early on while playing the game stand out as being better in their particular roles than others. Read on and you’ll learn more about our picks for the best dinosaurs in Jurassic World Alive.

Before we get into it, here are some general rules about picking one dino over another for your team:

  • Levels matter. A level 5 velociraptor is better in every way that matters than a level 3 of the same type, so if you have a level 10 speed dinosaur, that’s probably a better option than a level 7 even if you like the abilities of the latter more than the former.
  • Rarer dinosaurs have some inherent advantages over their more common counterparts, most notably that they start at higher levels and usually have more abilities.
  • Hybrid dinosuars, which you won’t be able to unlock right away, are even better because they have abilities from both of their “parents.” Once you’re able to acquire some, you definitely want them on your team.

The raptor gets the job done with raw speed, enough that it’s going to act first against nearly every opponent. It also has a Pounce ability that reduces the opposing dino’s damage by 50 percent and has a cooldown of only one turn. That helps keep it alive even with its low health, and sometimes you can take out two enemy creatures before your raptor goes down. Highly recommended, especially once you’re able to level it up a bit.


Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

Though not heavily armored at just 15 percent, the stegosaurus has high health and also hits a little harder than other armored types. However, its real advantage is the Thagomizer ability, which reduces the speed of its target for three turns. That means that often, the stegosaurus only needs to shrug off a first attack and then will be able to strike first in subsequent turns.


Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

Though slow and kind of a jack of all trades, master of none in terms of health and damage, the majungasaurus is the rare common dino that has two very useful abilities. The first is Pinning Strike, which removes the ability for its target to swap out, which is something the AI loves to do when already down two dinosaurs. Short Defense is also good, creating a 50 percent shield for two turns. But what really makes this dino shine is its passive Counter-Attack ability, which deals damage every time you take damage, provided the majunasaurus doesn’t get KOed by the blow it receives. A counter can really turn the tide of a battle on your favor.

Anklyosaurus Gen 2

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

The Anklyosaurus combines high health and good damage for an armored type, plus it has just enough speed to act first against many meat-eaters. However, its game is still defense, which it accomplishes thanks to 25 percent armor combined with its Long Protection ability that puts up a 50 percent shield for four turns. If it can get that off first, it can sit behind 75 percent damage protection and whack opponents with Vulnerability Strike.

If you’re enjoying your time playing Jurassic World Alive, be sure to check out our other guides, including how to get free Cash and how to create hybrid dinosaurs.

Low Elite - These creatures unfortunately can't find their way into the top meta due to their limiting kit or more glaring flaws. However, these creatures can be very strong in Tournaments, where the restricted meta can play to their favour. 

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

High Elite

Albertospinos, Ankylodactylus, Ankylomoloch, Antarctovenator, Ardentismaxima, Ceramagnus, Coelhaast, Diplodocus, Enteloceros, Entelolania, Erlikospyx, Fukuimimus, Geminititan, Grypolyth, Haast Maximus, Hadros Lux, Mammolania, Monolorhino, Phorurex, Poukandactylus, Quetzorion, Smilonemys, Spinoconstrictor, Stygidaryx, Tenontorex, Testacornibus, Trykosaurus

Mid Elite

Acrocanthops, Ailurarctos, Allosinosaurus, Ankylodicurus, Argenteryx, Carnotarkus, Compsocaulus, Compsognathus, Diloracheirus, Dimodactylus, Diorajasaur, Diplovenator, Dodocevia, Dracoceratops, Dracoceratosaurus, Eremoceros, Erlidominus, Grylenken, Indominus Rex, Indoraptor Gen 2, Magnapyritor, Majundaboa, Mammotherium, Megalotops, Megistocurus, Monostegotops, Phorusaura, Pterovexus, Rinchicyon, Sarcorixis, Scorpios Rex, Scutophicyon, Sinokotaraptor, Thoradolosaur, Thylacotator, Titanoboa. Tryostronix, Utarinex, Woolly Rhinoceros

Low Elite

Alankylosaurus, Albertosaurus, Alloraptor, Ankyntrosaurus, Antarctopelta, Anurognathus, Ardontosaurus, Brontolasmus, Carbotoceratops, Compsognathus Gen2, Dsungaia, Edaphocevia, Entelochops, Erlikogamma, Glyptoceras, Indominus Rex Gen 2, Indoraptor, Keratoporcus, Monolometrodon, Monomimus, Nodopatotitan, Ovilophomoloch, Pteraquetzal, Purrolyth, Scutosaurus, Smilocephalosaurus, Spinonyx, Stegodeus, Suchotator, Tsintamoth, Tuoramoloch, Tyrannolophosaur, Velosrhacos


Definition of Alpha Tier

Alpha Tier Creatures are generally considered to not be Arena relevant when you enter the higher Arenas such as Aviary and Lockwood Library. However, these creatures are excellent building stones to the higher-ranked creatures, and can be a force to be reckoned with when they are unleashed in Tournaments! 

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

High Alpha

Acrocanthosaurus, Allosaurus Gen 2, Andrewtheriumm, Andrewtodon, Arctalces, Brachiosaurus, Concavenator, Dilophoboa, Dracorex, Nasutoceratops, Ornithomimus, Ovilophosaurus, Poukaidei, Preondactylus, Rajakylosaurus, Scorpios Rex Gen 2, Spinotasuchus, Utasinoraptor

Mid Alpha

Alanqa, Andrewsarchus, Archaeopteryx, Baryonyx, Dakotaraptor, Dimetrodon, Doedicurus, Edaphosaurus, Einiasuchus, Elasmotherium, Giraffatitan, Kelenken, Marsupial Lion, Megalogaia, Megalonyx, Parasaurolophus Lux, Postimetrodon, Purutaurus, Pyroraptor, Rodrigues Solitaire, Secodontosaurus, Spinosaurus, Spinosaurus Gen 2, Stegoceratops, Titanoboa Gen 2, Tyrannosaurus Rex

Low Alpha

Ankylocodon, Arctodus, Argentavis, Blue, Carbonemys, Cervalces, Dakotanops, Dilophosaurus, Diloranosaurus, Dodo, Fukuisaurus, Gigaspikasaur, Gorgosaurus, Gorgosuchus, Koolabourgiana, Pachycephalosaurus, Paramoloch, Procerathomimus, Sinoceratops, Smilodon, Stygimoloch, Troodon


Definition of Beta Tier

These creatures are very much stepping stones to the higher tiers. Stay away from them if you can in the Arena and in Tournaments as they won't help you much, but if needed they can still pack a punch and provide some useful roles in early stages of the game or in restricted Tournament formats..

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022


Amargocephalus, Arambourgiania, Arctops, Carnotaurus, Darwezopteryx, Diplotator, Entelomoth, Erlikosaurus, Erlikosaurus Gen 2, Gryposuchus, Megalosuchus, Megistotherium, Monolophosaurus, Nodopatosaurus, Pyrritator, Rajasaurus, Rinchenia, Sonorasaurus, Stegoceras

Survivor and Scavenger

Definition of Survivor and Scavenger Tiers

Survivor- These creatures will not be useful at all unless it's for creating their hybrids, or in very restricted Tournament formats. They will only provide a very niche role on your team that can easily be filled by one of the higher Tiered creatures. Use them as stepping stones to higher creatures and nothing else.

Scavenger - Only useful in the beginning phases of the game to pick off the Hatchlings.

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022


Bajatonodon, Brontotherium, Bumpy, Charlie, Coelurosauravus, Deinotherium, Delta, Dsungaripterus, Eremotherium, Glyptodon, Gorgonops, Haast Eagle, Kentrosaurus, Maiasaura, Majundasuchus, Megalosaurus, Meiolania, Moschops, Nodosaurus, Oviraptor, Purussaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Scaphognathus, Scaphotator, Struthiomimus, Triceratops, Triceratops Gen 2, Tuojiangosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex Gen 2, Velociraptor, Wuerhosaurus


Allosaurus, Amargasaurus, Amphicyon, Ankylosaurus, Aquilamimus, Baryonyx Gen 2, Darwinopterus, Deinocheirus, Dilophosaurus Gen 2, Dracorex Gen 2, Echo, Edmontoguanodon, Eucladoceros, Euoplocephalus, Irritator Gen 2, Koolasuchus Gen 2, Lythronax, Megaloceros, Miragaia, Nundasuchus, Ophiacodon, Proceratosaurus, Pteranodon, Purussaurus Gen 2, Sarcosuchus, Scolosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Skoolasaurus, Spinotahraptor, Suchomimus, Tanycolagreus, Tarbosaurus, Tragodistis, Tupandactylus, Utahraptor, Woolly Mammoth

Hatchling and Carcass

Definition of Hatchling & Carcass

Hatchlings - Stay away from using these. Level them up to their required levels for hybrids and don't touch them otherwise.

Carcass - These are the worst of the worst. They have 0 use at all in any circumstance. These are the creatures that are lucky to survive a matchup, or get a hit off for that matter.

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022


Ankylosaurus Gen 2, Apatosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Bajadasaurus, Deinonychus, Dimetrodon Gen 2, Dimorphodon, Diplocaulus, Diplocaulus Gen 2, Edmontosaurus, Einiosaurus, Entelodon, Gallimimus, Haast Eagle Gen 2, Hatzegopteryx, Inostherium, Inostrancevia, Irritator, Kaprosuchus, Koolasuchus, Majungasaurus, Monolophosaurus Gen 2, Postosuchus, Stygimoloch Gen 2, Tsintaosaurus


Archaeotherium, Iguanodon, Ouranosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Phorusrhacos, Stegosaurus, Tenontosaurus

Creature Explanations

As with every Tier List, we aim to provide some explanation to our most important placements. Eduardo is going to take you through the thought process of some of the placements, such as new creatures, or creatures that moved in the Elite and Tyrant Tiers. 

Albertocevia is one of the most insane creatures ever released. It has good bulk, decent Speed, high Attack, a swap in that's a Precise Group Attack that also slowly heals it, an Instant Ferocious Impact on revenge, a turn 1 Precise Rampage that can also be a Group Precise Rampage on revenge, a Revenge Distraction move that can act as a Rampage while reducing Damage 100% for two turns, and crazy good Resistances. This thing has it all.  And the cherry on top is a small counter that Cleanses Vulnerability while also waiting out Dodge/Distraction attacks. This was the easiest High Tyrant decision we could make this update.

Ankylos Lux just missed High Tyrant. While it is easily the king of Mid Tyrant, it still runs into issues with these new Fierce. Thylaconyx for example kind of wrecks it hard. Mortem Rex can also give it a lot of trouble. However, the biggest issue comes with Imperatosuchus. Imperatosuchus can easily swap in on Ankylos Lux and exploit that lack of a Stun Resistance. We felt you shouldn’t be able to swap on a high tyrant and shut it down every time, so we dropped Ankylos Lux.

Troodoboa however rose up a Tier. We were wrong in the update patch when we thought it wasn't that big of a change, but it was enough to make it go up. This allows Troodoboa to get more counters off while also allowing it to better revenge kill creatures that are faster than it.

Allodrigues is very strong. It's hard to swap into and can punish that swap with ease. A turn 1 rending takedown is no joke.  While there are a few creatures like Albertocevia and Ankylos Lux that do hold it back a bit, without them, it'll rule. We were split between Low and Mid Tyrant but seeing as it's not common in the arena just yet, it was safer to throw it in Low. However, it's probably the best Low Tyrant.

Tarbognathus is another really solid flock. With a priority basic attack that always gets a Critical Hit, it can pack a punch with that high base damage. And with 2 Shattering Impacts, one of which can Rally Heal, it can deal some solid damage. And if you want to escape, well be prepared to take ANOTHER Impact that also pins you. And for the icing on the cake, it can swap in, and Rally Heal.  Overall Tarbognathus is a beastly flock with dangerous hybrid potential.

Thylaconyx is Dracoceratops on steroids. It's got the swap in, is faster, has more Health, more Resistances, a Priority move, a Devouring move, a Group Rampage, and a Counter. This one of the best checks to top tiers like Imperatosuchus. And this is one of the creatures that are pushing those slower passive counter creatures out of the meta.

A creature that fell from Tyrant was Ankylodactylus. While it is a very solid creature overall, there are a few issues it runs into like the lack of a Rally Heal as well as having problems facing Shields and Armor. While it is a very powerful Legendary, it should be a tier below Tarbognathus.

Diorajasaur has seen better days. While it can do pretty well against many creatures like Entelolania and Andrewtops, it's lack of resistances and its predictable moveset make it easy to work around and with these new Fierce, we felt it was time for it to drop.

Argenteryx was another creature that has seen better days. With more group moves, lack of important Resistances, and more competition, it was time that it fell as well.

Compsocaulus is another creature that has really fallen off over the past year. Again, more group moves, and a lack of strong rally healing abilities paired with lackluster Resistances have caused it to drop, with many of our list members preferring Compsognathus to its hybrid. It may have less Health and Attack and multipliers, but a flock that can stick around longer will do more damage.

Pterovexus has shocked a few people. Its moveset still needs a bit of an adjustment, but with its diverse kit and good stats as well as the counter, we felt Low Elite was not right for Pterovexus. You can revenge kill with it or swap with it as a pivot or a kamikaze.

Rodrigues Solitare is a decent rare. It proved its worth in the last Rare Tournament with good output and its on escape. Definitely a tier above its cousins, the Dodos.

How to use the Tier List

This Tier List is a general guide to what creatures are best to work on for the endgame. However,  just because a creature is in a low Tier or if it has dropped a Tier doesn't mean that it isn't good for you to use! So use this Tier List as a guide, but not an end-all chart of what to do. An Elite creature is still a fantastic creature when compared to Tyrant Tiers, and just as usable!

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Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

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About the Author(s)

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022


University student, scouts leader and lover of Italian cuisine. Not a Flying Dutchman but a Dutchman nonetheless. Quetzorion = Tyrant in my heart, Testa can burn in a hole. Compared to someone else on this platform, I actually like cold weather and generally think the movie is better than the book.

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022


Hi there, I'm Eduardo. I love catfish, and you're looking at my Bullhead Axel here. Huge fisherman and half the time I'm out the door at 4 a.m. as those fish won't catch themselves. Love to cook and circus peanuts are delicious. 

Jurassic World Alive best dinosaurs 2022

Jessica Behringer

Wife, mother, native Texan, taco lover, book lover, dinosaur lover and self-proclaimed nerd. I hate cold weather and the book is always better than the movie. 

What is the most powerful dinosaur in Jurassic World The Game 2022?

The Indoraptor in max level is the strongest dinosaur I know, the Indoraptor more the 15 000 life points, imagine 3 Indoraptor in battle stage, its unspeakable.

What is the rarest dinosaur in Jurassic World Alive?

Only two hybrid Apex creatures are known to exist: Ankylos Lux and Arctovasilas.

What is the new dinosaur in Jurassic World 2022?

' It's called the Giganotosaurus – but for short, it's known as the 'Giga'. This one isn't a genetic hybrid like the Indominus and the Indoraptor – it's a scientifically-documented giant of the Late Cretaceous period.

What is the fastest dinosaur in Jurassic World Alive?

Before Version 2.14, Velociraptor has the highest speed in the game, tying with Haast Eagle, Gorgonops, and Deinonychus at 132. ... .
As of version 2.2, Velociraptor has the lowest health in the game..
Velociraptors feature heavily in the official trailer for the game..